Format - Design Thesis

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Work – Record
Academic Year 2020 – 2021

Name of the Student:

(IN BLOCK letters beginning with Surname)

Examination No:

Contact No: Email id:

Thesis Project Title:

Thesis Guide:

Thesis Coordinator:

Thesis In-charge:

Principal: Ar. Rajesh Mehta



Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Marks

Term II
Lecture Periods per

Studio Periods per


Total Contact Periods

per week

Sessional work for the Architectural Project shall consist of a Design Solution: Graphically presented
design solution in form of sufficient number of architectural drawings, (manually drawn
computerized) with models etc. Since the Architectural Project is the culmination of five years of
learning in various aspects of Architecture, it is expected that students demonstrate an ability of
holistic and comprehensive thinking in the areas of,

• Site Planning
• Structural considerations
• Interior space planning
• Environmental planning
• Building Services.
• Climate responsive, Energy efficient design and exhibiting qualities of Sustainable
• Architectural Detailing

The portfolio will consist of drawings sufficiently in detail to demonstrate the Consideration given
to the above mentioned attributes of a good quality Architectural Project. Emphasis shall be given
to the preparation of self-explanatory drawings in great detail, as if in any Architectural

The INTERNAL ASSESSMENT OF Architectural Project" shall be carried out STAGE WISE as decided
by the individual College. The final assessment in the examination shall be done by the Internet and
External Examiner, in the exam the student will display and explain his work on the space allotted
to him and answer all the queries raised by the Examiners.

The Time allotted per student shall be minimum 3 minutes to maximum 45 minutes. The Internal
stage wise marking shall be done out of 150 marks and External marking shall be done jointly by
the External Examiner/s out of 150 marks. 100 marks shall be reserved for oral presentation to be
assessed jointly by both Internal and External Examiners.

The individual college will make available Guides specializing in various disciplines who will make
themselves available to the students in college premises on pre appointed days and time Individual
Guide will guide maximum of FIVE STUDENTS of a particular College in which he is working as a
Guide. Total number of students from all the Colleges shall not exceed EIGHT at anyone time.
In order to qualify to work as a Guide the teacher/ professional must possess minimum of FIVE
YEARS of teaching professional experience. Efforts shall be made to appoint guides who have high
academic qualification, having rich Professional experience and contributed in a major way to the
field of Architectural Education/Profession.

1 Introduction of project, data collection and standards Min 1 Sheet of A1

2a Book/Internet case studies with authentic references and Min 2 A1 Sheets

inferences Book/Internet case studies with authentic references
and inferences

2b Live case studies, comparative analysis and inferences Min 4 A1 Sheets

(3 sheets for case
studies and 1
sheet for

3 Site selection site study and analysis sheets

a. Site location (Google image, latitude and longitude)
b. Site area calculation by triangulation method
c. Slope/Contour analysis
d. Vegetation (Flora and fauna)
e. Hydrology (streams, rivers and lakes)
f. Visual analysis (built and natural features, site
surroundings, connectivity with roads)
g. Manmade features (High tension line, Water body Flood
h. Services availability at site (Main water supply drainage
line, electrical supply)
i. Soil data for the site (Type, strata and bearing capacity)
j. Seismic zones and magnitude of earthquake
k. Climatic data (Indian Meteorological Department data
can be referred, sun path analysis, bioclimatic chart for
climate responsive strategies)
l. Any additional data related to site

4 Concept sheet concept of design, explaining the design Min 1 Sheet of A1

development and process through sketches and graphical
representation or any other medium.
5 Site plan showing Roof plan of all building units with Min 1 Sheet of A1
a. Road network and connectivity (Sheets to be
b. Ramps (In and out), pedestrian, vehicular added as per
ways/directions different parking
c. Parking layout for various levels if any. (Cars, scooters levels)
and cycle parking to be shown with proper turning
radius, mechanical parking/stack parking details if any)
d. (Universal or accessible design concept/ barrier free
design/disabled friendly design)
e. Area calculation for site: Roads, open spaces, amenity
spaces, ground coverage, net plot area, etc.
Scale: 1 200 or it can also be 1:100, depending on the project scale
6 Site plan showing Ground floor plan of all building units with Min 1 Sheet of A1
column orientation, parking, ramps in and out), pedestrian and
vehicular way/directions
Scale 1:200 or it can also be 1:100, depending on the project scale
7 Landscape detail Min 1 Sheet of A1
a. Enlarged details of some important spaces
b. Softscape, hardscape and services details of enlarged area
Scale: 1:100 or it can also be 1:50, depending on the project scale
8 Site plan showing all services such as Min 1 Sheet of A1
a. Water supply layout (Main water supply line Underground
water tank and Overhead water tank)
b. Drainage layout showing locations of Inspection chambers
with invert levels, STP's, Soak pit and Main drainage line
c. Electrical supply layout with locations of transformers, DG
d. Rainwater harvesting and management layout with
e. Fire services (Fire tender movement and fire hydrants)
f. Garbage disposal
Scale: 1:200 it can also be 1:100, depending on the project scale
9 Site sections showing external road (Transverse and Longitudinal) Min 1 Sheet of A1
(Min 4 Nos.)
Scale: 1:200

