CD-ROM Course Resource Notes

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CD-ROM Course Resource notes

The Course Resources section of the Assessment and Setting

Resource CD-ROM contains Extra Writing and Values The play takes place in two settings: the forest and a house.
worksheets for each unit, Writing Portfolio worksheets,
two playscripts of traditional children’s stories, five Fluency Props
Time! project templates and five Cut and Make activities. • For the forest, a green background (e.g. curtains or sheets);
The Extra Writing worksheets can be used after Lesson some paintings or pictures of trees
3 in each unit, the Values worksheets after Lesson 6 and • A red cloak which Little Red Riding Hood wears
the Writing Portfolio worksheets after every three units. • A grandma’s bonnet, glasses, and shawl (or similar)
Information on the values element of this course can be
• A wolf’s mask or outfit
found in the Introduction to this Teacher’s Book. These pages
give information on how to use the two playscripts, the Cut • A basket and some (paper) flowers
and Make activities and the Fluency Time! project templates. • A bed (made of rugs or blankets)
Preparing for the performances
Playscript 1
Read the through the play with the class as a group. Allocate
Goldilocks and the Three Bears the character roles to stronger children. The rest of the group
Synopsis take part in the chorus, singing or chanting the narration.
Goldilocks is a young girl with golden hair. One day she Read through the play several times so that the characters
wanders into a forest and finds the three bears’ house, but and the chorus get a chance to practise their lines. Ask
no-one is at home. She goes inside and tries the porridge, comprehension questions to check that children understand
eating all of the porridge in the baby bear’s bowl. She then what is happening throughout. Encourage children to take
tries the three different chairs and breaks the little one. Finally, home copies of the playscript to practise their lines at home.
she tries all the beds, before falling asleep on the smallest Now practise the play in class, with the key characters at the
bed. The bears come home and find her lying asleep. front (the chorus can remain in their seats). Practise the play
again using the props, with the chorus joining the characters
Cast at the front to add their lines. Do this as many times as is
Goldilocks, Goldilocks’ mum, Goldilocks’ dad, Daddy Bear, necessary before the performance for the parents.
Mummy Bear, Baby Bear, the Chorus You may wish to hand out copies of the playscript to parents
at the performance.
The play takes place in two settings: the forest and the bears’ Cut and Make 1 (Unit 1)
My classroom
• For the forest, a green background (e.g. curtains or sheets);
some paintings or pictures of trees One photocopy of the worksheet, a large piece of paper or
card, coloured pens or pencils, scissors, and glue for each
• A table with a tablecloth
group of four to six children
• A pan, three bowls, and three spoons
• Three different size chairs Method
• Three different size beds (made of rugs or blankets) • Children colour the classroom items on the sheet, then
cut them out.
Playscript 2 • Go around the class asking questions, e.g. What colour are
Little Red Riding Hood the chairs / tables in your classroom?
• Children stick their furniture items onto the large piece of
Synopsis paper or card to make their own classroom scene.
Little Red Riding Hood is a young girl who sets off through
the forest to visit her grandma, but strays from the path to Activities
pick flowers and meets a wolf. He runs quickly and arrives • Ask some of the children to show their pictures to
at Grandmother’s house before her. Grandmother faints the class and describe their classrooms, e.g. This is my
when she sees him, and he disguises himself by wearing her classroom. There are four tables. This table is red, etc.
glasses, bonnet, and shawl. When Little Red Riding Hood • Ask children to label the items in the picture and display
arrives, she mistakes the wolf for her grandmother, but just them in the classroom.
as he is about to eat her, she is saved by a kind woodcutter. • Children can sing the unit song from Class Book page 10
while pointing to the corresponding items on their pictures.
Little Red Riding Hood, Mummy, Grandma, the wolf, the
woodcutter, the Chorus

