Shirley Mercedes solano is applying for a logistics management position. She has experience in customer service and commercial access from her previous role at surtimax Camacho, where she attended the cash register and provided customer service. She is a responsible, dynamic person with goals based on clear objectives and desires to learn quickly. She is willing to fulfill the functions and standards required by the company.
Shirley Mercedes solano is applying for a logistics management position. She has experience in customer service and commercial access from her previous role at surtimax Camacho, where she attended the cash register and provided customer service. She is a responsible, dynamic person with goals based on clear objectives and desires to learn quickly. She is willing to fulfill the functions and standards required by the company.
Shirley Mercedes solano is applying for a logistics management position. She has experience in customer service and commercial access from her previous role at surtimax Camacho, where she attended the cash register and provided customer service. She is a responsible, dynamic person with goals based on clear objectives and desires to learn quickly. She is willing to fulfill the functions and standards required by the company.
Shirley Mercedes solano is applying for a logistics management position. She has experience in customer service and commercial access from her previous role at surtimax Camacho, where she attended the cash register and provided customer service. She is a responsible, dynamic person with goals based on clear objectives and desires to learn quickly. She is willing to fulfill the functions and standards required by the company.
I am a responsible person, quite dynamic, with many desires of
overcoming, my goals are based on my clear objectives; Within my abilities they are reflected in learning fast I am very professional in PROFESSIONAL PROFILE my work and I fulfill in an appropriate way punctual, honesty and responsibility in the different activities that I carry out. I am willing to fulfill the different functions, obligations and labor standards that have been established, I present myself with great enthusiasm to your company to be part of the fulfillment and goals set in your mission and vision.
My area of expertise is in customer service and commercial
Company Name: surtimax Camacho
WORK EXPERIENCE Position: Customer Service Immediate Chief: yeni Phone: 3045965763
My duties were to attend the cash register to attend the clients
customer service name employee Shirley Mercedes solano polo October 20, 2018 until July 20, 2019
liderazgo Pablo Neruda District SchoolLANGUAGES (2010) HABILIDAD 3 My responsibilities are to take care of my family since I have 2 organización girls to help them study to attend to the food to serve my HABILIDAD 2 marriage and the duties of the house. flixibilidad HABILIDAD 1 simpatia 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 00% 1