Effectivity Date: March 01, 2019
Effectivity Date: March 01, 2019
Effectivity Date: March 01, 2019
Course: Math 111 Mathematics in the Modern Semester: First School Year: 2020 -2021
Class Schedule: Instructor: Rovinson D. Gaganao
Course Outline
Midterm Exam
Final Examination
Course Requirements
Major Exams
Problem Sets
Course Learning Outcomes Required Output
1. Attend classes regularly & punctually. Since There will be four (4) rating periods: Preliminary
punctuality and regular attendance is of prime Midterm, Midterm, Pre-Finals and Finals.
importance in the teaching world, it will 1. The grades for each rating period shall be
receive the same consideration in the computed as:
classroom. To ensure successful completion 60% - Class Standing
of this course, students are expected to arrive 40%- Major Examination
for class on time and to remain in class until -------------------------------------------------------------
the end of the session. The student will be Grade for the corresponding rating period
considered dropped from the class after
missing 20% of the total number of hours 2. Class Standing (60 %)
required for the subject. Quizzes – 20 %
2. All students are expected to behave with Class Participation - 20%
academic honesty. It is not academically Reqts/Written output – 20 %
honest to misrepresent another person’s work 3. Major Examination (40 %)
as your own, to take credit for someone else’s 4. Midterm Grade = (Preliminary +Midterm
words or ideas, to obtain advanced Grade)/2
information on confidential test materials, or 5. Final Grade = (Pre-Finals + Finals)/2
to act in a way that might harm another 6. Average Grade = (Midterm Grade + Final
student’s chances for academic success. Grade)/2
These students will automatically have a
grade of 5.0 after three (3) offences of
academic dishonesty.
3. Assignments should be submitted on the
period set as deadline. Late assignments will
be deducted accordingly.
4. All students are expected to take Major
Exams (Mid-term/Final) on specified
approved dates. In general, no make-up test
Consultation Schedule