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I E C 909 P T * 2 9 2 4844893 0535872 940 =

REPORT Première éâition
First edition

Matériel électrique Données pour le calcul
des courants de court-circuit conformément à
la CE1 909 (1988)

Electrical equipment Data for short-circuit
current calculations in accordance with
IEC 909 (1988)

Numéro de référence
Reference number
CEMEC 909-2: 1992
IEC 909 P T * 2 92 = 4844891 O535873 8 8 7

Révision de la présente publication

Le contenu technique des publidions de ia C E I est cons-
tamment revu par la Commission afim d’assurer qu’il refiète bien
l’état actuel de ia technique.

Les renseignements relatifs à cc travail de révision. à

l’établissement des éditions révisées et aux mises à jour peuvent
être obtenus auprès des Comiîés nationaux de la CE1 et en
consultant les documents cidessous:
' I E C 909 P T * 2 92 m 4844893 0535874 713 m

Première édition
REPORT First edition

Matériel électrique Données pour le calcul
des courants de court-circuit conformément à
la CE1 909 (1988)

Electrical equipment Data for short-circuit
current calculations in accordance with
IEC 909 (1988)
I E C 909 P T * Z 92 = 4844891 0535876 596
909-2 o IEC -3-


FOREWORD ................................................................................................................................ 5


1.1 Scope ancl object.................................................................................................................. 7
1.2 Reference documents .......................................................................................................... 7


2.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Data on typicai synchn>nous machines .............................................................................. 9
2.3 Data on typicai transformers, two-winding. three-winding and auto-tm&ormen ........... 13

2.4 Data on typicai overhead lines. single and double circuits ................................................ 21
2.5 Data on typicai low- and high-voltage cables .................................................................... 29
2.6 Data on typical asynchnous motors ................................................................................ 35
2.7 Busbars ............................................................................................................................... 35
I E C 9 0 9 P T * Z 9 2 I4844891 0535878 369 I

909-2@ IEC -5-




1) The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technicd matten, prepwed by Techaicd Committees on which ail
the Nationai Committees having a speci.2 interest b m i n M repscntsd, express. u nurly as possible, . II
i n t o r n a t i d cotucnsus of opinion on the subjects dedt with.

2) They have the form of recommendations for intem.tiaoal use and they are accepted by the Nationai Committees in
that Lwse.

3) In order to promote intemational unification. the IEC expressa the wish that ail National Commiaser should adopt
the text of the IEC recommendation for their w t i d d e s in ao far as national conditions w i l l permit. Any
- divergence between the IEC ncommeudation and the corresponding national niles should, u far u possible. be
clearly indicated in the latter.

This Technical Report has been prepared by IEC Technical Committee No. 73: Short-
circuit currents.

The text of this report is based on the following documents:

CD Report on Voting

73(SEC)39 73(SEC)4ó

Full information on the voting for the approval of this report can be found in the Voting
Report indicated in the above table.

This report is a Technical Report of type 3 and is of a purely informative nature. It is not
to be regarded as an International Standard.
IEC 909 P T * 2 92 = 4844893 0535880 T L 7
909-20 IEC -7-.



1.1 Scope and object

This Technical Report comprises data collected from different countries to be used when
necessary for calculating short-circuit currents in accordance with IEC 781 and IEC 909.

Generally, electrical equipment data are given by the manufacturers on the name plate or
by the electricity supplier. In some cases, however, the data may not be available. The
data presented in this report may be applied for-calculating short-circuit currents in
low-voltage systems if they are in accordance with typical equipment employed in the
user’s country. The collected data and their evaluation may be used for medium or high
voltage planning purposes and also for comparison with data given by manufacturers. For
overhead lines the electrical data may be calculated from the physical dimensions.

1.2 Reference documents

IEC 38: 1983, IEC standard voltages.

IEC 50, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV).

IEC 781: 1989, Application guide for calculation of short-circuit currents in low-voltage
radial systems.

IEC 909: 1988, Short-circuit current calculation in three-phase a.c. systems.


2.1 General
The data presented are necessary for the calculation of short-circuit currents. in general
data are presented in the form of curve sheets. For each type of equipment a table is
presented, giving data as examples and explanatory notes and additional comments on the
supplied data. In all 15 National Committees gave infomation. Information received is
listed in table 1.

