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1, JANUARY 2007 1

Information Security Risk Assessment: A Method

Gaute Wangen,
NTNU Gjovik
Teknologiveien 22, 2802 Gjovik, Norway
Email: [email protected]

Abstract—Information security risk assessments (ISRA) are apply CURF in a novel way to compare ISRA metadata
per-formed daily according to different standards and industry results. While numerous studies of ISRA methods exist [1],
methodologies, but how does the choice of a method affect the [6], [7], this is the first study that we are aware of in which
assessment process and its end results? This research qualitatively the methods are practically applied and compared. The main
investigates the observable differences in effects from choosing benefit of this paper is new knowledge regarding ISRA method
one method over another. Through multiple empirical case stud-
ies, our work compares the application of three ISRA methods.
performance, both in the results and experiences with the
We first outline the theoretical differences between the three methods, in addition to our proposed comparison method
methods and then analyze the experience data collected from establishing cause-effect relationships. The scope of this study
the risk assessment teams. Finally, we examine the metadata is limited to risk assessment and treatment as defined in the
of the produced risk assessments to identify differences. Our ISO 27000-standards [8], [3].
study found that the choice of a method influences the assessment The following section describes the necessary background
process, along with its outcome. information and terminology used in this paper for the reader
Keywords—Information Security, Risk Assessment, Case study. to be able to follow. The related work primarily contains
a presentation of CURF and differences between the three
Information Security Risk Assessment: A Method ISRA methods. Furthermore, we present the research method,
Comparison. IEEE Computer Magazine Special Issue: Cyber which describes the case studies, empirical data collection, and
Physical Systems and Security Risk Assessment, 2017, 50(4), analysis of both experience data and ISRA results. Finally, we
52-61. 1 present the results and analysis of the experience data and the
ISRA reports using CURF, before discussing the results and
I. I NTRODUCTION concluding the paper.
Currently, there are numerous information security (InfoSec)
risk assessment (ISRA) methods to choose from [1], but scarce II. BACKGROUND AND R ELATED W ORK
information on how to choose and if this choice matter for This section presents a summary of the fundamental con-
the result. Since multiple ISRA approaches exist, it is in the cepts for understanding the ISRA discipline and the terminol-
interest of the InfoSec community if this choice matters for the ogy applied to the remainder of this article. In addition, we
outcome, both for improving decision basis, increasing security introduce the previous work that has motivated this study, in
levels and maximizing return on investment. This paper com- particular, CURF and the included ISRA methods.
pares three different ISRA methods; OCTAVE (Operationally
Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation) Allegro) A. Information security risk assessments
(OA) [2] and ISO/IEC 27005:2011 - Information Security
Risk Management (ISO27005) [3], together with one Norwe- InfoSec risk comes from applying technology to information
gian method; Norwegian National Security Authority (NSM) [9] and the primary goal of InfoSec is to secure the busi-
Guidelines in Risk and Vulnerability Assessments (NSMROS) ness against threats and ensure success in daily operations
[4]. This study considers three types of empirical compar- by ensuring confidentiality, integrity, availability, and non-
isons; comparison through practice, method content, and the repudiation [8]. Best practice InfoSec is highly dependent on
produced results from application. The data for this study well-functioning ISRM processes [9] which is the practice of
was collected through multiple risk assessment case studies continuously identifying, reviewing, treating and monitoring
in a Norwegian academic institution. Firstly, we apply the risks to achieve risk acceptance [3]. Risks for information
results from Core Unified Risk Framework (CURF) [5] to systems are defined as an adverse event with estimations
define distinctiveness of each method. Secondly, we collect of consequence (C) for the organization (e.g. financial loss)
and analyze experience data from ISRA groups. Finally, we and the corresponding probability (P) of the event occurring.
Further, the ISRA results are assessed by the decision-maker,
1 The forthcoming version in IEEE Computer Magazine has been edited to and if found unacceptable, steps are taken to mitigate the
fit the style and requirements of the publication channel. risk to the organization. A risk assessment consists of the


