Admitted in Multiple Health Facilities

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Philippine Integrated

Disease Surveillance
Case Investigation Form
and Response Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Version 7

General Instructions
1) The Case Investigation Form is meant to be administered as an Interview by a health care worker or any personnel of the Disease Reporting Unit.
This is not a Self-Administered Questionnaire.
2) Please be advised that Disease Reporting Units are only allowed to obtain 1 copy of accomplished CIF from a patient.
3) Please fill out all blanks and put a check mark on the appropriate box. Never leave an item blank, just write N/A or not applicable. Items with
* are required fields.
4) All dates must be in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Disease Reporting Unit* DRU Region and Province PhilHealth No.*

Name of Interviewer Contact Number of Interviewer Date of Interview (MM/DD/YYYY)*

Name of Informant (If patient unavailable) Relationship Contact Number of Informant

Type of Client COVID-19 Case (Suspect, Probable, or Confirmed) Close Contact

For RT-PCR Testing (Not a Case of Close Contact) Others, please specify
1. Testing Category/Subgroup (Check all that apply) Refer to Appendix 1
Part 1. Patient Information
2. Patient Profile
Last Name* First Name (and Suffix)* Middle Name*
Birthday (MM/DD/YYYY)* Age* Sex* Male Female
Civil Status Nationality Occupation
3. Current Address in the Philippines and Contact Information* (Give address of institution if you live in closed settings, see Part 2 #9)
House No./Lot/Bldg. Street/Purok/Sitio Barangay Municipality/City

Province Home Phone No. (& Area Code) Cellphone No. Email Address

4. Current Workplace Address and Contact Information

Lot/Bldg. Street Barangay Municipality/City

Province Name of Workplace Phone No./Cellphone No. Email Address

5. Consultation and Admission Information

Did you have previous COVID-19 related consultation? Yes, Date of First Consult(MM/DD/YYYY)* ___________________ No
Name of facility where first consult was done
Was the case admitted in a health facility? Yes, Date of Admission (MM/DD/YYYY)* Indicate earliest date if No
admitted in multiple health facilities ________________________
Name of Facility where patient was first admitted
Region and Province of Facility
6. Disposition at Time of Report* (Provide name of hospital/isolation/quarantine facility)
Admitted in hospital ____________________________________ Date and Time admitted in hospital ____________________________
Admitted in isolation/quarantine facility ____________________ Date and Time isolated/quarantined in facility ___________________
In home isolation/quarantine Date and Time isolated/quarantined at home ____________________
Discharged to home If Discharged: Date of Discharge (MM/DD/YYYY)* _____________ Others: ___________________________
7. Health Status at Consult*
Asymptomatic Mild Moderate Severe Critical
8. Case Classification* (Refer to Appendix 2)
Suspect Probable Confirmed Non-COVID-19 Case
PART 2: Case Investigation Details
9. Special Population
Health Care Worker* Yes, Name & location of health facility _____________________________________ No
Returning Overseas Filipino* Yes, Country of origin __________________________________________________ No
Foreign National Traveler* Yes, Country of origin __________________________________________________ No
Locally Stranded Yes, City, Mun, & Prov of origin __________________________________________ No
Lives in Closed Settings* Yes, specify Type of Institution (e.g. prisons, residential facilities, retirement No
communities, care homes, camps etc.) ____________________________________
and specify Name of Institution ______________________________________________
10. Permanent Address and Contact Information (If different from current address)
House No./Lot/Bldg. Street /Purok/Sitio Barangay Municipality/City

Province Home Phone No. (& Area Code) Cellphone No. Email Address

11. Address Outside the Philippines and Contact Information (for Overseas Filipino Workers and Individuals with Residence outside PH)
House No./Lot/Bldg. Street Municipality/City Province

Country Place of Work Employer’s Name Employer’s/Office Contact No.

