Radiated-Power Distribution in The Far Zone of A Moving System
Radiated-Power Distribution in The Far Zone of A Moving System
Radiated-Power Distribution in The Far Zone of A Moving System
1 Problem
Show that the angular distribution,
dP d2 U
= = f(cos θ , φ ), (1)
dΩ dt dΩ
of the power of electromagnetic radiation in the far zone of a system whose center of
mass/energy is instantaneously at rest in the (inertial) frame has the form,
dPsource dU 1 cos θ − β
= = 4 f ,φ , (2)
dΩ dt dΩ γ (1 − β cos θ)3 1 − β cos θ
for radiation by the source in the (inertial) lab frame where the system has velocity v along
z ) axes of the spherical coordinate systems (r, θ, φ) and (r , θ , φ ), β = v/c
the polar (z,
and γ = 1/ 1 − β 2, with c being the speed of light in vacuum. Comment on the angular
distribution of radiation as detected by distant, fixed observers in the lab frame.
Comment also on the case of acoustic radiation.
2 Solution
2.1 Effect of Retardation in the Lab Frame
While the main theme of this problem is the transformation between frames of power emitted
by a source, we first take note of the distinct, but related issue that the power emitted by
a moving source into some solid angle, as measured in the lab frame, is different from that
received by a fixed observer (in the lab frame) who subtends the same solid angle.
As suggested by the sketch above, the energy dUsource emitted by a moving source at
angle θ with respect to its velocity v during time interval dt is compressed into the spatial
interval (c − v cos θ)dt along the direction of emission, where c is the speed of propagation
in the lab frame. This energy is later received by a fixed observer during the time interval
(1 − v cos θ/c)dt, such that the power received is related by,
dPobserver 1 d2 Usource 1 dPsource
= = . (3)
dΩ (1 − v cos θ/c) dt dΩ (1 − v cos θ/c) dΩ
The relation (3) can also be considered as a consequence of the fact that the energy
received by the observer (in solid angle dΩ) during time interval dt was emitted by the
source during the retarded time interval dt (into the same solid angle dΩ), where,1
r(t ) r(t ) 1 dr v
t = t− , t=t + , dt = dt 1 + = dt 1 − cos θ , (4)
c c c dt c
and hence,
dPobserver d2 U 1 d2 U 1 dPsource
= = = , (5)
dΩ dt dΩ (1 − v cos θ/c) dt dΩ
(1 − v cos θ/c) dΩ
as found previously.
Both t and t are measured in the lab frame, so the difference between Psource and Pobserver
(both in the lab frame) is not an effect of “relativity”, but can be attributed to retardation.
In the instantaneous rest frame of the source, where β = 0, the power radiated by the
source in some solid angle is the same as that detected by a fixed observer with that solid
The angle θ of the vector dp with respect to the z/z axis is given by,
dp dp cos θ − β cos θ − β
cos θ = = = = , (10)
p p 2 + p⊥ 2 (cos θ − β)2 + (1 − cos2 θ)/γ 2 1 − β cos θ
and hence,
d cos θ
d cos θ = . (11)
γ 2 (1 − β cos θ)2
Of course, the azimuthal angles φ and φ have the same values, so the transformation of
solid angle dΩ = d cos θ dφ is,
dΩ = . (12)
γ 2 (1 − β cos θ)2
Also, a time interval dt for a fixed observer in the lab frame is related to the time interval
dt in the moving frame by time dilation,
dt = γ dt. (13)
Combining eqs. (7) and (10)-(13), the angular distribution of the power radiated by the
moving source can be written as,
dPsource d2 u 1 d2 u 1 cos θ − β
= = 4 = 4 f , φ . (14)
dΩ dt dΩ γ (1 − β cos θ)3 dt dΩ γ (1 − β cos θ)3 1 − β cos θ
This result is based on the transformation of the energy and momentum far from the source,
and so corresponds to the angular distribution of power according to a distant observer.