10 All floor plans of all building units to explain the design A1 Sheets
(Internal passages, functional areas, furniture layout, structural (No. of sheets will
system, etc. to be shown) vary as per
a. Area calculations (As per by-laws) project)
11 Enlarged floor plans with furniture layout of important activities to A1 Sheets
be shown. (Min 2 nos) (No. of sheets will
Scale: 1:50 vary as per
12 Sections through all building units, cut through the staircase, A1 Sheets
escalators, lift, basement toilet block, other design features such as (No. of sheets will
courtyard, water body etc. (Min 4 nos) vary as per
Scale 1:100 project)
13 a. All side elevations showing facade details for every A1 Sheets
building (No. of sheets will
b. Cross section elevation through façade vary as per
Scale 1:100 project)
14 Construction system, techniques and materials Min 2 Sheet of A1
a. Details of the wall assembly, roof, etc. designed with
climatic considerations
b. Earthquake resistance techniques
c. Structural details (Kindly check the need of expansion
joint (25mm) if the building length increases by 30m.)

d. Material specifications

15 Services at building level shown on floor plans A1 Sheets

a. Water supply layout showing underground water tank, (No. of sheets will
overhead water tank and plumbing layout vary as per
b. Drainage layout showing toilet details, locations of gully project)
traps and inspection chambers,
c. Electrical supply layout showing locations of meter room
and electrical ducts
d. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning layout (Central
AC plant, AHU room, ducting layout)
e. Fire services (Fire escape staircase, fire hydrants,sprinklers
and fire alarm system)
Scale 1:100
16 Model showing the site development and buildings on 6 mm
plywood base, with 15 inches lipping and proper template.
Scale: 1 100
17 3d views Min 2 Sheet of A1
a. Site
b. Buildings
c. Internal and external spaces, etc.
18 Walkthroughs if any can be presented
19 Black book (3 hard copies with drawing set) A4 size
197) on sunlit
bond or
equivalent paper
with standard
binding with black
or brown cloth,
with embossed
title on top
preferably on the
20 The students have to submit two CD's to the college library. One CD
with pdfs of all drawings and the pdf of the Black book, and the
other CD must contain editable CAD drawings and the word files of
the Black book.

• Any additional drawings can be added.
• All progressive drawings duly signed by guides and block models have to be
submitted along with the final portfolio.
• Final Marking of all drawings and model will be done on the day of the final
internal submission and not on the day of the external examination
• If the above drawing requirements are not understood, please contact thesis guide
or thesis coordinator.
• As per size of site and project, drawing scale can be decided by guide and students.

Sign of Sign of
Date Suggestions given by Guide
Guide Student

Sign of Sign of
Date Suggestions given by Guide
Guide Student

Sign of Sign of
Date Suggestions given by Guide
Guide Student

Sign of Sign of
Date Suggestions given by Guide
Guide Student

Sign of Sign of
Date Suggestions given by Guide
Guide Student

Sign of Sign of
Date Suggestions given by Guide
Guide Student

Sign of Sign of
Date Suggestions given by Guide
Guide Student

Sign of Sign of
Date Suggestions given by Guide
Guide Student

Sign of Sign of
Date Suggestions given by Guide
Guide Student

All books relevant to the topic of the Architectural project.
Note: Marks for Thesis work shall be allotted by the respective guide and project committee. Final
marking will be done by an internal panel of three members appointed by the institute, as far as
possible. Practicing Architects should be involved by the institute in this panel, if a student fails to
submit his work according to decided schedule, his/her internal marking will be affected. Unless a
student passes in the internal assessment, he/she will not be allowed to appear for the external

The type written Thesis must be presented in neatly bound 3 copies, one copy of which will be
retained by the college, one retained by the guide and one returned to candidate. The size of the
Thesis volume must be A4 size (TRIMMED 201X 297) on sunlit bond or equivalent paper with
standard binding with black or brown cloth with embossed title on top and preferably on the
spine. The printed format of certificate which will be supplied by college will be bound along
with other written pages in the beginning of the dissertation. This will be certified and signed by
the college authorities as an authentication of the work by the guide who has guided the work.
The Index page must contain the following sequence and paging the volume must follow this
sequence. Attach either reduced size Xerox or photocopies of drawings (of legible) or prints
neatly folded to suit the size of the volume.

1. Introduction (the why and what of the project)

2. Planning proposals (what do you wish to do?)
3. Case studies (actual similar examples - book and visited)
4. Location (Where is it proposed brief environmental characteristics)
5. Physical photographs (surrounding details)
6. Design determinates (concepts that guided you to arrive at the decisions or solution)
7. Architectural proposals (Actual copies of drawings and/or reduced photocopies)
8. Bibliography (reference books, papers etc. from where information is gathered)

It is recommended that the appraisal or the criticism of building projects which appears in magazine
on Architecture be read so as to acquaint the student with technical language in explaining case

I have read, understood and taken a note of all the information given in this book and am aware of
the drawing requirements and submission that needs to be submitted.

Student's name and sign Thesis guide's name and sign


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