Acids Bases and Salts
Acids Bases and Salts
Acids Bases and Salts
(iii) The acid dissolves in water to make a solution Thus, concentrated and dilute solutions of an
that turns blue litmus red. acid differ from each other only in the
proportions of the acid and water in them.
(iv) It is sour in taste.
3. Strong and weak acids : The strength of an
(v) It reacts vigorously with a base to produce a
acid is determined by the amount of hydrogen
ions (H+) that the acid provides when
The hydrogen atoms present in an acid that can be dissolved in water.
replaced by a metal or a group of elements are
Some of the acids, when dissolved in water,
called replaceable hydrogen or acidic hydrogen.
get almost completely dissociated to provide
Classification of Acids : hydrogen ions. These acids are called strong
Depending upon the elements present, acids may acids. For example, hydrochloric acid (HCl),
be classified as follows. nitric acid (HNO3) and sulphuric acid
(H2SO4) are strong acids.
(i) Oxyacid : Acids that contain both hydrogen
and oxygen are called oxyacids. For example, On the other hand, there are some acids
nitric acid (HNO3), sulphuric acid (H2SO4) which when dissolved in water, are only
and phosphoric acid (H3PO4) are oxyacids. incompletely dissociated to give hydrogen
ions. These are called weak acids. For
(ii) Hydracid : Acids that contain hydrogen and example, carbonic acid (H2CO3) and acetic
other nonmetallic element(s), except oxygen, acid (CH3COOH) are weak acids.
are called hydracids. For example,
hydrochloric acid (HCl) and hydrocyanic acid Basicity of an acid :
(HCN) are hydracids. The basicity of an acid is the number of
Acids may also be classified as follows. replaceable hydrogen atoms present in a molecule
of the acid.
1. Organic and inorganic acids : All sour things
that we use in our daily food contain acids. The acid which contains one replaceable
These acids are organic acids. Some of the hydrogen atom in its molecule is called a
monobasic acid and its basicity is 1. The acids 3. By the action of an acid on the salt of
containing two or three replaceable hydrogen another acid : An acid having higher boiling
atoms in their molecules are called dibasic acids point can react with the salt of an acid of
or tribasic acids and their basicities are 2 or 3. lower boiling point to produce an acid. For
example, NaCl is a salt of HCl. The boiling
Examples of a few acids with their basicities are
point of HCI is lower than that of H2SO4,
given in the table below.
When NaCl (salt of HCl) reacts with H2SO4,
Acid Basicity HCl is formed.
HCl 1 H2SO4 + NaCl NaHSO4 + HCl
HNO3 1 General Properties of Acids :
H2SO4 2 1. They are sour in taste.
H3PO4 3 2. They turn blue litmus paper red.
Preparation of Acids : 3. Acids show acidic properties only in the
There are several methods for preparing acids. presence of water. This can be demonstrated
Some of them are discussed here. by the following activity.
1. Synthetic method : In the synthetic method, Dry hydrogen chloride gas does not produce
acids are prepared by direct combination of H+ ions in the absence of moisture/water. It
elements. For example, hydrogen and produces H+ ions only in the presence of
chlorine react together under the action of an moisture/water.
electric spark to produce hydrogen chloride HCl + H2O H3O+ + Cl–
gas which is absorbed in water to give
4. Their aqueous solutions conduct electricity.
hydrochloric acid.
electric spark
5. They react with certain metals with the
H 2 Cl 2 2HCl evolution of hydrogen gas.
Similarly, sulphuric acid may be obtained EXAMPLES :
from its elements as follows.
Metals like potassium, sodium, calcium,
S O 2 SO 2 magnesium, aluminium, zinc and iron can react
sulphur oxygen sulphur dioxide
with the aqueous solution of an acid to evolve
2SO 2 O 2 2 SO3 hydrogen gas.
sulphur trioxide
2Na + 2HCl 2 NaCl H2
sodium chloride hydrogen
SO3 H 2O H 2 SO 4
sulphuric acid
Fe + 2HCl FeCl2 H2
2. By dissolving acidic oxides in water : Some ferrous chloride
Mn + 2HNO3 Mn ( NO3 ) 2 H 2
magnesium nitrate
2. By the action of water or steam on some 2. They turn red litmus paper blue.
active metals Some active metals like sodium Take some soap solution in a test tube. Dip
and potassium react with cold water to form the tip of a red litmus paper into it. You will
hydroxides with the evolution of hydrogen see that red litmus paper turns blue. This
gas. indicates that the soap solution contains a
2Na + 2H2O 2NaOH + H2
3. They react with acids to produce salt and
Magnesium reacts with steam to form
magnesium oxide with the evolution of
hydrogen gas. NaOH + HCI NaCl + H2O
Mg + H2O MgO + H 2 2KOH + H2SO4 CuSO4 + 2H2O
magnesium oxide
Cu(OH)2 + H2SO4 CuSO4 + 2H2O
On passing superheated steam over red-hot
iron, ferrosoferric oxide is formed and In these reactions, the acid and the base
hydrogen gas is evolved. neutralize each other. Therefore, these
reactions are called neutralization reactions.
