Unit 1. Family Relationships 1. Verbs: Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by

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1. Verbs
1. 1. is left, is forgotten. 2. are called. 3. shares. 4. are usually filled. 5. always support.
6. are badly treated. 7. spend. 8. is considered.
2. 1. am, Are. 2. do. 3. do. 4. is. 5. are. 6. does. 7. Does. 8 Are.
3. 2. call. 3. hear. 4. refers. 5. are used. 6. isn’t always addressed. 7. know. 8. calls. 9. don’t
address. 10. is called.
4. 2. always. 3. ever. 4. For several weeks. 5. at the moment. 6. So far. 7. never. 8. still.
5. 1. quarrel. 2. hasn’t fallen. 3. does Ann cry, Do you criticize. 4. always blame. 5. have been
going. 6. Does anyone offend. 7. isn’t taking. 8. am I telling.
6. 2. OK. 3. have always been needing – have always needed. 4. is having – has. 5. OK. 6. OK.
7. is liking – likes. 8. ’m thinking – think, are relying – rely. 9. OK.
7. 1. have, will keep. 2. Are you doing, are celebrating, will be, is going to be, is coming,
arrives, I’m meeting / I’m going to meet. 3. is going to become, will make. 4. will give, are
giving, Are you going to join, will be.
8. 2. haven’t been doing. 3. have had. 4. will get. 5. help. 6. has been working. 7. do. 8. have
been. 9. try. 10. say. 11. makes. 12. lose. 13. am not asking. 14. doesn’t let. 15. says.
16. won’t waste. 17. doesn’t deserve. 18. is turning.

2. Articles. Pronouns
9. 2. a, –. 3. the, a, the. 4. the. 5. –, an. 6. –, –, –. 7. a, the, a.
10. 2. a. 3. a. 4. –. 5. the. 6. a. 7. a. 8. the. 9. –. 10. a. 11. –. 12. –. 13. a. 14. –. 15. a. 16. a.
17. –. 18. The. 19. –. 20. an. 21. –. 22. –. 23. the. 24. –.
11. Lily Potter was born into a normal family of Muggles and had an elder sister, Petunia
by name. Lily never knew there was a magic world until Severus Snape, a wizard boy
who lived nearby, told her about magic and helped her understand she was a witch. Her
parents were proud of her and at the age of 11 she started Hogwarts. She was a good
student and was often called the brightest witch of her age. She was fantastic at Potions.
After Hogwarts she married James Potter. When they had a son, they made Sirius Black
the godfather.
12. 2. none. 3. Neither. 4. any. 5. Both. 6. neither. 7. all, none. 8. Either. 9. none.

3. Prepositions. Particles
13. 2d, 3a, 4h, 5b, 6i, 7e, 8c, 9g.
14. 1. for. 2. with. 3. up, by, with. 4. on, with. 5. –, for. 6. from. 7. like, in, after. 8. up. 9. –,
with. 10. in, –, with.

4. Word-building
15. 2. careful. 3. thoughtful. 4. wonderful. 5. successful. 6. beautiful. 7. helpful.
16. 1. disagreements. 2. disagreeable, disagree. 3. agreeable. 4. agree. 5. disagreeing,
disagreeable. 6. agreement.

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Progress Test 1
1. 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . 6. .
2. 1. a. 2. the. 3. The. 4. –. 5. an. 6. a. 7. –. 8. a. 9. a. 10. –. 11. –. 12. the.
3. 1d, 2f, 3a, 4e, 5c, 6b.
4. 1. are going to send. 2. have been trying. 3. have decided. 4. try. 5. am crying. 6. will try.
5. Students’ own answers.


1. Verbs
1. 2. took place. 3. is considered. 4. take place. 5. have been marking. 6. is marked. 7. mark.
8. has been. 9. are thinking.
2. 2. looks. 3. has just run. 4. has stopped. 5. is acting. 6. is holding. 7. wants. 8. is. 9. has
done. 10. feel. 11. Has their friendship ended. 12. shows.
3. 2. could. 3. was. 4. ate. 5. ended. 6. started. 7. created. 8. lived. 9. liked. 10. pleased.
11. wasn’t. 12. didn’t have. 13. visited. 14. were. 15. ran. 16. saw. 17. could.
4. For that day students prepared had prepared three presents to give to their three best
friends. When they shared had shared their presents among the classmates, Fiona was
the only one who didn’t get hadn’t got a present! She felt terrible and started crying. She
made had made so much effort, and in the end no one saw her as their best friend? This was
exactly what Fiona did had done so many times to others. She realized that she never was
had been a true friend to anyone, just a good companion and acquaintance. She tried had
tried not to argue with anyone, she tried had tried to pay attention to everyone, but now
she found had found out that that was not enough to create true friendship.
5. 2. hoped. 3. would become. 4. had never had. 5. had been. 6. broke. 7. was. 8. had given.
9. was. 10. was. 11. imagined. 12. was talking.
6. 2a, 3c, 4a, 5c, 6a, 7b, 8c, 9a, 10b, 11b, 12a, 13c, 14a, 15b, 16a.
7. 1. The giant learnt a lot about people and understood he had been selfish. 2. He also realized
how he would make friends with people by eating and crying. 3. The giant decided that
from that day on, he would watch the skies. 4. He made up his mind that he would eat some
of the clouds when he saw that they were preparing a great storm. 5. He also promised that
when he noticed a place with little water he would cry over it.
8. 2. does. 3. is. 4. Do. 5. Have, did. 6. did, were. 7. Are. 8. Would.
9. 2. should. 3. need. 4. mustn’t. 5. can’t. 6. don’t have to. 7. shouldn’t. 8. have to, can.