overall process of risk analysis and risk evaluation [8], and FRAMEWORKS
risk analysis is the systematic use of information to identify
sources to estimate the risk[8]. Risk evaluation is the process NSMROS OCTAVE A ISO/IEC27005 Row Sum
Risk Identification
of comparing the estimated risk against given risk criteria to
Preliminary Assessment 2 2 0 4
determine the significance of the risk [8], while risk treatment Risk Criteria Determination 1 2 2 5
represents the chosen strategy to address an unacceptable risk. Business Objective Identification 0 2 2 4
Stakeholder Identification 0 1 2 3
Asset Identification 2 2 2 6
Mapping of personal data 0 1 1 2
B. CURF and included ISRA Methods Asset Evaluation 2 1 1 4
Asset Owner & Custodian 0 2 2 4
Asset Container 0 2 0 2
Several frameworks exist for theoretically comparing Business Process Identification 0 0 2 2
ISRM/RA methods with each other (e.g. [1], [6]). However, Vulnerability Identification 1 1 2 4
Vulnerability Assessment 0 0 2 2
the existing approaches are primarily scoped to evaluate ISRA Threat Identification 2 2 2 6
content to a predetermined set of criteria, which is equivalent Threat Assessment 1 2 2 5
Control Identification 0 1 2 3
to a top-down approach and quite restrictive as differences Control Assessment 0 0 2 2
not present in the criteria will be overlooked. This scheme Outcome Identification 2 2 2 6
RI Completeness 13 23 38
makes them less suited for analyzing cause-effect relationships Risk Estimation
between method and results, since causes not present in the Threat Willingness/Motivation 0 2 2 4
criteria may be neglected. The CURF bottom-up approach Threat Capability (know how) 0 0 1 1
Threat Capacity (Resources) 0 1 1 2
[5] solves this problem by mapping ISRA method content Vulnerability Assessment 2 0 0 2
and using it as comparison criteria. For each added method Qualitative Probability Est. 1 1 2 4
Quantitative Probability Est. 1 0 2 3
reviewed in CURF, we identify which tasks the approach Quantitative Impact Estimation 2 1 2 5
Qualitative Impact Estimation 2 2 2 6
covers and combine all the tasks covered by all surveyed Level of risk determination 0 0 2 2
methods into a combined set. The evaluation of the ISRA Risk Aggregation 0 1 2 3
RA Completeness 8 8 16
method consists of investigating to what extent the said method Risk Evaluation
covers all undertakings present in the already created super- Risk Prioritization/Evaluation 2 2 2 6
set. This approach makes CURF a bottom-up comprehensive Risk Treatment Recommendation 0 2 0 2
RE Comp 2 4 2
comparison where the criteria are determined by the method
Completeness 23 35 46
tasks rather than being pre-determined. The included ISRA
approaches are functional and formal ISRA methods that focus 1=Partially Addressed
on assessments of assets, threats, and protections, often with 0=Not Addressed

measures of P and C [10]. CURF has three scores for each

identified task: Addressed when a task is fully addressed with
clear descriptions on how to solve it, Partially addressed when event with corresponding consequence and uncertainty. Instead
an undertaking is mentioned but not substantiated, and Not ad- of probability, OA instead focuses on subjective estimates of
dressed for methods that do not mention or address a particular consequence in the form of impact areas.
task at all. CURF provides a measure of completeness for the 3) ISO/IEC 27005:2011 - Information technology - Security
studied methods, see bottom row in Table I. techniques - Information security risk management [3]: details
Table I highlights how the approaches differ, where the sum- the complete process of ISRM/RA, with activities, inputs, and
mary of each column shows completeness. The row scores outputs of each task. It centers on assets, threats, controls,
reveal how well the ISRA methods scored overall. The three vulnerabilities, consequences, and likelihood. The ISO27005
ISRA methods included in this study was also used as input scored the highest on the ISRA completeness measurement
for developing CURF (see [5]), following is a summary of [5], Table I. We chose to include the ISO/IEC 27005:2011 as
each method and their differences. it is regarded as the best practice standard for ISRM. ISO27005
1) NSMROS: The Norwegian NSMROS [4] was derived is a sequential method that comes with an extensive appendix,
from the Norwegian Security Act for compliance purposes. We supporting the user in scoping the assessment, and the asset,
initially applied NSMROS because our teams were Norwegian threat, and vulnerability assessments.
and the method had a good standing in the Norwegian ISRA
community. NSMROS is a sequential [10] probabilistic ap-
proach centered on assets protection, threat, and vulnerability,
and provides few activities outside of this. This study includes the results from four case studies
2) OCTAVE Allegro (OA): is a lightweight version of the conducted with each method and twelve risk assessments
original OCTAVE and was designed as a streamlined process in total collected over five years. For the case studies, we
to facilitate risk assessments, and reduce the need for InfoSec had independent risk assessment teams running projects pri-
experts while still producing robust results [2]. OA was recom- marily at the strategic and tactical level at an educational
mended to us by several experts in the field as an established institution. Each group conducted one assessment using one
method with several academic citations and references. OA primary method for their project. Further, we collected and
is a checklist approach (assistant[10]) due to the amount of compared the experience data from the groups using interviews
worksheets it provides to the practitioner. In OA a risk is an and questionnaires. Lastly, we applied CURF to analyze the