12. Clinical Information

Date of Onset of Illness (MM/DD/YYYY)* _________________________ Comorbidities (Check all that apply if present)
Signs and Symptoms (Check all that apply if present)
Asymptomatic Dyspnea None Gastrointestinal
Fever _____ °C Anorexia Hypertension Genito-urinary
Cough Nausea Diabetes Neurological Disease
General weakness Vomiting Heart Disease Cancer
Fatigue Diarrhea Lung Disease Others _______________
Headache Altered Mental Status Are you pregnant? Yes, LMP _____________
Myalgia Anosmia (loss of smell) No
Sore throat Ageusia (loss of taste) High-risk pregnancy? Yes No
Coryza Others _________________
Were you diagnosed to have Severe Acute Respiratory Illness? (Refer to Appendix 2) Yes No
Chest imaging findings suggestive of COVID-19
Imaging Done (Check Results
all that apply)
Chest radiography Normal Hazy opacities, often rounded in morphology, with peripheral and lower lung distribution
Pending Other findings, specify ______________________________________________________
Chest CT Normal Multiple bilateral ground glass opacities, often rounded in morphology, with peripheral
Pending and lower lung distribution
Other findings, specify ______________________________________________________
Lung ultrasound Normal Thickened pleural lines, B lines (multifocal, discrete, or confluent), consolidative patterns
Pending with or without air bronchograms.
Other findings, specify ______________________________________________________
13. Laboratory Information
Test Done* (Check all Date Collected* Laboratory Results* Date Released
that apply)
RT-PCR (OPS) Pending Negative
Positive Equivocal
RT-PCR (NPS) Pending Negative
Positive Equivocal
RT-PCR (OPS and Pending Negative
NPS) Positive Equivocal
RT-PCR (specimen Pending Negative
type __________) Positive Equivocal
Antigen Test Pending Negative
Positive Equivocal
Antibody Test IgM (+) IgG (-) IgM (+) IgG (+)
IgG (+) IgM (-) IgM (-) IgG (-)
Others Specify Result:
Have you ever tested positive using RT-PCR before? Yes, Date of Specimen Collection (MM/DD/YYYY)* ____________ No
If Yes, Laboratory __________________________________________ Number of previous RT-PCR swabs done ________________________
14. Outcome/Condition at Time of Report*
Active (Currently admitted or in isolation/quarantine) Recovered, Date of Recovery (MM/DD/YYYY)* _______________
Died, Date of Death (MM/DD/YYYY)* __________________________________________________________________________________
Cause of Death* Immediate Cause _________________________________________________________________________________________
Antecedent Cause __________________________________________ Underlying Cause ___________________________________________

Part 3: Contact Tracing
15. Exposure History
History of exposure to known probable and/or confirmed COVID-19 Yes, Date of LAST Contact (MM/DD/YYYY)*_______________
case 14 days before the onset of signs and symptoms? OR If No
Asymptomatic, 14 days before swabbing or specimen collection?* Unknown
Have you been in a place with a known COVID-19 community Yes
transmission 14 days before the onset of signs and symptoms? OR If No
Asymptomatic, 14 days before swabbing or specimen collection?* Unknown exposure
If Yes, specify place (Check all that apply, provide details such as name of establishment, transport service, venue, location etc. and date of visit
Place Visited Details Date of Visit Place Visited Details Date of Visit
Health Facility Transportation
Closed Settings Workplace
(e.g. Jail)
Market Local Travel
Home Social Gathering
International Others
16. Travel History
History of travel/visit/work in other countries with a known COVID-19 Yes, Country of exit _____________________________________
transmission 14 days before the onset of signs and symptoms No
Airline/Sea vessel Flight/Vessel Number Date of Departure Date of Arrival in PH

History of travel/visit/work in other local place with a known COVID- Yes, Place of origin______________________________________
19 transmission 14 days before the onset of signs and symptoms No
Airline/Sea vessel/Bus line/Train Flight/Vessel Number/ Bus No. Date of Departure Date of Arrival in the Current

List the names of persons who were with you two days prior to onset Name Contact No.
of illness until this date and their contact numbers.
*If asymptomatic, list the names of persons who were with you on the
day you submitted specimen for testing until this date and their
contact numbers. (Use additional space below if needed).

