Regarding The Users of Financial Statements and Their Information Needs
Regarding The Users of Financial Statements and Their Information Needs
Regarding The Users of Financial Statements and Their Information Needs
In order to satisfy the information needs of users from inside and outside the organizations,
accounting elaborated a proper method of generalization and synthesizing of information it
produces, which involved the development of some appropriate tools, known as financial
statements. For users outside the company, these are often the only source of information available
directly from the organization. The knowledge of the interests of different categories of users has an
important role in trying to improve the quality of financial statements, which should allow taking
correct decisions based on the financial position, the results of economic and financial activity and
the changes in the financial position of the company.
enterprises, the manager may coincide with organization or information in a form that
the business owner. distort the economic and financial reality of
As internal users of financial the company (an important role in this latter
information, the managers won’t expect and case have the censors and/or financial
they are not limited to information in the auditors).
financial statements. They have immediate Although they benefits from
and full access not only to public information information asymmetry in relation to external
of the company, but also to internal users, the managers pay particular attention to
information from the organization. Their how the published information are perceived
information needs are covered, essentially, by them [Malciu, L., Cererea şi oferta de
through unpublished statements, prepared, not informaţii contabile, Ed. Economică,
only on the basis of financial accounting, but Bucureşti, 1998, p. 28]. The reason of this
also of managerial accounting. interest is the fact that the financial statements
Decision-making roles of managers, inform the third party over the managerial
according to some opinions presented in the ability. In other words, the managers use the
specialty literature, are four: entrepreneurs, information from the financial statements,
disturbance regulators, resource distributors specially, not to make decisions, but to
and negotiators. communicate.
It results that in their activities,
managers have usually many and varied The external users and their
targets, often complex. These objectives may information needs
refer to best adapt the organization to the The financial statements are an
conditions it operates by changing the important means through which accounting
organizational structure or by introduction of information is communicated to decision-
some new products or by improving existing makers. For the users from outside the
ones, finding the right response to an organization, these are often the only source
aggressive advertising campaign of a of information available directly from the
competitor, correct elaboration of budgets, company.
deliver quality goods and services, realized In the following we present the
with a minimum cost, maintaining an information requirements of external users,
acceptable level of income, resolving the correlated to the information offer by the
disputes existing in the company and between economic institutions through their financial
the company and its environment, increasing statements, strarting from the classification of
the number of available jobs, protecting the the users in The Framework for the
environment etc. Preparation and Presentation of Financial
To ensure the success and survival in a Statements which grouped them into seven
competitive economic environment, the categories already mentioned in this article:
management needs to focus on two main investors, employees and groups that
objectives: profitability and liquidity. These represent them, lenders and suppliers,
indicators can be found in the explanatory customers, governments and their agencies
notes to the financial statements. and general public.
An important role of managers is to The International Accounting
make the reality existing in the organization Standards Board (IASB) recognizes that not
compatible with the needs and expectations of all user requirements can be satisfied by the
other users. financial statements. It follows, however,
The external users want to have more implicitly, that investors are privileged users.
information about the organization and its Therefore, satisfying their information needs
activities, information they can trust for will meet the needs of most other categories
taking the best decisions, while managers are of users [Gîrbină, M.M., Bunea, Ş., Sinteze,
interested to public, when they are not forced studii de caz şi teste grilă privind aplicarea
through the law, only information that allow IAS (revizuite) – IFRS, Volumul I, Ed.
them to create a favorable image of the CECCAR, Bucureşti, 2005, p. 22].
products, the key customers and suppliers, information which present interest to them are
etc.) and other information obtained from those relating to the prices used by the
inside or outside the company. As a rule, company, the possibility to get some price
there are some preset levels of interest that reductions, the possibility to get after-sales
choose between. services (such as maintenance, repairs), the
A particular attention is given to the maximum amount of commercial loans
liquidity and profitability indicators of the received, the time for pay accepted by the
company. In this regard, the creditors assure company etc.
that the short term loans arn’t used to finance The governments and their agencies
fixed assets, and the company has the ability have a dual role, on the one hand regulators of
to create profit, which is a guarantee of the the accounting, and on the other hand users
ability of the company to repay on time the of the information contained in the financial
loans received and to pay related interests. statements.
The guarantees required for giving As guarantor of the general interest,
credits may take various forms: real imobil the state is directly or indirectly involved in
guarantees (mortgages), real movable the regulation of accounting, to provide users
guarantees (pledges with or without a minimum quality of information published
dispossession), assignment of claims, letters and to attenuate the information asymmetry
of guarantee, payment instruments in bank existing between different categories of users
circulation and endorsed in favor of suppliers [Feleagă, N., Ionaşcu, I., Tratat de
etc. contabilitate financiară, vol. I, Ed.
Such information and further Economică, Bucureşti, 1998, p. 54].
information can be obtained directly from the The governments may settle to be
financial statements of credited company or presented in the financial statements other
may be requested from the company information than those existing or additional
concerned to obtain foreign financing (not all information for its own purposes, but to
enterprises are willing to provide additional influence the financial statements in a manner
information, giving a particular importance to that meet the needs of others users.
the nature of these information). As a user, the state needs information,
The suppliers are primarily interested primarily for fiscality reasons, to determine
to check the measure to which the debtor the calculation of the base for taxes and
company will be able to carry out its financial follow the taxpayers pay them on time.
obligations, analyzing the solvency of the Fiscal legislation that applies to
company and other information which allow Romania is based on information provided by
the assessment of compliance with payment accounting, because the fiscal result is
fixed date. dependent upon the accounting result. The
They also want to know what is the statement of financial position helps the
probability to continue the business, paying control of the fiscal authority over the
particular attention to development prospects payment of the enterprise obligations on time
of partners, which could have positive and prevent fiscal evasion [Feleagă, N.,
consequences in the future on their activities. Ionaşcu, I., Tratat de contabilitate financiară,
In the explanatory notes they find vol. I, Ed. Economică, Bucureşti, 1998, p.
information regarding the compliance with or 54].
the breach of the going concern principle, and Besides the above, the state needs
depending on the other information from the information to assess the various demands
financial statements, from several years, they regarding the offer of low interest grants or
may appreciate the chances for economic loans, to manage the national accounting, to
growth of the enterprise. prepare the statistics on the macroeconomic
The customers, like other users, need level, to make economic forecasts etc.
information to assess the continuity of the The general public is practically
business and its growth prospects, in order to represented by any user that has not been
estimate the risks in their supply. Other mentioned explicitly in The Framework and
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