Surface-Water Hydrology: Swamps, and Other Wetlands
Surface-Water Hydrology: Swamps, and Other Wetlands
Surface-Water Hydrology: Swamps, and Other Wetlands
The surface-water resources of the Maumee River An historical overview provides a broad perspective
basin include the Maumee, St. Marys, and St. Joseph for assessing potential constraints and impacts of
Rivers; Cedar, Little Cedar, Blue, Fish, and Spy Run future water and land development. The most exten-
Creeks; an extensive network of smaller tributary sive changes which have occurred in the basin include
streams and ditches; two man-made reservoirs; natur- logging, ditching and urbanization.
al lakes; ponds; and scattered remnants of marshes, As ancestral Lake Maumee receded from the basin,
swamps, and other wetlands. the drainage networks developed. The course of the
These surface-water features comprise a significant Maumee River generally follows the route of an earli-
part of the hydrologic cycle (figure 2), a continual er subglacial channel, but the modern eastbound
movement of water between the atmosphere and earth. drainage system did not become established until
The hydrology of lakes, streams, and wetlands is headward erosion by the river captured the St. Joseph
closely related not only to precipitation, but also to and St. Marys Rivers (for additional information, see
topographic, geomorphic, and hydrogeologic Geology Section of the Physical Environment chap-
conditions. ter of this report).
The greater Maumee River watershed, which The “Three Rivers” occupied a vast wetland lake
encompasses areas in Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio is plain, and much of the area was covered by dense
the largest watershed in the United States portion of forests. This forest-covered, water-laden land
the Great Lakes Basin (figure 4). The Maumee River stretched for more than 120 miles from Fort Wayne to
is Lake Erie’s largest tributary (Great Lakes Basin Lake Erie. Early settlers called this area many names
Commission, 1977). including: the Great Black Swamp, Maumee Swamp,
The Maumee River begins at the confluence of the The Big Swamp, The Swamps, the Lake Plains, or the
St. Joseph and St. Marys Rivers. From the present-day Dismal Swamp. The extensive swamp and the hostile
urban setting of Fort Wayne, the Maumee River flows Indians prevented early settlement of the Maumee
eastward as a large river for about 134 miles until it region.
discharges into Maumee Bay at Toledo, Ohio. The 15- The “Three Rivers” however, were destined to be
square mile embayment of western Lake Erie, which important trade routes because of an eight-mile
forms Maumee Bay, allows more than 100 foreign portage connecting the Maumee River and the Wabash
ships to anchor at Toledo each year. Thus, the inland River. For many years the Maumee River provided the
Maumee River ends as a transit point for ocean cargo. shortest water route between the Quebec and New
This link to the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway has Orleans colonial centers.
played an important role in the development of Fort The streams, which nourished the hardwood forests
Wayne and Indiana’s Maumee River basin. by cycles of flooding and soil deposition, became
The major tributaries of the Maumee River, the St. frontier highways that brought Europeans to Indiana
Joseph River and the St. Marys River, are mature and accelerated settlement of Fort Wayne. Growing
streams in their own right. The St. Joseph River, the towns and cities needed vast quantities of wood; and
larger of the two, originates from a lake region near the streams provided easy transportation of logs to the
Hillsdale, Michigan, flows southwest, and enters mills and power for sawmills. The timber industry
Indiana from Ohio; whereas, the St. Marys River became the first to harvest natural resources in the
originates from western Ohio’s flat prairies. Maumee region.
The floodplains were rapidly cleared after the set-
tlers learned that the soils which supported the finest
HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE trees would also grow the best corn. Intensive ditching
and tiling turned the former swamps into productive
The present surface-water hydrology of the farmland.
Maumee River basin is different from the natural By 1819, when the last garrison was withdrawn
drainage conditions that existed prior to permanent from Fort Wayne, the surrounding village had begun
settlement of the area. to take on the character of a regional commercial and
60 Water Resource Availability, Maumee River Basin Surface-water Hydrology, Water Resources 61
ed into several different classes. Palustrine Forested ly or indirectly afforded some protection for wetlands.
(PFO) and Palustrine Emergent (PEM) are two of the Water regime of wetlands in the These state and federal programs generally are
Maumee basin
classes which Indiana Department of Natural designed to balance the need for wetland protection
Resources staff have preliminarily identified as state Seasonally flooded wetlands contain surface water for with developmental and drainage needs. Appendix 6
priority wetland types (Indiana Department of Natural extended periods, especially early in the frost-free growing sea- summarizes programs having good potential for pro-
son, but usually become dry by season’s end. When surface
Resources, 1988c). Fifty-seven percent of the water is absent, the ground water table is often near the land
tecting the wetlands of northern Indiana.
Palustrine wetlands in the Maumee basin are classi- surface. Because the number and extent of wetlands protect-
fied as forested, and 27 percent are classified as In temporarily flooded wetlands, surface water is present ed through regulatory programs are limited, non-regu-
for brief periods during the growing season, but the ground
emergent. water table usually lies well below the land surface for most of
latory programs involving land acquisition and volun-
Palustrine Forested wetlands are characterized by the season. Plants that grow both in uplands and wetlands are tary measures often are major factors in wetland pro-
woody vegetation 6 meters (19.7 feet) high or higher. characteristic of the temporarily flooded regime. tection. Many state agencies and private trusts are
Semi-permanently flooded wetland contain surface water
They are common in the eastern United States and in throughout the growing season in most years. When surface
involved in acquisition of prime wetland habitat for
moist areas of the West, particularly along rivers and water is absent, the ground water table is usually at or near the preservation.
in the mountains. Scattered remnants of PFO wet- land surface. The region’s semi-permanently flooded wetlands Indiana’s Wetland Conservation Program is one
typically are found along river corridors or adjacent to the larger
lands are present throughout the Maumee basin, but lakes.
method by which wetland tracts are being purchased
the majority are found within the northern regions. In intermittently exposed wetlands, surface water is pre- and protected. At present there are 29 specific wet-
Major concentrations of PFO wetlands are located sent throughout the year except in times of extreme drought. land conservation areas (Indiana Department of
In saturated wetlands, such as fens, ground water is at the
along Fish Creek and its west branch, Cedar Creek, land surface for extended periods during the growing season,
Natural Resources, written commun., 1995). Four of
Little Cedar Creek, and the St. Joseph River. Forested but surface water is seldom present. these areas lie within Steuben County, however, none
wetlands play a role in maintaining water quality In permanently flooded wetlands, water covers the land are located in the Maumee basin.
surface throughout the year in all years. Riverine and lacustrine
(Winger, 1986), and the locations of these PFO’s cor- systems constitute the majority of permanently flooded
Indiana’s Dedicated Nature Preserves protect wet-
relate well with the high quality surface waters found wetlands. lands that are contained within their borders. There
in these rivers (see discussion under Surface Water are presently eight dedicated nature preserves within
Quality). There are a few PFOs along the St. Marys the Maumee River basin. Four of these sites incorpo-
River, but they are extremely rare throughout the rate wetlands. One significant site just outside of the
southern part of the Maumee basin. basin boundary is the 270 acre Fox Island Nature
Palustrine Emergent wetlands are characterized by than one acre in size, 44 percent are from 1 to 10 Preserve located in Allen County. Within this pre-
erect, rooted herbaceous hydrophilic vegetation acres, 26 percent are from 10 to 40 acres, and the serve, marshes and swamps border a dune which was
(except mosses or lichens). Scattered remnants are remaining 21 percent are greater than 40 acres. created after the recession of the last glacier. The
located in the northern part of the basin in Steuben, diverse land and water habitats present in this preserve
DeKalb, and Noble Counties, but are extremely rare in support a wide variety of plant and animal life. A pri-
Allen and Adams counties. Wetland protection programs vate nonprofit organization is presently working to
Wetlands in the Maumee River basin can be further extend the boundaries of this preserve which would
characterized by the duration and timing of surface Once considered “wastelands”, Indiana’s wetlands include area within the Maumee basin.
inundation (see sidebar titled Water regime of wet- have been ditched, dredged, tiled or filled to allow for Another important area within the basin is the
lands in the Maumee River basin). Approximately agricultural production and other economic develop- Albert D. Rodenbeck Nature Preserve. This preserve
45 percent are seasonally flooded, 31 percent tem- ment. Although this perception of wetlands as barren is dominated by bottomland forest which borders
porarily flooded, 12 percent semi-permanently flood- or useless land still persists, there is a growing aware- Cedar Creek, a waterway designated as an
ed or intermittently exposed, and 8 percent are either ness of the valuable functions of wetlands. Wetlands Outstanding State Resource. (Cedar Creek is dis-
saturated or permanently flooded. The remaining 4 not only play a role in the hydrologic cycle (figure 2), cussed further in the section titled Surface Water
percent is unclassified (U.S. Fish and Wildlife com- but also provide a wide range of benefits including Quality.)
puterized data base). floodwater retention, water-quality protection, erosion
In addition, wetlands can be described by compar- control, fish and wildlife habitat, recreational and aes-
ative size. Size classification is important when eval- thetic opportunities, and possibilities for education Indiana Wetlands Conservation Plan
uating different functions and values of a given wet- and research. In addition, wetlands may be significant
land. For example, for flood prevention a large wet- contributors to certain global chemical cycles (See In recent years, wetland systems have been recog-
land would provide increased water storage potential, sidebar titled Wetland values and benefits). nized as one of the most productive and beneficial
whereas many species of waterfowl prefer smaller In general , these wetland values have largely been ecosystems on earth, yet wetland losses continue.
Figure 23. Wetlands of 5 or more acres wetland areas for nesting and raising their young. In overlooked until recent years, when state and federal Indiana presently has lost an estimated 87 percent of
(adapted from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service national wetlands
the Maumee basin, 9 percent of the wetlands are less agencies developed or expanded programs that direct- the wetlands that existed in pre-settlement times
62 Water Resource Availability, Maumee River Basin Surface-water Hydrology, Water Resources 63
Wetlands values and benefits Eighty percent of America’s breeding bird populations and more Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment designed as subsurface systems for several reasons: odor and mos-
than 50 percent of the 800 species of protected migratory birds rely on quito problems are avoided, freezing weather has less impact on this
Wetlands provide water storage functions in river basins by tem- wetlands (Wharton and others., 1982). Hamilton Lake in Steuben In recent history, regulations specifying increased wastewater treat- type of wetland, and subsurface systems require less area than sur-
porarily retaining water in upstream reaches and slowing its release to County has historically been an important area for waterfowl and con- ment standards and heightened concern over environmental issues face flow systems to treat a given amount of wastewater. Several of
downstream reaches. During periods of flood, the storage capacity of tinues to serve this purpose today. In addition, Fox Island Nature and the safety of our water supplies have led to an increased interest these wetland septic systems have been installed throughout northern
the low-lying areas characteristic of wetlands helps decrease floodwa- Preserve in Allen County contains a variety of wetland habitats, and in the application of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. Indiana, including the Maumee River basin.
ter velocity and increase the duration of flow thus decreasing flood has provided resources for 190 different species of birds (Indiana Wetland systems have been found to be efficient at treating a wide These systems generally consist of three stages. First a septic tank
peaks. During dry periods, stored water may discharge into the main Department of Natural Resources, 1995b). variety of pollutants including excess nutrients, toxic substances and is used for primary settling. This results in removal of the majority of
river channel, thereby helping to maintain streamflow. Flooding in the Wetlands provide the natural habitat necessary for the survival of pathogenic organisms. Wetlands act as sinks for these substances the solids. Second, the effluent flows from the septic tank into the con-
Maumee River basin has been a continuing problem, especially in the many endangered species. In Indiana more than 120 plant species through various physical and chemical processes such as sedimenta- structed wetland. To help comply with State Board of Health regula-
Ft. Wayne area. The Maumee basin has experienced flood damages and 60 animal species considered as either endangered, threatened, tion, nutrient uptake, absorption, adsorption, ion exchange, and the tions and recommendations, the wetland portion of the system is lined
totaling nearly $50 million in recent floods (Maumee River Basin rare or of special concern depend on wetlands (Indiana Department of dissimulation of harmful bacteria. with an impermeable membrane to avoid potential ground-water cont-
Commission, 1993). Although most of this damage is a result of devel- Natural Resources, 1988c). Of these, 17 plant species, and 36 animal Because of their ability to deal with a wide variety of pollutants, wet- amination. From the wetland, treated water enters a small leach field.
opments being located within the floodplain, damages may have been species have been documented within the Maumee River basin. lands have been used to treat both point and nonpoint sources of pol- This leach field provides treatment while the wetland plants are being
reduced if the upstream water storage capacity had not been signifi- Many recreational activities take place in and around wetlands. lution. In southern Indiana, wetlands are being used in the reclama- established and serves as an area for further treatment once the wet-
cantly altered due to wetland destruction. Because of the aesthetic quality of wetlands, these lands are key fea- tion of streams impacted by acid mine drainage. In other areas of the land is fully functioning.
