Tile Works Manual
Tile Works Manual
Tile Works Manual
.1 American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/Ceramic Tile Institute (CTI)
.1 ANSI A108.1, Specification for the Installation of Ceramic Tile (Includes
ANSI A108.1A-C, 108.4-.13, A118.1-.10, ANSI A136.1).
.2 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
.1 ASTM C144, Specification for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar.
.2 ASTM C207, Specification for Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes.
.3 Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB)
.1 CAN/CGSB-51.34, Vapour Barrier, Polyethylene Sheet for Use in Building
.2 CGSB 71-GP-22M, Adhesive, Organic, for Installation of Ceramic Wall
.3 CAN/CGSB-75.1, Tile, Ceramic.
.4 Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
.1 CAN/CSA-A3000, Cementitious Materials Compendium (Consists of A5,
A8, A23.5, A362, A363, A456.1, A456.2, A456.3).
.5 Terrazzo Tile and Marble Association of Canada (TTMAC)
.1 Tile Specification Guide 09300, Tile Installation Manual.
.2 Tile Maintenance Guide
.1 Include manufacturer's information on:
NL Master Specification Guide
for Public Funded Buildings
Re-Issued 2016/01/25 Section 09 30 13 – Ceramic Tiling Page 2 of 6
.1 Ceramic tile, marked to show each type, size, and shape required.
.2 Dry-set Portland cement mortar and grout.
.3 Divider strip.
.4 Reinforcing tape.
.5 Levelling compound.
.6 Waterproofing isolation membrane.
.2 Submit duplicate 300 x 300 mm sample panels of each colour, texture, size, and
pattern of tile.
.3 Trim shapes, bullnose cap and cove including bullnose cap and base pieces at
internal and external corners of vertical surfaces, each type, colour, and size.
.4 Adhere tile samples to 11 mm thick plywood and grout joints to represent project
.4 Deliver all products to job site in manufacturer’s unopened cartons with all labels
intact and legible.
.5 Keep cartons dry and protect from vandalism and away from heavy traffic area.
.3 Do not apply epoxy mortar and grouts at temperatures below 15°C or above 25°C.
.2 Provide minimum 2% of each type and colour of tile required for project for
maintenance use. Store where directed.
NL Master Specification Guide
for Public Funded Buildings
Re-Issued 2016/01/25 Section 09 30 13 – Ceramic Tiling Page 3 of 6
.1 Tile setters: Minimum 5 years proven experience.
.1 Construct mock-ups in accordance with Section 01 45 00 – Quality Control.
.2 Allow two (2) working days for inspection of mock-up by Owner’s Representative
before proceeding with work.
.3 When accepted, mock-up will demonstrate minimum standard for this work. Mock-
up may remain as part of finished work.
.2 Use trim shapes sizes conforming to size of adjoining field wall tile, including
existing spaces, unless specified otherwise.
.4 Latex additive: formulated for use in portland cement mortar and thin set bond coat.
.5 Water: potable and free of minerals and chemicals which are detrimental to mortar
and grout mixes.
1.14 GROUT
.1 Portland cement grout: as recommended by tile manufacturer.
.1 Thresholds: marble, 12 mm thick, rounded edges two sides, honed finish to exposed
surfaces, size to suit door opening and frame width.
.1 Do tile work in accordance with TTMAC Tile Installation Manual, “Ceramic Tile”,
latest edition.
.3 Fit tile around corners, fitments, fixtures, drains and other built-in objects. Maintain
uniform joint appearance. Cut edges smooth and even. Do not split tiles.
.5 Make joints between tile uniform and approximately 1.5 mm wide, plumb, straight,
true, even and flush with adjacent tile. Ensure sheet layout not visible after installation.
Align patterns.
.7 Sound tiles after setting and replace hollow-sounding units to obtain full bond.
.9 Use bullnose edged tiles at termination of wall tile panels, except where panel abuts
projecting surface or differing plane.
.10 Install divider strips at junction of tile flooring and dissimilar materials.
.12 Clean installed tile surfaces after installation and grouting cured.
.13 Make control joints where indicated. Make joint width same as tile joints. Fill
control joints with sealant in accordance with Section 07 92 00 - Joint Sealants. Keep
building expansion joints free of mortar and grout.
.1 Train user staff in the care and cleaning of ceramic tile and in the application of