EXPERIMENT # 5 Pelton Turbine Test: Izmir Katip Celebi University Department of Civil Engineering Ce 351 Hydraulics

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EXPERIMENT # 5 Pelton Turbine Test
INSTRUCTOR: Prof.Dr. Mehmet SORGUN, Res.Asistant Pelin İLKER


Figure 1 The Pelton Turbine

The Pelton Turbine is a hydraulic ‘impulse’ turbine, in which one or more water jets hit
‘buckets’ on a wheel. The force produced by the jet impact at right angles to the buckets
generates a torque that causes the wheel to rotate, thus producing power. The name ‘Pelton’
comes from L.A. Pelton, an American engineer who researched the best shape of the buckets
needed for the turbine.

Although the concept is very simple, some very large machines of high efficiency have
been developed, with power outputs of more than 100 MW and efficiencies of around 95%. On a
small laboratory model, however, the output may be just a few Watts. The efficiency will
therefore be very much smaller, because losses in bearings and by air friction are
proportionally much higher than in a large, powerful turbine.


Symbol Description Units

N Rotational speed of the turbine rev.min-1

 Rotational speed of the turbine rad.s-1

Pin Inlet Power W

Pw Turbine Wheel Power W

v Velocity m.s-1

h Hydraulic Efficiency %

T Torque Nm

p Pressure Pa (Pascals)

Qv Volume Flow L.s-1 or m3.s-1

m· Mass flow rate kg.s-1

Rd Radius of the brake drum m

Dw Diameter of the turbine wheel m

d Diameter of water jet m

Rw Radius of the turbine wheel m

A Left spring balance reading N (Newton)

B Right spring balance reading N (Newton)

Fd Force at brake drum N (Newton)

Fw Force at wheel N (Newton)

Useful Equations

Turbine Power

This is the power absorbed by the turbine wheel, taken from the water .

2 NT
Pw  or Pw  T
Torque (T)

This is the torque measured by the two spring balances. The balances measure the
turning force on the drum at the back of the turbine (see Figure 2). The total force is the
difference between the readings. Due to the direction of rotation, the right hand balance will
give a larger reading than the left hand balance, so for simplicity:

Fd = B – A

The torque is the radius of the drum multiplied by the force:

T = R d  Fd (2)

Left balance Right balance

(A) (B)

Radius (Rd)


View from front of Turbine

Figure 2 Torque Measurement

The Pelton Wheel

Wheel diameter Dw = 2Rw

N rev.min
 rad.s-1

Velocity v

Jet diameter d .
Mass flow rate m

Figure 3 Pelton Wheel layout

The Pelton Wheel needs a source of water in order to run. If the head of water is known, along
with the flow rate, then it is possible to find the best size of wheel to use, how fast it should rotate to
obtain the maximum efficiency, and what power it is likely to develop.

The velocity in the jet can be estimated by using the known fixed head. The diameter of the jet
can then be found from the known flow rate. A suitable wheel diameter can be chosen in relation to
the jet size; typically the wheel would have a diameter of 10 times that of the jet. The best speed of
rotation may then be selected, such that the speed of the buckets is approximately half that of the jet

The power delivered in the jet can be calculated from the speed and cross-sectional area. The
power developed by the Pelton wheel will be less than this, in the ratio of the wheel’s efficiency, which
may be estimated by reference to the known performance of existing machines of comparable size
and output.

Depending on the head and flow rate available, the size and speed of the Pelton wheel obtained
in this way may prove to be impracticable or uneconomic. Fortunately, other types of water turbine are
available to suit a wide variety of circumstances.

The Pelton wheel is usually chosen when the available head is high, but the flow rate is
comparatively low.

Force Exerted by a Jet

Figure 4a shows a water jet emerging at speed v from a nozzle, and striking one of the buckets
of the wheel, which itself is moving at speed u. The mass flow rate is m· and it is assumed that all of
the water emerging from the nozzle strikes one or other of the set of buckets arranged around the
periphery of the wheel, although, for simplicity, just one bucket is shown in the diagram.

v u
v u
Jet, mass.
flow rate m

Relative velocity k(v - u)

Bucket velocity u

(a) Force exerted by a jet (b) Momentum change diagram

Figure 4 Water jet striking bucket

The relative velocity at which the jet impacts on the bucket is k(v – u). The flow over the bucket is
decelerated slightly by frictional resistance at the surface. Suppose that the relative velocity, as the water
leaves the bucket, is k(v – u), where k is a velocity reduction factor with a value somewhat less than

The relative velocity is inclined at the bucket exit angle  to the jet’s direction. The absolute
velocity of the water at exit is the vector sum of the relative velocity and the bucket velocity u, as shown.

The force Fw generated on the bucket may be found by considering the momentum change, as

shown in Figure 4b. The incoming rate of momentum flow in the direction of motion of the bucket is mv ,
and the outgoing rate is :
m· u + kv – ucos

Note the positive sign before the relative velocity at exit, indicating addition of the relative
and bucket velocities. Note also that  is greater than 90 0 , therefore cos  will be negative.