Under certain conditions, water from wetlands supplements tures of many public parks and outdoor recreation areas providing state, they enhance the quality of downstream lakes by functioning as To achieve proper wastewater treatment during the winter, wetlands
ground-water recharge. Rates of recharge depend on wetland soil opportunities for hiking, picnicking, birdwatching and a variety of other filters for nonpoint source runoff from agricultural areas. In addition to in temperate zones need to be roughly twice the size of systems in
permeability. Wetlands also function as ground-water discharge activities. Hunting is another value associated with wetlands. Many these nonpoint source applications, wetlands are increasingly being warmer climates. A conservative estimate for Indiana is to allow one
points. Discharge wetlands typically form where the ground surface small game and big game species have been identified by state game used to treat sewage from a variety of sources. square foot area of wetland for each gallon treated per day. A single
intersects the water table. Wetlands are most likely to serve as managers as being associated with wetlands. Various furbearers also Organic matter is one of the major components of wastewater from family residence typically uses 500 to 600 gallons of water per day.
ground-water discharge points at depressional lakes and along major depend on wetland resources including the mink, beaver, raccoon, human activities. Wetland plants use this organic matter as an ener- Therefore, 600 square feet of wetland (an area 30’ X 20’) would be
river systems where regional ground-water flow patterns are toward and fox. In addition, the popularity of waterfowl hunting relates direct- gy and nutrient source, thereby removing excess nutrients and other appropriate. As more is learned from careful monitoring and evalua-
the main channels. ly to the importance of wetlands as feeding, nesting, resting, and win- materials from the water column. These plants also provide sites for tion of these systems, the area considered to supply adequate treat-
Wetlands also play an important role in water-quality mainte- tering grounds for waterfowl (appendix 7). microorganisms which aid in the purification process. ment will probably be reduced.
nance and improvement by functioning as natural filters to trap sedi- Wetlands have educational and cultural significance as well. In There are two basic types of constructed wetlands, surface flow Monitoring indicates that these low maintenance systems are per-
ment, recycle nutrients, and remove or immobilize pollutants, including education, wetlands are used for field trips, nature study, and teaching and subsurface flow systems. Surface flow systems have a shallow forming well in Indiana. Effluent from the wetland portion of the sys-
toxic substances that would otherwise enter adjoining lakes and a variety of the biological, chemical and physical sciences. Rare and bed or channel with water exposed to the atmosphere, and contain the tem often meets Indiana water-quality standards for recreational use
streams. In the Maumee basin, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is unique plants associated with wetlands are valuable for research and appropriate emergent and/or submergent aquatic vegetation. A sub- (table 19). E. coli. bacteria (an indicator for pathogenic organisms)
restoring wetlands along Fish Creek. This effort is an attempt to may be vital in the development of future pharmaceutical products. surface flow wetland consists of a foot or more of permeable media have been reduced by as much as 99.9 percent. Removal rates are
improve water quality to protect the White Cat’s Paw Pearlymussel, a Many wetlands also have cultural relevance as areas that were once (rock, gravel, sand, or soil) which supports the root systems for emer- also very good for total suspended solids and biological oxygen
federally-endangered species that resides in these waters. Since this refuges for American Indians, scenes of inspiration for artists and writ- gent vegetation. The water level is kept below the ground surface. demand. They do, however, have difficulty removing ammonia, espe-
program began, two other endangered mussels, the Northern ers, or sites of colonial campaigns (Reimold, 1979). Which ever type is used, it is recommended that at least primary treat- cially in winter (Ditzler, written commun., 1995). These systems have
Riffleshell and Clubshell have been found in Fish Creek (Indiana Wetlands may significantly impact global cycles of nitrogen, sulfur, ment precede the use of a wetland for wastewater treatment. great potential for areas where soil conditions are not suitable for con-
Department of Natural Resources, 1995a). In other areas of the state, methane and carbon dioxide (Mitsch and others, 1993). Many plants One relatively new application in Indiana is the use of wetlands for ventional septic systems.
wetland creation/restoration is being used for lake enhancement pro- and microorganisms within the wetland environment “fix”or transform single family residence septic systems. These systems have been
grams, and although natural wetlands in Indiana cannot be used for inorganic forms of nitrogen to organic, ecologically useful forms. Also,
wastewater treatment, a few artificial wetlands have been created for because of nutrient loading to wetlands from agricultural runoff, many
this purpose. wetlands may be important in returning excess organic nitrogen to the
Wetlands play a role in erosion control along lakeshores and atmosphere through denitrification.
streambanks by stabilizing substrates, dissipating wave and current Sulfates released by the burning of fossil fuels are washed out of
managing Indiana’s wetland resources during the next wetlands where opportunities exist to increase the
energy, and trapping sediments. Lakeshores frequently subjected to the air by rain and can acidify lakes and streams. The anaerobic envi-
wave action generated by heavy boat traffic can particularly benefit ronment present in wetland systems can alleviate this problem by decade” (Hansen, 1992). quality and quantity of wetland resources”. This goal
from the stabilizing effect of adjoining wetlands. reducing these sulfates to sulfides. Most of these sulfides then form Recognizing the value of wetlands and the need to does not imply a “hands off” policy, as fairness and a
The value of wetlands as fish and wildlife habitat has long been insoluble complexes with phosphate and metal ions and precipitate out
protect them, IDNR is in the process of developing the recognition of private property rights is inherent in the
recognized. Many species of fish and shellfish, and virtually all impor- of the water column, thus more or less removing them permanently
tant game fish rely on wetlands. They are considered wetland-depen- from circulation. Indiana Wetland Conservation Plan (IWCP). The plan plan.
dant because many species: 1) spawn in aquatic portions of wetlands, Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing due to burning of development is being accomplished through the input One of the major undertakings has been the prioriti-
2) use wetlands as nursery grounds, and/or 3) feed in wetlands or fossil fuels, destruction of rainforests and other oxidation processes
of two key groups; a Technical Advisory Team com- zation of wetlands, a step that has not been accom-
upon wetland-based food. involving organic matter. Draining and oxidation of peat deposits with-
Hundreds of vertebrate species found in Indiana utilize wetlands. in wetland systems result in a net release of carbon dioxide into the prised of specialists from state and federal programs plished by any other state in their conservation plans
Furthermore, species that originally used wetlands in rare circum- atmosphere. Therefore, wetlands may be shifting from a net sink of directly related to wetland protection and manage- (Case, oral commun., 1995). This prioritization is
stances, have come to rely increasingly on these resources due to carbon to a net source. Carbon is also released from wetlands in the
ment, and a Wetlands Advisory Group which includes being generated so that limited money and resources
other habitat destruction. Muskrats, beavers, and river otters are form of methane. Aselmann and others (1989) estimate emissions of
examples of Indiana furbearers that are totally dependent on wetland methane from natural wetlands at 40-160 x 106 mt/yr. representatives of major interest groups such as devel- can be spent in the most efficient and beneficial ways.
environments. opers and environmental agencies. As drafts of the Prioritization is being developed in two distinct areas:
plan are updated, they are sent out to additional the physical/chemical benefits of wetlands such as
reviewers representing various interests throughout flood protection and water-quality enhancement, and
(Dahl, 1990), and continues to lose this valuable Consequently, the Indiana Department of Natural the state. In addition, drafts are available for public the biological benefits including biodiversity and
resource at an estimated rate of 1 to 3 percent of exist- Resources began in July of 1992 “to review the cur- comment. wildlife habitat. In addition, inherent in the conserva-
ing wetlands annually (Hansen, 1992). rent programs and activities involving wetlands in the The goal of the plan to date is to “conserve tion of any wetland system for the above reasons are
Conservation of wetland habitat is an important part Department of Natural Resources[,] and to provide Indiana’s remaining wetland resources, as defined by the recreational and educational benefits derived
of maintaining the health of the environment. recommendations on the direction and structure for acreage, type, and function, and to restore and create from these unique ecosystems.
64 Water Resource Availability, Maumee River Basin Surface-water Hydrology, Water Resources 65
At the heart of the Indiana Wetlands Conservation up the Maumee Lacustrine Plain and Tipton Till Plain aging or eutrophication. This normally slow accumu- Inventory of basin lakes
Plan is the Hoosier Wetlands Conservation Initiative. (figure 15). Within these regions some small, shallow lation of sediments decreases lake depth. Eventually,
This initiative focuses on several strategic components oxbow lakes remain scattered along the lengths of the a lake may become a wetland and finally may convert Table 13 presents information on eight natural and
for conserving wetlands that have broad support St. Marys, St. Joseph and Maumee Rivers. Because to land that can support terrestrial vegetation. three artificial lakes in the Maumee basin having an
among interests throughout the state. These compo- most oxbow lakes are only temporarily, seasonally, or A young lake typically contains low nutrient levels area of at least 25 acres. Saddle Lake (24 acres) is
nents are as follows: 1) developing “focus areas” or semi-permanently flooded, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife and numbers of organisms, but a wide variety of included because it borders the size limit, and some
pilot projects where conservation efforts can be built Service and the Division of Fish and Wildlife of the species. The dissolved oxygen content of the data are available. The eight natural lakes tabulated in
around partnerships which utilize strategies developed Indiana Department of Natural Resources typically hypolimnion remains relatively constant throughout table 13 occupy a total of about 1980 acres, or just
in the IWCP, 2) increasing scientific information on classify these lakes as palustrine wetlands. In one the year. Lakes with low nutrient levels, high biodi- over three square miles. Two lakes in Steuben County,
wetland resources to better guide conservation efforts, sense, the remnant lakes (wetlands) are artificial versity, and a stable dissolved oxygen content are con- Clear Lake and Hamilton Lake, are 800 and 802 acres,
3) providing positive incentives for wetland conserva- because they were formed when the rivers were sidered oligotrophic. Added nutrients from surface respectively. These two lakes account for approxi-
tion and restoration, 4) educating technical staff, dredged and straightened. In another sense, they are runoff into lakes and streams augment phytoplankton mately 80 percent of the total acreage of the natural
farmers, school children, and others on our wetland considered natural because oxbow lakes commonly production. As this biomass dies and settles to the lakes listed in table 13.
resources, 5) targeting wetlands for permanent acqui- form along meandering rivers. Altogether, shallow lake bottom, decomposition rates increase resulting in Clear Lake and Hamilton Lake have the largest
sition from willing owners, 6) continuing the work of remnant oxbows probably account for the majority of a reduced dissolved oxygen content. This reduced capacities of the natural lakes in the basin. These two
the Technical Advisory Team and Wetlands Advisory small lakes remaining in the lower Maumee River oxygen content affects aquatic species composition. natural lakes and Hurshtown Reservoir account for
Group to address additional issues such as creating a basin. The more desirable fish species are replaced by toler- about 84 percent of the known total capacity of near-
clearly-defined mitigation program that addresses mit- An unknown number of lakes in the basin may have ant varieties that thrive in the diminished water-quali- ly 18 billion gallons for basin lakes.
igation banking, and improving coordination, efficien- disappeared due to natural cataclysmic events. Some ty conditions of a eutrophic lake (Clark and others, At maximum pool level, the three reservoirs in the
cy and consistency of local, state, and federal lakes gradually filled in because of natural or cultur- 1977). basin occupy about 703 acres or 1.1 square miles.
regulations. al eutrophication, and others were destroyed or great- Humankind influences this process of lake eutroph- Fort Wayne Utilities constructed the Cedarville and
Upon its completion, it is hoped that the Indiana ly diminished by artificial or natural drainage. ication by means of point and non-point sources of Hurshtown Reservoirs primarily for water supply, but
Wetlands Conservation Plan will be the guiding docu- pollution. This culturally-induced increase in nutrient these water bodies subsequently became recreational
ment for wetland conservation in Indiana, and that levels results in premature degeneration of lakes. areas also. According to the Division of Fish and
open interaction of the state with interested public and Ancestral Lake Maumee Wildlife’s 1995 Indiana Fishing Guide, Hurshtown
private parties will be inherent in all future conserva- Reservoir is now the best fishing area for smallmouth
tion projects. In the relatively flat expanse of the Maumee Drainage Projects bass in Allen County.