For Additional Close Contact (Include ALL Household Contacts)

Name Contact Number Exposure Setting (ex. Household, Work)

Appendix 1. Testing Category/Subgroup

• Sub-group A: Individuals with severe/critical symptoms and relevant history of travel and/or contact
• Sub-group B: Individuals with mild symptoms and relevant history of travel and/or contact, and considered vulnerable. Vulnerable populations include
those elderly and with preexisting medical conditions that predispose them to severe presentation and complications of COVID-19
• Sub-group C: Individuals with mild symptoms, and relevant history of travel and/or contact
• Subgroup D: Individuals with no symptoms but with relevant history of travel and/or contact or high risk of exposure. These include:
o Subgroup D1: Contact-traced individuals
o Sub-group D2: Healthcare workers, who shall be prioritized for regular testing in order to ensure the stability of our healthcare system.
o Subgroup D3: Returning Overseas Filipino Workers, who shall immediately be tested at the port of entry
o Subgroup D4: Filipino citizens in a specific locality within the Philippines who have expressed intention to return to their place of
residence/home origin (Locally Stranded Individuals) may be tested subject to the existing protocols of the IATF.
• Subgroup E: Frontliners indirectly involved in health care provision in the response against COVID-19 may be tested as follows:

o Sub-group E1: Those with high or direct exposure to COVID-19 regardless of location may be tested up to once a week. These include the
1. Personnel manning the Temporary Treatment and Quarantine Facilities (LGU and Nationally-managed);
2. Personnel serving at the COVID-19 swabbing center;
3. Contact tracing personnel; and
4. Any personnel conducting swabbing for COVID-19 testing.
o Sub-group E2: Those who do not have high or direct exposure to COVID-19 but who live or work in Special Concern Areas may be tested up to
every two to four weeks. These include the following:
1. Personnel manning Quarantine Control Points, including those from Armed Forces of the Philippines, Bureau of Fire Protection, and
2. National/Regional/Local Risk Reduction and Management Teams;
3. Officials from any local government/city/municipality health office (CEDSU, CESU, etc.)
4. Barangay Health Emergency Response Teams and barangay officials providing barangay border control and performing COVID-19-
related tasks;
5. Personnel of Bureau of Corrections and Bureau of Jail Penology and Management;
6. Personnel manning the One-Stop-Shop in the Management of the Returning Overseas Filipinos;
7. Border control or patrol officers, such as immigration officers and the Philippine Coast Guard; and
8. Social workers providing amelioration and relief assistance to communities and performing COVID-19-related tasks.
• Sub-group F: Other vulnerable patients and those living in confined spaces. These include, but are not limited to:
o Pregnant patients who shall be tested during the peripartum period;
o Dialysis patients;
o Patients who are immunocompromised, such as those who have HIV/AIDS, inherited diseases that affect the immune system;
o Patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy;
o Patients who will undergo elective surgical procedures with high risk for transmission;
o Any person who have had organ transplants, or have had bone marrow or stem cell transplant in the past 6 months;
o Any person who is about to be admitted in enclosed institutions such as jails,
penitentiaries, and mental institutions.
• Subgroup G: Residents, occupants or workers in a localized area with an active COVID-19 cluster, as identified and declared by the local chief executive in
accordance with existing DOH Guidelines and consistent with the National Task Force Memorandum Circular No. 02 s.2020 or the Operational Guidelines on
the Application of the Zoning Containment Strategy in the Localization of the National Action Plan Against COVID-19 Response. The local chief executive shall
conduct the necessary testing in order to protect the broader community and critical economic activities and to avoid a declaration of a wider community
• Subgroup H: Frontliners in Tourist Zones:
o Sub-group H1: All workers and employees in the hospitality and tourism sectors in El Nido, Boracay, Coron, Panglao, Siargao and other tourist
zones, as identified and declared by the Department of Tourism. These workers and employees may be tested once every four (4) weeks.
o Sub-group H2: All travelers, whether of domestic or foreign origin, may be tested at least once, at their own expense, prior to entry into any
designated tourist zone, as identified and declared by the Department of Tourism.
• Subgroup group I: All workers and employees of manufacturing companies and public service providers registered in economic zones located in Special
Concern Areas may be tested regularly.
• Subgroup J: Economy Workers
o Sub-group J1: Frontline and Economic Priority Workers, defined as those (1) who work in high priority sectors, both public and private, (2) have
high interaction with and exposure to the public, and (3) who live or work in Special Concern Areas, may be tested every three months. These
workers include, but are not limited to:
1. Transport and Logistics
• Drivers of Taxis, Ride Hailing Services (two and four wheels), Buses, Public Transport Vehicles
• Conductors
• Pilots, Flight Attendants, Flight Engineers
• Rail operators, mechanics, servicemen
• Delivery staff
• Water transport workers - ferries, inter island shipping, ports
2. Food Retail
• Waiters, Waitresses, Bar Attendants, Baristas
• Chefs and Cooks
• Restaurant Managers and Supervisors
3. Education - once face to face classes resume
• Teachers at all levels of education
• Other school frontliners such as guidance counselors, librarians, cashiers
4. Financial Services
• Bank tellers
5. Non-Food Retail
• Cashiers
• Stock clerks
• Rerail salespersons
6. Services
• Hairdressers, Barbers, Manicurist, Pedicurist, Massage Therapists
• Embalmers, Morticians, Undertakers, Funeral Directors
• Parking Lot Attendants
• Security Guards
• Messengers