2. Articles. Pronouns
10. 1. –, –. 2. –, –. 3. –. 4. a. 5. a. 6. –, –. 7. –, an. 8. –.
11. 2. OK. 3. I enjoy spending a time with my friends. 4. OK. 5. A life is full of a beauty. 6. She
was anything but a beauty: skinny, a red hair, a lot of freckles. 7. OK. 8. My friend is very
good at a drawing. 9. We were filled with a wonder. 10. OK. 11. OK. 12. Don’t judge Alice
on such a short acquaintance.
12. 1. the, the, the. 2. –, –, a, –, a, –, –. 3. –, a, an. 4. –, –, –, –. 5. –, –, the. 6. A, a, a, a, –.
7. the, a, –. 8. –, the. 9. –, the, the.

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13. 1. our. 2. your. 3. Mine, hers, my. 4. her, hers. 5. theirs, our. 6. mine, their.
14. 1. my, theirs. 2. yours, your. 3. ours. 4. hers. 5. your, your. 6. her, mine. 7. our, their,
ours. 8. mine.

3. Prepositions. Particles
15. 2. OK. 3. with – up. 4. OK, OK, on – up, OK. 5. at – on. 6. OK, OK. 7. OK, for – to, OK.
8. OK, to – with. 9. of – in, OK.
16. 2. of. 3. as. 4. by. 5. in. 6. next to. 7. to. 8. until. 9. –. 10. off. 11. of. 12. for. 13. until.
14. on. 15. by.

4. Word-building
17. 1. unselfishness. 2. confidence. 3. trustworthiness. 4. loyalty. 5. misunderstanding.
6.  irresponsibility. 7. Dishonesty, selfishness. 8. Depth, length, acquaintance.
9. Encouragement, difference.

Progress Test 2
1. 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . 6. .
2. 1. a. 2. A. 3. the. 4. a. 5. a. 6. an. 7. the. 8. the. 9. the. 10. the. 11. –. 12. a.
3. 1. out. 2. up. 3. up. 4. along. 5. for. 6. in.
4. 1. promised. 2. would be. 3. had been sharing / had shared. 4. go. 5. try. 6. will die / has died.
5. Students’ own answers.


1. Verbs
1. 1. eat. 2. show, use, is used. 3. are used, enjoy. 4. get. 5. decreases, passes. 6. eat, is de-
signed. 7. is quickly made, is quickly served, is quickly eaten.
2. a) 2. did. 3. does. 4. would. 5. Are. 6. do. 7. was. 8. is. 9. has;
b) 2g, 3h, 4f, 5i, 6b, 7e, 8c, 9d.
3. 2b, 3c, 4b, 5a, 6a, 7b, 8c, 9c, 10a, 11b, 12c, 13a, 14b.
4. 2. took. 3. were making. 4. were discussing. 5. asked. 6. Has the Queen ever eaten. 7. see.
8. will ask. 9. is known. 10. doesn’t care. 11. isn’t served. 12. doesn’t eat. 13. Is it allowed.
14. has been cooking. 15. has never made.

2. Articles. Adjectives. Adverbs

5. To understand the main difference let’s look at the meaning of the adjectives. The
adjective fast describes how long it takes to get the food ready to be eaten while the
word junk shows that the food is rich in empty calories and has no nutritious value. The
Merriam-Webster dictionary first recognized the term fast food in 1951. The term junk
food appeared later, in the 1960s. It became popular during the following decade when
the song “Junk Food Junkie” reached the top of the charts in 1976. The United States has

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the largest fast food industry in the world and American fast food restaurants are located
in over 100 countries. Though everyone is aware of the dangers of unhealthy food,
Americans celebrate National Fast Food Day every year on November 16th. And that’s
not all. July 21st is known as National Junk Food Day and is dedicated to the foods that
everyone loves to snack on.
6. 2. the. 3. the. 4. –. 5. –. 6. –. 7. –. 8. a. 9. –. 10. a. 11. the. 12. a. 13. –. 14. –. 15. –. 16. A.
17. the.
7. 2. wide. 3. high, high. 4. hard. 5. widely. 6. hardly. 7. deep. 8. highly.
8. 1. fewer, lower, higher, easiest, more. 2. most common, best, better, more expensive,
9. 2. seriously. 3. better. 4. more regularly, more effectively. 5. slowly. 6. most widely.
7. more deeply. 8. more peacefully.
10. 1. The riper the banana is, the more nutrients it has. 2. The more fruit and vegetables you
eat, the better your mental health is. 3. The longer you boil your vegetables, the fewer
vitamins are left. 4. The more physical activity you practise, the less risk of becoming
overweight you take. 5. It’s a myth that the more you sweat during the workout, the more
fat you burn. 6. The more soda drinks and fast food children and teenagers have, the
more likely they are to become overweight. 7. The more I learned about preservatives and
additives in junk food, the more confidently I could say ‘no’ to it.
11. 2. the more. 3. the more. 4. the most important. 5. more easily than. 6. the lower. 7. the
higher. 8. slower than. 9. better. 10. the most famous. 11. the best. 12. as much.

3. Prepositions. Particles
12. 1. to. 2. on. 3. in, with. 4. with. 5. of, in. 6. to. 7. in, during. 8. in, on, with. 9. with.
13. 2. in. 3. to. 4. together. 5. up. 6. across. 7. –. 8. through. 9. along. 10. back. 11. through.
12. to.
14. 2. –. 3. in. 4. to. 5. of. 6. for. 7. –. 8. –. 9. from. 10. of.