Lacustrine Plain lies the remains of ancestral Lake The Cedarville Reservoir, also in Allen County, is a
Maumee. Lake Maumee, the most recent stage of Another way in which humans have altered the shallow 408 acre in-stream impoundment located east
Lakes ancestral Lake Erie (a predecessor to modern Lake lakes in the Maumee basin is through dredging, tiling, and northeast of the city of Cedarville. Constructed
Erie), formed between the retreating Erie Ice Lobe and drainage. The quest for more arable soil led to the on the St. Joseph River, it acts as a supplementary
The physiographic features within the Maumee and the Fort Wayne Moraine. The lake’s former extensive drainage projects of the early nineteenth water supply for the greater Fort Wayne area.
River basin create the unique distribution of natural power remains evident in the widely scattered sand century. Thirteen special drainage Acts were enacted Additional information about the Cedarville and
freshwater lakes. The Steuben Morainal Lake Area bars, spits, and wave-scoured terraces near the ancient between 1799 and 1852. Hurshtown Reservoirs may be found in this chapter
(figure 15) at the northern extreme of the study area shorelines. On the lakeward side of the Fort Wayne The Federal Swamplands Act of 1850 greatly under the heading of Reservoirs.
contains many of the basin’s natural lakes. Moraine, a complex of prominent beach ridges was affected lakes adjacent to swamps. This Act trans- The St. Joseph Reservoir is a widening of the St.
Hummocky ridges and uplands with thick, unconsoli- deposited atop till benches. ferred 1,378,000 acres of undrained lands from the Joseph River upstream from a flood control structure
dated glacial deposits differentiate this area from the An event of debated origin destroyed ancestral Lake federal government to the state. Indiana then spent within the Fort Wayne city limits. It is included in this
southern regions. Most of the natural lakes within this Maumee. When the Fort Wayne Moraine was over one million dollars attempting to create more report because of its public use and the amount of
area probably formed in depressions left by the irreg- breached, the rapidly draining waters scoured the profitable land. Legislation to promote the drainage information available. The public boat launch at
ular deposition of glacial drift. Other lakes, known as Wabash-Erie Channel and drained Lake Maumee (for activities involved at least 34 laws and six resolutions Johnny Appleseed Park provides access to this 30-acre
kettle-hole lakes, were created by the melting of iso- more information see the Geology section of Physical spanning 54 years. A historic atlas from 1882 lists 65 body of water known for its good carp, channel cat,
lated masses of buried glacial ice. Clear Lake, having Environment). ditches in Whitley County alone. According to the and sucker fishing.
a maximum depth of 107 feet, is an example of a deep History of Indiana Lakes, it is probable that just as
kettle-hole lake located in northeastern Steuben many drainage ditches existed in the adjoining coun-
County. Eutrophication ties of the Maumee River basin. Drainage projects Lake-level fluctuations
In contrast to the morainal area, the southern section affected nearly all lakes in the basin, and this influ-
of the Maumee basin consists mainly of very low- “A lake of small size, like those in Indiana, begins ence did not diminish until the first lake-level protec- Since 1942, the U.S. Geological Survey, through a
relief regions with thin deposits of glacial till. These to die the moment it is born.” This quote by W. S. tion law passed in 1905. cooperative agreement with the Indiana Department
tills, which overlie karstic limestone bedrock, make Blatchley (1901) refers to a lake’s natural processes of of Natural Resources (IDNR), has collected records of
66 Water Resource Availability, Maumee River Basin Surface-water Hydrology, Water Resources 67
Lake regulations Department of Natural Resources. Such approval typically is granted
Class 1 – high-quality lakes assigned a total of 0-25 eutrophy points; class 2 – intermediate-quality lakes assigned a total of 26-50 eutrophy points; class 3 – poor-quality lakes assigned a
Class 2
only for shoreline improvements or lake restoration procedures.
Because water-level fluctuation in lakes can restrict their usefulness A related lake law (I.C. 14-26-2) enacted in 1947, with major
for recreation, residential development, flood control and water supply amendments in 1982 and 1995, requires prior approval from the
purposes, state and local organizations have attempted to maintain Department of Natural Resources for any alteration of the bed or
average water levels on many lakes. In accordance with a state law shoreline of a public freshwater lake of natural origin. Permits are
passed in 1947 (I.C. 13-2-11.1) and recodified in 1995 (I.C. 14-26-2), required not only for large projects such as channel or lakebed dredg-
Groups of similar lake types were derived from cluster analysis based on lake morphometry and trophic state. Groups applicable to lake size are summarized as follows:
the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (formerly the Indiana ing, boat-ramp construction, and boat-well construction, but also for
Department of Conservation) is authorized to have normal lake levels minor projects such as the construction of seawalls or sand beaches.
Group 1
established by appropriate legal action. The Department also has the In addition, a permit is required to pump water from a public freshwa-
Surface area: Acreage at established level; only lakes having a surface area of at least 25 acres are tabulated (Indiana Department of Natural Resources, 1993a).
authority to initiate and supervise the installation of dams, spillways, or ter lake.
other control structures needed to maintain the established levels. Under a law passed in 1947 and amended in 1987 (I.C. 14-26-5), a
Established lake levels typically represent the average water-sur- permit is required for the construction, reconstruction, repair or
face elevation that has prevailed for several years. Once an average recleaning of a ditch or drain that has a bottom elevation lower than the
normal water level is established by a local circuit court, the average normal average water level of a freshwater lake of 10 acres or more,
lake level is to be maintained at that elevation. Temporary lowering of and that is located within half mile of the lake.
a lake level below its designated level requires prior approval from the
Period of
Management group and trophic class: Data from Indiana Department of Environmental Management, 1986a and 305(b) report, [1995].
Period of record: Refers to lake-level data collected by the USGS under cooperative agreement with the IDNR, Division of Water.
the water-surface elevations of many Indiana lakes. greatly affected the basin’s natural lakes. Ditching
Established level: Average normal water level, area determined by local courts; expressed in feet above mean sea level (fmsl).
Lake stations generally are equipped with a staff gage near a lake may intercept or divert surface drainage
Level (fmsl)
that is read once daily by a local observer. Automatic that normally enters the lake basin, thus reducing the
Eutrophy Points
none digital water-stage recorders have been installed at a drainage area contributing to the lake. A ditch con-
few lake stations in the Maumee River basin (table structed down gradient of a lake may induce ground-
13). water leakage from the lake to the ditch. Moreover,
Today lake-level data are used primarily to monitor lowering the local water table by surface or subsurface
maximum and minimum levels, determine the loca- drainage or ground-water pumping may reduce the
Depth (ft)
tion of shoreline contours for lakeshore construction amount of ground-water inflow to lakes.
projects, and to investigate water-quality and flooding State laws enacted since the 1940s protect public
problems. Gage records are also used to establish freshwater lakes of natural origin from detrimental
Mean Depth
normal water-surface elevations, as described in development and excessive water-level fluctuations
Indiana law (I.C. 14-26-2). At present, legal levels (see sidebar Lake Regulations).
have been established at six of the eight natural lakes
Area (acres)
total of 51-75 eutrophy points; class 4 – remnant lakes and oxbow lakes.
legal level has been established; Saddle Lake has nei- Streams
Maximum depth: (Indiana Department of Natural Resources, 1993a)
Survey in cooperation with the IDNR mapped more drainage basins of the St. Joseph River, the Upper
than 200 natural and artificial lakes in Indiana, includ- Maumee River, the St. Marys River, and the Auglaize
Area (sq. mi.)
Selected data for major lakes
ing seven lakes in the Maumee River basin. Although River which drains into Ohio before entering the
mal water-surface elevations, these depth contour The principal drainage network in the Maumee
maps have since been used for many purposes, includ- River basin is formed by the “Three Rivers”: the St.
ing fisheries studies, water-quality analysis, and recre- Joseph River, the St. Marys River, and the Maumee
ational planning. Depth contour maps of Ball, Cedar, River. The St. Joseph River originates near Hillsdale,
Clear, Hamilton, Indian, Long, and Round lakes are Michigan, and enters Indiana from Ohio, northeast of
Hurshtown Res.
available from the IDNR Division of Water. In addi- Fort Wayne. The St. Marys River originates near New
St. Joseph Res.
Cedarville Res.
Lake Name
tion, a hydrographic survey of Cedarville Reservoir Bremen, Ohio and flows northwest to Fort Wayne. At
Steuben Co.
was completed in 1988 by the Surveying and Mapping Fort Wayne, these two rivers join to form the Maumee
DeKalb Co.
Adams Co.
Table 13.
Allen Co.
Section of the Division of Water, IDNR. River. The Maumee then travels approximately 134
The historic drainage projects conducted through- miles to Maumee Bay, a 15 square mile embayment of
out the Maumee River basin since the 1800s have western Lake Erie.
68 Water Resource Availability, Maumee River Basin Surface-water Hydrology, Water Resources 69
Other streams in the Maumee River basin in Table 14. Stream gaging stations
Indiana, listed in order of decreasing drainage areas Map number: Station locations are shown in figure 24.
include Cedar Creek, Blue Creek, Little Cedar Creek,
Station number: Numbers are U.S. Geological Survey downstream-order identification numbers; Letter abbreviation T: Refers to telemetered station or
Flat Rock Creek, Hoffman Creek, Fish Creek, data collection platform.
Holthouse Ditch, Nickelsen Creek, Bear Creek, 90
Contributing drainage area: Portion of watershed that contributes directly to surface runoff; Period of record: Refers to calender year, whether or not
Harber Ditch, Willow Creek, Big Run, Houk Ditch, data encompasses entire year.
Spy Run Creek, and Dibbling Ditch. 20
Map Station Station name Contributing Period of Record
no. no. drainage area (sq.mi.) Dates
Sources of stream-flow data STEUBEN CO.
to evaluate the water-supply potential of streams. 8
5 04181500T St. Marys River at Decatur 621 1946-
The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS), in coopera- AUBURN NEW-
6 04182000 St. Marys River near Fort Wayne 762 1930-
tion with other government agencies has maintained 8
7 04182810 Spy Run Creek at Fort Wayne 14 1983-
1 8 04183000T Maumee River at New Haven 1967 1946-3
daily records of stream flow in the Maumee River 205
(USACE), and the Indiana Department of Natural 69 R 9 04182590 Harber Ditch at Fort Wayne 21.9 1964-19914
Resources. 327 RI 10 04179000 St. Joseph River at Cedarville 763 1955-19815
Presently, records of daily mean discharge are col- 27 CEDARVILLE
11 04179500 Cedar Creek at Auburn 87.3 1943-19736
lected at 8 continuous-record stations in the basin PH
R Low-flow partial-record stations7
(figure 24 and table 14). Of the eight stations, four are . RI
33 ST
located on the St. Joseph River and its tributaries,
12 04177800 Fish Creek near Artic 96.8
three on the St. Marys River mainstem and its tribu- AU
M 13 04177900 Big Run at Butler 16.7
tary Spy Run, and one on the Maumee River. 14 24
NEW 14 04178400 Bear Creek near Saint Joe 23.9
Data from most stations in the Maumee River basin 15 04178500 St. Joe River near Hursh 734 Daily values 1950-54
are used primarily for flood hydrology and river fore- 16 04179308 Dibbling Ditch near Waterloo 12.9
1 27
17 04179310 Cedar Creek near Waterloo 48.8
casting. Three of the gaging stations, one each on the 469
18 04179560 John Diehl Ditch at Auburn 37.5
St. Marys, St. Joseph, and the Maumee, are equipped 19 04179800 Little Cedar Creek near Garrett 72.3
with telemetering devices for automatic reporting of 33
20 04179900 Willow Creek near Huntertown 19
current river stages (table 14). The telemetered sta- 1
21 04181100 Blue Creek near Pleasant Mills 78.5
tions are part of an “Early Warning System” for WELLS CO. ADAMS CO. 22 04181600 Holthouse Ditch near Decatur 34
flooding near the city of Fort Wayne. Explanation 23 04181800 Nickelsen Creek near Poe 25.6
Table 14 also lists active, discontinued, and partial- Active stations in blue, 24 04181900 Houk Ditch near Hessen Cassel 16.3
Discontinued stations in black
25 04191340 Flatrock Creek near Townley 47.1
record stations. The partial-record station at Cecil Site numbers correspond to 224
26 04191360 Hoffman Creek at Townley 41.7
stations listed in table 14.
