Architectural Conceptual Design - The Sustainable Shopping Malls Structures

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Architectural Conceptual Design – the Sustainable Shopping Malls Structures

Article · December 2016

DOI: 10.13187/ejtd.2016.14.136


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1 author:

Bujar Bajçinovci
University of Prishtina


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European Journal of Technology and Design, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4

Copyright © 2016 by Academic Publishing House Researcher

Published in the Russian Federation

European Journal of Technology and Design
Has been issued since 2013.
ISSN: 2308-6505
E-ISSN: 2310-3450
Vol. 14, Is. 4, pp. 136-143, 2016

DOI: 10.13187/ejtd.2016.14.136

Articles and Statements

UDC 62

Architectural Conceptual Design – the Sustainable Shopping Malls Structures

Bujar Bajçinovci a
a Universityof Prishtina, Prishtina, Kosovo
E-mail: [email protected]

Respecting the specific problems of the time, aiming to solve them in a more natural and
sustainable way, we positively expect that those results will be a lighter problem for future
generations. Global challenges, associated with the development of technology, life style, day to day
issues and global world trends, the same design strategy cannot respond to all specific problems
faced by contemporary urban issues. The research methods and the study were investigated
through literature review, consisting of empirical observation through spatial planning, with an
accent to the shopping mall structures. The architectural conceptual design argued in this paper,
involves the design guidelines for the sustainable shopping mall structures. The aim of this
research was to emphasize the necessity of architectural design, as a creative artistic process,
a process which must take into consideration both of the involved “parties”: A good architectural
design aiming in generation of profit, and uniquely those same actions to preserve the
environment. A quality symbiotic bond, a divine commitment in-between populace and ambiance.
Existence of a duality, symbiotically integrated, genius loci with coexistence of matter and energy,
a simple awareness of fundamental truth. Hence, this conceptual design principle is expected
to have a significant positive impact in architectural design perceptions.
Keywords: Architecture, Design, Shopping malls, Sustainability, Environment.

1. Introduction
Many structures cope with fundamental demand of functional, energy efficiency and
sustainability objectives, with the immediate need to implement the energy of new renewable
sources such as solar energy, water and wind power sources, also, with a great potential to recycle
the huge waste content, moreover, collecting and using water from rainfall. Hence, we aim
environmentally and sustainable to introduce those actions into the practice, green actions, backed
up with the legal premise for environmental protection and respect the biodiversity. The future will
bring a more crucial challenges, which will directly reflect on a sustainable architectural design,
legal acts, quality of life, and generally we must engage in all forms and actions to preserve
environmental health. Administering and development of cities will require a more holistic urban
planning which must be always one step ahead of functional urban design requests and beyond day
to day needs of urbanites. Moreover, the architecture design will be constantly in pioneer role and
at the centre of a regional strategies for sustainable urban and social humanity development.
European Journal of Technology and Design, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4

Architectural structures and buildings, especially huge shopping mall structures must
prerequisite a more hybridization of functional interrelations in contemporary structures. There is
a huge traffic of potential customers in between shopping malls complexes, and urban regional
communities, accompanied with different types of functional services such as hotels, airports, and
mega terminal structures. The emphasis is on a consistent circulation, a mass movement and
circumference. A complex situation, where essentially the architects and urbanists has a crucial
role to address the conceptual models of urban planning, future migration actions, population
resettlements, motilities, and functionalities. Hence, addressing a clearer perception of
metropolitan complex metabolism.

2. Material and Methods

Conceptual determining locations for shopping mega structures
Economic commercial buildings in recent decades "moved" their location outside of the
cities, hence, with those relocations began a new phenomenon, the so-called shopping and
entertainment "out of town". Moreover, recently we are lacking with an absence of a green areas, as
a consequence we came in to situation to redefine the fundamental urban architectural concepts, in
same time, looking for the disposable business areas on the outskirts of urban liveability systems.
Hence, there is essential need to develop the market research, or marketing research as part
of holistic decision in potential actions to business assign the future location. One of the main
assumptions in the context of urban dynamics is the theory of relative attractiveness. “In addition
to applying the two rules, any future urban dynamics work must help urban decision-makers grasp
four interconnected principles that control urban behaviour” [1-5]:

 “Resource constraints
 Urban aging
 Relative attractiveness
 Growth vs. equilibrium.” [1].