3Fe 4H 2O Fe3O 4 4H 2
iron steam ferrosoferric hydrogen Thus, a neutralization reaction may be
(red -hot) (superheated) oxide defined as a reaction between an acid and a
3. By heating carbonates of some metals When base, producing salt and water.
calcium carbonate is heated, calcium oxide This neutralization reaction may be explained
and carbon dioxide are formed. as follows. You know, all acids provide H+
CaCO3 CaO + CO2 ions and all bases provide OH– ions in
aqueous solution. Let us see what happens
Similarly, when zinc carbonate is heated, zinc when HCl and NaOH react together.
oxide and carbon dioxide are formed
HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O
ZnCO3 ZnO + CO2
or H+ + Cl– + Na+ + OH– Some of the bases, when dissolved in water, get
almost completely dissociated to provide
Na+ + Cl– + H2O
hydroxide ions. These bases are called strong
or H+ + OH– H2O bases. (Bases soluble in water are also called
Thus, during neutralization of an acid with a alkalis.) For example, sodium hydroxide and
base or vice versa H+ ions (from acid) and potassium hydroxide are strong bases.
OH– ions (from base) combine to produce
But there are bases which, when dissolved in
H2O molecules.
water, get only partially dissociated to give
4. The oxides which produce acids in aqueous hydroxide ions. These are weak bases. For
solutions are called acidic oxides which are example, magnesium hydroxide and ammonium
usually the oxides of nonmetals. Acidic
hydroxide are weak bases.
oxides react with bases to give salts and
water. Acidity of a Base :
2NaOH + CO 2 Na 2 CO3 H 2O The acidity of a base is defined as the number of
Carbon dioxide sodium carbonate water hydroxyl (OH) groups present in a molecule of
Ca(OH)2 + CO 2 CaCO3 H 2O the base.
Carbon dioxide calcium carbonate water
In each molecule of NaOH, KOH and NH4OH
5. When a base is heated with an ammonium only one hydroxyl group is present. Therefore, the
salt, ammonia gas, another salt and water are acidity of all these bases is 1.
produced. For example, when sodium
In Ca(OH)2 and Ba(OH)2 there are two hydroxyl
hydroxide is heated with ammonium chloride,
groups present in each molecule. Hence, their
the products formed are sodium chloride,
water and ammonia gas. acidity is 2.
The different types of salts are: normal salt, 1 mole of Pb(OH)2 requires 2 moles of HCl for
acid salt, basic salt and double salt. complete neutralization. But when 1 mole of
Pb(OH)2 is made to react with 1 mole of HCl,
1. Normal salt : A salt that does not contain some Pb(OH)2 is left unreacted. The salt
any replaceable hydrogen atoms or hydroxyl produced is not PbCl2, but Pb(OH)Cl.
groups is
Pb(OH)2 + HCl Pb(OH)Cl + H2O
lead oxychloride
Similarly, when one mole of Bi(OH)3 is reacted NaOH + HCl NaCl + H2O
with 1 mole of HNO3, the salt Bi(OH)2NO3 is
CuO + 2HCl CuCl2 + H2O
3. By direct union of a metal and a
Bi(OH)3 + HNO3 Bi(OH)2NO3 + H2O
nonmetal : Sodium and chlorine combine
Salts like Pb(OH)Cl and Bi(OH)2NO3 contain directly to form sodium chloride.
the OH group. These salts are called basic salts,
2Na + Cl2 2NaCl
because they can further react with the acids to
form H2O and the corresponding normal salts. Similarly, when sulphur is heated with iron
filings, ferrous sulphide (FeS) is formed.
Pb(OH)Cl + HCl PbCl2 +H2O
4. By the union between an acidic oxide and
Bi(OH)2NO3 + HNO3 + Bi(OH)(NO3)2 + H2O
a basic :
Bi(OH)(NO3)2 + HNO3 Bi(NO3)3 + H2O
CO 2 CaO CaCO3
Thus, a basic salt is formed when a poly acidic carbon dioxide calciumoxide calcium carbonate
4. Double salt : In a double salt, there are two 5. By the reaction between a metal and a
different negative ions and/or positive ions. For base : When zinc is heated with an aqueous
example, the mineral dolomite, CaCO3·MgCO3, solution of NaOH, sodium zincate (salt) is
contains both Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. Hence, it is a formed with the evolution of hydrogen gas.
double salt. Potash alum, K2SO4·Al2(SO4)3
General Properties of Salts :
24H2O, also is a double salt.
