Review: What Three Types of Hemolysis Can Be Observed On A BAP Plate?
Review: What Three Types of Hemolysis Can Be Observed On A BAP Plate?
Review: What Three Types of Hemolysis Can Be Observed On A BAP Plate?
characteristics: Environments
• Straight, or slightly curved Gram-negative rods Generally found pathogen
• Oxidase positive
• Non-fermentative
• Strict aerobes
• Motile via polar flagella
• Often produce water soluble pigments and colonies appear mucoid
Representative species
P. aeruginosa s
Known for Characteristics Known for Characteristics
• the most clinical significance that causes agents for the
disease in • reduces nitrate biocontrol • growth temperature
• produces several
enzymes and
immunocompromised (e.g. cystic fibrosis toxins below 30 C
patients, AIDS patients, and burn victims)
• produces several enzymes and toxins that
account for its virulence. The most important
toxin blocks protein synthesis in eukaryotic
Even the water-soluble pigment pyocyanin
causes tissue damage to a host
III. Biochemical testing for Gram negative
organisms A. Fermentation Broth tubes
1. These tubes contain a simple sugars in addition to a lactose and a mannitol A positive reaction will
turn the broth yellow. The Durham tube will measure detect production of gas by the bacteria (gas
produced by an enzyme called formic hydrogen lyase .
2. Glucose tubes
i. In today’s lab we will be using a glucose broth tube. If the liquid in the glucose tube is acidic, then
the pH indicator turns yellow. If the liquid in the glucose tube is basic, then the pH indicator will
ii. A bubble in the Durham tube indicates that gas has been produced. Many members of the
family Enterobacteriaceae can metabolize __ which can be converted to formic acid and formic
acid to H2 (g) and CO2 (g) by an enzyme called formic hydrogen lyase.
B. SIM Tube (Sulfur, Indole, Motility)
1. Sulfur: H2s production will turn the agar into black color forms.
i. H2S is produced either through the catabolism by an enzyme called cysteine desulfurase or by the
enzyme cysteine desulfurase during anaerobic respiration.
2. Indole: Adding Kovac’s reagent, and form rosindole dye which is red in color (indole +) determine
indole production.
i. Indole is produced from the breakdown of the amino acid cysteine.
3. Motility: Motility is determined by observing the organism’s ability to move through the
growth/turbidity away from the line of inoculation.
C. MacConkey agar
1. Selective medium
i. Bile salts inhibit the growth of gram-positive bacteria organisms.
ii. If the bacteria are able to ferment lactose, the acid produced will cause the pH indicator to dark
D. Kligler’s Iron Agar (KIA)
1. A differential medium that contains two sugars: lactose (low concentration) and glucose (higher
i. Fermenters will typically utilize the manor to test for various fermentation capabilities and
production of acidic fermentation byproducts will cause the entire tube to turn yellow. However, the
glucose is in short supply and, after the first few hours of growth, will all be used up.
ii. After the glucose is gone, bacteria that are capable of fermenting lactose will do so.
Production of acidic byproducts will continue and the medium will remain yellow.
iii.Gas produced as a product of fermentation will
form fissures or completely the agar will be
lifted off the bottom of the tube.
iv. Bacteria that are incapable of fermenting lactose
have to utilize the _____________________ in the
medium. This produces NH3 (a weak base), which
causes the medium to become alkaline. and
turns the slant red. The butt remains yellow.
v. Non-fermenters will utilize only the amino acids
and proteins in the medium. The slant will be red
and the butt will remain the original red/orange
vi. The production of H2S results in a positive for
glucose fermentation . If the black precipitate
obscures the medium color, it is
positive for glucose fermentation.