Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning are related but distinct fields. Machine learning is a subset of AI that allows algorithms to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. Deep learning uses artificial neural networks to analyze large amounts of unlabeled data and learn complex patterns, similar to the human brain. It requires massive datasets and can perform tasks like image recognition. Machine learning is more general and can use various algorithms to make predictions from smaller labeled or unlabeled datasets.
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning are related but distinct fields. Machine learning is a subset of AI that allows algorithms to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. Deep learning uses artificial neural networks to analyze large amounts of unlabeled data and learn complex patterns, similar to the human brain. It requires massive datasets and can perform tasks like image recognition. Machine learning is more general and can use various algorithms to make predictions from smaller labeled or unlabeled datasets.
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning are related but distinct fields. Machine learning is a subset of AI that allows algorithms to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. Deep learning uses artificial neural networks to analyze large amounts of unlabeled data and learn complex patterns, similar to the human brain. It requires massive datasets and can perform tasks like image recognition. Machine learning is more general and can use various algorithms to make predictions from smaller labeled or unlabeled datasets.
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning are related but distinct fields. Machine learning is a subset of AI that allows algorithms to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. Deep learning uses artificial neural networks to analyze large amounts of unlabeled data and learn complex patterns, similar to the human brain. It requires massive datasets and can perform tasks like image recognition. Machine learning is more general and can use various algorithms to make predictions from smaller labeled or unlabeled datasets.
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Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Deep Learning
Artificial Intelligence
AI is intelligent machines think and behave like humans
M/L is a system learn without being programmed to learn D/L is a machine think in a way similar to human brain; they handle huge amounts of data using artificial neural network
AI is often split into three categories:
Narrow AI is when a machine has superior performance to a human when doing one specific task General AI is when a machine is similar in its performance to a human in any intellect task Strong AI is when a machine has superior performance to a human in many tasks
Machine Learning Machine learning is a subset of AI, in which the algorithm are trained and learn from past experiences and examples.
Labelled data is a data where we know the target answer
and the data object is fully recognized
Unlabelled data is a data where objects are undefined and
need to be manually recognized
Supervised learning is a system which is able to predict
future outcomes based on past data. It requires both input and output values to be used in the training process.
Unsupervised Learning is a system which is abled to
identify hidden pattern from input data.
Reinforcement learning is a system which is given no
training- learns on basis of rewards and punishment Semi- supervised learning is a system that interactively queries source data to reach the desired result. It uses both labelled and unlabelled data, but mainly unlabelled data on cost grounds
Deep Learning
Deep learning uses artificial neural network can be used to
recognize objects by looking at each binary code of each pixel.
Deep learning summary:
Large amount of data of unlabelled data the model is trained using artificial neural network the model needs to be tested using known labelled data the required output is provided
Comparison between machine learning and deep learning:
Machine Learning Deep Learning Enables machines to make Enables machines to make decision on their own decision using an AI neural based on past data network Needs only small amount The system needs large of data to carry out the amount of data during training training stages Most of the features in the Deep learning machine data used need to be learns the feature of the identified in advance in and data from the data itself then manually coded into and it does not need to be the system identify in advance A modular approach is The problem is solved from taken to solve a given a beginning to end as single problem each module is entity then combined to produce a final model Testing of the system takes Testing of the system takes along time to carry out much less time to carry out There are clear rules which Since the system makes explains why each stage in decision based on its logic the model were made the reasoning behind those decision may be very difficult to understand
Back Propagation is a method used in artificial neural
network to calculate error gradient so actual node weighting can be adjusted to improve performance of the model
Regression is a statistic measure used to make prediction
from data by finding learning relationship between input and output