In some cases, average values or characteristic trends as function of rated power, rated
voltage, etc. are given.
I E C 909 P T * 2 9 2 m 4844893 0535882 89T m

909-2Q JEC -9-

Table 1 - Information received from National Committees

-- - - --
Number of aarwerr to questionnaire tables

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- - - -
Aurtdia 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Austria 10 11 4 1 8 7 -
Bdgarir 4 15 6 6 14 11 28
China 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Czechorlovakia 8 5 - 3 9 5 68
h 8 f k 8 18 1 2 8 15 -
ex-GDR 23 28 9 6 8 - 20
GCIY~IMY 21 26 2 2 5” 13” 19
Hmguy 7 16 3 5 9 8 9
1t.lY 25 16 4 6 26 9 11
J.pui 12 10 7 7 7 9 3
NOrWiY 9 10 4 3 9 8 10
UK - 11 . 1 5 - - -
USA 110 10 1 - - 10 20
ex-USSR 12 6 3 5
- -- 4 -3’ 10

255 188 51 57 113 101 204

’) Additional data for low rad medium voltage overherd liner.
Additional d.t. for low voltage cables.
3, Data for hsbrn.

2 3 Data on typical synchronous machines

In figure 1 the subtransient reactance of 50 Hz and 60 Hz synchronous turbogenerators,
motors, condensers and salient pole generators is plotted as a function of the rated power.

In figure 2 the rated voltage and power factor of 50 Hz and 60 Hz synchronous turbo-
generators, salient pole generators and motors are plotted as a function of the rated power.

In figure 3 the unsatured and satured reactances for 50 Hz and 60 Hz turbogenerators are
plotted as a function of the rated power.

Data are also given for the zero-sequence reactance. It is recommended that the relation-
ship X(o)B”i = 0,5 be used.

Characteristic data for synchronous machines are listed in table 2.

IEC 909 P T * 2 92 W 4844893 0535884 bb2

909-2 8 IEC -11-

.. .
I E C 909 PT+2 92 = 4844891 053588b 435

I 909-2 o IEC


Data on typical transformers, two-winding, three-winding and auto-transformers

In figure 4 the rated short-circuit voltage is plotted as a function of the rated power for
power station generator transformers with or without tapchanger.

An average value for the rated short-circuit voltage is given by

Ukr = 8 + 0992 ln s , ~
where S, is the rated power in MVA. (Values of S, lie between 3 MVA and 1 O00 MVA.)
From the curve sheet it can be seen that the following average values for Ukt may be used:

'rT 1 - 10 MVA: u k r = 9 %
SrT 10 - 100 MVA: ü k r s l l %
S, 100 - 1 o00 MVA: ukr= 13 %

In figure 5 the rated short-circuit voltage of network transformers is plotted as a function

of the rated power. For low-voltage transformers 4 %I and 6 96 are commonly used.

Excluding auto-transformers, the following average values may be used:

'rT 1 - 100 MVA: ~ , = 1 2 %

SrT 100 - 1 O00 MVA: Ukr = 14 %

In general Ukr values for auto-transformers are lower.

The Ukr for network transformers in the UK is, on average, twice as large as those reported
from other countries.
The relationship 0 for two- and three-winding network transformers is as follows:

For YN d-transfonners: O$- 1,O

For Y zn-transformers: o,1
For YN yn0 d-transformers: 1,5-3,2

In tables 3A, 3B and 3C, characteristic data for two-winding, three-winding and auto-
transformers are listed.
IEC 909 P T * 2 9 2 = 4844893 0535888 208

909-2 o IEC - 15-

+a -


B a-
L -

I E C 909 P T * 2 92 M 4844891 0535890 9 b b M

909-2 o IEC - 17-

I E C 909 P T x 2 92 m 4844893 0535892 739 m

909-2o IEC - 19 -
IEC 909 P T + 2 92 m 4844891 0535894 501 m

909-2 oIEC -21 -

2.4 Data on typical overhead lines, single and double circuits
The positive-sequence impedance may be calculated from conductor data such as cross
section and conductor centre-distances (see IEC 909). .

The effective resistance per unit length is:

q is the cross section
p is the resistivity

- amm2
p= for copper and p = -1 mm2 for aluminium
54 m 34 m
The positive-sequence reactance may be calculated from line data.
For single conductor lines equation (1) is valid (see figure 6):

' (0.25 d )
+ In -
X'(1)L = 7 r

d,,, - CILIL3 - dLZL3 and r = conductor radius

For bundle conductor lines equation (2) is valid (see figure 7):

r and d as above. rB= *i-
nr R"-' n = number of conductors.

