Theoretical and Experimental Research On Field Propulsion Using The Developments of The BSM-Supergravitation Unified Theory

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Long Beach 2010 PROCEEDINGS of the NPA 485

Theoretical and experimental research on Field

Propulsion using the developments of the BSM-
Supergravitation Unified Theory
Stoyan Sarg, PhD
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
[email protected], [email protected]

The Basic Structures of Matter - Supergravitation Unified Theory (BSM-SG) is based on an alternative
space concept. The developed models provide a vision for the possible material structure of the ele-
mentary particles and the superfine structure of the physical vacuum called the Cosmic Lattice (CL).
The properties of the CL elementary node and its interaction with the elementary particles give clues
to the connection between gravity and inertia on one side and the electric and magnetic fields on the
other. Mass appears to be not equivalent to matter but its measurable parameter, so it could be
changed by proper modulation of the parameters of the physical vacuum. BSM-SG predicts an unique
gravito-inertial effect which was verified by experiments and was called Stimulated Anomalous Reac-
tion of Gravity (SARG). It is activated by a Heterodyne Resonance Method invoking Quantum Me-
chanical interactions between oscillating ion-electron pairs and the space-time continuum. The SARG
effect occurs in properly activated neutral plasma. It could be used for acquiring new technology for
space drives referred as Field Propulsion.

- Empty Euclidian space without any physical properties and

1. Introduction - Two fundamental particles (FPs) of superdense matter with
Massless propulsion is a space drive mechanism in which vibration frequencies at Planck’s scale range
only an EM field is involved. One particular effect known as the - A Fundamental law of Super Gravitation (SG) - forces between
Biefeld-Brown effect [1] has been known for many years. In the FPs are inversely proportional to the cube of the distance in pure
past 15 years, research on massless propulsion has intensified. empty space.
The articles and conference reports on this issue are usually ref- Driven by the SG law, an enormous quantity of the two fun-
erenced under names such as antigravity, electrogravity, elec- damental particles, with vibrational energy above some critical
trokinetics, magnetohydrodynamics, electrohydrodynamics, level, is able to congregate into self-organized hierarchical levels
electropropulsion, plasma drive and so on [2,3,4,5]. Currently, of geometrical formations.
on-going space projects exist in the USA and Europe [6,7]. The According to BSM-SG, a self-organized process in a super-
physical mechanism of the observed propulsion effect, however, massive astronomical object of primordial matter leads determin-
has not been understood and expectations have not been istically to crystallization of sub-elementary particles called
reached. The author of this proposal realized that success in this twisted prisms that are embedded in the elementary particles.
field requires better understanding of the relations between grav- The evolution of the process leads to creation of a Cosmic Lattice
ity and inertia on one side and the electrical and magnetic fields (CL) space with quantum properties and the formation of a gal-
on the other. Contemporary physics does not provide a satisfac- axy. The individual nodes of CL space are flexible and comprised
tory solution to this problem. After years of extensive theoretical of 4 prisms of the same type. The two types of CL nodes are al-
search the author of this proposal arrived at useful physical ternately arranged with gaps between them due to the nature of
models that are able to provide the relation between these fields the SG law. Fig. 1 shows a mockup of the CL structure.
in an understandable way. One of the major predictions from his
theoretical treatise “BSM – Supergravitation Unified Theory”
(BSM-SG) [8,9] is the possibility of controlling the gravitational
field acting on a material object by properly modulating the pa-
rameters of the physical vacuum.