4. Word-building
15. 2. nutrients. 3. nutritious. 4. nutrient. 5. nutrients. 6. nutrient. 7. nutrition.
1. smokers. 2. smoking, smoke. 3. smokers, non-smokers. 4. smoked. 5. smoking.
16. 1. under-. 2. dis-. 3. in-, im-, un-. 4. un-. 5. ir-. 6. un-, over-. 7. in-. 8. un-.

Progress Test 3
1. 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . 6. .
2. 1. the. 2. a. 3. a. 4. the. 5. the. 6. the. 7. a. 8. the. 9. –. 10. a. 11. –. 12. an.
3. 1. harder. 2. hardly. 3. hard. 4. hardest. 5. hardly. 6. hard.
4. 1. Does it take. 2. Have you eaten. 3. Do you always eat. 4. become. 5. are talking. 6. is
5. Students’ own answers.

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1. Verbs
1. 1. are wearing. 2. do you always come up. 3. do you get. 4. have never seen. 5. don’t need,
are already. 6. going to do. 7. look, won’t. 8. have.
2. 2. did they appear. 3. was used. 4. goes back. 5. were first produced. 6. became. 7. added.
8. have put. 9. had got. 10. love. 11. provides. 12. has been. 13. will be.
3. 1. she, enjoys, herself, she chooses her, does her, her. 2. he wishes he. 3. I have, inspired
them, with. 4. she’ll stop. 5. he is our.
4. 1. R. A customer asks the shop-assistant to give her/him a bigger size. 2. C. Mum tells
her naughty child to put on his gloves and scarf. 3. R. Gran asks her grandson not to wear
these baggy jeans to school. 4. C. Mary tells her younger sister not to take her clothes.
5. R. Marry Poppins asks Michael to take off his coat and hang it up. 6. R. Dad asks his
little son to zip up his jacket by himself. 7. C. An angry mum tells her child not to enter the
room in these dirty boots.
5. 1. They ask customers not to wash the shoes and save on washing powder. 2. They ask
customers to keep away from fire especially when wearing the jeans. 3. They ask customers
to wash the sweater in cold to warm water or buy a new one. 4. They ask customers not
to iron the sweater and not to dry clean it and not to feed it after midnight. 5. They ask
customers not to dry clean the shorts and not to wear them for sumo wrestling. 6. They
ask customers to wash this sweatshirt when dirty. 7. They ask customers not to iron the
T-shirt on print or give it to mom. 8. They ask customers to take it easy, relax, eat, drink
and be merry and not to diet but to smile for 100 % Christmas.
6. 1. Do you care about fashion? 2. Why are you wearing such dirty sneakers? 3. Is it important
to wear fashionable clothes? 4. Will dark colours look good on me? 5. What kind of clothes
are in fashion now? 6. When did you get dressed up last? 7. Is wearing a uniform a good
idea? 8. How long have you been trying on your new clothes?
7. 1. The girls ask a fashion guru what he would advise them to wear to their school New
Year party. 2. You ask me if I have a favourite place to shop for footwear. 3. Ann asks her
cousins how they always know what accessories to choose to look stylish. 4. A customer
wonders what the dress is made of. 5. A journalist asks Zaitsev why he decided to become
a fashion designer. 6. A journalist asks us if we read fashion magazines and blogs regularly.
7. A woman wants to know if there are any skincare products for teenage boys. 8. Granny
asks a teenager why she has to wear so much make-up.
8. 1. Ann says she doesn’t know what to wear to the party. She asks Kim to help her. Kim asks
Ann to show her what she has. She says she thinks Ann will look amazing if she puts on
this sweet white lace top and these patterned skinny jeans. She asks Ann not to forget her
sandals. 2. Tim asks Nick to tell him about his school uniform. Nick says that they don’t
have a uniform. He says that the dress code isn’t very strict but they can’t wear jeans or
trainers. 3. A journalist asks a stylist if there are any rules about wearing clothes at a job
interview for teens. The stylist asks teenagers to dress modestly and tastefully. He advises
them not to wear a hoodie or flip-flops. He asks them to make sure anything they wear fits
them well and not to wear anything that is too loose or too tight. He also asks them to avoid
anything that looks too casual. 4. Mum says she likes Vivienne Westwood’s advice about
shopping for clothes. Her daughter wants to know what it says. The designer asks people
to buy less, choose well and make it last. 5. A girl asks her boyfriend how the dress looks
on her. Her boyfriend says that he doesn’t really know how the dress looks on her but he
knows that she is beautiful.

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9. 2. I ask them what colours do they choose when they are happy. 3. The beauty guru asks
teenage girls to be careful with the make-up they use. 4. We want to know if they do sell
only casual clothes here. 5. A friend of mine says tells me that polka-dots are again in
fashion. 6. I wonder if who can help me choose the outfit for the party. 7. Tom’s mother
asks him to not to put on his old jacket any more. 8. I ask my mum if will a big sweater will
go well with skinny trousers. 9. He asks me who is my fashion icon is.