According to the argument of sec. 2.1, the angular distribution of power as detected by a
fixed, distant observer is,
dPobserver 1 dPsource 1 cos θ − β
= = 4 f ,φ . (15)
dΩ 1 − β cos θ dΩ γ (1 − β cos θ)4 1 − β cos θ
For example, although a single electric charge cannot emit radiation with an isotropic
angular distribution, this is possible for an appropriate current distribution [8]. If that
current distribution had bulk velocity v, the angular distribution observed in the lab frame
would be,
dPobserver 1
= 4 , (16)
dΩ γ (1 − β cos θ)4
2.2.2 Radiation by a Single Accelerated Charge
If an electric charge e has acceleration a in its instantaneous rest frame, then its angular
distribution of radiated power in that frame is given by the differential version of the Larmor
formula (in Gaussian units),
dP e2a2 sin2 α
= , (18)
dΩ 4πc3
where α is the angle between the acceleration vector and the direction to the observer in
the frame.
To relate the lab-frame acceleration 3-vector a to the acceleration a in its instantaneous
rest frame we recall that a velocity 4-vector can be defined as,
where β̇ = dβ/dt. The acceleration 4-vector in the instantaneous rest frame has components
c(0, β̇ ) = (0, a ), so the invariant square of the acceleration 4-vector is,
aμ aμ = −a2 = −c2 γ 6[β̇ − (β × β̇)2] = −γ 6 [a2 − (v/c × a)2 ]. (22)
Using eqs. (18) and (22) in (14), we the power radiated by the accelerated charge is,
dPobserver r2 Efar
e2[n̂ × ((n̂ − β) × a)]2
= r2 Sfar = = , (24)
dΩ 4πc 4πc3(1 − β cos θ)6
dPsource dPobserver e2[n̂ × ((n̂ − β) × a)]2
= (1 − β cos θ) = , (25)
dΩ dΩ 4πc3 (1 − β cos θ)5
where n̂ is a unit vector along the direction from the (retarded) source to the observer in
the lab frame. The forms (23) and (25) are equivalent, despite their apparent differences.
See, for example, sec. 14.3 of [9].
2.2.3 Acceleration Parallel to the Velocity
When the acceleration a is parallel to the velocity v, then a2 = γ 6 a2 and the polar angle θ
is the same as angle α. Then,
(cos θ − β)2 (1 − β 2 ) sin2 θ sin2 θ
sin2 α = sin2 θ = 1 − cos2 θ = 1 − = = ,(26)
(1 − β cos θ)2 (1 − β cos θ)2 γ 2(1 − β cos θ)2
and radiated power in the lab frame follows from eqs. (14) and (18), or from eqs. (23)-(24),
dP,source e2a2 sin2 θ dP,observer e2a2 sin2 θ
= , = . (27)
dΩ 4πc3 (1 − β cos θ)5 dΩ 4πc3 (1 − β cos θ)6
The dipole radiation pattern is folded forwards, as shown on the left below, with maximum
intensity at angle θmax ≈ 1/2γ when γ 1.
The radiation pattern is peaked in the forward direction, as shown on the right above, with
the null in the pattern at θ ≈ 1/γ for γ 1.
The total power radiated by the accelerated charge is,
1 1
dP⊥ e2 a2 d cos θ 1 1 − cos2 θ
P⊥,source = dΩ = − 2 d cos θ
2c3 −1 (1 − β cos θ) 2γ −1 (1 − β cos θ)5
dΩ 3
γ 4 e2 a2
= , (31)
using 2.153 of [10] and the integral in eq. (28).
2.2.6 Radiated Energy-Momentum 4-Vector
In general, an accelerated charge radiates momentum as well as energy, so we seek a 4-vector
description that combines these effects.
