Brochure - JPK Nanowizard Sense+ - 2019-12-12

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Now with optional

High quality imaging with excellent resolution

Proven integration with optical microscopy
Revolutionary new workflow-based software
High flexibility with a broad range of modes and accessories
Upgradable to a full NanoWizard® 4 XP system
Start with leading technology


The NanoWizard® Sense+ is a high-quality, entry MAKING EVERY USER AN AFM EXPERT
level AFM, designed to deliver unparalleled per- Bruker’s exclusive PeakForce Tapping® provides superior
formance, highest mechanical and thermal stabi- force control and unparalleled ease of use, no matter what
lity and excellent resolution, even on an inverted the sample or environment. It enables long-term, high-quality
microscope. imaging of the widest range of samples, even for non-experts
or occasional users.
Based on the proven NanoWizard technology, it
is a true multipurpose tool, suitable for measu- INTUITIVE OPERATION WITH THE
rements in air and liquid and samples ranging WORKFLOW BASED V7 SOFTWARE
from single molecules, living cells and tissues to Achieve valuable results faster with the newly developed
polymers and nanomaterials. software V7 interface. The optimized workflow guides users
through a straightforward set-up, allowing non-experts to get
The unique tip-scanning design is key to pro- started quickly and accomplish their goals.
viding outstanding flexibility and modularity.
It enables simultaneous AFM integration with More experienced users have direct access to expert fea-
advanced optical measurements. tures and advanced feedback modes, while also benefitting
from single-click calibration and a streamlined setup for incre-
Bruker strives to meet the needs of its users ased productivity.
by offering customized solutions to individual
requirements. The highly versatile NanoWizard A blend of Polystyrene and Polyolefin
Elastomer (ethylene-octene copolymer)
Sense+ delivers superior quality at a competitive spin-casted onto a silicon substrate –
price. It enables users to streamline their sys- imaged using Force Mapping mode.
Scan size 5 µm × 5 µm. Topography is
tem by selecting the features and accessories overlaid with Young’s modulus data
best suited to their specific needs, present and (range 1GPa).


setup with
TopviewOptics™ DNA molecules in liquid on a polycationic covered
module mica substrate – imaged using PeakForce Tapping
mode, height range 3 nm.

200 nm
Versatility, flexibility
and modularity


JPK has a long-standing reputation for providing state-of-the- NanoWizard AFMs stand for unparalleled optical
art solutions and next-generation BioAFMs. The NanoWizard integration. Thanks to its unique tip-scanning de-
family is renowned for its wide range of optional accessories, sign, the system can be combined with advan-
modes and features, providing the highest flexibility for all ced optics and used simultaneously with stan-
your applications. dard condensers and reflection microscopy, even
through thin coverslips, and on all major inverted
Sample handling: The large standard sample volume optical microscopes.
(Ø140×18mm3) can be enhanced with specialized op-
tions, such as motorized positioning, StretchingStage for UPGRADABILITY, THE KEY TO FUTURE FLEXIBILITY
AFM on samples under mechanical load, Head-up Stage The highly modular design ensures that each
extension to 14cm in Z for taller samples, and shuttle sta- Sense+ can be upgraded to a full NanoWizard
ge for high NA upright optics with BioMAT™. 4 XP system for BioScience or NanoScience ap-
Temperature control: High and low temperature options plications.
(e.g., unique CryoStage: -120°C up to 220°C), with and
1 2
without perfusion or gas control.
Open access: Utmost versatility in experiment design,
e.g. simultaneous use of micro-pipettes or electrical pro-
bes in contact with the sample with AFM.
Electrical measurements: Conductive AFM, KPM, EFM,
MFM, STM, Piezoresponse microscopy, electrochemistry 3 µm
with temperature control and optics.
Mechanical measurements: Optimized Force Mapping, Topography 1 and Contact Resonance frequency 2 images of a
Contact Resonance imaging, NanoManipulation, Nano- glass surface showing surface contamination from the production
process. Height range 3nm; pll-frequency range 4 kHz.
Lithography and NanoIndentation. Advanced Force
Spectroscopy for applications ranging from single molecule
force spectroscopy to viscoelastic mechanics.

3D representation of an interface between islands of aluminum and gold deposited Living Vero cells in cell culture
on silicon, overlayed with colorized CPD (contact potential difference) data. Scan size medium. AFM image 3 and
50 µm × 17 µm, height range 86nm; CPD data range -120mV to 750mV. overlay with phase contrast and
fluorescence 4 , taken using
PeakForce Tapping® mode and
the patented DirectOverlay™ 2
software feature.

5 µm

Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM) of a ferroelectric copolymer (P(VDF-TrFE)). A

sequence of voltage pulses (+/- 20 V range) was generated from a bitmap to write the
pattern into the piezoelectric polarization of the sample.