2. Articles. Adjectives. Pronouns

10. 1. the. 2. a, –. 3. a, –. 4. –, a. 5. the. 6. the, the. 7. the, the. 8. a.
11. The clothes can be made not only from a cotton, wool, or silk. A company in Taiwan produces
a fabric from the an unlikely source: old coffee grounds (кофейная гуща). The amount
used to make one cup of coffee is enough for three T-shirts. Right now, a the fabric is
mostly used in sportswear. It has five times the UV protection of cotton.
Clothes from sour milk are the brainchild of the a German biologist and designer. The new
fabric feels like the silk but is cheaper. It doesn’t smell (don’t worry!) and you can wash it
just like anything else.  It takes about six litres of a sour milk to produce a dress.
A pineapples are not only a tasty dessert. Pineapple leaves are commonly used to make tra-
ditional clothes in the Philippines. Not long ago they started making the a new material as
an alternative to a natural leather.
12. 1. OK. 2. simple black short – simple short black, black elegant little – elegant little black
3. OK. 4. OK. 5. fashionable linen cream – fashionable cream linen, OK. 6. baggy warm
woolen – warm baggy woolen. 7. OK, OK. 8. expensive business grey – expensive grey
13. 2. other. 3. the other. 4. others. 5. another. 6. others. 7. other. 8. others. 9. other.
14. 2. other. 3. Another. 4. others. 5. the other. 6. another. 7. the other. 8. The others.

3. Prepositions. Particles
15. a) 2. in. 3. on. 4. under. 5. in. 6. to. 7. up. 8. on. 9. up. 10. like;
b) 2f, 3c, 4a, 5j, 6i, 7d, 8g, 9e, 10h.
16. 1. in. 2. up. 3. with. 4. up. 5. in. 6. up. 7. off. 8. up. 9. out of. 10. with. 11. about, on.
12. of.

4. Word-building
17. 2. sporty. 3. attractive. 4. traditional. 5. timeless. 6. careful. 7. boring. 8. reliable. 9 easy.
18. 1. unfashionable. 2. sleeveless. 3. Fashionable. 4. uncomfortable. 5. suitable. 6. inexpensive.
7. comfortable, stylish. 8. unsuitable.

Progress Test 4
1. 1. . 2. . 3 .. 4. . 5. . 6. .
2. 1. –. 2. The. 3. the. 4. a. 5. the. 6. a. 7. –. 8. a. 9. a. 10. the. 11. the. 12. an.
3. 1. of. 2. on. 3. up. 4. out of. 5. for. 6. with.
4. 1. costs. 2. has been making. 3. won’t go. 4. are still made. 5. was invented. 6. has been.

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5. A girl asks her friend what she is going to wear to the party. Her friend says that she has
lots of ideas but she hasn’t decided on the outfit yet. The first girl says that she doesn’t
know what to do about her hair. She wonders if a side pony-tail will be all right. She asks
her friend to ask her mum for her. Her friend asks her not to worry and says that she can
always rely on her mum for advice.


1. Verbs
1. 1. will fall. 2. rains, will be. 3. has, will have. 4. see, won’t be, is. 5. will be, sing. 6. look,
will put on. 7. will rain or snow, is. 8. will be, shines.
2. 1. sees. 2. will be, is. 3. washes. 4. want, will rain. 5. goes. 6. will stop. 7. is. 8. will work.
3. 2. am leaving. 3. am doing. 4. have been trying. 5. will help. 6. have had. 7. is going to
get. 8. is blowing. 9. won’t need. 10. will. 11. have you packed. 12. knows. 13. will start.
14. will text. 15. check.
4. 1. mark. 2. was calculated, was based, relies. 3. like, are paid, will be predicted. 4. started,
were mentioned. 5. will predict.
5. 1. were. 2. are. 3. will be. 4. is. 5. will be, is. 6. are. 7. was. 8. will be.
6. 2. was born. 3. was first used. 4. isn’t limited. 5. was linked. 6. was commonly known. 7. is
called. 8. was considered. 9. was recorded. 10. was created. 11. was October temperature
record set. 12. was broken. 13. were registered. 14. will the next record be established.
7. 2. date back. 3. used. 4. is used. 5. built. 6. are often equipped. 7. were first developed.
8. were perfected. 9. was known. 10. know. 11. appeared. 12. use. 13. was invented. 14. will
be invented.

2. Articles. Adjectives. Pronouns

8. 1. the, –, a, –, –, –. 2. The, –, the. 3. the, –, the. 4. a, a. 5. The, the, –. 6. –, –. 7. –, –, –, –.
9. A snowflake is created when an extremely cold water droplet freezes onto a dust
particle in the sky. From this, an ice crystal is formed. As it falls to the ground,
water vapour freezes onto it forming a six-sided snowflake. Each one develops under
slightly different atmospheric conditions. That’s why they all have a unique look.
The wide variety of snowflakes was discovered thanks to Wilson Alwyn Bentley.
A farmer from Vermont, he came to be known as the world’s expert on snow and is
remembered as the ‘Snowflake Man’. Bentley became interested in snowflakes as
a teenager. With a microscope, he tried to depict the snowflakes through drawings but
was never able to finish, as the snow would melt too quickly. Then after many unsuccessful
experiments, he finally found a way of taking photos of snowflakes and became one of the
first snowflake photographers. During his life he made more than 5,000 images of
10. 1. it. 2. There, it. 3. it. 4. It. 5. There. 6. it. 7. There, it. 8. There.
11. 2. OK. 3. There – It. 4. OK. 5. OK. 6. It – There. 7. OK, there – it. 8. it – there. 9. OK.
12. 1. The other. 2. another. 3. other. 4. the other. 5. other. 6. The other. 7. the others. 8. others.
13. 2. more popular than. 3. the coldest. 4. earlier than. 5. later. 6. as early. 7. the most severe.
8. as low. 9. warmer. 10. the closer. 11. the colder.