Metcalf Ditch near Auburn has served as a crest-stage DECATUR
70 Water Resource Availability, Maumee River Basin Surface-water Hydrology, Water Resources 71
taneous daily mean discharges at a nearby continuous- during late summer and early fall when warm temper- 100 10,000 A steeply sloping flow-duration curve indicates a
record gage on a stream draining a nearby basin of atures cause high evapotranspiration rates. Hence, stream draining a basin with little surface and/or sub-
similar hydrologic characteristics. Using this correla- most of the precipitation that would otherwise be surface storage. Flood peaks on this type of stream are
tion, low-flow frequency characteristics of the partial available to streams is lost to the atmosphere. high and rapid because most excess precipitation runs
percent of the days during the period 1970-1993 (fig- Whereas, in Fish Creek significant storage is pro-
Temperature ( 0F)
ure 26, in black). Daily flows for this period exceeded vided by valley deposits of permeable sands and grav-
3250 cfs five percent of the time. els and by upstream lakes. The high base flow at Fish
2 40
The overall slope and shape of the duration curve Creek is evident in figure 26, by the sustained unit low
are related to the storage characteristics of the flows at durations greater than 85 percent.
drainage basin, which in turn are related to the topog-
raphy and hydrogeology of the basin.
1 20 A duration curve that is gently sloping indicates a SURFACE-WATER DEVELOPMENT
stream draining an area with substantial surface and/or POTENTIAL
subsurface storage. Flood peaks on this type of stream
are attenuated because much of the excess precipita- The development potential of the surface-water sys-
0 0 tion is stored in surface depressions, permeable soils, tems for water supply purposes can have a great
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec or surficial geologic deposits. During dry periods, impact on several economic activities. The Maumee
stream flow is sustained by the slow release of water River basin will continue to utilize surface water for
from these surface and/or underground sources. most of its water use. Further development of streams
Figure 25. Variation of mean monthly runoff, precipitation, and temperature
72 Water Resource Availability, Maumee River Basin Surface-water Hydrology, Development Potential 73
for potential water supply may be possible in some parameters derived from stream-flow records. In this 10,000
dle portion of the flow-duration curve (figure 26). As
cases. Other surface-water systems such as ponds, report, average and low-flow characteristics were described previously, the flow-duration ratio (slope)
lakes, and wetlands, however, are not considered as defined at gaged sites using flow-duration curves, fre- Q = .98 x DA 0.98 reflects not only the presence of flood-attenuating fac-
significant water supply sources because of their lim- quency analysis, and hydrograph separation tech- tors in a watershed, but also the relative component of
74 Water Resource Availability, Maumee River Basin Surface-water Hydrology, Development Potential 75
Maumee River basin.
The 7-day, 10-year low flow is the annual lowest
mean flow for 7 consecutive days that can be expect-
ed to occur, through a long period, on the average of
once every 10 years. There is a 1-in-10 chance that the
annual minimum 7-day mean flow in any given year
will be less than this value.
In Indiana, the 7-day, 10-year low flow (7Q10) is
the index for water-quality standards. The flow is used
for siting, design, and operation of wastewater treat-
ment plants; for evaluating wastewater discharge
applications and assigning wasteload limits to indus-
trial and municipal discharges; and as an aid in setting
minimum water-release requirements below impound-
ments. In the future, the 7Q10 or other low-flow para-
meters may be used by the Indiana Department of
Natural Resources to establish minimum flows of
selected streams.
The U.S. Geological Survey has developed a
Figure 28. Frequency curves of annual lowest mean method for estimating the 7Q10 on ungaged streams
discharge for indicated number of consecutive days in Indiana (Arihood and Glatfelter, 1986). Regression
for Fish Creek at Hamilton, Cedar Creek near analysis was used to derive an equation which is most
Cedarville, and the St. Marys River near Fort Wayne accurately applied to unregulated streams in northern
and central Indiana which drain areas between 10 and
1000 square miles, and have 7Q10s greater than zero. Figure 30. Example of stream-flow hydrographs
The equation determined by Arihood and Glatfelter
(1986) is as follows:
7Q10 = 1.66 x DA1.03 x RATIO-1.51 planning purposes. Site-specific design flows should graph of daily stream flows is composed of peaks and
be determined according to local watershed conditions valleys which often are quite sharp. The peaks repre-
where and more detailed analyses. sent the quick response of stream flow to storm runoff
received as overland flow and interflow, and occasion-
DA = the contributing drainage area, in square miles; ally as ground-water flow from hillslopes adjacent to
and Hydrograph separation the stream. The base level to which the peaks return
represents the base flow which continues to occur
RATIO = The 20-to-90 percent flow duration ratio. Hydrograph separation is a technique used to divide after overland flow has ceased. The base-flow hydro-
stream flow (total runoff) into its component parts of graph therefore can be approximated by eliminating
In the Maumee River basin, regionalized flow-dura- surface runoff, interflow and base flow. Surface runoff the sharp hydrograph peaks and drawing a smooth
tion ratios mapped by Arihood and Glatfelter (1986) is the combination of precipitation falling directly curve (figure 30).
for small streams are summarized as follows: upon the stream and water flowing over the land sur- The volume of total runoff for a given water year is
face toward the stream (overland flow). Interflow computed by converting each daily discharge to a
* St. Joseph River basin —5-20 to undefined occurs when precipitation that has infiltrated the soil daily volume, then summing these values over the
* Upper Maumee basin — 20 to undefined moves laterally through the soil toward the stream. For year in question. The total runoff can then be convert-
* Auglaize basin — undefined convenience, interflow and surface runoff can be com- ed to inches by dividing it by drainage area. A similar
Figure 29. Frequency curves of annual lowest mean
* St. Marys basin — 25 to undefined bined into one category called direct runoff. Base flow technique can be used to compute the total annual
discharge for indicated number of consecutive days
for the Maumee River at New Haven and the St. is the portion of stream flow that is derived largely or base-flow volume.
Joseph River near Newville Although 7Q10s estimated from the equation and entirely from ground-water discharge. The ratio of base flow to total runoff is one measure
flow-duration ratios shown above may differ from val- A graphical technique can be used to separate the of the degree to which stream flow is sustained by
ues based on other regionalization techniques or par- base-flow hydrograph from a stream-flow hydrograph ground-water discharge. This ratio therefore is
tial-record data, the estimates are suitable for broad of daily discharges. As figure 30 shows, the hydro- an indicator of the dependability of a stream for
76 Water Resource Availability, Maumee River Basin Surface-water Hydrology, Development Potential 77
Table 15. Average monthly runoff of the Maumee from 1957-81 was considered in estimating the aver-
River basin age runoff. The 1982 data was not used because severe
{Values were approximated for a total drainage area of 2097.3 sq.
floods had occurred in the basin during 1982 and pro-
mi. which includes the upstream drainage areas from Michigan and duced very high flows.
Table 15 shows that water availability in the form of
stream flow generally is greatest in spring and least in
Month Volume Runoff
(BG) (in)
late summer and early fall. In any given year, howev-
er, water availability may vary greatly from the tabu-
October 7.3 0.20 lated values. Moreover, future developments which
November 17.7 0.49 cause increased consumptive use could potentially
December 41.6 1.14 reduce the amount and temporal distribution of avail-
January 34.2 0.93 able water.
February 48.6 1.33
March 77.0 2.10
April 68.6 1.89 Supply potential of streams
May 36.4 1.00
June 28.4 0.78
The potential of individual streams in the basin for
July 15.8 0.44
August 10.8 0.30
water-supply development is discussed in the follow-
September 9.1 0.25 ing pages. Water-supply potential is discussed by sub-
basin including the Auglaize, St. Marys, St. Joseph,
Total 395.5 10.85 and Upper Maumee. It should be emphasized that
stream flows are assessed without regard to the poten-
tial construction of impounding reservoirs (either in-
channel or off-channel) that could greatly improve the
water supply. water-supply potential of some streams. Variations in
stream-flow characteristics are interpreted primarily
on the basis of geologic, soil, and topographic differ-
Average runoff of Maumee River basin ences among and within drainage basins.
Table 16 lists selected stream-flow characteristics
The total water-supply potential of a basin is the for active and inactive continuous-record gaging sta-
average precipitation that falls on the land surface and tions having at least 24 years of data as of water year
is not lost to evapotranspiration or used consumptive- 1993. Average and low-flow values for these stations
ly, such as incorporation into a manufactured product. and low-flow values for partial-record stations are
The theoretical maximum supply potential of a plotted in figure 31 to facilitate an assessment of the
drainage basin as a whole can be defined as the long geographic variation in flows.
term average runoff, which includes both surface Streams that have relatively high sustained flows
runoff and ground-water discharge to streams. are more reliable than streams of low sustained flows,
Table 15 shows the mean monthly stream flow leav- and thus are preferred for water-supply development.
ing the Indiana portion of the Maumee River basin.
These values represent a major portion of water leav-
ing the basin as stream flow into Ohio. Discharges Auglaize River basin
were modified to represent flows at the Indiana-Ohio
State Line by using drainage-area adjustments. The The Auglaize River basin comprises only 99.8
drainage area at the Indiana-Ohio State Line is 2097.3 square miles within Indiana. Its largest tributaries in
sq. mi. The average runoff estimations at the state line Indiana include Flatrock Creek and Hoffman Creek
were made based upon the data available at the New which drain into the Auglaize River in Ohio, thence
Haven, Indiana stream gaging station and Antwerp, into the Maumee River. Estimated average flow
Ohio stream gaging station. The New Haven station (annual mean) for these two small tributaries is
has data from 1957 to present, whereas Antwerp has approximately 43 cfs and 38 cfs, respectively (figure
data from 1957 to 1982. A uniform period of record 31); 7Q10 is zero.
14 24
values from nearest station
Total drainage area, average discharge (annual mean), annual runoff, extremes: From Stewart, A. James & others, (1994)
Extremes: Daily maximum represents maximum daily mean discharge; daily minimum represents minimum daily mean discharge
Low flows: Estimated by USGS using log-Pearson type III distribution method (Fowler and Wilson, 1996)
Ground-water contribution: Estimated by Division of Water using methodology of Pettyjohn and Henning, 1979, for hydrograph separation. Values are for water year 1975
at Hamilton 37.5 34.1 12.34 54.7 17.8 716 0.52 NA 1.2 0.03 52
at New Haven 1967 1758 12.14 2975 669 26300 48 55 78 0.04 42
near Cedarville 270 255 12.82 485 85.3 5220 13 17 21 0.08 48
The major sources of water in the St. Joseph River SPY RUN CREEK
basin are the St. Joseph River, Cedar Creek, Little AT FORT WAYNE
Cedar Creek, and Fish Creek. Two reservoirs are
located in the St. Joseph River basin in Indiana.
10 10
100 100 Cedarville Reservoir, an instream impoundment is 10 10
confluence with Cedar Creek (figures 31 and 34). The
St. Joseph River is affected by storage and regulation
Figure 33. Duration curves of daily mean stream flow Figure 34. Duration curves of daily mean stream flow
downstream from the Cedarville Reservoir. on selected streams
1 1 Tributaries analyzed include numerous locations on for the St. Joseph River near Newville and Cedar
0.1 1 10 50 95 99.5 99.99
the Cedar Creek drainage basin and Fish Creek (fig- Creek near Cedarville
Table 16 shows the stream flow characteristics of The flow-duration ratio of the Maumee River at New
selected streams in the Maumee River basin. The 1- Upper Maumee River basin Haven is about 18. Maximum annual mean flow at the
Figure 32. Duration curves of daily mean stream flow day, 30 year (1Q30) and 7-day, 10 year (7Q10) low gage at New Haven is only four times the minimum.
for the Maumee River at New Haven and the St. flows in the St. Joseph River at Newville are 15 and 20 The Upper Maumee River basin is the portion of the Maximum-to-minimum ratios for other major streams
Marys River near Fort Wayne cfs. The 1Q30 and 7Q10 for Cedar Creek are 17 and Maumee River watershed upstream of the New Haven in northern and central Indiana range from 4 to 8
21 cfs, respectively. stream gage. Approximately 43 percent of the (Arvin, 1989).