10µm 2 µm
Specifications for the
NanoWizard Sense+ AFM

System specifications Fluid cell options

Atomic lattice resolution Inert glass standard cantilever holders for experi- STANDARD OPERATING MODES
Tip-scanning stand-alone system, the only choice ments in droplets or custom fluid cells
for simultaneous AFM and optics experiments Patented BioCell™ for high-NA immersion lenses Imaging modes
Rigid low noise and liquid-safe design and high-resolution AFM down to the single Tapping Mode™ with

Bruker Nano is continually improving its products and reserves the right to change specifications without notice. © 2019.
Low noise cantilever deflection detection system molecule level PhaseImaging™
< 15 pm RMS CoverslipHolder offers the same capability as the Contact mode with lateral force
Closed-loop for reproducible tip positioning and BioCell for ambient temperature experiments microscopy (LFM)
longtime position stability Temperature controlled electrochemistry cell Force measurements
Static and dynamic spectroscopy
IR deflection detection light source with low ECCell™ with transmission illumination
Advanced Force Mapping
coherence PetriDishHeater™, perfect for living cells
Transmission illumination with standard conden- SmallCell™ small volume version for aqueous
sers for precise brightfield, DIC and phase cont- solutions
Intelligent and automated approach with user Optical configurations
defined parameters for soft landing Fits on inverted microscopes from
PeakForce Tapping NEW
Scanner unit: Zeiss (Axio Observer, Axio Vert 100/200,
Higher harmonics imaging
Flexure stage scanner design with decoupled, Axio Vert A1) Contact resonance AFM NEW
low mass z scanner Olympus (IX line) Conductive AFM
100 × 100 × 15 μm³ scan range for the head Nikon (TE 2000, Ti/Ti2 line) Kelvin Probe Microscopy
and Leica (DMi line) MFM and EFM
Sense+ Controller Fully simultaneous operation with optical phase STM
State-of-the-art digital controller with lowest contrast and DIC using standard condensers Electrical spectroscopy modes
noise levels Compatible with commercial confocal micro- Piezoresponse Microscopy
Passive cooling without a fan scopes and fluorescence techniques such as Electrochemistry with temperature
Front connectors for electrical modules and TIRF, FRET, FCS, FRAP, FLIM, spinning disk, control and optical microscopy
other accessories PALM, STORM, STED NanoLithography
AFM and upright high-NA optics combination with NanoManipulation
New workflow-based V7 SPMControl software the JPK BioMAT workstation (see BioMAT brochure)
Scanning Thermal AFM
True multi-user platform, perfect for imaging Large variety of high-end EM-CCD cameras
FluidFM solution from Cytosurge NEW
facilities supported ExperimentPlanner™ for designing
User-programmable software TopViewOptics™ video optics for opaque samples
a specific measurement workflow
Fully automated sensitivity and spring-constant RampDesigner™ for custom designed
calibration using thermal noise or Sader method Temperature control options clamp and ramp experiments
New DirectOverlay 2 option for combined optical Ambient to 300 °C temperature range with 0.1 °C ExperimentControl™ feature for
and AFM information precision with the JPK High Temperature Hea- remote experiment control
Improved ForceWatch™ and TipSaver™ mode ting Stage (HTHS™) DirectOverlay 2 for combined NEW
for force spectroscopy and imaging -35 °C to 120 °C temperature range with 0.1 °C AFM and optical microscopy
Advanced spectroscopy modes such as various precision with the JPK Heating Cooling Module
force clamp modes or ramp designs (HCM™)
Powerful Data Processing (DP) with full functio- -120 °C up to 22 °C with the JPK CryoStage
nality for data export, fitting, filtering, edge de- NanoWizard
Options (see Accessories Handbook) Sense+ AFM with
tection, 3D rendering, FFT, cross section, etc.
Powerful batch processing of force curves and Motorized precision stage with 20×20 mm² tra- TopViewOptics
images including WLC, FJC, step-fitting, JKR, vel range with joystick or software control
DMT model and other analyses Different sample holders, cantilever holders and
stages for every application
Stages and sample holders Stage-up kit for tall samples
Stages are available for all major inverted optical StretchingStage for AFM and samples under
microscope manufacturers mechanical load
Liquid-safe, robust and drift-minimized design Large choice of add-ons such as temperature con-
Manual precision stage with 20 × 20 mm2 travel trols and liquid cells even for aggressive solvents
range and independent positioning of tip and CellHesion® module with extra 100 μm closed
sample with respect to the optical axis loop z range
Holders for Petri dishes, coverslips, microscope FluidFM® ADD-ON from Cytosurge
slides, metal SPM stubs, etc. Cameras and light sources for video imaging or
Special holders and liquid cells possible fluorescence
Large Ø 140 × 18 mm3 free sample volume Vibration and acoustic isolation

NanoWizard, BioMAT, DirectOverlay, ForceWatch, TipSaver, BioCell, ECCell, PetriDishHeater, SmallCell, TopViewOptics, HTHS, HCM, PeakForce, TappingMode, and PhaseImaging are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Bruker Nano GmbH or Bruker Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.

JPK BioAFM Business

Bruker Nano GmbH Follow us on Facebook,
Am Studio 2D · 12489 Berlin, Germany Youtube and Linkedin.
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