2. A new theoretical approach

The Basic Structures of Matter - Super Gravitation Unified
Theory (BSM-SG) [8] shows the relation between the forces in
Nature by adopting the following ideas: Fig. 1. Mockup of the CL structure. Individual CL nodes formed by 4
prisms are separated by gaps ( black line).
486 Stoyan Sarg: Theoretical and Experimental Research on Field Propulsion
The CL node possesses 2 sets of symmetrical axes: one or- changed. For this purpose the superhigh Compton frequency  c
thogonal xyz and another one along the 4 prisms axes called abcd.
must be reached by proper Quantum Mechanical (QM) interac-
The distance between CL nodes along xyz axes is estimated to be
1.097 x 10-20 (m). The return SG forces (defining the stiffness of
The analysis of the CL node dynamics leads to the conclusion
CL structure) along the abcd axes are thousands of time stronger
that the nodes are self synchronized with the phase of a vector
than the return forces along xyz axes. This permits complex 3D
called Spatial Precession Momentum (SPM) propagated with the
oscillations of the CL node. The analysis of these oscillations un-
speed of light. The frequency of the SPM vector in a rest frame is
der SG forces unveils two cycles – a proper resonance one with a
equal to the Compton frequency. The self synchronization ap-
frequency of  R  1.0926  10 29 (Hz) and a cycle of a Spatial pears as spontaneous recombining of Zero Point waves with
Precession Momentum with a frequency equal to the experimen- length equal to a whole number of Compton’s wavelengths. This
tally estimated Compton frequency  c  1.236  10 20 (Hz) feature is responsible for the constant speed of light and also
plays an important role in the propagation of gravity.
(§2.11.3, Chapter 2, of BSM-SG) [9]. The stiffness of the CL struc-
 Conclusion: If the self synchronization of the CL space local
ture in the abcd directions is much stronger than in the xyz direc-
zone is asymmetrically disturbed around a material object -
tions. For this reason the propagation of the EM field involves
particle , atom, molecule, gas, or a solid body, a gravitational
mainly oscillations along xyz axes. The propagation of the SG
sink will be created in which this object will fall. Conse-
forces along the abcd axes of the CL nodes (stronger stiffness) is
quently, we need to invoke interactions at Compton’s fre-
manifested as the familiar Newtonian gravitation. The static and
quency,  c .
dynamic properties of the CL node permit understanding of the
physical relation between gravity and inertia on one side and the The derived physical model of the electron presented in
electrical and magnetic fields (including EM field and light) on Chapter 3 of the BSM-SG book [9] and published in Physics Es-
the other. says in 2003 [10] allows envisioning of a technical method for
Using the unveiled structure of the electron [10] the main pa- invoking such an interaction. It has been found that the electron
rameters of the CL space are derived: has oscillating properties at the Compton’s frequency that, in the
 Static CL pressure, PS frame of a moving electron, is estimated to be independent of its
velocity. At the same time, the unveiled electron structure exhib-
PS  me c 2 Ve  1.3736 1026 (N/m2) (1)
its a screw-like motion. This motion, combined with the oscilla-
 Dynamic CL pressure, PD tion properties, leads to prefered velocities at which the QM in-
PD  h c (cSe )  2025.8 (N/(m2Hz) (2) teraction with the physical vacuum (CL structure) is stronger.
 Partial CL pressure, PP They correspond to electron energies of 13.6 eV, 3.41 eV, 1.51 eV
and so on. The optimal quantum interaction, however, occurs at
PP  PS c ; for    c , PP PS   2 (1   ) 1 2 (3)
energy of 13.6 eV corresponding to an electron velocity of 218,978
where: c – speed of light, me – mass of the electron, Ve - impene- km/s. The BSM-SG models predicts that when the electron is
trable volume of electron structure, Se – surface of the electron bound to an accelerated positive ion the electron’s trajectory is a
structure,  - fine structure constant,  - electron velocity, h – helix. Then the bound ion-electron pair may move with signifi-
Planck constant,  c  1.236 1020 (Hz) - Compton frequency cantly lower velocity, while the electron moves with one of its
The static pressure defines the Newtonian mass as a pressure quantum velocities, preferably the optimal one corresponding to
exercised on the impenetrable volume of the elementary particle 13.6 eV. In the case of a hydrogen ion (proton), the ion to electron
structure. mass ratio is 1836, while their magnetic moment ratio is 1/1519.
The Dynamic CL pressure defines the Zero Point Energy of Consequently the magnetic field of the electron moving in a helix
Dynamic type (ZPE-D) envisioned by Quantum Mechanics. It is will largely dominate the magnetic field from the proton. This
responsible for the existence of the Electrical and Magnetic fields. will assure not only a stable motion of an individual ion-electron
The Partial CL pressure is related to the confined motion of pair but also a stable motion of a cluster comprised of such pairs
the electron with one of its quantum velocities, in which the sig- (this effect is observed by some researchers). At the same time,
nature of the fundamental Fine Structure Constant plays a role. the dominating mass of the ion will not allow a fast acceleration
The analysis in BSM-SG Chapter 10 allowed identification of the of the pair in comparison to the free electron. Investigating many
relation between the gravitational and inertial mass of the ele- prior art experiments on EM activated plasma, the author found
mentary particle. The derived results are transferred also to at- a signature of the predicted oscillations. In an external AC elec-
oms, molecules and solid objects. trical field, such ion-electron pairs perform a reversible motion
The equation of static pressure and the structure of the elec- limited by the free path between collisions. The latter depends on
tron permitted derivation of the mass equation for a stable ele- the gas pressure, but the oscillating pair seems to have an in-
mentary particle with impenetrable volume, VH. creased free path.
It was predicted and found experimentally that QM interac-
2hvc 4 (1   2 ) (4)
m  ( PS c 2 )VH  Ve tion with the physical vacuum takes place in the moment of di-
 2c 5 rectional reverse of the ion-electron pair, but this usually occurs
Eq. 4 shows that the mass of the particle could be changed by
for a determined number of cycles. At that particular moment, a
changing the Static CL pressure, PS. From the right side of Eq.4
spin change of the electron occurs that is a type of QM effect.
we see that such change is possible if the light velocity is
Long Beach 2010 PROCEEDINGS of the NPA 487
The described physical mechanism of QM interaction is called The applied voltage is DC but with an arrangement of induc-
a Heterodyne Resonance Mechanism, while the technical method tance involved in the resonance with the oscillating ion-electron
of its activation is called a Heterodyne Resonance Method [9,12]. pairs [12]. Its optical signature is the glow discharge that enve-
The most important feature of this mechanism is that QM inter- lopes the cathode (the left side electrode in Fig. 3). The anode is
actions at the superhigh Compton frequency can be triggered by at the right side of the column separated by a gap (known as the
an AC field in the accessible frequency range from 2 to 100 kHz. Faraday gap) from the cathode glow.
The optimal activation voltage and frequency depends on the Note that the glow surrounding the cathode appears also in a
working gas pressure and the geometry of the electrode system. region where the applied electrical field is zero. This is so be-
The frequency of reversible motion of the ion-electron pair, how- cause the process is accompanied by longitudinal waves the di-
ever, is in the MHz range and depends on a number of parame- rection of which is normal to the surface of the electrode. They
ters including the type of gas and pressure. The activation of the were first observed by Nikola Tesla, while their theoretical
Heterodyne Mechanism requires an electrical pulse with ampli- treatment is provided by Vlaenderen [13] and Butusov [14].
tude above some threshold limit. It could be activated also by a For observing the predicted spin change of the electron, a test
DC pulse. At normal air pressure, usually a high voltage (HV) with active feedback was arranged [12]. The signature of the spin
AC or DC pulse is required. The optical signature is a glow dis- change for a hydrogen gas in partial vacuum is apparent from
charge, but in the case of the Heterodyne Mechanism, it has a the observed waveform shown in Fig. 4.a and the spectrum
few distinctive features. shown in Fig. 4.b.
(1) The applied AC field (in kHz range) only activates the Het-
erodyne Mechanism while the frequency of the reversible
motion of the pairs is much higher (in MHz range)
(2) when activated by a HV DC pulse, the power consumption
is much smaller
(3) The Heterodyne Mechanism is located in the glow discharge
surrounding the cathode
Fig. 2 illustrates the traces of the reversible motion of ion- Fig. 4. a – waveform, b- spectrum. Signature of electron spin change:
electron pair activated by an AC field. t SF  t HF from a. and the two peaks in the spectrum shown in b.