Torque Exerted on the Wheel

Tmax = mRwv (1  k cos)

Torque T

 = u/v
Stationary Runaway

Figure 5 Variation of torque T with speed ratio 

The force Fw produced on the bucket by the difference between these rates of momentum

flows is:
Fw   mv – m [u  k (v – u )cos ]
Fw   m(v – u )(1  kcos )
It is helpful to express the ratio of bucket speed u to jet speed v as
so that
Fw   mv(1 –  )(1  kcos )

The torque T exerted on the wheel is therefore:

T   mRwv(1–  )(1  kcos )

We see that for a particular wheel, supplied with water at some fixed flow rate (so that both
m and v are also fixed), torque T varies as (1 –  ). The torque therefore falls linearly from a
maximum when  = 0 (i.e. when the wheel is stationary) to zero when  = 1 (i.e. when the
bucket moves at the same speed as the jet). This is referred to as the runaway condition.

Power and Efficiency

The power output Pw developed at the wheel is given by:

Pw  T

and noting that:

u  Rw
The power output may be written as:

Pw = m· v 1 – 1 – kcos


This varies as  (1 –  ), so Pw is zero when  = 0, or when  = 1, i.e. when the wheel is

either stationary or when turning at runaway speed. Between these extremes, the power varies
parabolically, with a maximum when  = ½. The maximum value of  (1 –  ) is ¼, so the
maximum power output is:

P wmax = ¼m· v 2 1 – kcos 

Hydraulic Efficiency

The power input Pin, in the form of kinetic energy in the jet, is:

Pin = ½m· v2

so the hydraulic efficiency h, defined as the ratio of output power to input power is:
h   2 (1   )(1  kcos  )

with a maximum value:

max  ½(1 – kcos)

In the absence of friction, the relative speed is not reduced by passage over the bucket
surface, so the value of k would then be unity. Moreover, the lowest conceivable value of cos is –
1, corresponding to = 180 . So the factor (1 – kcos ) could ideally just reach the value 2. The
maximum ideal efficiency, max, would then just reach 100%, all the kinetic energy in the jet being
transformed into useful power output, with the water falling from the buckets with zero absolute
velocity. In practice, however, surface friction over the bucket is always present, and cannot
reasonably exceed a value of about 165 , so 100% efficiency can never be achieved.

It must be emphasised that the hydraulic efficiency used here gives the ratio of hydraulic
power generated by the wheel to the power in the jet. The overall efficiency of the turbine will fall
short of this hydraulic efficiency due to some loss of head in the nozzle, air resistance, and losses
at the bearings.

Figure 6 Variation of Hydraulic Efficiency  with speed ratio 


Useful Notes

Load Control

To change the load, you may adjust just one load adjustment screw, but you may find better
load control if you adjust both load adjustment screws at the same time.


During these experiments, you must record lots of readings. This is much easier if you have
an assistant or if you work in small groups.

‘Running in’ the Turbine

The turbine uses seals to prevent water entering its bearings. When the seals are new or
the turbine has not been used for some time, the friction caused by the seals can be higher than
normal. Therefore, you must run the turbine for a few minutes before you do any tests. This is
important because the turbine is small, so friction has a large effect on its performance.
Water Level

You must have the correct water level in your hydraulic bench, if it is too low, your results
will be low.

Drain Hole

Occasionally a small amount of water may pass through the turbine seals and enter the
bearings towards the brake drum. A small drain hole under the brake drum allows this water to
drain away. Normally this will be a few drops of water.



To test the Pelton Turbine at different loads and spear valve settings and produce curves
that show the turbine performance and the effect of different spear valve settings.


1. Create three blank results table, similar to Table 1.

Initial Flow:
Spear Valve Setting:
Inlet pressure:

Left Right Load

Speed Balance Balance (Torque) Power
(rev.min-1) (N) (N) (Nm) (W)
Table 1 Blank Results Table

2. Adjust the spring balances to give no load and make sure that they show
0 (zero).

3. Fully shut the spear valve (turn it fully clockwise).

4. Start the hydraulic bench and slowly open its control valve while opening
the H19 spear valve (turn it anticlockwise) until the bench flow is at
maximum and the spear valve is fully open.

5. Use the Hydraulic Bench to measure the initial flow for reference. Note
the inlet pressure.

6. Use the optical tachometer to measure the maximum (no-load) speed of

the turbine. To do this, put the tachometer against the clear window at
the back of the turbine and use it to detect the reflective sticker on the

7. Slowly increase the load in steps to give at least six sets of results. At
each step, record the turbine speed and the reading of each spring
balance. Stop when the speed becomes unstable or the turbine stops

8. Repeat the test with the spear valve approximately half (50%) open and
approximately quarter (25%) open. The exact amount of spear valve
opening is not important, as long as long they are different from each
other to compare the effect.

Results Analysis
For each spear valve vane opening, use your results and Equations 1 and 2
given in the theory section to calculate torque and power. Complete your tables of

Produce charts of torque and power (vertical axis) against speed (horizontal
axis) for each spear valve opening.

Compare your results. How does the spear valve position (opening) affect
performance? How does the power in the turbine change with speed? What
conditions give the best power and speed?


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