• Ushers, Lobby Attendants, Receptionist
• Clergy
7. Market Vendors
8. Construction
• Carpenters
• Stonemasons
• Electricians
• Painters
• Construction workers, including Foremen, Supervisors
• Civil Engineers, Structural Engineers, Construction Managers
• Crane and Tower operators
• Elevator installer and repairers
9. Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste Management
• Plumbers
• Recycling and Reclamation worker/ Garbage Collectors
• Water/Wastewater engineers
• Janitors and cleaners
10. Public Sector
• Judges
• Courtroom clerks, staff, and security
• All national and local government employees rendering frontline services
in Special Concern Areas
11. Mass media - Field reporters, photographers, and cameramen

Appendix 2. COVID-19 Case Definitions

I. Suspect COVID-19 case (two suspect case definitions A or B):
A. A person who meets the clinical AND epidemiological criteria:
Clinical criteria:
1. Acute onset of fever AND cough;
2. Acute onset of ANY THREE OR MORE of the following signs or symptoms: fever, cough, general weakness/fatigue1, headache, myalgia, sore throat, coryza,
dyspnoea, anorexia/nausea/vomiting, diarrhoea, altered mental status.
Epidemiological criteria:
1. Residing or working in an area with high risk of transmission of the virus: for example, closed residential settings and humanitarian settings, such as camp
and camp-like settings for displaced persons, any time within the 14 days prior to symptom onset;
2. Residing in or travel to an area with community transmission2 anytime within the 14 days prior to symptom onset;
3. Working in health setting, including within health facilities and within households, anytime within the 14 days prior to symptom onset.

B. A patient with severe acute respiratory illness (SARI: acute respiratory infection with history of fever or measured fever of ≥ 38 C°; and cough; with onset
within the last 10 days; and who requires hospitalization).

II. Probable COVID-19 case:

A. A patient who meets clinical criteria above AND is a contact of a probable or confirmed case, or epidemiologically linked to a cluster of cases which has had at least
one confirmed case identified within that cluster.
B. A suspect case (described above) with chest imaging showing findings suggestive of COVID-19 disease*
* Typical chest imaging findings suggestive of COVID-19 include the following (Manna 2020):
• chest radiography: hazy opacities, often rounded in morphology, with peripheral and lower lung distribution
• chest CT: multiple bilateral ground glass opacities, often rounded in morphology, with peripheral and lower lung distribution
• lung ultrasound: thickened pleural lines, B lines (multifocal, discrete, or confluent), consolidative patterns with or without air bronchograms.
C. A person with recent onset of anosmia (loss of smell) or ageusia (loss of taste) in the absence of any other identified cause.
D. Death, not otherwise explained, in an adult with respiratory distress preceding death AND who was a contact of a probable or confirmed case or epidemiologically
linked to a cluster which has had at least one confirmed case identified within that cluster.

III. Confirmed COVID-19 case:

A person with laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection, irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms.
1 Signs separated with slash (/) are to be counted as one sign.
2 Community transmission: Countries /territories/areas experiencing larger outbreaks of local transmission defined through an assessment of factors including, but
not limited to: large numbers of cases not linkable to transmission chains, large numbers of cases from sentinel lab surveillance or increasing positive tests through
sentinel samples (routine systematic testing of respiratory samples from established laboratories), multiple unrelated clusters in several areas of the

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