The Heterodyne Resonance Mechanism invoked by EM acti-

vated plasma surrounding an object causes a change of gravity. If
the plasma envelope is asymmetrical, a gravity sink appears.
Fig. 2. Traces of the reversible motion of ion-electron pair. This is a gravito-inertial effect called “Stimulated Anomalous
1 – ion trace, 2- electron trace, 3 magnetic field, 4a and 4b – electrodes. Reaction to Gravity” (SARG) [15]. When combined with a mag-
netic field with a proper configuration, the gravitational and in-
ertial mass of the object will be changed. This change will affect
3. Experimental research also the surrounding gas molecules. As a result, the invoked mo-
The glow discharge has been known for more than a hundred tion will exhibit less air turbulence. Fig. 4 shows a simple plasma
years. Despite the advances in Plasma Physics, some features actuator for demonstration of the SARG gravito-inertial effect.
bothered the theoreticians and experimenters for many years. In
the last two decades, the research has been focused on a glow
discharge at normal pressure [2,3,4,5,6,7]. The author analyzed
many experiments from a point of view of BSM-SG theory and
provided his own experiments. His research work includes ex-
periments at partial vacuum and at normal air pressure. The
Fig. 5. Plasma actuator demonstration of SARG effect.[11,12]
purpose of the partial vacuum experiments was to identify the
predicted Heterodyne Resonance mechanism by observing its
Fig. 6 shows one of the permanent motion experiments dem-
detectable signatures. The purpose of the experiments in normal
onstrating the SARG effect.
air pressure was to identify the gravito-inertial effect.
Fig. 3 shows the optical signature of the Heterodyne Reso-
nance mechanism invoked in a cell filled with oxygen at pressure
of 12 mbar.

Fig 3. Optical signature of the Heterodyne mechanism Fig. 6. Rotating plasma thrusters [12,16]
488 Stoyan Sarg: Theoretical and Experimental Research on Field Propulsion
Other demo experiments with different arrangements are not be valid for this kind of propulsion. Newton’s second law
posted on Youtube [16]. In one of them, the plasma actuator was should be valid but considering a reduced mass.
enclosed in a transparent cylinder in order to eliminate the pos- For a few reasons, including harmful biological effects and
sible influence of ion wind. An application for invention based EMI noise, the Field Propulsion cannot be considered as a re-
on the discovered SARG effect was submitted to CIPO, Canada placement of commercial aircraft based on jet propulsion. Its
on 26 Aug 2008 [11]. Fig. 7 shows a possible shape of a spacecraft major advantages are for interplanetary and deep space travels.
with a Field Propulsion based on the SARG effect. The activated
plasma is external. One essential difference from the vacuum Acknowledgements
experiments is that the plasma is not activated by opposite elec- I appreciate the useful discussions with my colleagues and
trodes. However, the longitudinal waves play an important role collaborators including Andrew Michrowski from the Planetary
in invoking the Heterodyne mechanism in this case. This re- Association for Clean Energy, Canada and William Treurniet,
quires a specific design of the electrode system, the means for Ottawa, Canada. My special thanks go to Nikolaos Balaskas,
plasma activation, and proper selection of the materials. The ef- York University, Canada, for the useful information and encour-
fect will be more efficient when a preactivated plasma is ejected. agement in my experimental research.
Such kind of spacecraft may travel even better in deep space. The
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