resulting risk assessment report and to establish a cause- questions. The survey had several open-ended questions which
effect relationship between method and result. The following we have treated by listing and categorizing the responses. Fur-
subsections substantiate each step in the research process. ther, we counted the occurrence of each theme and summarized
the responses.
A. Research design
The case studies were risk assessments of real-world targets D. Risk Assessment Report Analysis
in an academic institution as a part of a mandatory ISRM Since the variety of targets for the risk assessments was too
course. The local IT organization provided the assignments and diverse to compare findings, instead we studied the focus areas
made available resources to assist the projects. The end reports and metadata. For each of the four ISRA reports produced
were the primary deliverable and used in the local ISRM with each method, we applied the CURF bottom up approach
program for decision-making. Each case study was performed and mapped the contents of each report and combined them
by a homogeneous group of InfoSec students, with group sizes for comparison with the other methods. Each identified area,
ranging from six to ten participants. All of the participants e.g. ”Threat Assessment,” was scored by the same system as
had received basic training in InfoSec, but had no experience CURF (not addressed - 0, partially - 1, and addressed - 2).
following formal ISRA methodologies. All groups completed Since we had four reports for each method, we qualitatively
a six-week basic ISRA training before conducting the primary assessed each report and added the total score (maximum
task. The researchers participated as supervisors and subject- 8) for each method for comparison. In order to make the
matter experts. All the groups followed one method, com- theoretical and risk reports results comparable, we assigned
pleted their risk assessment projects within four months, and the following ranges: 0-2 equals Not Addressed, 3-5 equals
presented their findings to the decision-makers. The groups Partially addressed, and 6-8 equals Addressed.
primarily used interviews and online sources for data col-
lection, supplemented with questionnaires, observations, and IV. E XPERIENCES USING THE ISRA METHODS
sampling. The experiment did not allow technical tools for
active penetration testing. Each group delivered their findings This section summarizes the experiences reported by groups
in a final report, which outlined identified risks, analysis, and using NSMROS, OA, and ISO27005, presented in that order.
proposed treatments. The groups applied one ISRA method We start with the reported advantages and disadvantages of
but were given access to supplementing literature which they applying each method, before discussing the method’s appen-
could use as needed. dices, customization, use of supporting literature, and data
B. Data collection and Sample
A. Advantages and disadvantages of each method
We designed a survey to collect qualitative experience
data at the end of each project. Key areas of interest were Our results show that the participants were equally satisfied
experiences with applying each method, how the groups used with their methods, all perceived as 4 - Highly Useful, where
it, together with advantages/disadvantages of the method. The NSMROS received the single lowest score (2 - Low) and
survey also mapped each groups dependency on supporting ISO27005 the highest (5 - Very high). Our results showed
literature. As for the level of measurement, the instrument had that the reported difference in perceived usefulness between
category, ordinal, open-ended, and continuous type questions. the ISRA methods was minimal. Table II summarizes the
Category for demographics and categorical analysis, while advantages and disadvantages from using each method.
the main bulk of questions were designed using open-ended 1) NSMROS: was easy to understand and apply, where the
and ranking questions, with the latter using the Likert scale two most frequently mentioned points was that the process was
1 - Not at all, 2 - Low, 3 - Medium, 4 - High, and 5 - well explained and defined, together with being sequential and
Very high. For NSMROS and ISO27005, we ran the data easy to follow. Besides, the method was reported to be versatile
collection as an online questionnaire, while we conducted face with easy-to-distribute tasks. NSMROS was also reported to be
to face interviews with the OA groups. In total, this study easy to use and well suited for beginners. Another advantage
incorporates 26 answers to questionnaires, and four group was that NSMROS is written in the native language which
interviews including 8-10 people per interview. made it easier to understand.
The main disadvantages was that the how-to description of
each step in the method was scarce with insufficient explana-
C. Qualitative Data Analysis tions of key tasks. There was also a lack of examples both in
For Descriptive analysis we have considered distributions the text and from other sources which made the process hard
using the median together with range, minimum-maximum to follow.
values, and variance. We also conducted Univariate analysis of 2) OA: had several advantages, such as being easy to follow
individual issues, and Bivariate analysis for pairs of questions with a systematic and comprehensive process. Regarding the
to see how they compare and interact. This study also analyses latter point, the OA checklist approach created a rigorous
the distributions of the answers, for example, if they are assessment, which also forced the groups to research areas that
normal, uniform, bimodal, or similar. Crosstabulation was else could have been overlooked. The focus on organizational
applied to analyze the association between two category type drivers was a positive trait of the method as it forced a