1. Reaction with an acid : When a salt reacts
Double salts exist only in the solid state. When
with an acid, another salt and acid are
dissolved in water, they break up into a mixture
formed. For example, when sodium
of two separate salts. For example, when potash
chloride is heated with sulphuric acid,
alum is dissolved in water, it breaks up as
sodium hydrogensulphate (at low
temperature) and then sodium sulphate (at
K2SO4 2K+ + SO 24 high temperature) are produced and
hydrogen chloride gas is evolved.
Al2(SO4)3 2Al3+ + 3SO 24
NaCl + H2SO4 NaHSO4 + HCl
Preparation of Salts :
(at low temperature)
1. By the reaction between metal and acid
2NaCl + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + 2HCl
Certain metals (for example, Zn and Mg)
react with HCl or H2SO4 to form salt and (at high temperature)
hydrogen. 2. Reaction with a base : A salt reacts with a
Zn + 2HCl ZnCl2 + H2 base to produce another salt and base.
2. By the reaction between an acid and a 3. Reaction with a metal : Sometimes, a salt
base : All acid-base reactions solution may react with a metal. For
(neutralization reactions) produce salts. example, when an iron nail is dipped into
an aqueous solution of copper sulphate, Uses of Salts :
copper gets deposited on the surface of the The following table lists uses of some salts.
nail and the ferrous sulphate formed
remains in the solution. Salts Uses
Sodium chloride 1. An essential requirement of
CuSO4 + Fe FeSO4 + Cu
our food
This reaction shows that iron is more
2. In the preservation of food
reactive than copper.
3. In curing fish and meat
Thus, more reactive metal can displace a
less reactive metal from a solution of its 4. In making a freezing mixture
salt. which is used by icecream
4. Behaviour of salts towards water :
5. In the manufacture of soaps
When a salt is dissolved in water, the solution
may be neutral, acidic or alkaline. This Sodium 1. As washing soda for cleaning
depends upon the nature of the salt used. carbonate clothes
(i) A normal salt derived from a strong acid 2. Used in the manufacture of
and a strong base gives a neutral solution. glass, paper, textiles, caustic
For example, the aqueous solutions of soda, etc.
NaCl and K2SO4 are neutral to litmus. 3. In the refining of petroleum
(ii) A normal salt derived from a weak acid 4. In fire extinguishers
and a strong base gives an alkaline
Sodium 1. Used as baking soda
solution. For example, the aqueous
solutions of both sodium carbonate 2. In fire extinguishers
(Na2CO3) and sodium acetate
3. As an antacid in medicine
(CH3COONa) are alkaline.
Potassium nitrate 1. To make gunpowder, fireworks
Na2CO3 + 2H2O 2NaOH + CO2 + H2O
and glass
CH3COONa + H2O CH3COOH + NaOH 2. As a fertilizer in agriculture
(iii) A salt derived from a strong acid and a
Copper sulphate 1. Commonly called 'blue vitriol',
weak base gives an acidic solution. For
used as a fungicide to kill
example, both aluminium chloride
certain germs
(AlCl3) and ammonium chloride (NH4Cl)
make acidic aqueous solutions. 2. In electroplating
NH4Cl + H2O NH4OH + HCl Potash alum 1. Used to purify water; makes
(iv) Solutions of acidic salts are acidic to suspended particles in water
litmus, i.e., these solutions turn blue settle down
litmus paper red. For example, a solution
2. As an antiseptic
of sodium hydrogensulphate (NaHSO4)
turns blue litmus paper red. 3. In dyeing
Sodium hydrogencarbonate (NaHCO3) solution,
however, is slightly alkaline.
The pH Scale : We can say that the pH of a neutral solution is 7.
In an acidic solution, [H+] > 1.0 × 10–7 M.
A litmus solution or litmus paper can be used to
determine whether a given solution is acidic or Let us assume, [H+] = 1.0 × 10–5 M.
basic. But suppose you have two acidic solutions pH = –log (1.0 × 10–5) = 5.
containing different amounts of acids in them. Here, we find that the pH of an acidic solution is
How can you say which solution is more acidic? less than 7.
Similar is the case with the basic solutions. This In an alkaline solution, [H+] < 1.0 × 10–7 M. Let
problem is solved by using a scale known as the
as assume, [H+] = 1.0 × 10–9 M.
pH scale introduced by S P Sorensen in 1909. pH
pH = –log (1.0 × 10–9) = 9.
of a solution indicates which solution is more
acidic or more basic than the other. In other words, the pH of an alkaline solution is
more than 7.
