Theoretical and Experimental Research On Field Propulsion Using The Developments of The BSM-Supergravitation Unified Theory
Theoretical and Experimental Research On Field Propulsion Using The Developments of The BSM-Supergravitation Unified Theory
Theoretical and Experimental Research On Field Propulsion Using The Developments of The BSM-Supergravitation Unified Theory
The Basic Structures of Matter - Supergravitation Unified Theory (BSM-SG) is based on an alternative
space concept. The developed models provide a vision for the possible material structure of the ele-
mentary particles and the superfine structure of the physical vacuum called the Cosmic Lattice (CL).
The properties of the CL elementary node and its interaction with the elementary particles give clues
to the connection between gravity and inertia on one side and the electric and magnetic fields on the
other. Mass appears to be not equivalent to matter but its measurable parameter, so it could be
changed by proper modulation of the parameters of the physical vacuum. BSM-SG predicts an unique
gravito-inertial effect which was verified by experiments and was called Stimulated Anomalous Reac-
tion of Gravity (SARG). It is activated by a Heterodyne Resonance Method invoking Quantum Me-
chanical interactions between oscillating ion-electron pairs and the space-time continuum. The SARG
effect occurs in properly activated neutral plasma. It could be used for acquiring new technology for
space drives referred as Field Propulsion.
Fig 3. Optical signature of the Heterodyne mechanism Fig. 6. Rotating plasma thrusters [12,16]
488 Stoyan Sarg: Theoretical and Experimental Research on Field Propulsion
Other demo experiments with different arrangements are not be valid for this kind of propulsion. Newton’s second law
posted on Youtube [16]. In one of them, the plasma actuator was should be valid but considering a reduced mass.
enclosed in a transparent cylinder in order to eliminate the pos- For a few reasons, including harmful biological effects and
sible influence of ion wind. An application for invention based EMI noise, the Field Propulsion cannot be considered as a re-
on the discovered SARG effect was submitted to CIPO, Canada placement of commercial aircraft based on jet propulsion. Its
on 26 Aug 2008 [11]. Fig. 7 shows a possible shape of a spacecraft major advantages are for interplanetary and deep space travels.
with a Field Propulsion based on the SARG effect. The activated
plasma is external. One essential difference from the vacuum Acknowledgements
experiments is that the plasma is not activated by opposite elec- I appreciate the useful discussions with my colleagues and
trodes. However, the longitudinal waves play an important role collaborators including Andrew Michrowski from the Planetary
in invoking the Heterodyne mechanism in this case. This re- Association for Clean Energy, Canada and William Treurniet,
quires a specific design of the electrode system, the means for Ottawa, Canada. My special thanks go to Nikolaos Balaskas,
plasma activation, and proper selection of the materials. The ef- York University, Canada, for the useful information and encour-
fect will be more efficient when a preactivated plasma is ejected. agement in my experimental research.
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