better organizational understanding. The groups also reported useful. The groups considered supplementary method guidance
consequence estimation as one of OA’s strong suits. The groups (Appendix A) as medium useful in the ISRA project. None of
also said that OA is easy to apply once they had learned it. the groups made use of the questionnaire worksheet (C).
The overall assessment was that the worksheets and templates ISO27005 has five primary appendices: Annex A is intended
worked well to support their risk assessments. to assist the practitioner in scoping the assessment. (B) ad-
On the reported disadvantages, all groups reported OA to be dresses asset identification and evaluation, (C) addresses threat
hard to understand and learn because it was overwhelming identification, (D) addresses vulnerability identification and
and the non-native technical language left more room for assessment, and (E) provides strategies and tools for perform-
misunderstanding. All groups found the organizational drivers ing an ISRA. All the ISO27005 Appendices were perceived
hard to define, and the time spent working on the drivers as useful. Although the median was three (medium) for all
may not have been worth the effort. OA was also too rigid the appendices, the results show that eight or more of the
and dependent on the worksheets, which caused some of the respondents found Annex B and C high or very highly useful.
groups to get stuck on tasks just producing worksheets. One 2) Use of Supplementing literature: One of the premises of
example of this is that OA requires one schema per critical the study was that the groups had access to a set of supplement-
asset. OA is a rigid methodology and requires one task to be ing literature in a shared repository together with open sources.
completed before starting the next, which hindered efficiency We asked the participants about their reliance on supporting
in the large groups and limited the opportunity for conducting literature for the risk assessment. All groups frequently applied
parallel tasks. The groups reported that the lack of focus the local security policy and principles document in their
on probabilities made it hard to differentiate, prioritize, and assessment. However, supporting literature was not frequently
communicate risk with equal consequence. All groups also used overall. For the NSMROS groups, ISO27001 was most
reported the project to have too many participants (8-10) to often used together with ISO27002. The OA groups primarily
apply OA. used supplementing literature for P xC calculations and to
3) ISO27005: main advantage was a comprehensive task, derive organizational drivers. The ISO27005 groups reported
process descriptions, detailed approaches, and ISO27005 on an that they sometimes used the foreign and domestic threat
overall was perceived as a useful tool for ISRA. Regarding the assessments together with native language resources. As an
process descriptions, the groups found the clearly described in- overall, the need for supporting literature seemed consistent
puts and outputs of each process particularly useful. ISO27005 and similar with all three approaches. The noticeable difference
was reported as well structured, easy to look up and use as is that ISO27001 was used more frequently with the NSMROS
a point of reference. The groups also easily found existing groups. Another difference is that the OA and ISO27005
examples of applications and checklist templates on what to groups scored higher on native language ISRA resources.
include in the analysis useful. The standard was easy to apply The right column in Table II summarizes the reported needs
in practice and provided a nice introduction to ISRA. covered with supplementing literature for each approach.
The main disadvantages with ISO27005 were that it was a
challenging read and hard to grasp for novices caused by TABLE II. S UMMARY OF REPORTED ADVANTAGES , DISADVANTAGES ,
the extensive use of technical expressions, interpretations, and AND NEEDS COVERED WITH SUPPORTING LITERATURE FROM EACH
technical terminology. The comprehensiveness of the frame- METHOD