R is the radius in the circle on which the conductors are placed, see figure above.

The zero-sequence impedances are referred to an earth resistivity of p = 100 Rm and there-
fore to an equivalent depth of current return of 6 = 930 m (50 Hz)or 6 = 850 m (60 Hz).

For single circuit (I) lines without earth wire:

I E C 909 P T * 2 92 m 4844891 0535896 384 m

909-2 o IEC -23-

For single circuit (I) lines with one earth wire (D):

r 1

g L D = mP-O+ j ~ 6
PO In -
8 2% ‘mLD

pDdepends on material and structure of the earth wire.

For single circuit (I) lines with two earth wires (Dl, D2):

IDlD2 =
z‘ (O)
I -3 Z’tDlD2

dmLD1D2 = “\I dLID1 ‘L2D1 ‘L3Dl ‘LID2 ‘L2D2 dL3D2

For double circuit (II) lines with one earth wire (D), zero-sequence impedance per circuit
(with both circuits in parallel) is:

withzLM= o - +]o- In-
eL0 6
8 2u ‘LM

dmL1M2 = d
IEC 909 P T * 2 92 4844893 0535898 157

909-2 o IEC -25-

For double circuit (II) lines with two earth wires (Dl, D2). zero-sequence impedance per
circuit (with both circuits in parallel) is:

In case of multiple iines the coupling of the zero-sequence impedances between the
different conductors must be considered.

In table 4 characteristic data for overhead lines are given. For type of line and number of
circuits, see figure 8.
IEC 909 PT*2 92 4844891 0535900 b35 W

909-2o IEC -27-


IEC 909 P T * 2 92 W 4844893 0535902 408

909-2 o IEC -29-

2.5 Data on typical low- and high-voltage cables

The impedances of low- and high-voltage cables depend on national techniques and
standards and may be taken from textbooks or the manufacturer’s data.

The positive-sequence resistance value for high-voltage cables may, as a first approxi-
mation, be calculated according to formula R’, = p/q (see clause 2.4). This also applies
for low-voltage Cu cables with cross sections 4 mm9 to 240 mm2 and low-voltage Al
cables 16 mm2 to 300 mm2.

The positive-sequence reactances for low-voltage cables according to German Standards

are shown in figure 9 for four, three and a half and three conductor cables of the following

Type A: Cable with copper (aluminium) conductors, insulation of thermoplastic material

based on PVC and a protective covering in the form of a sheath of thermoplastic
material based on PVC [N(A)YY].

Type B: Cable with copper (aluminium) conductors, insulation of thermoplastic material

based on PVC, concentric copper conductor, helically applied, and a protective
covering in the form of a sheat of thermoplastic material based on PVC

Type C: Belted cable with copper (aluminium) conductors, a mass-impregnated paper

insulation for conductors (and belt), a smooth extruded aluminium sheath,
protective covering with an embedded layer (e.g. lapped) of elastomer tape or
plastic film and a sheath of thermoplastic material based on PVC [N(A)KLEY].

Type D: Cable with copper (aluminium) conductors, a mass-impregnated paper insulation

for conductors (and belt), lead sheat with steel tape armouring and an outer
serving of fibrous material [N(A)KBA].

In figure 10 the positive-sequence reactance is plotted for medium-voltage cables (IEC 38)
of the non-radiai and radial field types with three conductors.

For high-voltage cables (>36 kV), the positive-sequence reactance vanes with design,
laying, cross section and voltage. Data received indicate a variation from 0.1 to
0,19 Wkm. The ratio X(o)/X(l) also varies depending on the design and the current return.
The X(o)/X(,) variation for cables without metallic sheath and without earth return is 0,3 to
0,8 and for cables with metallic sheath and earth return 0.25 to 3.7.

Figures 11 and 12 give a general survey of the positive-sequence reactance Xil, and the
ratios R(o)/R(l) and Xto)/X(l) for low-voltage cables (type A, B, C, D, with copper
(figure 11) and alumihium (figure 12) conductors).
909-2 o IEC

The different return circuits are:

a: return circuit by fourth conductor,
b: return circuit by fourth conductor and sheath;
c: return circuit by fourth conductor and earth (100 Zzm);
d: return circuit by fourth conductor, sheat and earth (100 am).
Special values depending on qn are given in the figures 13 to 20. The cables are according
to German standards.

