Nclex Stuffs
Nclex Stuffs
Nclex Stuffs
With an arterial ulcer, the nurse applies tape only to the bandage. Tape is never used directly on the skin
because it could cause further tissue damage. For the same reason, Montgomery straps could not be
applied to the skin (although these are generally intended for use on abdominal wounds, anyway).
Standard dressing technique includes the use of Kling rolls on circumferential dressings.
The stools of a child with celiac disease are characteristically malodorous, pale, large (bulky), and soft (loose).
Excessive flatus is common, and bouts of diarrhea may occur.
The major postoperative complication following craniotomy (supratentorial surgery) is increased intracranial
pressure (ICP) from cerebral edema, hemorrhage, or obstruction of the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
Symptoms of increased ICP include severe headache, deteriorating level of consciousness, restlessness,
irritability, and dilated or pinpoint pupils that are slow to react or nonreactive to light. Without prompt recognition
and treatment, herniation syndromes develop and death can occur.
Buck’s extension traction is a form of skin traction and involves the use of a belt or boot that is attached to the
skin and soft tissues. The purpose of this type of traction is to decrease painful muscle spasms that accompany
fractures. The weight that is used as a pulling force is limited (usually 5 to 10 pounds) to prevent injury to the
Cascara sagrada is a laxative that causes nausea and abdominal cramps as the most frequent side effects.
Biologic dressings are usually heterograft or homograft material. Heterograft is skin from another species. The
most commonly used type of heterograft is pigskin because of its availability and its relative compatibility with
human skin. Homograft is skin from another human, which is usually obtained from a cadaver and is provided
through a skin bank. Autograft is skin from the client.
The client with a head injury is positioned to avoid extreme flexion or extension of the neck and to maintain the
head in the midline, neutral position. The client is logrolled when turned to avoid extreme hip flexion. The head of
the bed is elevated 30 to 45 degrees. All of these measures are used to enhance venous drainage, which helps
prevent increased intracranial pressure (ICP).
Esophageal atresia prevents the passage of swallowed mucus and saliva into the stomach. After fluid has
accumulated in the pouch, it flows from the mouth and the infant then drools continuously. The inability to
swallow amniotic fluid in utero prevents the accumulation of normal meconium, and lack of stools results.
Responsiveness of the infant to stimulus would depend on the overall condition of the infant and is not
considered a classic sign of esophageal atresia.
Indications for suctioning include moist, wet respirations, restlessness, rhonchi on auscultation of the lungs,
visible mucus bubbling in the ET tube, increased pulse and respiratory rates, and increased peak inspiratory
pressures on the ventilator. A low peak inspiratory pressure would indicate a leak in the mechanical ventilation
PEEP leads to increased intrathoracic pressure, which in turn leads to decreased cardiac output. This is
manifested in the client by decreased blood pressure and increased pulse (compensatory). Peak
pressures on the ventilator should not be affected, although the pressure at the end of expiration
remains positive at the level set for the PEEP.
Following thoracentesis, the nurse assesses vital signs and breath sounds. The nurse especially notes
increased respiratory rates, dyspnea, retractions, diminished breath sounds, or cyanosis, which could indicate
Intradermal injections are most commonly given in the inner surface of the forearm. Other sites include the
dorsal area of the upper arm or the upper back beneath the scapulae. The nurse finds an area that is not heavily
pigmented and is clear of hairy areas or lesions that could interfere with reading the results.
Fractured ribs are treated with good pulmonary therapy techniques such as coughing and deep breathing, rapid
mobilization, and adequate pain control. Strapping of the ribs is not a treatment measure because it restricts
deep breathing and can increase the incidence of atelectasis and pneumonia.
A pneumothorax is characterized by distended neck veins, displaced point of maximal impulse (PMI),
subcutaneous emphysema, tracheal deviation to the unaffected side, decreased fremitus, and worsening
cyanosis. The client could have pain with respiration. The increased intrathoracic pressure would cause the
blood pressure to fall, not rise.
Bronchial sounds are normally heard over the main bronchi. The client with pneumonia will have
bronchial breath sounds over area(s) of consolidation, because the consolidated tissue carries
bronchial sounds to the peripheral lung fields. The client may also have crackles in the affected area
resulting from fluid in the interstitium and alveoli. Absent breath sounds are not likely to occur unless a
serious complication of the pneumonia occurs. Bronchovesicular sounds are normally heard over the
main bronchi. Vesicular sounds are normally heard over the lesser bronchi, bronchioles, and lobes.
Kaposi’s sarcoma generally starts with an area that is flat and pink that changes to a dark violet or black color.
The lesions are usually present bilaterally. They may appear in many areas of the body and are treated with
radiation, chemotherapy, and cryotherapy.