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3. Prepositions
14. 1. with, with, with. 2. with, by, by, with. 3. by. 4. with. 5. by. 6. with. 7. with. 8. with.
9. by.
15. 1. between. 2. since. 3. on, during, until / till. 4. after, in, until / till. 5. since. 6. Since.
7. On, at, for, at, in. 8. –, during.

4. Word-building
16. 2. unreliable. 3. reliable. 4. reliably. 5. accurately. 6. rely. 7. accurate.
17. 1. basically, observations, predicting. 2. extremely, observations, meteorologists,
observers. 3. predictions, powerful.

Progress Test 5
1. 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . 6. .
2. 1. –. 2. –. 3. –. 4. –. 5. a. 6. the. 7. the. 8. the. 9. –. 10. the. 11. –. 12. –.
3. 1. in. 2. by. 3. at. 4. after. 5. At. 6. for.
4. 1. is sitting. 2. are shaded. 3. will fall. 4. has given. 5. will find out. 6. has been.
5. Students’ own answers.


1. Verbs
1. 2. is known. 3. occurred. 4. experienced. 5. haven’t had. 6. have been blowing. 7. has
generally been covered. 8. understood. 9. was happening. 10. were able to. 11. erupted.
12. caused. 13. had entered. 14. was moving. 15. was felt.
2. 2. can’t. 3. must. 4. can’t. 5. might. 6. can’t. 7. can’t. 8. might.
3. 2B, 3A, 4B, 5A, 6B, 7B, 8C, 9A, 10B.
4. 1. have been. 2. be worried. 3. be facing. 4. have completely frozen. 5. have been burning.
6. sound.
5. 1. can’t cause. 2. must have been. 3. may be broken. 4. can’t be pouring. 5. may have
brought. 6. must have been raining.
6. 1. No, they can’t be blizzard safety tips. They must be heat wave safety tips. 2. There may
have been an earthquake or a hurricane. Yes, there may have been a lot of injured people.
3. They must be talking about lightning. No, it can’t be far away. 4. No, it can’t have
been a mistake. He may have thought that in October nature started preparing for spring.
5. Yes, the teacher must be telling kids about staying safe in a tornado. Yes, they may be
in the USA. 6. It must have been raining. It may have been spring or autumn.
7. 2. may. 3. need. 4. should. 5. have to. 6. couldn’t. 7. can. 8. mustn’t. 9. could.
8. ОK. Swimming during  a  thunderstorm  is very dangerous  because a nearby lightning
strike must may kill or injure you. Any time you hear thunder, or see lightning, you can
should get out of the water and into a safe place. You can’t must have heard this common
expression that lightning can’t strike the same place twice. In fact, it should can and does.
Another common misconception is that thunderstorms have to be nearby for lightning to

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be a danger: it may can strike as far as 10 miles from any rainfall. Knowing these important
lightning facts need can help you feel a little safer during a storm and tragedies can’t may
be avoided.
9. 2b, 3c, 4a, 5a, 6c, 7b, 8c, 9a, 10c, 11a, 12b, 13c, 14a.

2. Articles
10. 2. the. 3. –. 4. the. 5. –. 6. the. 7. –. 8. the. 9. the. 10. the.
11. In fact, it rains for 156 days the a year in the Britain. December 2015 was the wettest
calendar month on record for a the country with a rainfall 91 per cent above normal. It
was also the warmest December. Glasgow is the UK’s wettest city with the an average of
170 days of the rainfall the a year. So which city is a the driest? It’s Cambridge with “only”
107 rainy days a year. And the London is one of the driest cities in the country and it is not
even in a the top 10 of the wettest capitals in Europe.

3. Prepositions
12. 1. –. 2. with. 3. with. 4. for. 5. to. 6. from. 7. on. 8. between.
13. 2. by. 3. On. 4. –. 5. –. 6. from. 7. in. 8. to. 9. in. 10. at. 11. in. 12. In. 13. to.
14. 2. as. 3. in. 4. with. 5. with. 6. on. 7. into. 8. to. 9. for. 10. from. 11. to. 12. of. 13. In.
14. in. 15. for. 16. as. 17. of. 18. to. 19. from. 20. below.

4. Word-building
15. 2. possible. 3. safe. 4. predictable. 5. secure. 6. common. 7. bearable.
16. 1. shocking. 2. changeable. 3. disastrous. 4. disaster, destruction. 5. destroyed. 6. loss,
lost, injured. 7. predictable. 8. frightened. 9. injuries.

Progress Test 6
1. 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . 6. .
2. 1. The. 2. –. 3. the. 4. an. 5. the. 6. the. 7. a. 8. the. 9. –. 10. –. 11. –. 12. a.
3. 1. have noticed. 2. be frying. 3. have heard. 4. have been wondering. 5. be. 6. be kidding.
4. 1. is storming. 2. have mentioned. 3. was seen. 4. was returning. 5. died. 6. has been
5. 1. They must be talking about February. 2, 3. Students’ own answers.
1. The state must have been given such a nickname because it has a lot of sunny days.
2, 3. Students’ own answers.


1. Verbs
1. 2. should. 3. doesn’t have. 4. need. 5. might. 6. can. 7. have. 8. can’t.
2. 1. going, doing, gardening, to be. 2. to spend, reading. 3. playing, being, to use, be done,
to connect.