In table 5 characteristic data of 50 Hz cables are given.

IEC 909 P T * 2 9 2 4844891 053590b 053

909-2o IEC


8 E



reu 3s-
IEC 909 P T * 2 92 1181111891 0535908 92b

909-2(9 IEC -35-

2.6 Data on typical asynchronous motors

The ratio locked rotor current to rated current ZLR/ZrM is different for low- and medium-
voltage motors. For low-voltage motors the average value is approximately 6.7 in the
range 2 kW to 300 k W per pair of poles. The average value for medium-voltage motors is
approximately 5,s in the range 30 kW to 6 M W per pair of poles.

In figure 21 the ratio Im/ZrMis plotted as a function of the active power per pair of poles.

The product of power factor and rated efficiency (COSCP,, qr) is plotted as a function of
the active power per pair of poles (P,,/p) in figure 22.

In table 6 actual data of asynchronous motors are given.

2.7 Busbars
Actual data of low-voltage distribution busbars 50 Hz are given in table 7.
IEC 909 P T * 2 92 = 4844893 O535930 584
909-2 o IEC -37-
I E C 909 P T W 92 W 4844893 0535932 357 W

909-2 o IEC -39-

q u

o u

I E C 909 PT*2 92 m 4844893 0535934 32T m

909-2o E C -41 -

0 Australia A Czechoslovakia Hungary A UK

x Austria Denmark + Italy USA
O Bulgaria O ex-GDR * Japan ex-USSR
China O Gemany 1 Norway

0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1 2 4 6 10 20 40 60 100

SrG -
200 UVA 600 1 o00 2000

ILT mm

Figure 1 - Subtransient reactance of synchronous machines

(motors SM,condensers SC,turbogenerators
and salient pole generators) 50 Hz and 60 Hz
IEC 909 P T * 2 92 4844891 0535916 T T 2

909-2 o IEC -43 -

< 1 MVA 2 1 MVA > 5 MVA > 10 MVA >.SO MVA > 100 MVA > SOO MVA > 1 O00 MVA
S S M V A 5 1 0 M V A <SOMVA S 1 0 0 M V A S S O O M V A S10OOMVA

Figure 2 - Rated voltage U, and rami power factor coscp,

of synchronous machines (motors, condensers,
turbogenerators and salient pole generators)
50 Hz and 60 Hz
IEC 909 P T x 2 9 2 LlBLl489l1 0535938 875 =
909-2 o IEC -45 -

0 Austraiia A Czechoslovakia Hungary A UK

x Austria Denmark + Italy USA
O Bulgaria O ex-GDR f Japan 4 ex-USSR
H China O Germany 1 Norway


* o

. e

xdsit I xd
%drat o,d- o

- *
1 These valoes from Norway are excluded from Xaut /xd

o i

IEC m z
xd = Unsaturated reactance.
xdul = Satoratedreactance.

Figure 3 - Unsaturated and saturated synchronous reactances of two-pole

turbogenerators 50 Hz (n = 3 O 0 0 min") and 60 Hz (n = 3 600 min-')
0 Aurtraiia A Czechoslovakia Hungary A UK
x Auatni Denmark + Italy USA
v Bulgaria O ex-GDR f Japan CX-USSR
China 0 Germany i. Norway

% 8 + 0.92 in SITfor trinafoimen SIT= e...1 ûûû) MVA.

Figure 4 Rated short-circuit voltage uLtof power station generator
transformers (PT) with or without tapchanger
I E C 909 P T t 2 92 D 4844871 0535922 2Tb D

909-2 o IEC -49-

0 Australia A Czechoslovakia Hungary A UK

x Austria Denmark +. Italy USA
v Bulgaria O ex-GDR f Japan $ ex-USSR
China O Germany 1 Norway


+81 O M

6I ukr without UK
and auto-tr.
- 06

Low-voltage transformers
ukr auto-transform.
(standardized transformers) incl. UK
ex-GDR 100 ...250 kVA (D yn 5)
100 160 250 400 630 kVA r

2 6 8 10 200

0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1 4 20 40 60 100 400MVA 1 o00
IEC mm
0 ,X ,v &s.o. Three-winding transformers = f(S,TAB).
d,<<d 8.S.0. Three-winding 811to-trrn~f01men%AB = f(SrTm).

