CD-ROM Course Resource Notes
CD-ROM Course Resource Notes
CD-ROM Course Resource Notes
Method Activities
• Give each child one market stall template and one sheet • Children work in pairs to act out party role plays. Go
of toys. Put the children in groups to share coloured through the dialogue at the bottom of the page, and let
pencils, scissors and glue. children practise giving and opening presents in pairs.
• Ask children to first colour their market stall, then think of
a name and write it in the space on the template. Fluency Time! 5
• Then children colour and cut out the separate items. They A card game CB page 115
can choose where to stick them on the market stall.
Activities One copy of the animal cards template per child and one
• Children work in pairs to act out shopping role plays, copy of the animal writing project template per child
using the objects on each other’s stalls. (optional), coloured pencils and scissors for each group