The document outlines a 3-day workout plan consisting of bodyweight and weight exercises. Day 1 includes pushups, dumbbell presses, sideward dumbbell presses, bench dips, and crunches. Day 2 focuses on barbell squats, bicycling, side lateral raises, crunches, hanging leg raises, and more squats. Day 3 finishes with pushups, leg curls, leg extensions, more barbell squats, pull ups, and crunches. Each exercise is performed in 3 sets of 12 repetitions with 5 minutes of rest between sets.
The document outlines a 3-day workout plan consisting of bodyweight and weight exercises. Day 1 includes pushups, dumbbell presses, sideward dumbbell presses, bench dips, and crunches. Day 2 focuses on barbell squats, bicycling, side lateral raises, crunches, hanging leg raises, and more squats. Day 3 finishes with pushups, leg curls, leg extensions, more barbell squats, pull ups, and crunches. Each exercise is performed in 3 sets of 12 repetitions with 5 minutes of rest between sets.
The document outlines a 3-day workout plan consisting of bodyweight and weight exercises. Day 1 includes pushups, dumbbell presses, sideward dumbbell presses, bench dips, and crunches. Day 2 focuses on barbell squats, bicycling, side lateral raises, crunches, hanging leg raises, and more squats. Day 3 finishes with pushups, leg curls, leg extensions, more barbell squats, pull ups, and crunches. Each exercise is performed in 3 sets of 12 repetitions with 5 minutes of rest between sets.
The document outlines a 3-day workout plan consisting of bodyweight and weight exercises. Day 1 includes pushups, dumbbell presses, sideward dumbbell presses, bench dips, and crunches. Day 2 focuses on barbell squats, bicycling, side lateral raises, crunches, hanging leg raises, and more squats. Day 3 finishes with pushups, leg curls, leg extensions, more barbell squats, pull ups, and crunches. Each exercise is performed in 3 sets of 12 repetitions with 5 minutes of rest between sets.
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Day 1
1 set Check if Performed 2nd set Check if Performed 3rd set
st Check if Performed Push-up 12 12 12 REST 5 MINS 5 MINS 5 MINS Dumbbell press 12 12 12 REST 5 MINS 5 MINS 5 MINS Sideward Dumbbell 12 12 12 Press REST 5 MINS 5 MINS 5 MINS
Bench Dips 12 12 12
Crunches 12 12 12 Day2 1st set Check if Performed 2nd set Check if Performed 3rd set Check if Performed Barbell squat 12 12 12 REST 5 MINS 5 MINS 5 MINS 10 Bicycle 12 12 mins REST 5 MINS 5 MINS 5 MINS side lateral raise 12 12 12 REST 5 MINS 5 MINS 5 MINS crunches 12 12 12 REST 5 MINS 5 MINS 5 MINS hanging leg 12 12 12 raise REST 5 MINS 5 MINS 5 MINS Squats 12 12 12 Day 3 Check if 1st set Check if Performed 2nd set 3rd set Check if Performed Performed Push ups 12 12 12 REST 5 MINS 5 MINS 5 MINS Legs curls 12 12 12 REST 5 MINS 5 MINS 5 MINS Leg 12 12 12 extension REST 5 MINS 5 MINS 5 MINS Barbell squat 12 12 12 REST 5 MINS 5 MINS 5 MINS Pull ups 12 12 12 REST 5 MINS 5 MINS 5 MINS crunches 12 12 12