U K United Kingdom.

Figure 5 Rated short-circuit voltage Ukr of network transformers
IEC 909 P T * 2 9 2 W 4844893 0535924 079 W

909-2o IEC -51 -

with ¿= ' 4 z 2
Figure 6 - Positive-sequence reactance X;IIL of low-voltage and medium-voltage overhead
lines 50 Hz, Cu or Al. For 60 Hz these values must be multiplied by 1,2
I E C 909 P T * Z 92 m 4844891 0535926 941 m

909-2 o IEC -53-

0 Australia A Czechoslovakia Hungary A UK

x Austria Denmark + Italy USA
v Bulgaria O ex-GDR * Japan ex-USSR
W China O Germany I Norway
Number of sub-conductors .,, &2 \

* -
Figure 7 Positive-sequencereactance A;11Lof overhead lines 50 Hz
(óû-Hz-values converted to 50 Hz)
I E C 909 P T * 2 92 W 4844891 0535928 714 W

909-2 o IEC - 55 -


w n



n &'
d r
IEC 909 P T W 92 W 4844891 0535930 372

909-2o IEC -57-

4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70
Qn -
95 1 2 0 1 5 0 1 8 5 2 ~ 0300 m m *

IEC 78sm

Figure 9 Positive-sequence reactance X;i, of low-voltage cables Cu or Al,
50 Hz (Germany), for different types of cables A, B, C, D,
see clause 2.5. Three, three and a half and four conductor cables
IEC 909 P T * 2 9 2 m 4844893 0535932 145 m

909-2 o IEC -59-

0 Australia A Czechoslovakia Hungary A UK

x Austria Denmark + I1dy USA
v Bulgaria O ex-GDR t Japan ex-USSR
China 0 Germany 1 Norway

162535 50 70 95 120 150 185

240 300 4(
0.06. ' ' : a I

O 50 100 150 200 25O 300 350 400 mni2

Cross-section q n
IEC 786r92

NR: Non-radial field ables with three coodocton.

R: Ridid field cablea with three conductors.

Figure 10 Positive-sequence reactance X;-, of medium-voltage cables, 50 Hz
IEC 909 P T * 2 9 2 D 4844@)9L 0535934 T I 8 W

909-2 8 IEC -61 -



aiCa l l -1 l

l+E8 I I I.11

c W h I I I I

IEC 909 P T * 2 92 4 8 4 4 8 9 3 053593b 8 9 0 W

909-2 o IEC -63-

IEC 909 P T + 2 92 m 4844893 0535938 663 m

909-2 o IEC - 65 -


O 2535 50 70 95 lu) 150 185

l 240
300 m*

IEC -2

a: Return circuit by fourth conductor.

c: Return circuit by fourth oonductor and earth.

Figure 13 Low-voltage cables 0,6/1 kV,type A, with four conductors
. Cu or Al (Germany). R(O)IR(1).X(&l)
IEC 909 P T * 2 92 D 4844893 0535940 233 D

909-2 o IEC -67-

o ---
25 35 50 2 2 120 150 -
185 -
240 300 ,In*
16 16 25 25 50 70 70 95 lu) 150
lu: mm

a: Return circuit by food Conductor.

c: Return circuit by f o i i d conductor and d.

Figure 14 Low-voltage cables 0,6/1 kV,type A, with three and a half
copper conductors (Gemany), R(o]R(ly X(,,+X(i,
IEC 909 P T * 2 92 = 4844893 0535942 094
909-20 IEC -69-

x : AI

-Al.b )

IEC ï9M2

b: Return circuit by fourth conductor and concentric conductor.

d: Return cimit by fourth conductor. concentric conductor and earth.

Figure 15 - Low-voltage cables 0,6/1 kV, type B, with four conductors Cu

or AI and a concentric conductor Cu (Germany), R(ojR(ll,XtojX(il
I E C 909 P T 8 2 92 9 4844893 0535944 967 9

909-2 o IEC -71 -

Cross-section q, - IEC 791192

a: Return circuit by coacencric Conductor.

c: Return circuit by concentric conductor and auth.