A large amount of base flow is estimated at drainage area is contributed by the St. Marys drainage The 1-day 30 year (1Q30) and the 7-day 10 year
Newville (about 51 percent of the total runoff ). basin and 55 percent is contributed by the St. Joseph (7Q10) low flows in the Maumee River are 55 and 78
St. Marys River basin Nearly identical percentages of base flow are obtained drainage basin. cfs, respectively (table 16). The base-flow during a
from the Cedarville and Hamilton areas, 48 and 52 The flow-duration curve of the Maumee River normal year constitute about 42 percent of the total
In the St. Marys River basin, the St. Marys River is percent, respectively. High base flow at Newville, exhibits characteristics similar to the curves of its runoff at New Haven.
the major water resource. A number of sites along the Cedarville, and Hamilton, is related to the presence of major tributaries. At high discharges, the slope of the
mainstem of St. Marys are analyzed for flow charac- permeable sandy soils and outwash sand and gravel flow-duration curve of the Maumee River (figure 32),
teristics (figures 31, 32, and table 16). Tributaries deposits in that area. resembles that of the St. Marys River, indicating the Reservoirs
which have at least a partial analysis include Blue The flow-duration ratio for the St. Joseph River at predominance of direct runoff during storm events. At
Creek, Nickelson Creek, Houk Ditch, Harber Newville, Cedar Creek near Cedarville, and Fish low discharges, the Maumee curve is very similar to Because streamflow varies from season to season,
(Fairfield) Ditch, and Spy Run Creek (figure 34). Creek at Hamilton are 16, 10, and 16 respectively. the St. Joseph River curve indicating similar base flow water supplies dependant on streamflow must be
Average flow (annual mean) for the St. Marys near The lower flow-duration ratio indicates the higher contribution. However, the overall slope of the designed to meet dry-weather conditions when
Fort Wayne is 611 cfs. The 1Q30 and 7Q10 at Fort amount of base flow and also the existence of more Maumee is closer to that of the St. Joseph River. streamflow may be only a fraction of the normal flow.
Wayne are 6.3 and 9.8 cfs, respectively. Of the major sustained stream flows during dry weather. Of the basin streams, the Maumee River has the Demands for water supplied by a stream often exceed
streams in the Maumee River basin in Indiana, the St. most uniform flow characteristics. The small range in the naturally-occurring minimum streamflow; but,
Marys River has the lowest percentage (29) of base flows on the Maumee River is evident in flow ratios. substantial increases in water supply can be attained
82 Water Resource Availability, Maumee River Basin Surface-water Hydrology, Development Potential 83
through development of additional storage to hold Methods of analysis
some of the high flow each year for release during a Upland reservoirs/side-channel reservoirs reservoir requires an allowance for the passage of large floods, thus
the necessity for constructing a large and usually expensive spillway.
later period of low flow. To plan for the future use of surface water, the Upland or side-channel reservoirs are defined as impoundments Floods generally have little effect upon side-channel reservoirs. The
Reservoirs regulate streamflow for beneficial use by dependability of the supply must be known. The yield into which water is pumped from a moderately large stream. They dif- rapid sedimentation found in a standard reservoir is nearly nonexistent
fer from standard reservoirs in that the side-channel reservoirs are in the side-channel versions. Because the pumping system can pump
storing water for later release. Realizing that the nat- of a water supply is the amount of water that is avail- generally self-contained, not receiving drainage from the surrounding only some of the floodwaters which are carrying a great portion of the
ural inflow to any impoundment area is often highly able for use during some period of time, such as a day, area. Only the pumped inflow and precipitation account for the reser- stream’s annual load of sediment, most of the sediments are avoided.
variable from year to year, season to season, or even a month, or a year. The safe yield of a reservoir is voir’s contents. Side-channel reservoirs can be built using a cut and In many situations, the pumping system does not even need to be
fill design like Hurshtown (see figure below) taking advantage of natu- operating when the streamflow is especially turbid. In addition, while
day to day, it is obvious that the reservoir function defined as the minimum yield during the life of the rally-occurring topographic depressions, or utilizing abandoned quar- instream reservoirs disrupt the habitat of much of the natural biota,
must be that of redistributing this inflow with respect reservoir (Linsley and others, 1982). Typically, safe ries. The factors affecting the design of side-channel reservoirs side-channel reservoirs’ modification of the stream environment
to time so that the projected demands are satisfied. yield is determined as the minimum yield during the include the variability of streamflow, purpose of the water supply, and extends only as far as the withdrawal system located on the stream.
the volume of demand. The environmental effects are completely a function of the manage-
The design of a storage project should consider the worst dry period on record. The advantages of constructing a side-channel reservoir over a ment plan, since withdrawal is based upon gross demand. (adapted
streamflow characteristics, the magnitude and vari- The concept of safe yield is misleading, however, standard in-stream model are numerous. Even the smallest instream from Knapp, 1982)
ability of draft (demand), draft requirements imposed because there is some probability that a period drier
by the various types of water use, the physical charac- than the worst on record will occur. Even if a reservoir
teristics of the storage site, the economic conse- could be built large enough to always supply a guar-
quences for a temporary deficiency in draft, the effect anteed minimum yield, its cost might be too high.
of reservoir evaporation, the probable reduction in A better approach to specifying the dependability of
reservoir capacity because of sedimentation, the need a water supply is to specify the probability of supply-
to serve other purposes as flood control or conserva- ing the required demand during the life of the reser-
tion pool storage, or to permit a restricted range in voir. The dependability of a reservoir of a given capac-
water level for recreation. In addition, minimum flow ity decreases as the level of demand increases. For a
needs must be considered for instream uses down- specified level of dependability, the storage required
stream of the impoundment. increases as the level of demand increases.
The Maumee River basin has two water-supply The storage required to meet a specified demand
reservoirs, the Cedarville and Hurshtown, which store depends on the average stream flow, stream-flow vari-
water to supplement Fort Wayne’s public water sup- ability, the magnitude of the demand, and the degree
ply. During peak water-demand periods, water is of dependability desired (McMahon and Mein, 1986).
released from the Cedarville Reservoir to augment The higher the desired level of dependability, the larg-
streamflow at the Fort Wayne public water supply er the required storage capacity of the reservoir. AND CONVEYANCE
intake on the St. Joseph River. The Hurshtown Selection of a storage capacity that will satisfy SIDE-CHANNEL STORAGE
Reservoir provides a backup supply of water for water demands of all users with the highest degree of
drought years. dependability is not usually warranted. For irrigation
The Cedarville Reservoir, located approximately requirements, the degree of dependability is usually
eight miles northeast of Fort Wayne is a shallow recommended to be in the range of 75 to 85 percent, supply storage analyses. The worst dry period on for intake of water at the dam site, incorporates calcu-
instream impoundment on the St. Joseph River. The while for domestic and industrial water supply the record is usually used to determine storage require- lations for intake at other downstream locations.
reservoir, built in 1952/53, had an original storage desired dependability is usually in the range of 95 to ments, but the entire period of record may also be Intermediate streamflow between the dam site and the
capacity of 2130 acre-feet or 694 million gallons at 98 percent. used. The procedure is to select a range of anticipated downstream intake point is accounted for. This feature
the normal pool elevation of 777.7 feet NGVD. Considering the envisaged purposes of water drafts (levels of demand) and to determine the storage of the program is especially useful for the analysis of
The Hurshtown Reservoir, completed in 1969, is an resources development in the Maumee basin, the required for each draft. The results can be plotted as a the Fort Wayne water supply because the dependable
off-channel structure (see sidebar entitled Upland dependability level of 98 percent was adopted in the curve which relates storage requirement to draft. yield relies upon the reservoir storage capabilities and
reservoirs/side-channel reservoirs). Separated from storage yield analyses performed in this study. This For this report, a computer program YIELD devel- the intermediate streamflow between the reservoir
the river that supplies it, the reservoir is fed through a level of dependability corresponds to allowing no oped by Beik (1986) was used to perform mass-curve and the river intake.
system of pipes originating at the St. Joseph River. It deficits within a 50-year period of reservoir operation. analysis to assess dependable yield at the public A series of monthly mean discharges were deter-
maintains 1.885 billion gallons of raw water and has a One way to determine storage requirement is by water-supply intake on the St. Joseph River. The pro- mined for two sites on the St. Joseph River, the
total pumping capacity of 11 MGD. Because upland using a mass curve or Rippl diagram. The mass curve gram, allowing no deficits, determines the storage Cedarville Reservoir site and the Fort Wayne public
reservoirs have little contributing drainage areas, sed- is a graph of the cumulative volume of inflow to the requirement for a given level of demand throughout a supply intake site. Discharges for the reservoir site
imentation does not reduce available storage signifi- reservoir versus time and is derived from historical given period of record. The underlying concepts of the were determined from streamflow records for the St.
cantly. Therefore, no analysis was made of change in streamflow data. The mass curve can be obtained by program are the same as those of the Rippl Diagram, Joseph stream gaging station (located near Newville)
storage for this facility. cumulating daily, weekly, or monthly streamflow vol- but the digital form provides versatility. using data from 1947 through 1993. Discharge values
umes. Monthly values are adequate for most water- The YIELD program, in addition to accommodating for the public supply intake site were generated from
84 Water Resource Availability, Maumee River Basin Surface-water Hydrology, Development Potential 85
the data determined at the reservoir site and from flow downstream from the intake. This loss in yield, been agents of disaster and destruction. Flooding on At Decatur in Adams County, the St. Marys River
recorded data (from 1947 through 1993) for the Cedar when compared to any enhanced level of protection the three rivers has caused damage and loss of proper- crested at 26.5 feet. The city was cut off from the rest
Creek stream gaging station located near the town of for downstream flow, is probably not justified because ty in the basin many times in the past; and during at of the state because all railroad service except the
Cedarville. the St. Joseph has such a high 7Q10 flow value. least one flood event, loss of lives. Chicago & Erie from Chicago had to be halted; and
Because the useful life of a reservoir can be materi- A more flexible instream flow protection scenario Peak annual flooding along the large streams in the travel by road was suspended as a result of washouts.
ally affected by the deposition of sediment, it is nec- was modeled that provides protection for downstream basin are principally caused by rains and/or The interurban bridge north of the city was threatened
essary to determine how much sedimentation has flow but also permits withdrawal at the intake. In this snowmelts occurring in winter or early spring. In by rapidly-moving debris in the water, and local resi-
taken place since the reservoir was constructed. The situation, the 7Q10 flow is selected as the desirable small basins, peak runoffs are typically generated by dents stationed themselves to remove debris that col-
Division of Water conducted a hydrographic survey of minimum flow to be maintained. However, during thunderstorm rains occurring during summer months. lected near the structure.
Cedarville Reservoir in 1988, and the information was times of drought when streamflow is low, any deficit Flooding in the smaller tributaries of the St. Marys Another notable flood occurred on March 15, 1982
used to develop depth curves and to calculate storage. in streamflow below 7Q10 is shared equally between River is primarily due to backwater from the St. along the St. Marys, St. Joseph, and Maumee Rivers.
Storage at normal pool elevation in 1988 was calcu- instream and offstream water users. Thus, for every 2 Marys mainstem. Floods along the Maumee River are Snowmelt, having a water equivalent of three to near-
lated to be 1715.5 acre-feet (559.1 MG). Therefore, cfs drop in streamflow, both the minimum protected greatest when the St. Joseph and St. Marys Rivers ly seven inches, combined with above-normal precip-
415 acre-feet or (135 MG) were lost to sedimentation flow and the amount of water available for withdraw- reach peak flow at the same time. In general, the St. itation to keep all three rivers flooded for an extended
in 36 years of operation. To project future capacity, a al would be reduced by 1 cfs. This type of compro- Marys River is more likely to flood than the St. Joseph period of time. The St. Marys and the St. Joseph
dead storage volume of 576 acre-feet (188 MG) was mise is only practical on streams like the St. Joseph River (Maumee River Basin Commission, 1993). Rivers near Fort Wayne each reached a peak discharge
set aside for sediment accumulation in the next 50 which have relatively high 7Q10 flows. The depend- Figure 35 displays historic and 100-year flood ele- of about 13,000 cfs, and the Maumee River at New
years of life of the reservoir. able yield for this scenario is 21.8 MGD (33.7 cfs). vations for selected sites within the basin. A brief Haven reached a discharge of approximately 26,500
For modeling purposes, reservoir evaporation is summary of the history of flooding in the Maumee cfs.
assumed to be 2.5 feet per year based on data for River, as compiled by the Maumee River Basin The 1982 flooding forced the evacuation of 9,000
Kendallville, Prairie Heights and Fort Wayne (See FLOODING Commission, 1993, follows. Fort Wayne residents and resulted in over 50 million
Chapter entitled Physical Environment, Climate The Maumee River basin has experienced major dollars damage to the city. The flood drew the atten-
section). The draft rates within the model include con- River flooding occurs when the transport capacity flooding once every three years, on average, since tion of the President, who visited Fort Wayne and
sideration of evaporation and sedimentation in addi- of a river is exceeded and its banks are overflowed. 1907. In most years since then, the Maumee River has declared the area a national disaster area.
tion to water-supply requirements. Overbank flow is commonly caused by a reduction in crested above the official flood stage of 15 feet. Communities in DeKalb County that were hit hard-
A number of factors, including population and eco- either channel slope or cross-sectional area, both of Of the counties in the basin, flooding has been most est by the 1982 flooding include Auburn, Waterloo,
nomic growth, were considered when selecting criti- which reduce the transporting capacity of a river and disastrous in Allen County because of the high con- and Spencerville. There was an estimated damage of
cal draft rates to model (see the chapter titled Water lead to higher flood stages. For example, when struc- centration of development in the urban center of Fort about 2 million dollars and at least 30 mobile homes
Resource Development for additional discussion). tures are constructed in a floodway, the cross-section- Wayne. Fort Wayne is located at the confluence of the were damaged in the town of Waterloo.