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3. 1. So did I. / Oh, I didn’t. 2. Nor do I. / Oh, I do. 3. So was I. / Oh, I wasn’t. 4. Nor would I. /
Oh, I would. 5. So have I. / Oh, I haven’t. 6. Nor am I. / Oh, I am. 7. So do I. / Oh, I don’t.
8. So can I. / Oh, I can’t. 9. Nor will I. / Oh, I will.
4. 2. exhibits. 3. cover. 4. are divided. 5. was not encouraged. 6. is visited. 7. doesn’t charge.
8. was exhibited. 9. was replaced. 10. started. 11. is hoped. 12. will encourage. 13. will
return. 14. will be cast.
5. 1. Who do you usually spend your free time with? 2. What is your favourite outdoor
pastime? 3. How long have you been doing it? 4. What did you do for fun last weekend?
5. Have you ever been a member of a club or society? 6. What encouraged you to take up
a new hobby? 7. Are you satisfied with the leisure activities in your area? 8. Do you often
suffer from boredom?
6. 2. isn’t known. 3. started. 4. will argue. 5. has developed. 6. was brought. 7. was used
8. became. 9. learnt. 10. were passed. 11. surfaced. 12. had been created. 13. make. 14. will
come. 15. are sent.
7. 1. The correspondent asks / asked the parents why they are / were worried. The parents
say / said their children have / had fewer opportunities to play outside than they did /
had done when young. 2. The teacher asks / asked a teenage girl what her parents think /
thought of her hobby. The girl says / said that her parents like / liked it that she has / had
taken up a hobby as it keeps / kept her out of trouble. 3. The journalist wants / wanted
to know what the aim of the programme is / was. The minister tells / told him that this /
that summer they want / wanted to inspire kids and families all over the country to get
outdoors. 4. Ann asks / asked Jack why he loves / loved geocaching. Pete says / said he
discovers / discovered places he has / had never been even though he has / had been there
a million times. 5. The reporter asks / asked a teenage boy what type of leisure activities he
enjoys / enjoyed taking part in. The boy says / said he spends / spent his free time fishing,
playing video games, or hanging out with his friends.
8. 2a, 3a, 4b, 5c, 6a, 7c, 8c, 9a, 10a, 11b, 12a, 13b, 14c, 15b, 16a.

2. Articles. Adjectives. Pronouns

9. 1. –, the, the. 2. –. 3. The. 4. –, the. 5. –. 6. –, –. 7. The, –.
10. 2. the. 3. a. 4. –. 5. a. 6. –. 7. –. 8. a. 9. a. 10. –. 11. a. 12. an. 13. –. 14. –. 15. a. 16. –.
17. The. 18. –. 19. –. 20. a.
11. What do a philatelist, a numismatist and an arctophilist have in the common? 1) A philate­
list is a person who collects and studies postage stamps. The philately is often called the King
of hobbies. It all started in 1840 when Doctor Gray bought a few Penny Blacks the day they
were issued just to mark an the event. 2) So he may be considered the first stamp collector.
Twenty years later stamp enthusiasts finally got the name for a the hobby – timbromania.
It meant a mania or passion for the stamp collecting. I think the word sounded more like
a disease than the a hobby. 3) Luckily, in 1865 it was replaced with philately. Someone who
collects and studies the coins, paper money or medals is a  numismatist. 4)  A  collector of
teddy bears is an arctophilist. So you see they all are the collectors. And I think you didn’t
know a collector of the refrigerator magnets is called a memomagnetist. That’s OK, I didn’t
know it either.
12. 1. theirs. 2. her. 3. ours. 4. mine. 5. your, my, yours. 6. Hers, our.
13. 2. OK. 3. others – other. 4. OK. 5. OK. 6. another one – the other one. 7. the others –
others. 8. other ones – the other ones / the others.
14. 1. larger than. 2. as much. 3. the most common. 4. easier than. 5. the more entertained,
the more. 6. more often than, as carefully. 7. the most extreme. 8. the more bored, the

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3. Prepositions. Particles
15. 2. to. 3. at. 4. after. 5. up. 6. on. 7. next to. 8. during. 9. At. 10. down. 11. In. 12. before.
13. at. 14. for.
16. 1. on, out with. 2. for, at, –. 3. in. 4. in, after. 5. for. 6. on. 7. –. 8. on, at.

4. Word-building
17. 1. meaningful. 2. recreational. 3. attractive. 4. enjoyable. 5. interested. 6. beautiful,
expensive. 7. dedicated. 8. stressful.
18. 1. bored. 2. boredom. 3. bore. 4. boredom. 5. boring. 6. bores. 7. bored.

Progress Test 7
1. 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . 6. .
2. 1. a. 2. the. 3. the. 4. The. 5. a. 6. a. 7. –. 8. –. 9. –. 10. a. 11. the. 12. the.
3. 1. for. 2. of. 3. for. 4. from. 5. on. 6. in.
4. 1. has been collecting. 2. caught. 3. was earning. 4. would be. 5. was forced. 6. is still
looking for.
5. Students’ own answers.


1. Relative pronouns and Relative Clauses

1. 1. She was waiting for the train which was late. 2. She was waiting for the train. 3. She
was waiting for the train, but it was late. 4. He invented electronic television and applied
for a television patent in 1923.  5. Though he didn’t know that other scientists had been
working on the television, he made excellent progress. 6. Zvorykin left Russia for the
United States in 1918.
2. Steve Jobbs was a pioneer in the microcomputer revolution which / that hit the world in
the 1970s. 3. Mark Zuckerberg is the person who / that founded Facebook. 4. Nickolai and
Pavel Durov were the people whose idea was to launch Telegram – an instant messaging
service. 5. Twitter is an online news and social networking service whose users post
messages known as ‘tweets’. 6. Larry Page and Sergei Brin are the people who / that founded
Google – the world’s largest Internet company. 7. Facebook messenger is a messaging app
and platform which / that was originally developed as Facebook Chat in 2008.
3. a) 1) It’s one of two or more children who have common parents.
2) It’s someone who hurts or frightens someone else.
3) It’s something found in meat which your body needs to grow.
4) It’s a person who you know a little.
5) It’s the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere.
6) It’s time when you are not working.
7) It’s a mass of snow that is falling down a mountainside.
8) It’s a leather accessory which is worn around the waist.
b) 1) sibling; 2) bully; 3) protein; 4) acquaintance; 5) humidity; 6) leisure; 7) avalanche;
8) belt.