Figure 16 - Low-voltage cables 0,6/1 kV, type B, with three conductors Cu

or Al and a concentric conductor Cu (Germany), R(ojR(ll,X(ojX(,l.
The concentric conductor has the same cross-section
as the main conductor
I E C 909 P T * Z 92 4 8 4 4 8 9 3 0535946 7 3 T

909-2 o E€ -73-

a: Return circuit by concentric conductor.

c: Rkurn circuit by concentric conductor ind euth.

Figure 17 - Low-voltage cables 0,6/1 kV, type B, with three conductors Cu

or Al and a concentric conductor Cu (Germany), R(o)(R(,),X(o+t,,.
The concentric conductor has half the cross-section of the main
IEC 909 P T * 2 9 2 4844891 0535748 502

909-2@ IEC -75-

O 50 70 95 i20 150 185

. Cross-section qn -
240 m 2

IEC 794@2

8: circuit by shêith.
c: Return circuit by sheath 8od aith.

Figure 18 Low-voltage cables 0,6/1 kV,type C, with three conductors Cu
or Al and an aluminium sheath (Germany), R(o)/R(l),X(o)/X(l,
IEC 909 P T W 92 m 4844893 0535950 LbO m

909-2 oIEC -77-

. . .
2535 50 70 95 120 150 185 240
Cross-section qn -


a: Return circuit by fourth conductor.

b: Return circuit by fourth conductor and thertb.
c: Return circuit by fourth conductor iad,earth.
d: Return circuit by fourth conductor, sheath 8nd earth.

Figure 19 - Low-voltage cables 0,6/1 kV, type D, with four conductors Cu

or Al and a lead sheath with steel armouring (Germany),
R(oiR(l)* X(O~X(1)
I E C 909 P T + 2 92 m 4844891 0535952 T33 m

I 909-20 IEC -79-

o 2535502 0 120 E E -
240 300 mmz
16 1625 25 50 70 70 95 120 150

8, b
. c. d u in figare 19.

Figure 20 Low-voltage cables 0,6/1 kV,type D, with three and a half
conductors Cu or AI and a lead sheath with steel annouring
(Gemany)*q o p ( l ) *X(OF(1)
0 Australia A Czechoslovakia Hnngary A UK
x Austria Denmark + Italy USA
v Bulgaria 0 ex-GDR Ir Japan 0 ex-USSR
China O Germany 1 Norway

Figure 21 Locked-rotor currents Im/IrMof low-voltage and medium-voltage
asynchronous motors, 50 Hz and 60 Hz
IEC 909 P T x 2 92 W 4844893 053595b b89 W

909-2 o IEC -83-

0 Austraiia A Czechoslovakia Hungary A UK

x Austria Denmark + Italy USA
v Bulguia O ex-GDR Japan 0 ex-USSR
China O Germany ' .i. Noway

Active pow- of the motorper pair of @er m = P,& - IEC 7w92

Figure 22 - Product cos 'prM qrof low-voltage and medium-voltage
asynchronousmotors, 50 Hz and 60 Hz
IEC 909 P T * 2 92 = 4844893 0535957 515 W

Publications de la CEI préparées IEC publications prepared

par le Comité d’Etudes no 73 by Technical Committee No. 73

781 (1989) Gui& d’ippicrioa pour le cdail des de 781(1989) Appliatiai guide far dcuhtxm . ofrhoi<-aiwt
courtcuaiitbn<Ler ~ ~ b u r e t a i s i m i . d i u n . aurmtr m l o w - v ~ redirl
e ryrtans.
865 (1986) Calailda Cnetr d u cocinnta deoomt&cuit. 865(1986) Cal&iaidtbecffsdrofrbar~taments.
909 (1988) Calcul des cocimnts de c m r t - c i d dam 1m 909(1988) Sbort-Ciraiit crurrat aladatiai m thra-phre LC.
tliph&àcociw~. SyStUlM.

909-1(1991) Putit 1: Factum pour IC calcul des de 909-1 (1991) Put 1: F.don f -
a the crlailotioa ofahatcirarit
mrt-ckuit &na b r#eua ùtcmrtifr tnph.sie aimnti m dueephrs LC systans raxding to
lxmfmánaltà la CEI 909. IEC 909.
909-2(1992) -
Matériel 6lacrrique Donn6er ponr le cllail des 909-2(1992) -
Electiicpl equipneat Diti for rhortciraii Q u M t
anlrantr de m-cilcuit amf- il8 caicuhions in aamrdmœ wila E C 909 (1988)
CEI 909 (1988).

Publicatiai 909-2

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