Typical assessment findings in the client with a pleural effusion include dyspnea, which usually occurs with
exertion, and a dry, nonproductive cough. The cough is caused by bronchial irritation and possible mediastinal
Pleural effusion that has a high red blood cell count may result from trauma and may be treated with
placement of a chest tube for drainage. Other causes of pleural effusion include infection, heart failure,
liver or renal failure, malignancy, or inflammatory processes. Infection would be accompanied by white
blood cells. The fluid portion of the serum would accumulate with liver failure and heart failure.
Rapid emptying of a large volume of urine may cause engorgement of pelvic blood vessels and
hypovolemic shock. Clamping the tubing for 30 minutes allows for equilibration to prevent
Amphotericin B (Fungizone) is a toxic medication, which can produce symptoms during administration
such as chills, fever (hyperthermia), headache, vomiting, and impaired renal function (decreased urine
output). The medication is also very irritating to the IV site, commonly causing thrombophlebitis. The
nurse administering this medication monitors for these complications.
Continuous bladder irrigation is done following TURP using sterile normal saline, which is isotonic.
The client with flail chest has painful, rapid, shallow respirations while experiencing severe dyspnea. The effort of
breathing and the paradoxical chest movement have the net effect of producing hypoxia and hypercapnia. The
client develops respiratory failure and requires intubation and mechanical ventilation, usually with positive end
expiratory pressure (PEEP). Therefore, an intubation tray is necessary.
In a clietn with empyema whose going to have a thoracentesis performed at teh bedside. The nurse
plans to have an chest tube and rainage system availabel in the event that the procedure is not effective.
If the exudate is too thick for drainage via thoracentesis, the client may require placement of a chest
tube to adequately drain the purulent effusion.
Aspiration of clear fluid of less than 1 mL is indicative of epidural catheter placement. More than 1 mL of clear
fluid or bloody return means that the catheter may be in the subarachnoid space or in a vessel. Therefore, the
nurse would not inject the medication and would notify the anesthesiologist.
If a chest tube accidentally disconnects from the tubing of the drainage apparatus, the nurse should first
reestablish an underwater seal to prevent tension pneumothorax and mediastinal shift. This can be
accomplished by reconnecting the chest tube, or in this case, immersing the end of the chest tube in a bottle of
sterile normal saline or water. The physician should be notified after taking corrective action. If the physician is
called first, tension pneumothorax has time to develop. Clamping the chest tube could also cause tension
pneumothorax. A petrolatum gauze would be applied to the skin over the chest tube insertion site if the entire
chest tube was accidentally removed from the chest.
In the client with Cushing’s syndrome, increased levels of glucocorticoids can result in hyperglycemia and signs
and symptoms of diabetes mellitus.
If the client experiences air embolus, the nurse should clamp the catheter immediately and notify the physician.
The client is placed in the lateral Trendelenburg position on the left side to trap the air in the right atrium.
Aldosteronism can lead to hypokalemia, which in turn can cause life-threatening dysrhythmias.
Oxygen may be removed safely from the client with carbon monoxide poisoning once carboxyhemoglobin levels
are less than 5%.
Poor nutrition during pregnancy can negatively influence fetal growth and development. Although pregnancy
poses some nutritional risk for the mother, not all clients are at high risk. Calcium is critical during the third
trimester but must be increased from the onset of pregnancy. Intake of dietary iron is insufficient for the majority
of pregnant women, and iron supplements are routinely prescribed.
When Cushing’s syndrome develops, the normal function of the glucocorticoids becomes exaggerated and the
classic picture of the syndrome emerges. This exaggerated physiological action can cause mental status
changes, including memory loss, poor concentration and cognition, euphoria, and depression. It can also cause
persistent hyperglycemia along with sodium and water retention, producing edema and hypertension.
Indirect laryngoscopy is done to assess the function of the vocal cords or to obtain tissue for biopsy.
Observations are made during rest and phonation by using a laryngeal mirror, head mirror, and light source. The
client is placed in an upright position to facilitate passage of the laryngeal mirror into the mouth and is instructed
to breathe normally. The tongue cannot be moved back because it would occlude the airway. Swallowing cannot
be done with the mirror in place.
Following treatment with radioactive iodine therapy, a decrease in thyroid hormone level should be noted, which
would help alleviate symptoms. Relief of symptoms does not occur until 6 to 8 weeks after initial treatment. This
form of therapy is not designed to destroy the entire gland; rather, some of the cells that synthesize thyroid
hormone will be destroyed by the local radiation. The nurse needs to reassure the client and family that unless
the dosage is extremely high, clients are not required to observe radiation precautions. The rationale for this is
that the radioactivity quickly dissipates. Occasionally, a client may require a second or third dose, but treatments
are not lifelong.
The enema fluid should be administered slowly. If the client complains of pain or cramping, the flow is stopped
for 30 seconds and restarted at a slower rate. Slow enema administration and stopping the flow temporarily, if
necessary, will decrease the likelihood of intestinal spasm and premature ejection of the solution. The higher the
solution container is held above the rectum, the faster the flow and the greater the force in the rectum.