work made it hard to find relevant information, learn, and Supplementing

Advantage Disadvantage
understand. These issues were especially prominent when the Literature
- Well defined sequential - Too generic task - Templates
groups were working on understanding the tasks, finding where process descriptions - Examples
to begin, and scoping the project. The eight groups working NSMROS
- Well explained process
- Nice introduction to ISRA
- Lack of examples
- Vague estimation metrics
How-to ISRA
with ISO27005 and OA all struggled with the technical non- - Easy to distribute tasks
- Native language
native language of the methods.
- Adaptable - Hard to learn - Probability
- Systematic and and understand - Asset evaluation
comprehensive process - Probability not - Threat identification
- Worksheets prioritized - Organizational Drivers
B. Method Independence - Easy to use - Too rigid - ISRA explanations in
once learned native language
All three included methods adhered to the practice of - Detailed descriptions - Heavy reading - Threat assessments
describing the primary process in the main document and - Well structured - Hard to grasp - PxC Estimations
- Nice reference - A lot of irrelevant info - Terminology
then substantiate each step in the appendices. This part first ISO27k5
- Easy to apply for one ISRA project - Definitions
- ISRA explanations in
analyzes the usefulness of the appendices of each method, native language
before investigating how the groups applied supplementing
literature for their assessments.
1) Appendices and Supplementary material: The appendices
in NSMROS are primarily worksheets addressing ISRA plan-
ning, asset and system identification, and risk identification. V. A NALYSIS AND D ISCUSSION
The NSMROS groups reported a low usefulness overall for the
appendices. The OA Worksheets (Appendix B) and Example This section first presents the comparison of CURF and
Worksheets (Appendix D) covers assets, risk criteria, impact the ISRA reports. Secondly, we compare the experienced
areas, and risk estimation, and were both reported as highly differences with CURF.