The draft used in the model was the highest recorded al area available for flood flow is reduced, backwater St. Joseph and the St. Marys Rivers which forms the In Adams County, the St. Marys River reached a
annual mean water withdrawal demand at the Fort levels are elevated, and flood peaks become amplified headwaters of the Maumee River. crest of 24.4 feet, its highest level since 1913.
Wayne intake site. The critical 34.6 MGD or 53.5 cfs upstream of the structures. In the spring of 1913, the most severe frontal storm Damage was estimated at about $200,000 to
draft occurred in 1988, one of the driest years in recent In developed areas flooding can be caused by storm on record in the Midwest led to the worst recorded $300,000.
times. drainage systems which were built to handle excess flood in the Maumee River basin. Rivers and streams Although there was more major flooding in the
Maximum dependable yield at the intake site is cal- runoff generated by the increase in impervious cover. spilled over their banks as the Maumee River crested basin in the 1910s than in the 1980s, more structures
culated to be 61.5 cfs (39.4 MGD). Although this When storm runoff exceeds the capacity of a designed at 26.1 feet, almost 11 feet above flood stage. The were affected during recent floods because of exten-
yield would be adequate to satisfy the critical 1988 drainage system, water backs up and causes flooding. floods were approximately equal to the 500-year fre- sive urban development in flood prone areas this
demand, it provides no consideration for maintaining The largest and most damaging floods of record quency flood on the St. Joseph, the St. Marys, and the century.
any minimum flow downstream of the intake. Because typically occur during early spring when saturated or Maumee Rivers (Federal Emergency Management
no dependable flow rate would be guaranteed for frozen soils, prolonged or widespread rainfall, and Agency, 1990, Volume 2).
instream water uses, additional withdrawal uses, or snowmelt can combine to produce maximum runoff Several neighborhoods in Fort Wayne were under Flood-flow characteristics of the Maumee River
water-quality considerations, such a yield is not over large areas. Major floods also can occur in sum- four feet of water. The municipal lighting power plant basin
desirable. mer, fall and winter under certain combinations of was flooded; and water had to be rationed and boiled
Although instream flow criteria have not yet been precipitation events and hydrologic conditions. Floods because all three city pumping stations were closed. Basin characteristics which affect flooding include:
formally adopted in the state, instream flow needs are aggravated by the accumulation of debris, sedi- Six people lost their lives and 5,500 private homes and drainage area, channel length, channel slope, mean
should be considered when addressing augmentation ment, and ice at bridges and culverts because of back- businesses in the city suffered extensive damage. annual precipitation, storage, precipitation intensity,
of low-flow by storage release. water effects. Approximately 15,000 people were left homeless at and runoff coefficient.
However, the dependable yield for public water sup- The “Three Rivers” of the Maumee River basin the peak of the flood, and water covered about 5,000 Some surface and subsurface features within a river
ply would be reduced to only 6.7 MGD (10.3 cfs) if which have served as water supply for people and acres within the city limits. Total damage in Fort basin provide temporary water storage during a flood,
minimum streamflow were protected to the 7Q10 industry and as transportation for commerce have also Wayne reached $4,802,000 in 1913 dollars. thereby retaining the water and slowing its release to
MARCH,1913 780.5
100 - YEAR
MARCH,1913 775.3
69 MARCH, 1982 774.7
MARCH, 1982 799.45
100 - YEAR
100 - YEAR 27
FLOOD 798.3
37 MAY, 1956 ST. JOSEPH 771.4
MARCH,1913 751.5
MARCH, 1982
WAYNE 749.9
100 - YEAR 24
14 NEW
MARCH, 1982 757.5
MARCH, 1978 MAUMEE 747.8
(Historical, Division of Water files, 1985-1988) • (100-year elevations, FEMA, 1990)
N 124
1 0 1 2 3
ison of computed flood frequency values with maxi-
mum recorded discharges on the St. Marys River, the 120
discharge and drainage area can be developed to allow LAKE
Rivers for the 10-year and 100-year floods. 8 6
Higher 10-year and 100-year flood discharges occur AUBURN
in the St. Marys River for a given drainage area when 8
of 700 sq. mi. has an estimated 100-year flood dis- ALLEN CO.
charge of approximately 12,000 cfs. At a comparable 327
site on the St. Marys River, the 100-year flood dis- 27
of flooding. The availability of a large amount of bank WELLS CO.
69 R
327 R
14 NEW
469 30
Figure 38. Flood Studies by Federal Emergency Management Agency for selected streams.
Limited flood studies are available
(approximate delineation of floodplain)
1 0 1 2 3 4 MILES
a a
Construction in a floodplain
100-Year Floodplain
100-Year Floodplain:
The channel and the areas neighboring any water course which
have been covered by the 100-year flood. The floodplain encompass-
es both the floodway and the floodway fringe.
100-Year Flood:
The flood having a one percent probability of being equaled or
exceeded in any given year.
The channel of a stream and the portions of the floodplain adjacent
to the channel which are required to carry and discharge efficiently the
peak flood flow of the 100-year flood of any stream.
Floodway Fringe:
The areas lying outside the floodway but within the boundary of the
100-year flood.
Flood Elevation
When Confined
With Floodway
98 Water Resource Availability, Maumee River Basin Surface-water Hydrology, Water Quality 99
Fish consumption advisory (Indiana Department of Environmental Management, [1995]).
The advisory is developed by analyzing the amount of contamina-
Fish may accumulate certain contaminants from the environment in tion bioaccumulated in fish and assigning a number, 1-5, to indicate
fat, muscle, and other tissues. Therefore, the state of Indiana issues the level of risk. These numbers and their recommended consumption
fish consumption advisories for streams and lakes that may contain rate are listed as follows:
fish exposed to bioaccumulating contaminants. Fish consumption
advisories are suggested (non-enforceable) restrictions on the size Level 1 Unrestricted consumption
and/or type of fish that should be eaten. The state issues a fish con- Level 2 One meal* a week (52 meals a year)
sumption advisory when tissue concentrations of certain bioaccumu- Level 3 One meal* a month (12 meals a year)
lating contaminants exceed acceptable risk levels for human health. Level 4 One meal* every two months (six meals a year)
People who regularly eat sport fish, women of childbearing age, and Level 5 Do not consume, high level of contamination.
children are particularly susceptible to contaminants that build up over
time. In the past, fish consumption advisories were based on recom- * One meal is considered to be eight ounces (before cooking) of trimmed,
skinned fish for a 150-pound person.
mendations given by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
standards for toxic contaminants. However, it was determined that the
standards did not take into account the amount of fish consumed by The ISDH released the following advisories for the Maumee River
some anglers, or the fact that many anglers tend to consume fish from basin in 1995** (Indiana Department of Natural Resources, 1995b).
one geographical area. In response to this finding, new criteria were From the Maumee River in Allen County, Redhorse over 17 inches are
developed that are more protective than the old FDA standards. level 4, and from 14-17 inches are considered level 3. From the St.
These criteria are based mainly on polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Joseph River in Allen County, channel catfish over 21 inches are level
pesticides, and heavy metals, the contaminants most frequently 5, and from 18-21 inches are at level 3. From the St. Marys River in
encountered in Indiana fish that necessitate guidance. Because of this Allen County, Largemouth bass over 16 inches are considered level 4,
change, more species of fish and several new geographical areas and from 11-16 inches are level 3. In addition, carp in all Maumee
have been added to the advisory. basin rivers and streams are listed under the following risk levels:
The IDEM collects fish specimens for tissue analysis at locations those from 15-20 inches are level 3, from 21-25 inches are level 4, and
throughout the state. An interagency Fish Consumption Advisory over 25 inches are level 5. Fish at levels one and two were not listed
Committee, consisting of representatives from IDNR, IDEM, and due to the minimal risk involved.
ISDH, evaluates the results of the fish tissue analysis and develops the
** A new fish consumption advisory is presently being developed and should be
fish consumption advisories. The Indiana State Department of Health available late in 1996.
officially issues the final fish consumption advisories for the state
near Fort Wayne, are high enough to threaten the des- its for various physical, chemical, or biological para-
ignated use support status for aquatic life (Indiana meters that may affect the use, safety, or aesthetics of
Department of Environmental Management, [1995]). water resources. Federal and state agencies establish
Other stream reaches have been seriously degraded numerical and/or narrative standards that are used as
in the past due to toxic substances. Willow Creek, a one criterion for assessing water quality. This report
tributary of Cedar Creek, contained such high levels compares levels of selected constituents measured in
of chromium, copper, iron, lead, tin, silver, and streams and lakes in the Maumee River basin with
cyanide, that a consent decree was reached between state and federal water-quality standards.
the Indiana Stream Pollution Control Board and the In Indiana, water-quality standards are promulgated
discharger. The consent decree required the discharg- under Rule 1, Article 2, Title 327 of the Administrative
er to divert its wastewater from Willow Creek to the Code (327 IAC 2-1). The rule defines the minimum
Ft. Wayne Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant, and to water-quality standards which apply to all waters of
dredge the streambed for 200 feet from the point of the state at all times. Minimum standards require that
discharge to remove the contaminated sediments waters of the state be free of substances from anthro-
(Indiana Department of Environmental Management, pogenic sources that may have detrimental effects on
[1995]). This project was completed in 1989 and has water quality. Specifically, the rule extends this
had a positive impact on the water quality of Willow restriction to substances that: 1) can have adverse
and Cedar creeks. effects on the aesthetic aspects of a water body, and/or
2) are in amounts sufficient to be acutely toxic to
humans, aquatic life, plants or animals. In addition,
Water-quality standards waters of the state whose quality exceeds these mini-
mum standards must be maintained at this level unless
Water-quality standards are legally-established lim- limited degradation is justifiable for necessary eco-
N 24
14 24
1 469
Figure 39. Designated uses and use - support status of selected streams
(adapted from Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) 1992 - 1993 305(b) (1995) and selected IDEM files
= Water quality sampling location
= PS (AQUA) NS (REC) 33
Designated surface-water uses in Indiana:
Aquatic life (Aqua); Recreation (Rec).
104 Water Resource Availability, Maumee River Basin Surface-water Hydrology, Water Quality 105
Stream quality influence
influence the the dissolved
dissolved oxygenoxygen content
content of of streams
streams (see
LAKE sidebar entitled Factors affecting
sidebar entitled Factors affecting surface-water surface-water
Sources for data quality).
24 120
STJ 0.5 Graphs
Graphs of of median
median specific
specific conductance
conductance (MSC) (MSC) in in
STM 0.2 M116 80
Data from selected IDEM monitoring stations were water from selected monitoring stations
water from selected monitoring stations are displayed are displayed
14 90
LAKE Joseph River (STJ 0.5), and the St. Marys River (STM for
for samples
samples collected
collected during
during the the fall
fall exceed
exceed that that ofof
STEUBEN CO. HAMILTON 0.2, STM 11, STM 37)(figure 40). These three rivers samples
samples collected in the winter by approximately 200
collected in the winter by approximately 200
represent the major drainage of the Maumee basin. A µmhos/cm
µmhos/cm for for this
this station.
station. This This seasonal
seasonal fluctuation
fluctuation is is
general lack of adequate data for headwater streams in mirrored
mirrored to a lesser degree at station STM 37
to a lesser degree at station STM 37 onon the
this region precludes a meaningful analysis of the Maumee
Maumee River.River. Fall Fall and
and winter
winter measurements
measurements of of spe-
Figure 41.