For this, we first rewrite eq. (32) as,
dUμ 2e2 aν aν
=− bμ , (41)
dτ 3c3
where bμ is a 4-vector whose components in the frame are (1, 0). The simplest choice is
that bμ = vμ /c = γ(1, v/c). Hence, it is plausible that,
dUμ 2e2aν aν
=− vμ . (42)
dτ 3c4
The momentum radiated in the lab frame is then given by,
the form sin2 ψ , where angle ψ is measured with respect to ρ̂. This radiation pattern (in
the frame) is not symmetric about the direction of the velocity v of the charge in the lab
frame.4 According to eq. (2), the radiation pattern in the lab frame is also not symmetric
about the the direction of v. Yet, according to eq. (43), the total momentum radiated in
the lab frame is along v (as measured by observers for which the present time in the lab is
their retarded time).5
It is tempting to cast the expressions for the angular distributions of radiated energy and
momentum into a Lorentzian form. For this, we introduce a 4-vector nμ associated with the
unit vector n̂ by defining its components in the instantaneous rest frame to be,
nμ nμ = −1. (47)
where a⊥ is the component of the acceleration in the instantaneous rest frame perpendicular
to the direction to the observer, n̂. That is,
a⊥,μ = aμ + aν nν nμ , (51)
This can be illustrated via consideration of the frame that moves with velocity −v to the lab frame,
where v is the projection of v onto the axis of the helix. In the frame, the motion of the charge in is
a circle, and the radiation patterm (see sec. 2.2.4) is symmetric about the plane perpendicular to ρ̂ that
contains the charge.
In particular, we consider a photon that is emitted in the forward direction in the frame, i.e., in the
direction of v . We can say that this photon is a particle with velocity u = c v̂ = c v̂⊥ .
A Lorentz transformation from the frame back to the lab frame takes v to v and u to u. The velocity
transfrom of u is such that the angle θ u of the velocity vector with repect to the axis of the helix is,
1 − v2 /c2 u⊥ 1 − v2 /c2 c
tan θu = = , (45)
u + v v
while, noting that v⊥ = v⊥ / 1 − v2 /c2 , the transform for angle θ v yields tan θv = v⊥ /v . In general,
v⊥ = 1 − v2 /c2 c, so a photon radiated in the forward direction in the frame is not in the forward
direction in the lab frame.
This result is implied just before eq. (5) of [13], where is it noted that the radiation of energy/momentum
by a charge in helical motion does not change the direction of the charge, while reducing its speed slightly.
whose invariant length squared is,
a⊥,μ aμ⊥ = aμ aμ + (aν nν )2 nμ nμ + 2(aν nν )2 = −a2 + (aν nν )2 = −a2 + (a · n̂ )2 = −a⊥ 2 .(52)
With this notation (inspired by sec. 5.1 of [14]), we can write eq. (18) as,
However, this cannot be so, as can be seen in various ways. While dUμ /dτ is a 4-vector, dΩ
is not a Lorentz invariant as it transforms according to eq. (12). Also, as discussed at the
beginning of this section, dU/dt dΩ and c dP/dt dΩ are in the ratio,
n γ[n̂ + (γ − 1)(n̂ · β)β]
1 : n̂ = = , (56)
n γ 2 + (γ 4 − 2γ 2 + 2γ − 1)(n̂ · β)2
whereas in the lab frame v0 /c + n0 = γ(1 + n̂ · β), while the 3-vector part of vμ /c + nμ is,
Hence, this author is skeptical that eq. (5-16) of [14], i.e., eq. (55) above, holds in the
lab frame, although it is correct in the instantaneous rest frame.
that frame, as there is no absolute rest frame for electromagnetic waves (no electromagnetic
æther). Hence, it is “obvious” that the forward/backward ratio for an isotropic electromag-
netic radiator is unity, no matter what is the velocity of the frame of the source and observer.
In contrast, the angular distribution (in the rest frame of the source) of sound waves emitted
by a source depends, in general, on the velocity of the air in that frame; the general sense
is that the angular distribution is “blown downwind”. So, it is less obvious that Lighthill’s
claim is true for sound waves than for electromagnetic waves.
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