The acidity or basicity (alkalinity) of a solution is
The pH of different solutions at 298 K can now be
usually expressed in terms of a function of the H+
expressed on the pH scale as shown below.
ion concentration. This function is called the pH
pH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
of a solution.
Note: [H+] and [OH–] denote the concentrations of 2. The lower the pH, the more acidic is the
H+ and OH– ions respectively.
3. Neutral solutions or pure water has pH equal
The concentrations of H+ and OH– ions in
to 7.
aqueous solutions are usually very small numbers
4. Basic solutions have pH greater than 7.
and therefore difficult to work with. Since pH is
the negative logarithm of [H+], we get positive' 5. The higher the pH, the more basic is the
numbers and the inconvenience of dealing with
small numbers is eliminated. The pH values of some common solutions
pH plays a very important role in our everyday Note : Nettle is a stinging plant. When one
accidentally touches its hairs, a painful effect
is produced. As a remedy, the affected area is
1. In our digestive system : Hydrochloric acid rubbed with the dock plant. The dock plant is
alkaline which neutralizes the effect of the
produced in our stomach helps the digestion
of food without causing any harm to the
5. The brilliance of a tarnished copper vessel
stomach. But when the amount of the acid
can be restored by using acid : You know,
goes beyond a certain limit due to indigestion, lemon juice contains an acid. In order to clean
pain and irritation are created in the stomach. a copper vessel, we rub it with the piece of a
So, in order to neutralize the effect of excess lemon. The tarnish on the vessel is caused by
the formation of a layer of basic copper
acid, a mild base called antacid is usually
oxide. Since lemon juice contains citric acid,
taken. Magnesium hydroxide (milk of it reacts with the copper oxide to form copper
magnesia) is a mild base which is usually citrate and is washed away. The vessel then
used as an antacid. regains its shining appearance.
6. pH of soil : Soils are generally acidic. Plants Acids turn blue litmus red, whereas bases turn red
require definite pH range for their proper litmus blue.
growth. They do not grow in alkaline soil.
When a solution of an acid contains larger amount
Many plants do not grow properly in highly
of the acid, it is said to be concentrated, while that
acidic or highly alkaline soil. So, highly
containing smaller amount of the acid, is said to
acidic soil is treated by spreading quicklime,
be dilute.
slaked lime or calcium carbonate to lower its
Metals like sodium, potassium and calcium react
with an acid to liberate hydrogen gas.
pH of Salts :
Acids react with bases to produce salts and water.
The aqueous solutions of all kinds of salts do
Acids react with the carbonates and the
not have the same pH value.
hydrogencarbonates to give carbon dioxide gas.
(i) Salts of strong acids and strong bases :
The hydrogen atoms of an acid which can be
Sodium chloride (NaCl), potassium
partially or completely replaced by an atom or a
nitrate (KNO3), sodium sulphate
group of atoms are called replaceable hydrogen
(Na2SO4), etc., are salts of this category.
atoms. They are also called acidic hydrogen.
The aqueous solutions of these salts are
neutral with pH value of 7. The number of replaceable hydrogen atoms
present in a molecule of the acid is known as the
(ii) Salts of strong acids and weak bases :
basicity of the acid.
Aluminium chloride (AlCl3), copper
sulphate (CuSO4), zinc sulphate (ZnSO4), A compound that reacts with an acid to form a salt
etc., are salts of this category. The and water is called a base.
aqueous solutions of these salts are acidic
Bases that are soluble in water are called alkalis.
with pH value less than 7.
All alkalis are bases, but all bases are not alkalis.
(iii) Salts of weak acids and strong bases :
The reaction between an acid and a base is called
Sodium acetate (CH3COONa), sodium
neutralization reaction. In such a reaction, the acid
carbonate (Na2CO3) and sodium
and the base destroy the properties of each other.
hydrogencarbonate (NaHCO3) are
The number of hydroxyl groups (OH) present in a
examples of this category of salts. The
molecule of the base is called the acidity of the
aqueous solutions of these salts are basic
in nature with pH value more than 7
A salt is a compound formed by the reaction of an
acid with a base.
Everything that tastes sour contains an acid.
Na2SO4, CaSO4 and Na3PO4 are normal salts,
Acetic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid are a few
organic acids. Sulphuric acid, nitric acid and whereas NaHSO4, NaHCO3, Na2HPO4 are acid
hydrochloric acid are examples of inorganic acids. salts.
A strong acid is one which gets almost
completely dissociated when dissolved in
water to give hydrogen ions, whereas a weak
acid gets only partially dissociated in water to
give hydrogen ions.