Privacy Issues in Smart Home Devices Using Internet of Things - A Survey
Privacy Issues in Smart Home Devices Using Internet of Things - A Survey
Privacy Issues in Smart Home Devices Using Internet of Things - A Survey
1 1,839
2 authors, including:
Murugesan Bobby
Sri Adi Chunchangiri Women's College
All content following this page was uploaded by Murugesan Bobby on 28 July 2019.
Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/7839
IoT systems have applications across industries through their unique flexibility and ability to be suitable in any
environment. They enhance data collection, automation, operations, and much more through smart devices and
powerful enabling technology.
Traditionally, the ingredients necessary for IoT are sensors, Wi-Fi, and a control panel, which in the simplest of
cases can be a smart phones or PC. The sensors pick up the information, the Wi-Fi transfers this information to a
repository, while the control panel can respond when the data flag problems, either fixing them automatically, or the
problems can be fixed manually.
Corresponding Author:- Dr.D.Usha.
Address:- Assistant Professor,Department of Computer Science, Mother Teresa Women’s University,
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(10), 566-568
In order to provide users with valuable output, the IoT architecture should guarantee the suitability and
trustworthiness of the processed data. This is a major requirement of such systems in order to guarantee robustness
and reliability at the service level and able to support security.
Noah Apthorpe, Dillon Reisman, Nick Feamste examine four IoT smart home devices (a Sense sleep monitor, a
Nest Cam Indoor security camera, a WeMo switch, and an Amazon Echo) and find that their network traffic rates
can reveal potentially sensitive user interactions even when the traffic is encrypted. These results indicate that a
technological solution is needed to protect IoT device owner privacy, and that IoT-specific concerns must be
considered in the ongoing policy debate around ISP data collection and usage.
Biljana L.Risteska StojkoskaKire V.Trivodaliev propose a holistic framework which incorporates different
components from IoT architectures/frameworks proposed in the literature, in order to efficiently integrate smart
home objects in a cloud-centric IoT based solution. We identify a smart home management model for the proposed
framework and the main tasks that should be performed at each level. We additionally discuss practical design
challenges with emphasis on data processing, as well as smart home communication protocols and
their interoperability. We believe that the holistic framework ascertained in this paper can be used as a solid base for
the future developers of Internet of Things based smart home solutions.
Tianyi Song,Ruinian Li,Bo Mei,Jiguo Yu,Xiuzhen Cheng propose an improved energy-efficient, secure, and
privacy-preserving communication protocol for the (Smart Home Systems) SHSs. Data transmissions within the
SHS are secured by a symmetric encryption scheme with secret keys being generated by chaotic systems.
Meanwhile, They incorporate message authentication codes to our scheme to guarantee data integrity and
authenticity. They also provided detailed security analysis and performance evaluation in comparison with their
previous work in terms of computational complexity, memory cost, and communication overhead.
Huichen Lin andNeil W. Bergmann identifies key future requirements for trusted Smart Home systems. A
gateway architecture is selected as the most appropriate for resource-constrained devices, and for high system
availability. Two key technologies to assist system auto-management are identified. Firstly, support for system auto-
configuration will enhance system security. Secondly, the automatic update of system software and firmware is
needed to maintain ongoing secure system operation.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(10), 566-568
Dimitris GeneiatakisIoannis Kounelis,Ricardo Neisse set up the scene for a security and privacy threat analysis
for a typical smart home architecture using off the shelf components. To do so, we employ a smart home IoT
architecture that enables users to interact with it through various devices that support smart house management, and
we analyze different scenarios to identify possible security and privacy issues for users.
Pawani PorambageMika Ylianttila Corinna Schmitt propose as members of the always-connected paradigm of
the massive IoT world, people can scarcely control the disclosure of their personal information. The biggest
challenge is to allow users to experience the best utilization of IoT-based products and services with the fewest
privacy threats and failures. This article provides a holistic view of the challenges of and issues related to preserving
IoT privacy, as well as the existing solutions. Privacy by design (PbD) is identified as the key solution for many IoT
privacy issues.
Our conventional devices and appliances will get smarter, our lifestyle can be changed with modern
technology.Smart home technology and the IoT will deliver the insight needed for people to live better lives—
longer, healthier, and happier.Security and privacy at the device level, protecting the user and encrypting
communication links are critical to the secure operations of IoT. Privacy principles dictate that users should be able
to keep control of their data as well as to be able to opt out of the ―smart‖ environment without incurring negative
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