Seasonal median
median dissolved
dissolved oxygen
oxygen at
smaller streams. cific
cific conductance differ by approximately 150
conductance differ by approximately 150
selected monitoring
monitoring stations
The data used for this report encompass a fifteen µmhos/cm
µmhos/cm at at this
this station.
station. The The other
other stations
stations moni-moni-
VILLE year period (1978-1993) and were collected at the tored
tored (M(M 114,114, M129,
M129, STJ STJ 0.5,
0.5, and
and STMSTM 0.2) 0.2) appear
above mentioned fixed water-quality stations. The fairly
fairly consistent throughout the year. It is possible,
consistent throughout the year. It is possible,
water-quality parameters examined include dissolved however,
however, that that some
some of of the
the annual
annual variability
variability in in the
the spe-
101 oxygen (DO), pH, specific conductance at 25o C, cific
cific conductance levels of these streams relates to
conductance levels of these streams relates to
hardness, chloride, total iron, nitrate-nitrite, and seasonal
seasonal influences.
33 ST
. RI Seasonal variations in water quality seasonal
seasonal and and spacial
spacial variations
variations in in thethe nitrate-nitrite
See 24
levels of these rivers. In general, the seasonal
of these rivers. In general, the seasonal trend
Insert FORT M
M trend
The median values of dissolved oxygen and specif- mirrors
mirrors thatthat of of runoff
runoff fromfrom the the land
land surface
surface (figure
14 NEW
M 129 HAVEN ic conductance for each climatic season (winter, 25).
25). This
This maymay be be aa result
result of of NPS
NPS pollution
pollution entering
spring, summer, and fall) were compared to discern the
the receiving streams during storm events. The
receiving streams during storm events. The major
possible seasonal trends in water quality. Dissolved Figure deviation
deviation from from thisthis trend
trend occurs
occurs during
during the the months
months of of
Figure 42.
Seasonal median
median temperature
temperature at
at selected
oxygen and specific conductance were examined for monitoring stations June
June and
and July,
July, andand is is probably
probably the the result
result of of extensive
STM 11
monitoring stations
temporal trends because seasonal variations are often application
application of of nitrogen-based
nitrogen-based fertilizers
fertilizers during
during thisthis
Radiation Synthetic toxins STM 37 seasonal median dissolved oxygen levels are observed drinking
drinking water regulations (figure 45). This may not,
water regulations (figure 45). This may not,
in winter and the lowest during the summer (figure however,
however, necessarily
necessarily reflect reflect the the condition
condition of of thethe
Explanation 41). Because the largest contrasts in median water smaller
smaller tributaries in the basin. Water from many
tributaries in the basin. Water from many
Active stations in blue 27
temperature (figure 42) are also observed between small
small andand medium-sized
medium-sized rivers rivers in in agricultural
agricultural areas areas
Discontinued stations in black 218
winter and summer, this trend in DO levels probably have
have been found to contain nitrate concentrations
been found to contain nitrate concentrations
reflects the changes in oxygen solubility due to sea- exceeding
exceeding 10 10 mg/L
mg/L at at times
times (Harmeson
(Harmeson and and others,
1 0 1 2 3 4 MILES
90th percentile
75th percentile
50th percentile
25th percentile
Figure 45. Statistical summary of selected water - quality constituents for selected stream monitoring stations
ful for providing a concise visual summary of a single Dufor and Becker Hardness Scale:
data set, and for comparison among data sets. Box 0-60 mg/L CaCo3 soft water
plots for water-quality data from selected monitoring 61-120 mg/L CaCo3 moderately hard water
stations are displayed in figure 45. 121-180 mg/L CaCo3 hard water
Variability in the levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) 180 - mg/L CaCo3 very hard water
are observed among different streams in the Maumee
River basin (figure 45). The highest median dissolved Hardness is an important factor in surface-water
oxygen concentration (10.4 mg/L) is observed in quality because the minimum water-quality criterion
water samples from the St. Joseph River just north of for certain metals are functions of hardness.
Fort Wayne (monitoring station STJ 0.5). Median DO Applicable criteria outlined in the Indiana minimum
values are also relatively high in samples collected at water-quality requirements (327 IAC 2-1-6) include
the other fixed monitoring stations in the basin rang- the acute aquatic criterion (AAC) and the chronic
ing from 8.5 mg/L on the St. Marys River near the aquatic criterion (CAC). The present AACs and
Indiana-Ohio border (STM 37) to 9.9 mg/L on the CACs for cadmium, chromium (+3), copper, lead,
Maumee River near the Indiana-Ohio border (M114). nickel, silver, and zinc are not defined as whole num-
In addition to variability among streams, differences ber limits, but rather as exponential functions of hard-
in median DO levels are observed along different ness. The greater the hardness value, the higher the
reaches of the same stream. In the St. Marys River, allowable concentrations of these pollutants.
there is a trend of increasing median DO levels as the Therefore it is possible that different AACs and CACs
river flows from near Ohio (STM 37) to the city of would apply to different streams, or even distinct
Fort Wayne, Indiana (STM 0.2). This apparent reaches of the same stream due to ambient hardness
increase in median DO may reflect the water quality values.
of contributing tributaries and/or ambient conditions The box plots for iron in samples from selected
within different stream reaches (see sidebar entitled monitoring stations are displayed in figure 45.
Factors affecting surface-water quality). Median total iron levels are highest in samples from
Box plots of specific conductance levels in water the St. Marys River with a median concentration of
samples from the selected monitoring stations are dis- 2.35 mg/L. Median levels at all three selected moni-
played in figure 45. The highest median specific con- toring stations exceed the secondary maximum conta-
ductance levels were observed in samples from the St. minant level of 0.3 mg/L indicated by federal drinking
Marys River near Ft. Wayne. Differences in median water regulations. In fact 100 percent of the samples
specific conductance levels among and within streams collected at all three stations exceed these require-
may relate to factors which affect the dissolved solute ments. However, natural concentrations of iron in
concentrations of surface waters. Such factors aquatic systems vary widely, and these levels are prob-
include: local variations in the abundance of soluble ably not an indication of pollution from anthropogenic
minerals, differences in stream discharge, differences sources.
in the volume of base flow, and anthropogenic sources Box plots of median total phosphorus levels are dis-
of dissolved constituents. Temperature may also have played for monitoring stations within the Maumee
a profound affect on specific conductance. Therefore, River basin (figure 45). Levels range from a median
the standard temperature for laboratory measurements concentration of 0.31 mg/L at STM 11 on the St.
is 25o C. Marys River to 0.13 mg/L at STJ 0.5 on the St. Joseph
Box plots of hardness levels in samples from the River.
selected monitoring stations are displayed in figure Phosphorous plays an important role in surface-
45. Medium hardness levels range from approximate- water quality. In aquatic systems, phosphorus is often
ly 280 mg/L (CaCo3 equivalent) in samples from the the limiting nutrient. The more phosphorus available
Maumee River near the Indiana-Ohio border (M 114) for plant uptake, the higher the productivity of the
to 330 mg/L (CaCo3 equivalent) from the St. Marys aquatic system. Although not generally a serious
River near the south side of Ft. Wayne (STM 11). problem in rivers and streams, high concentrations of
This range of hardness values would classify the phosphorus can have a profound effect on downstream
waters from these stations as “very hard” in the hard- lakes. Increased concentrations of phosphorus can
ness classification scale of Dufor and Becker (1964). lead to high productivity resulting in lake
112 Water Resource Availability, Maumee River Basin Surface-water Hydrology, Water Quality 113
(mIBI) allows evaluated sites to be characterized as were unavailable due to extensive modifications of the Table 21. Attributed of Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) classification, total IBI scores, and integrity classis (from Karr
severely impaired, moderately impaired, slightly landscape involving urbanization, stream alteration, and others, 1986)
impaired, or non-impaired. Fifteen sites were evaluat- agriculture, and industrialization. Total IBI Integrity
ed in the St. Joseph River drainage. Eleven of these Biological community trends were evaluated using Attributes
score class
sites were classified as slightly impaired and four a basin approach within an ecoregion framework.
were considered moderately impaired. In the St. Ecoregions (recognized by Homoya and others, 1985) 58-60 Excellent Comparable to the best situation without human disturbance; all
Marys River drainage, of the six sites sampled, one were considered because distinct ecoregions have dif- regionally expected species for the habitat and stream
was ranked as non-impaired, four were slightly ferent expectations for biological communities. The size,including the most intorerant forms, are present with a full
impaired, and one was moderately impaired. In the Maumee River basin consists of parts of the Eastern array of age (size) classes; balanced trophic structure.
Maumee River drainage, two of five sites were con- Corn Belt Plain and the Huron-Erie Lake Plain
48-52 Good Species richness somewhat below expectation, especially due to
sidered slightly impaired, and three were moderately ecoregions. loss of the most intolerant forms; some species are present with
impaired. Habitat diversity has a major effect on the types of less than optimal abundance or size distributions; trophic structure
Further analysis of the data in Phase II will allow organisms that may be found, and must be considered shows some signs of stress.
more detailed information regarding the causes of in any evaluation of the biological community. A rep-
impairment. It should be noted that the family level resentative sample requires that the entire range of 40-44 Fair Signs of additional deterioration include loss of intolerant forms,
provisional mIBI can result in cold water effects giv- stream habitat including riffles, runs, pools, and extra- fewer species, highly skewed trophic structure (e.g. increasing
frequency of omnivores and other tolerant species); older age
ing a false positive for toxic effects (Indiana channel habitat be sampled, especially on large river
classes of top predators may be rare.
Department of Environmental Management, [1995]). systems (Simon, 1994). The Quality Habitat
Therefore, any cold water effects should be noted in Evaluation Index takes into account these important 28-34 Poor Dominated by omnivores, tolerant forms, and habitat generalists;
the habitat analysis. Future analysis at lower taxo- attributes of the habitat and was used in the develop- few top carnivores; growth rates and condition factors commonly
nomic classifications should eliminate this problem. ment of the IBI for the basin. depressed; hybrids and diseased fish often present.
To date, family level taxonomic analysis has provided The IBI relies on multiple parameters, which are
data adequately sensitive for the detection of gross founded on biological community concepts, to evalu- 12-22 Very Poor Few fish present, mostly introduced or tolerant forms; hybrids
common; disease, parasites, fin damage, and other anomalies
biological perturbations in the aquatic community ate complex systems. Quantitative criteria are estab-
(Indiana Department of Environmental Management, lished to determine water quality based on: species
[1995]). richness and composition, trophic and reproductive No fish Repeated sampling finds no fish.
constituents, and fish abundance and condition.
Separate metrics were developed for headwater
Fish and water quality streams (drainage areas less than 20 mi2) and wadable
rivers (drainage areas ranging from 20 to 1000 mi2).