A. Differences in the Risk Assessment Reports tasks are alternative and advanced approaches which limited
Having outlined the differences in ISRA method application, their usefulness for the novices in the study and were not
this study proceeds to analyze differences in ISRA reports. necessary for completing the project. Besides these four tasks,
We applied the CURF approach to assessing the qualitative no fully addressed tasks in CURF were ignored in the reports.
differences in the risk assessment results and identified twenty- The results in Table III shows that having a task adequately
six documented tasks in the reports. Table III outlines the addressed in the ISRA method influences the content of the
tasks and the overall qualitative differences in the content of report and vice versa. Some notable examples: we see from
the delivered reports; the completeness score reveals a clear the analysis of NSMROS that leaving the threat and control
difference between the methods with the ISO27005 groups assessment out of the method resulted in them being left out
scoring the highest. of the report. OA does not include a vulnerability assessment
scheme which produced four reports without it. However,
TABLE III. O BSERVABLE DIFFERENCES IN THE RISK ASSESSMENT there are some exceptions; an unmentioned task in CURF was
REPORTS . M AX SCORE 8 PER METHOD , 24 PER ROW, AND WITH 26 adequately addressed in the reports in two instances: NSMROS
Stakeholder identification and OA Cost/benefit analysis; These
Tasks Subtasks from Report Source NSMROS OA ISO Row tasks were necessary to complete the risk assessment, for
Case Description example, all the groups were dependent on interviews for data
Organizational Drivers OA 6 2 4 12
Risk Measurement collection and needed to know the stakeholders to run their
C 7 8 8 23
Organizational Goals/
projects. Another example was organizational understanding
C 4 5 8 17 using NSMROS, which does not provide any detail on how
Business objectives
Risk Identification
Stakeholder Identification C 8 8 8 16 to achieve this objective. However, we saw from the reports
Asset identification C 6 8 8 22 that all the NSMROS groups had worked with risk criteria
Asset evaluation/Criticality C 3 8 8 19
Asset Container C 0 7 3 10 and to some degree with understanding organizational business
Threat Identification C 4 8 8 20 objectives. Another issue with NSMROS was that proposing
Threat Assessment C 1 3 8 12
Areas of concern/ to conduct the control efficiency assessment after the risk
Vulnerability identification C 8 8 8 24
Vulnerability assessment C 5 0 8 13 evaluation is completed resulted in none of the NSMROS
Control identification C 4 0 8 12 groups doing it. Thus, the sequence of ISRA tasks also matters
Control assessment C 0 0 6 6
Outcome identification C 8 8 8 24 for the results.
Risk Estimation
Impact Area Prioritization OA 4 8 3 15
Threat Capability C 0 0 7 7
Threat Capacity C 0 0 7 7
Qualitative Consequence XX=Addressed, X=Partially addressed, & 0=Not addressed
Estimation C 8 8 8 24
Qualitative Probability NSMROS OCTAVE A ISO27005
Estimation C 7 7 8 22
Task CURF Report CURF Report CURF Report
Risk Scenarios C 8 8 8 24
Risk Matrix/table C 7 6 7 20 Case descr.
Risk treatment Organizational Dr. 0 X XX XX 0 X
Risk Prioritization C 7 8 8 23 Risk Measurement
Treatment plan C 8 8 8 24 Criteria
Cost/benefit analysis OA,ISO 6 8 8 22 Org. Goals/
Residual Risk ISO 4 4 6 14 Business objectives
Risk Identi.
Completeness Score 121 148 184 Stakeholder Id. 0 XX X XX XX XX
Asset Identification XX XX XX XX XX XX
Asset Evaluation XX X X XX X XX
Table IV compares each ISRA method’s theoretical CURF Asset Container 0 0 XX XX 0 X
Threat Identification XX X XX XX XX XX
scores to the observed results in the delivered risk reports. Threat Assessment X 0 XX X XX XX
The content of the table was constructed from the observable Areas of concern/
Vulnerability Id.
contents of the reports and supplied with tasks from CURF, Vulnerability assessm. 0 X 0 0 XX XX
in total seventy-eight comparisons. The analysis assumes that Control identification 0 X X 0 XX XX
Control assessment 0 0 0 0 XX XX
a successful prediction includes both addressed and partially Outcome identification XX XX XX XX XX XX
Risk Est.
addressed tasks for both CURF and the reports, or a double ab- Impact Area Pri. 0 X XX XX 0 X
sent. An unsuccessful prediction then constitutes occurrences Threat motivation
Threat Capability
where a task was present in one but not the other. Basing the Threat Capacity 0 0 0 0 X XX
Qualitative Conseq.
analysis on this assumption, CURF predicted sixty-five out of Estimation XX XX XX XX XX XX
the seventy-eight tasks documented in the reports, including Qualitative Prob.
nine double absent. In total, there were twelve unsuccessful Risk Scenarios XX XX XX XX XX XX
predictions regarding tasks present in the reports but not in Risk Eval.
Risk Matrix/table XX XX XX XX XX XX

CURF. & Treatment

Risk Prioritization XX XX XX XX XX XX
Further, we found that some of the technical tasks from Table Treatment plan XX XX XX XX XX XX
I were not included in the reports: Any conducted Preliminary Cost/benefit analysis XX XX 0 XX X XX
Residual Risk X X XX X XX XX
assessment was not documented in the reports, nor had any of Total Results Occurrences XX-XX 40 XX-X 5 X-XX 11
the groups recorded work with Business process identification, (CURF-Rep.) (Total 78) X-X 1 X-0 2 0-0 9
0-X 8 0-XX 2
Risk Quantification, or Risk aggregation. The three latter