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Cut and Make 2 (Unit 4) Cut and Make 4 (Unit 10)
Numbers board game A weather card
Materials Materials
One photocopy of the worksheet, scissors, glue, and a piece One photocopy of the worksheet, a piece of card, and a
of card for each pair of children paper fastener per child; coloured pencils, scissors, and glue
for each group of six children
• Explain to children that they are going to make a board Method
game about numbers. Tell them that they do not need to • Children colour in the weather symbols and colour the
add up the sums on the worksheet for now. thermometer from blue at the bottom to red at the top.
• Show children the speech bubbles and explain that they They cut out the weather symbols and the arrows, then
must choose and write any number from one to 50 in cut out the thermometer along the dotted lines.
each space. The numbers should not be the answers to • Children mount the weather circle on a piece of card. They
the sums. They can then cut out the board game. fix the longer arrow at the centre with a paper fastener.
• Next, children cut out the two circled numbers. They stick • Children cut along the line below the thermometer to
one number to a piece of card, cut around it, and stick the make a slit. They put the shorter arrow through the slit,
other number to the back. This will be the coin they flip to folding it at the end to secure it. Show the children one
find out how many spaces they can move. you have prepared earlier as a model.
• Each child cuts another shape out of the card, e.g. a
square or a triangle. This is their counter. Activities
• Name different kinds of weather for children to show on
Activities their weather charts and thermometers, e.g. It’s windy and
• Children take turns to flip the ‘coin’ and move around the cold.
board. When they land on a speech bubble, they say the • Ask children to use their weather cards and thermometers to
number inside it. When they land on a rectangle, they present short weather reports to their groups. They position
work out the sum and say the answer. the arrows and make sentences about the weather, e.g.
• If they make a mistake, they move back to their original It’s sunny and hot. / It’s cold and it’s snowing.
position. The winner is the first to reach the ‘Finish’ square. • Use the weather charts with the unit song from Class
• When everyone has finished, hold up the game and ask Book page 76. As pupils sing each verse, they move the
individual pupils to say the answers to the sums. Go around arrows to indicate appropriate weather.
the class and give everyone a chance to say a number.
Cut and Make 5 (Unit 13)
Answers to sums
4, 16, 9, 80, 14, 20, 8, 11, 60, 13, 70, 100 An animal mask
Cut and Make 3 (Unit 8) One photocopy of the worksheet and a piece of elastic or
Make a clock string per child; coloured pencils, scissors, and glue for each
group of six children; card (optional)
One photocopy of the worksheet and a paper fastener per Method
child; scissors for each group of six children • Read the instructions on the worksheet together. Explain
that they are going to choose an animal and make eyes,
ears, a nose, and hair for it.
• Children cut out the clock face and the two clock hands • Children make their masks, following the instructions.
and fix them together with the paper fastener.
Use card if you have it to make the mask a little stronger.
Activities • Help children to make small holes on the side of the mask
• Ask children to work with a partner. Child A asks Child B and show them how to thread elastic or string through
questions about his / her daily routine, e.g. What time do and knot it at the ends.
you get up / have breakfast / go to school?
• Child B shows the answer by moving the hands of the
• Sing the unit song from Class Book page 98 and get
clock. Child A must say the time on the clock.
children to put on their masks at the appropriate verse.
• When children have finished speaking, ask questions to
children from different pairs, e.g. What time does Joaquin
have dinner? What times does Adora go to bed?
• Alternatively, ask some pairs to come to the front and use
their clocks to talk about their partner’s daily routine.

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Fluency Time! 1 lengthways, to make a long, narrow rectangle, and run their
A school word wheel    CB page 27  thumb along the crease so it leaves a mark on the paper.
• Children open out the paper, and fold it again widthways.
Materials Again, they should mark the crease so the fold is clear.
One copy of the word wheel template per child, coloured • When children open the paper out again, they cut along
pencils and scissors for each group the long crease they made first. They should cut almost to
the centre point, but leave the paper uncut in the middle.
Method • Show the children how to fold the paper in half again along
• Give out the word wheel templates. Each child should have the long crease to make a book with eight separate pages.
two pieces, to make the top and bottom of the wheel. • Children can colour and cut out the activities on the
• Put the children in groups to share coloured pencils and template, or draw and colour their own activities.
scissors. Ask children to colour in the items on both wheels. • Children write sentences about their activities, to describe
• Then ask them to cut carefully around the dotted lines to the activity and when they do it.
cut out the circles and the cupboard door.
• Show each group how to put the two sections together, Activities
with the objects on the bottom piece of paper. The • Children use the mini book to ask and answer about free
children will be able to spin the top circle, to reveal a time activities, and to find a time when they are both free.
different object through the cupboard door each time.
• Show students how to hold both pieces of paper together Fluency Time! 4
and push a pencil through the middle of the circle. A present    CB page 93 
Activities Materials
• Children can use their wheel to carry out simple dialogues, One copy of the present template and the wrapping paper
identifying and describing the objects they can see. template per child, coloured pencils, scissors and glue for
• If you have time, stick the circle showing the objects on a each group
piece of card, to make the wheel stronger. Stick this bottom
wheel to the pencil to make spinning easier. Method
• Give each child one sheet of presents and one wrapping
Fluency Time! 2 paper template. Put the children in groups to share
A market stall    CB page 49  coloured pencils, scissors and glue.
• Ask children to choose a present to colour and cut out, then
Materials cut out the wrapping paper. Show each group how to fold
One copy of the market stall template per child, coloured the wrapping paper around the present and stick it down.
pencils, scissors and glue for each group of children • When the presents are wrapped, children decorate them.

Method Activities
• Give each child one market stall template and one sheet • Children work in pairs to act out party role plays. Go
of toys. Put the children in groups to share coloured through the dialogue at the bottom of the page, and let
pencils, scissors and glue. children practise giving and opening presents in pairs.
• Ask children to first colour their market stall, then think of
a name and write it in the space on the template. Fluency Time! 5
• Then children colour and cut out the separate items. They A card game    CB page 115 
can choose where to stick them on the market stall.
Activities One copy of the animal cards template per child and one
• Children work in pairs to act out shopping role plays, copy of the animal writing project template per child
using the objects on each other’s stalls. (optional), coloured pencils and scissors for each group

Fluency Time! 3 Method

A mini book    CB page 71  • Give each child one animal cards template. Put the
children in groups to share coloured pencils and glue.
Materials • Ask children to colour the animals, then cut carefully
around the dotted lines to make separate cards.
One copy of the mini book template per child, one piece of
plain paper per child, coloured pencils, scissors and glue for Activities
each group
• Children play with their snap cards in pairs. They combine
Method the two sets and shuffle them, then take turns to place
cards face up on the table. When there is a matching pair,
• Put the children in groups to share coloured pencils,
the first person to say Snap! wins the set.
scissors and glue. Give each child one clothes cube piece
of plain paper first. Show them how to fold it half along • If you have time, give each child a copy of the writing
template. Ask children to choose two cards to stick on the
sheet, and use the space below to describe each one.

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