“These four principles are still the fundamental forces driving city evolution today and an
understanding of how they combine to determine the impact of urban programs is essential to
effective decision-making.” [1].

“Urban dynamics represents a triumph of human reason, extending our capacity to see and
shape our future. Bogged down in political squabbles, we cannot envision how different the world
might be if urban dynamics theory became a global household word. The next twenty-five years are
crucial for the promotion of a dynamic viewpoint. Global population, pollution and resource usage
are all following dangerous trends. Urban dynamics has much to contribute to both the well-being
of urban residents and the well-being of our world.” [1].

However, urbanites or residents can choose which features they prefer. People choose where
to live based on such criteria. Therefore, a community far away from this mega shopping
structures, or centres must find a very good interest reason to prevail a very long distance from the
cities. In the other case, a community near the mega shopping structures, can sacrifice a lack of
parking zones, and the high cost of quality of life, only for the urban proximity.
Humans from beginning respected and valued environment in which they dwell, with
emphasis in finding harmony and symbiosis between their needs and the nature. Therefore,
selecting a location for economic commercial structures, must be well researched and studied the
following features:

 Analysis of spatial and spatial planning hierarchy

 Analysis of simple conceptual and urban models
 Analysis of integrated models, design as a holistic system
 Analysis of marketing research models

European Journal of Technology and Design, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4






Fig. 1. Possibility of locations, shopping mega structures. (Source: Author, 2016).

In principle, when determining the location and nature of the work to operate successful, we
must point out some basic business attributes:
 Locality where the environment is healthy and attractive
 Localities where there are many developed businesses
 Localities where people live comfortably and safely
 Localities where people live with applicable business laws
Planning and programming for commercial buildings realization from economic objectives,
means multi-disciplinary analysis, respectively require a holistic approach in achieving those tasks.
In the business context, firstly is required a profit, profit is the engine that drives a variety of
development activities and actions. Achieving the profit, with basic business maxim, which roughly
states ‘buy less expensive and then sell more expensive site’, can come in consideration like during
the process of urban planning for economic commercial buildings.

Fig. 2. Identifying primary region, > 60% of costumers. (Source: Author, 2016).

European Journal of Technology and Design, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4

The Design of Shopping Malls Structures

In the initial process of preparations for functional solutions, firstly we must decide for
flexible modular units, a feature, which directly affects the space of sustainability of the shopping
mall or a warehouse. A module unit will be designed in order to multiply by X times, in a such
manner to form functional composition solution. Hence, a convenient geometric module does not
mean to be ideal as the perfect model to be used in a general way. Therefore, the format of the basic
unit sales will continue to change over time. However, by considering the trend and initial design
concepts, a module unit must have flexible dimensions’, aiming on sales area that would fit in a far
more typical design solution. Moreover, I will generally refer to approved standards and
regulations in actual countries, aiming to achieve the international conceptual design standards.
It is therefore a very possible that modular design units of shopping mall structures to achieve an
interrelated functional hybridization [2].

Fig. 3. Conceptual composition of shopping mall zones (Source: Author, 2016).

Fig. 4. Conceptual composition of shopping mall zones (Source: Author, 2016).

One of the basic way for analysing, adopting, adapting, and improving the movement of
pedestrians in sales areas, will be based on an empiric observation on a circulation in a most
frequented sale zones.
Strong areas of a retail, are those that are perceived as most important for the sale of: brand,
exclusivity, and price. Or, the checkpoints as the most attractive outlets which a considered to be
corner shops, with other major attractions of leisure or areas close to restaurants, and
confectioneries. The busiest areas naturally are occurring to be to the main shops, while shopping
European Journal of Technology and Design, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4

interest are falling to happen over the communications, unless a new attraction appear, or
perceived a new point of interest.

The area of Multi-

Functional Zones
Sales area
Sales area

Supply area &

The area of Multi-
Functional Zones

Supply area &


Fig. 5. Functional organizational zones, shopping mall (Source: Author, 2016).

Fig. 6. Pedestrian circulation defines the geometry of mall (Source: Author, 2016).

Artery of main

Sales area

Fig. 7. Functional organizational scheme, points of interest (Source: Author, 2016).

European Journal of Technology and Design, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4

Warehouse Technical
Staff Staff



Police Service Sorting


Restaurants Caffe Maintenance RECREATION





Open - Parking’s Parking - Garages

Fig. 8. Functional organizational scheme, shopping mall. (Source: Author, 2016).

“Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you
dig deeper, it's really how it works.” Steve Jobs

3. Discussion
Many authors, many ecological actions, architects, conferences, and congresses argued the
benefits of wealth retention, environment had it. But actually, we must go further, a step ahead
European Journal of Technology and Design, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4

aiming to bond a connection and symbiotic harmony in between the environment and shopping
malls structures. Moreover, firstly we must be aware of profit, and secondly we must develop the
holistic perception from the viewpoint of global environmental conservation, preserving the energy
from natural and fossil resources, as well as making the waste reduction at the same time. And of
course, this applies not only referring with nearby buildings and near environment, but this life
philosophy includes a wider surrounding and a broader concept of local environment.
Therefore, the aim is to co-exist as holistic functional system, with both: the preservation of
environment and the profit, with both benefits at the same course. Core essence will be to ensure a
quality of urbanites life, or better quality of public health, more comfortable, riches and healthy, by
encouraging each participant in the life process, to participate in the construction process, to take
the responsibility of environmental care.
Hence, following four below cited features, by which, I prefer to find the correlation and
interrelation of three basic objectives, that must be met to achieve ecologically symbiotic harmony.
At the global level, global environmental protection, with impact in:
 Saving Energy and Control waste content
 More effective use of natural resources
Locally, achieving harmony with the surrounding environment:
 Adopt, Adapt, and Improve harmony with the local environment
At the residential level, a healthy environment and comfortable housing:
 Promote Public Health, Achieve human comfort and Insure safety
The criterion of human comfort in terms of whole state is one of the most important features
and fundamental attributes, furthermore, at the same time is a basic requirement of space
perception. Human comfort is vital phenomenon for the quality of life, and overall health.
There are countless facts which summarize the undisputed comfort satisfaction and convenience in
terms of sustainable and good architectural design, otherwise we find a vide presented various
symptoms of depression, serious diseases, apathy and in the long run leads to degraded overall
public health issues. Moreover, arguing about sustainable architecture, it is to speak for the health,
and above all is to preserve global wellness. This is not just about the professional capacities that
provide architecture: to shape the interior and exterior of the shopping malls structures, but, in
providing holistic bond with an ecosystem. Sustainable architecture design, as a creative process
has a clear objective: A quality symbiotic bond, a divine commitment in-between populace and
ambiance. Existence of a duality symbiotic integrated, genius loci with coexistence of matter and
energy, a simple awareness of fundamental truth.



Fig. 9. Environmental Triade, a symbiotic interrelation (Source: Author, 2016).

European Journal of Technology and Design, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4

“The history of architecture is the history of the struggle for light.” Le Corbusier

4. Conclusion
Respecting the specific problems of the time, aiming to solve them in a more natural and
sustainable way, we positively expect that those results will be a lighter problem for future
generations. Global challenges, associated with the development of technology, life style, day to day
issues and global world trends, the same design strategy cannot respond to all specific problems
faced by contemporary urban issues. The research methods and the study were investigated
through literature review, consisting of empirical observation through spatial planning, with an
accent to the shopping mall structures. Research is made within spatial regulation of urban blocks,
shapes of architectural models, focusing on the market and urbanites need, urban planning,
environmental concepts, and public health issues. The aim of this research was to emphasize the
necessity of architectural design, as a creative artistic process, a process which must take into
consideration both of the involved “parties”: A good architectural design aiming in generation of
profit, and uniquely those same actions to preserve the environment. A quality symbiotic bond, a
divine commitment in-between populace and ambiance. Existence of a duality, symbiotically
integrated, genius loci with coexistence of matter and energy, a simple awareness of fundamental
truth. Hence, those conceptual design principles are expected to have a significant positive impact
in architectural design perceptions.

1. Alfeld E.L. System Dynamics Review, Vol. 11, no. 3: 199-217. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
CCC 0883-7066/95/030199-19. 1995.
2. Bajçinovci B. Ndërtesat Hibride. Garazhat objektet komerciale ekonomike. Unpublished
manuscript, FNA, University of Prishtina, Prishtina, 2016.
3. Samuelsson L. The moral status of nature” Umeå, Sweden: Umeå University, 2008.
4. Kargon R., Molella A. Invented Edens. Invented-Cities of the Twentieth Century.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008.
5. Orr W.D. The Nature of Design. Oxford, UK: Oxford Uni. Press. 2002.


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