B. Experienced differences ISO27005 groups scored highest. When inexperienced risk

The critique we gathered of each method had few overlaps assessors apply a method, its content matters strongly for both
with the technical differences: We found that all the risk the ISRA process and outcome. A lot of the feedback on the
assessment groups preferred templates and examples: the OA use of methods was related to user-friendliness and not related
groups ranked the worksheets as most helpful, and the other to process or tasks. However, Some issues are universal and
groups actively looked for templates and examples in other should be prepared for, such as data collection issues with
sources. However, one of the drawbacks of the OA worksheets analysis and stakeholder management. Besides, the necessity
was the amount of paperwork and extra overhead they created. of some tasks for succeeding forced the practitioners to con-
Both the ISO27005 and OA groups sought out mother tongue duct them whether they were present in the framework or not.
sources to compensate for the technical non-native language, The participating groups also favored easy to learn methods
indicating that technical language was a hindrance for usability. with checklists and examples, which are desirable items to
Another practical difference was that the NSMROS groups include into ISRA methods. Our results should strengthen the
primarily looked for templates and examples on how to con- research incentive within specific ISRA areas, in particular,
duct ISRA, together with information on how to scope the method development and usability, tools for organizational
assessment. understanding, and ISRA application and comparison.
OA also introduces the identification of organizational drivers
as a task. However, all groups struggled with defining the
drivers and separating them from organizational vision, mis- A. Limitations & Future Work
sion, goals and key performance indicators. Although un-
derstanding the organization is highlighted in both OA and One limitation of this study was that we had different case
ISO27005, our results indicate that the guidelines are not studies for each group, which limited our ability to isolate the
sufficiently substantiated for novices. method variable regarding ISRA results. Another limitation
ISO27005 came out best in CURF and was clearly stronger of our data is that they were gathered from novices and
in practice when it comes to threat, vulnerability, and con- may not apply for specialists and experts. However, we know
trol assessments. All the delivered ISO27005 reports were from experience that on-site personnel and non-specialists
consistently better at describing these areas, and the groups often conduct ISRA, for whom, the method is essential, and
were satisfied with the descriptions of these areas. However, our results do apply. Using students has its limitations; first,
some of the other issues encountered by all the groups were they have diverse interest and ability, which determines the
already known in the academic literature [7], [11], such as quality of the result. Secondly, most of the groups needed
difficulties with PxC estimations, organizational alignment, guidance to complete the assignment, which may lead to
and asset evaluation. Our results show that these tasks are supervisors influencing the results. The sample size is an
still difficult even when described well in the methodology. In issue in resource intensive qualitative studies; although the
particular, the lack of probability calculations in OA created results were strongly indicative, four reports per method may
practical problems for all the groups, due to not being able not be enough evidence to conclude. Another limitation was
to prioritize risks with the same consequence and distinct that we had a delay for experience data collection with the
difference in the rate of occurrence. NSMROS groups, which caused fewer participants to share
To summarize, user-friendliness was primarily what the groups their experiences.
cared about, including templates, understandable language, Data collection is crucial for the ISRA, and a path for future
and how-to descriptions. There were observable differences research is studies of data collection methods and techniques
between the work processes of applying each method, and for making the ISRA more efficient. Since CURF still is an
several of these differences are also documented in Table III. innovative approach and not fully developed, further develop-
Our study also found common issues to all ISRA methods, ment and expansion of CURF is also possible. We showed in
especially related to data collection, information gathering, and the report assessments that the model is adaptable. However,
analysis. Such as knowing what data to collect, analysis of the idea of CURF can be applied for other comparisons
interviews, and response rates on questionnaires. Furthermore, and expanded further by adding more nodes in the tree,
all groups struggled with general stakeholder management, for example, expanding with the issues uncovered through
such as scheduling interviews, knowing who to interview, var- practical experience. Lastly, we encourage others to conduct
ious communication issues, and discovering credible sources similar studies and these will benefit the ISRA community by
beyond the interviews. determining what works and what does not.


Our results show that the choice of ISRA method does
matter both regarding content, experience, and produced re- The author thanks Christoffer V. Hallstensen, Nils Kalstad
sults. Our novel application of CURF to analyze metadata Svendsen, Stian Husemoen, Ole Ingvart Langfeldt, NTNU
worked well to establish a cause-effect relationship between IT, Einar Snekkenes, the anonymous reviewers, Sarah Louise
ISRA tasks and results. Besides, we found a clear relation- Bergdølmo, Dimitra Anastasopoulou, and the A-IMT1132 stu-
ship between method and report completeness, whereas the dents from 2010-2016.

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