Fish also play a major role in many studies designed Scoring criteria were also modified when sample size
to evaluate water quality. Unlike the macroinverte- was small (Simon, 1994). Index of Biotic Integrity extremely diverse. However, there are problems with may be found in appendix 10.
brates, fish live for extended periods of time and scores range from no fish to excellent (table 21). degradation of headwater streams. Scores throughout
assimilate the chemical, physical, and biological his- The three major rivers in the Maumee basin and this system ranged from 14 to a high of 57 on the St.
tories of the waters. Fish also represent a broad spec- their tributaries were evaluated using the IBI (Simon, Joseph River at Johnny Appleseed park near Fort Lake quality
trum of community tolerances from very sensitive to 1994). Overall trends were toward increasing biolog- Wayne. Many unique species and three state threat-
highly tolerant, and they react to chemical, physical ical integrity with increasing drainage area. Along the ened species are found in these waters. Sources of data
and biological degradation in characteristic response Maumee River, twenty-one sites were surveyed, and Twenty-three sites were sampled along the St.
patterns. These and additional attributes make fish scores ranged from a low of no fish to good-excellent Marys River and its tributaries. Forty-seven different The Maumee River basin contains about 2500 acres
desirable components of biological assessments and (score=55, one site). Numerically, the dominating species were collected, with fish numbers being dom- (nearly four square miles) of open water in natural
monitoring programs. species were cyprinids, catostomids, and centrarchids. inated by centrarchid, cyprinid, and catostomid lakes and reservoirs. Many of these lakes are subject
Fish population sampling is one biological method Highest scores were obtained in the mainstem species. Index of Biotic Integrity scores ranged from to point source and NPS pollution in the form of
used by the USEPA and the IDEM to assess Indiana Maumee, while declining conditions occurred in the very poor (12) to good (49). Scores were found to excess nutrients. This nutrient input results in
water quality. In 1991, 77 [sic] sites in the Maumee headwaters and minor tributaries. increase as drainage area increased. Headwaters of increased lake productivity leading to accelerated
River basin were sampled, and subsequently evaluat- Thirty-three sites were sampled on the St. Joseph the St. Marys were degraded and greatly affected by eutrophication. Monitoring and management pro-
ed to develop an Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) for the River and its tributaries. This river, dominated by high nutrient inputs from non-point sources (Simon, grams indicate the extent of eutrophication and pre-
basin (Simon, 1994). The object of the study was to cyprinid, centrarchid, and catostomid species, con- 1994). However, several species unique to the basin scribe measures to control nutrient inputs from point
evaluate the biological integrity of the Maumee River tained the most diverse fish community sampled, hav- including many endangered and threatened species and non-point sources. The major state and federal
drainage based on “least impacted” reference sites for ing 58 recorded species. Tributaries of the St. Joseph were found in these waters. Additional fish sampling programs are identified below.
establishing baseline conditions. “Pristine” areas River, including Fish Creek and Cedar Creek, are information for streams and lakes within the basin In 1970 the Indiana State Board of Health (ISBH,
114 Water Resource Availability, Maumee River Basin Surface-water Hydrology, Water Quality 115
currently the Indiana State Department of Health) Cedarville, Clear, Hamilton, Indian, Long, and green algae are dominant and often form nuisance agement practices may have contributed to decreased
began sampling public freshwater lakes and reservoirs Round. blooms during most summer months. Oxygen deple- sediment and nutrient loads to this reservoir leading to
for physical, chemical and biological data. The goal The IDEM also samples fish tissue and sediments to tion can result during hot summers and under ice increased water quality.
of the sampling, now coordinated by the IDEM, was assess the extent of contamination by toxic and bio- cover in the winter resulting in fish kills. These lakes Ball, Clear, Long and Round Lakes all seem to indi-
to generate a database from which a classification sys- concentrating substances in lakes and reservoirs hav- are generally highly influenced by anthropogenic cate an overall improvement in water quality. Ball
tem could be developed for comparing lake quality, ing high recreational use or a potential for contamina- activities and have an accelerated rate of senescence. Lake moved from a Class II to a Class I lake. Clear
and to establish a priority system for lake management tion. In the Maumee basin, fish tissues and sediments Class IV lakes consist of remnant and oxbow lakes. and Long lakes, while remaining in the same class,
and restoration. were sampled at the Cedarville Reservoir in 1988. In They are generally small, shallow water bodies in an had a decrease in eutrophy points from 1986 to 1992.
The agency then developed an Indiana Lake addition, the St. Joseph Reservoir has been sampled advanced state of senescence, and cannot realistically The dramatic increase in eutrophy points for Long
Classification System and Management Plan in the biennially since 1984. All of the fish samples taken be rated or compared using the eutrophication index. Lake in 1988 may be due to sampling during an algal
mid-80s and assigned eutrophication indices to many contained contaminant levels below Food and Drug Recent data are available for nine major lakes and bloom and may not be indicative of the lake quality
of the lakes in the state. Staff defined and combined Administration Action Levels. No consumption advi- reservoirs in the Maumee River basin. These lakes do throughout the year. Hamilton Lake may be declining
ten trophic parameters to derive a composite numeri- sories currently exist for lakes or reservoirs in the not range widely in water-quality characteristics, lake in water quality, but the difference of only six eutro-
cal eutrophication index. This index has been used Maumee basin. morphometry, and management needs (appendix 11). phy points between 1986 and 1992 is probably
extensively to evaluate lakes throughout Indiana Sediment monitoring has become an increasingly Nearly all the lakes are classified as Class I or Class II insignificant. It is evident that continued improve-
(Indiana Department of Environmental Management, important tool for detecting loading of pollutants in and rarely have water-quality problems that impair ment of point sources of pollution and great gains in
1986a). Nine of the selected basin lakes and reservoirs lakes and reservoirs. Many potential contaminants are attainable lake uses. The only remaining lake (Cedar the area of non-point source pollution control are
in table 13 have been placed in the classification sys- easier to detect in sediments because the concentra- Lake) classifies as highly productive (Class III). None resulting in an overall improvement of lake quality
tem and management plan. tions are greater than those normally found in the of the lakes in the basin included in the Indiana Lake throughout the Maumee River basin.
On the federal level, the U.S. Environmental water column, and sediments are usually less mobile Classification System were assigned Class IV status.
Protection Agency (USEPA) conducted a National than water and can be used more reliably to locate Although some Class IV lakes may exist in the basin,
Eutrophication Survey in 1973 and 1974 in which 27 sources of pollutants. Nutrients, many organic com- these may have been mapped as wetlands rather than Water-quality management efforts in the Maumee
Indiana lakes and reservoirs were sampled. Biological pounds, and heavy metals can become tightly bound lakes due to their morphology or hydraulic regime. River basin
and chemical indicators were used to rank each lake to sediments. Once released, these particles are made Improvements in water quality for many lakes with-
according to trophic state. The USEPA also quantified available to the biological community through physi- in Indiana are evident between the early 1970s and In the past, efforts concerning water quality were
major point and non-point sources. The results pro- cal or chemical processes. Remedial action projects mid 1980s. These trends are due to improvements in focused on the effects of point source pollution.
vided the first comprehensive nutrient loading survey may include the removal of these contaminated sedi- the treatment of point sources of pollution such as Progress in this area has been exceptional with only
for any of Indiana’s lakes. Within the Maumee basin, ments. In the Maumee basin, the St. Joseph Reservoir sewage treatment facilities and industrial discharges. one percent of our municipal point source discharges
Hamilton Lake in Steuben County was included in was the only major water body monitored by IDEM. Because phosphorus is often the limiting nutrient in being released without treatment (Baker, 1992). In
the survey; approximately 95 percent of the phospho- aquatic systems and may lead to lake eutrophication, recent years, much attention has been directed to the
rus entering the lake came from septic systems and the situation may have been improved by the phos- treatment of non-point source (NPS) pollution. As
other non-point sources (National Eutrophication Assessment of lake quality phorus detergent ban initiated in the early 1970s. The illustrated by figure 47, NPS pollution comprises a
Survey, 1976). new challenge is the treatment of non-point sources of major portion of the total pollution sources for US
Through the Clean Lakes Program, which is admin- The Indiana Trophic State Index, developed in pollution. Much work has been done in this area in rivers and lakes (U.S. Environmental Protection
istered cooperatively by the USEPA and the State of accordance with The Indiana Lake Classification the past few years, and the results are apparent in fig- Agency, 1986e). In response, many studies have been
Indiana (IDEM), many of Indiana’s lakes were resam- System dictated by Section 303(e) of Public Law 92- ure 46. Figure 46 illustrates trends in water quality of conducted on possible solutions to the problem of
pled in recent years by the School of Public and 500, divides lakes into four distinct categories, Class I five natural lakes and one reservoir in the Maumee NPS pollution. Three of these studies involved spe-
Environmental Affairs (SPEA) at Indiana University. through Class IV. Eutrophy points are assigned for River basin. cific watersheds within the Maumee River basin, and
In Indiana, the program is administered cooperatively different chemical, physical and biological parame- The most dramatic improvement is evident in the fourth study involved the entire basin.
by the USEPA and IDEM. The Clean Lakes Program, ters. Scores range from 0-75 with the lower scores Cedarville Reservoir. It dropped 37 eutrophy points
which provides funds for studies and management indicating higher quality. and moved from a Class III to Class II lake.
activities on publicly-owned freshwater lakes, seeks to Class I (0-25 eutrophy points) includes lakes of Cedarville Reservoir is a small, shallow impoundment The Black Creek watershed project
encourage participation at the local level to refine and highest quality. These lakes often exhibit oligotroph- that has a large contributing drainage area.
implement plans outlined in the IDEM’s Indiana Lake ic or mesotrophic characteristics. Class II lakes (26- Consequently, it has a short hydraulic residence time In 1972, funded under provisions of the 1969 Water
Classification System and Management Plan. The pri- 50 eutrophy points) are generally productive lakes that and responds very quickly to any changes in the water Quality Act, a study was begun to determine how non-
mary purpose of recent sampling activities was to often support large populations of macrophytes and quality of upstream reaches. In recent years many point source pollution might be controlled in a typical
detect apparent lake quality trends comparing trophic algae, but lake uses are seldom impaired. Class III programs have been adopted in the area to address agricultural watershed, the Black Creek watershed in
indes numbers determined in the mid-1970s with lakes (51-75 eutrophy points) are lakes of poor quali- non-point source pollution. Conservation tillage, land Allen County, IN (Lake and Morrison, 1977a). The
those determined more recently. Maumee basin lakes ty. These lakes often have extensive populations of taken out of farm production and placed in the agencies involved included the Allen County Soil and
resampled at least once in recent years include: Ball, macrophytes and algae that impair lake uses. Blue- Conservation Reserve Program, and other best man- Water Conservation District, the U.S. Department of
116 Water Resource Availability, Maumee River Basin Surface-water Hydrology, Water Quality 117
Eutrophication Index
Cedarville Res.
1986 - 1987*
1988 - 1989
1992 - 1993
Numbers are based on information provided by the Department of Environmental Management 305 (b) reports
* May reflect some data collected in the mid-70s
Figure 47. Source of pollution in U.S. rivers and lakes (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986e)
120 Water Resource Availability, Maumee River Basin Surface-water Hydrology, Water Quality 121
Maumee River basin in Indiana. The main objectives phorus losses of more than 2 kg/hectare/year. Soils
of the program were to provide specialized equipment within the Maumee basin are primarily the product of
and technical assistance for conservation tillage prac- Wisconsin glacial drift (see Physical Environment
tices; overcome any difficulties in establishing the chapter, section entitled soils) and contain high con-
new practices; and ultimately to evaluate the effec- centrations of clay. The high correlation between
tiveness of conservation tillage in regard to crop yield, phosphorus content and clay content indicates that the
acceptance of the practices by farmers, and the poten- fine textured soils in the Maumee basin contribute to
tial for water quality improvement (Lake, 1991). high phosphorus loads in the Maumee River (Lake,
Good success with conservation tillage practices has 1991). To help reduce erosion of these soils, increas-
been realized for almost all soil types in the basin ing the amount or organic matter in the soil, and
except for mucky soils (Clemens, oral commun., increasing soil cover were main objectives of the
1995). program.
Demonstrations of no-till and ridge-till technology The potential for soil erosion has been evaluated
were conducted throughout the basin, and research on throughout the state by the Soil Conservation Service
conservation tillage was performed at Maumee Park and Water Conservation Committee (Indiana
on the banks of the Maumee River near Fort Wayne Department of Natural Resources, 1980). Estimates
from 1982 through 1986. After 1986, limited demon- of erodibility are based on soil associations. The four
strations of conservation tillage in Maumee Park were categories of soil erosion potential are low, medium,
conducted until 1995. Studies within the park investi- high, and very high. Erodibility in the Maumee River
gated different conservation tillage practices and eval- basin ranges from low to medium. Associations with
uated several hybrids of corn and soybeans. In addi- low erodibility are generally deep and very poorly to
tion, because of the large Amish communities in the somewhat drained soils on nearly level and depres-
basin, the special needs of draft horse-powered farms sional land. Soils with medium erosion potential are
were addressed. Appendix 12 summarizes recent crop deep, somewhat poorly drained, and are found on
yields and economic evaluations of conventional level to slightly sloping topography.
tillage and conservation tillage practices. Soils with medium erosion potential in the Maumee
As previously discussed, conservation tillage prac- basin are concentrated in Steuben County, the north-
tices can help reduce soil erosion. Although the west corner of DeKalb County, the central portion of
Indiana Department of Natural Resources (1984) Allen County, and the southwest corner of Adams
reports low soil losses at about 2.0 to 4.9 County. Most other soil associations have a low erodi-
tons/acre/year from the Maumee River basin, the U.S. bility rating.
Environmental Protection Agency reports high phos-