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4. Suggested answers.
1. A lingua franca is a language that is used for communication between people whose
languages are different.
2. An addict is someone who is unable to stop using or doing something harmful.
3. A message is a piece of verbal, written or recorded communication which is sent to someone
who can’t be contacted directly.
4. A wire is a cable which carries power or signals from one place to another.
5. A peer is someone who is of the same age or status as you.
6. A computer mouse is a hand-operated electronic device which controls the cursor on
your computer screen.
7. A CEO is the highest-ranking person in a company who is responsible for taking
important managerial decisions.
8. A fad is an activity or topic of interest that is popular only for a short time and of which
people get tired very quickly.
5. Suggested answers.
1. What do you call a person who wastes time or resources?
2. What do you call a machine which was invented for a particular purpose?
3. What do you call a place which is far away in distance?
4. What do you call a thing which is light and small enough to be easily carried or moved?
5. What do you call a thing which is able to be bought or used?
6. What do you call a thing that is used to connect electrical equipment to a power supply?
7. What do you call something that uses radio signals instead of wires to connect computers,
mobile phone, etc. to each other?
6. 2. Once there were three little pigs that lived in three different houses. 3. He had a bright
idea which changed the world. 4. The discovery that he made started competition between
them. 5. The technology that he has invented is revolutionary. 6. I’ve lost the recipe
that you gave me. 7. The Internet is a global data communications system that provides
connectivity between computers.
7. 1. My sister has a Brazilian friend, whose name I can’t remember. 2. They have a beautiful
villa by the ocean where I would like to stay for the summer. 3. His family live in a small
flat which / that has only two rooms. 4. I have a classmate whose father works as a pilot.
5. Where’s the book which / that used to be here. 6. Here’s the money (that / which) you
wanted to borrow. 7. There’s that cozy hotel (that / which) we stayed in last summer /
There’s that cozy hotel where we stayed last summer.
8. 2. which / that. 3. that / which. 4. which. 5. that. 6. which. 7. that / which. 8. which / that.
9. when. 10. whose. 11. that / which. 12. which / that.
9. 2. who. 3. which. 4. who. 5. that. 6. which. 7. where / in which. 8. that / which. 9. that /
10. 1. b) I showed him a new Beyonce’s video, which he downloaded immediately. 2. a) Zvorykin,
who was originally from Russia, spent most of his life in the United States. 3.  b) Mark
Zuckerberg married Priscilla Chan, whom he met at a party in Harvard. 4. a) This is
Andrew, who is my sister’s classmate. 5. a) I’ve just received a phone call from Lucy,
who used to live next door.
11. 1. Tania, who speaks English, Russian and German, works as a tour guide in London. ND
2. We often go to visit our friends in Vilnius, which is only 100 miles away. ND
3. He works for a company that makes mobile phones. D
4. Alex, whose job involves frequent trips to London, knows a lot about the history of
Britain. ND
5. We stayed at the tiny country hotel which / that Brenda recommended to us. D

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6. We stayed at the King George Hotel, which Brenda recommended to us. ND
7. He thinks this device, which is very expensive, is a fad. ND
12. 2c. I did most of the boring work, which was unfair. 3f. He failed his exam, which was quite
unexpected. 4b. He received the Nobel Prize, which was mind-blowing. 5a. The weather
was very warm, which was unusual for November. 6g. She sent me an invitation, which
was very kind of her. 7e. I missed the last bus to town, which was horrible.

2. Articles
13. 2. media. 3. radio. 4. television. 5. the email. 6. the telephone. 7. the mobile phone. 8. the
14. 2. –. 3. –. 4. The. 5. the. 6. –. 7. the. 8. The. 9. –.
15. 1. the knife, the axe and the sword (in no particular order). 2. a knife, a fork and a spoon (in
no particular order). 3. The computer. 4. The tiger. 5. a tiger. 6. The tomato. 7. a tomato.
8. The pen, the sword. 9. A pen. 10. the pen, the pencil.

3. Word-building
16. a) un-: uncomfortable, unaware, unable, unpopular, unlucky, unimportant;
in-: inconvenient, incomplete, invisible, incorrect;
dis-: disagreeable, dishonest, disrespectful;
ir-: irresponsible, irrational, irrelevant;
il-: illogical, illegible, illegal, illiterate;
im-: impolite, impossible, immature, immoral.
b) 1. incorrect, incorrect. 2. unaware, unable.
care — careless penny — penniless
home — homeless dollar
end — endless breath — breathless
point — pointless sleeve — sleeveless
use — useless friend — friendless
age — ageless driver — driverless
thought — thoughtless voice — voiceless
meaning — meaningless cloud — cloudless
cord — cordless wire — wireless

18. 2. addicting. 3. addicted. 4. addict. 5. addictive. 6. addictive. 7. addicted. 8. addictive.

9. addiction.

Progress Test 8
1. 1. The wheel. 2. The Internet. 3. The Morse code. 4. The laser. 5. The typewriter. 6. The
2. 1. who. 2. that / which. 3. where. 4. whose. 5. when. 6. whom.
3. 1. motionless. 2. indecisive. 3. incorrect. 4. unreliable. 5. ineffective. 6. wireless.
4. 1. The place where we go for our holidays is becoming more and more crowded. (no commas).
2. Do you remember the name of the city in that which / where the earthquake struck?

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3. My childhood is the time where when I was very happy and carefree. 4. The company for
whom which he worked was not interested in his inventions. 5. My uncle, that who you met
at the party, is getting divorced. 6. Our neighbour, which whose garden is smaller than
ours, has a very big dog.
5. Students’ own answers.


1. Verbs
1. 2. Asking. 3. to analyse. 4. doing. 5. (to) participate. 6. discuss. 7. to deal, to change.
8. share / discuss. 9. to do, to attend.
2. 2. starts. 3. get. 4. will have. 5. am going to sit. 6. am looking. 7. want. 8. get. 9. are going
to discuss. 10. will become. 11. gets. 12. will give. 13. is practising. 14. am seeing. 15. is
studying. 16. are going. 17. will take. 18. are meeting. 19. going. 20. will come. 21. leaves.
3. 2. woke up. 3. looked. 4. realised. 5. had overslept. 6. had forgotten. 7. was. 8. started.
9. took. 10. would arrive. 11. would spend. 12. was going. 13. would buy. 14. had already
packed. 15. arrived. 16. said. 17. was / had been blocked. 18. would take. 19. could she.
4. 2. broke. 3. are. 4. to teach. 5. have already grown. 6. has. 7. wants. 8. explained. 9. became.
10. went. 11. had begun. 12. was invited. 13. was. 14. will perform. 15. announced. 16. Is
Mr Boo coming / Will Mr Boo come. 17. has been working. 18. will be. 19. has prepared.
20. was playing. 21. was listening. 22. had never heard. 23. was presented. 24. said.
5. 2. have practised. 3. try. 4. play. 5. have skipped.
6. Suggested answer.
Bella should have talked to someone. She shouldn’t have spent the breaks alone. She
oughtn’t to have argued with her form tutor about the school uniform. She shouldn’t have
used her mobile in her Maths lesson. She ought to have gone to the class meeting after
7. 2. shouldn’t / oughtn’t to. 3. can’t. 4. might / could / may. 5. should / ought to / must.
6. should / ought to / can / could. 7. must / could / might / may. 8. should / ought to.
9. can. 10. must / could / might / may. 11. shouldn’t / oughtn’t.

2. Articles. Adjectives. Pronouns

8. 2. –. 3. the. 4. the. 5. the. 6. –. 7. –. 8. The. 9. the. 10. the. 11. the. 12. the. 13. a. 14. the.
15. a. 16. the. 17. –. 18. a. 19. a. 20. the. 21. –. 22. –. 23. the. 24. –. 25. –.
9. 1. hardly, hard. 2. late, lately, late. 3. high, highly, high. 4. deeply, deep, deep.
10. 1. others. 2. another. 3. others. 4. another. 5. the other. 6. others. 7. the others.
11. 1. the more efficient. 2. earlier. 3. disappointed. 4. the most honest. 5. more slowly /
slower. 6. the latest. 7. the most widely.

3. Prepositions. Particles. Conjunctions

12. a period of time – 3, 4 (for), starting at a particular point in the past and continuing until
now – 5 (since), because – 1 (as / since), 2 (for), while – 6 (as).
13. 2. As / Since. 3. As. 4. for, since, for. 5. As / Since, since. 6. for. 7. As.

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14. 2. with. 3. about. 4. through. A: 5. of. 6. with. 7. in. 8. with. B: 9. by. 10. about. 11. on.
12.  from. 13. with. 14. on. 15. on. C: 16. into. 17. at. D: 18. of. 19. up with. 20. in.
21. with. E: 22. during. 23. for. 24. back.

4. Word-building
15. 1. unreliable. 2. unfair. 3. dishonest. 4. inefficient. 5. insecure. 6. impossible. 7. undisco­
vered. 8. disagrees. 9. misunderstanding. 10. impatient. 11. unavoidable. 12. unbearable.
13. illegal.
o r e d
o m
e s p o n s i b i l i
t y
a n
l o s s j c

t u h
v r r a
e a s o n a
b l e n
r u d d g
y s s v e
p l i r
i n e x p e n s i v e b
c p e l l
a t 13 
d e d i c a t e d
l x
g l a m o r o u s a
y t
f l a v o u r i n g s

Progress Test 9
1. 1. . 2.  (will finish – finishes). 3. . 4.  (unefficient – inefficient). 5.  (offend –
offended). 6.  (hardly – hard).
2. 1. an. 2. –. 3. the. 4. –. 5. a. 6. a. 7. a. 8. –. 9. the. 10. The. 11. the. 12. the.
3. 1. in. 2. hardly. 3. in-. 4. un-. 5. for. 6. on. 7. the other. 8. a. 9. another. 10. since. 11. the
deeper. 12. advice.
4. 1. are celebrating / are going to celebrate. 2. will have. 3. doesn’t rain. 4. have met. 5. was
wearing. 6. had made.
5. Suggested answer.
You shouldn’t be afraid of tests. You shouldn’t have skipped your English lesson yesterday.
You ought to have done your homework. You should have told someone where you were
going. You should discuss your problems with your parents. You ought to ask for help.

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