04 Contents PDF
04 Contents PDF
04 Contents PDF
J.lltroouction 1
~nalys1$ , meaning and dime nsions of doctrine of'
cons1cierat,101'l. ~5
Social welfare legislation touching contraetual
obligations in the mOdern Indian welfare state. 146
(A) Roots of social welfare. 146
(B) Evolution of the concept of social welfare state
in India. 1lt-7
(C) Definitions of social welfare state. 152
(D) v.rbit of social welfare legislation. 160
(1) Social welfare legislative measures and
involving contractual obligations. 160
(a) Major social legislative measures not
involving contractual obligations. 161
(b) Area covered. 161
(e) Remarks. 165
Cha.pter-IV "
l!Iffect of social welfare legislation on the concept of
consideration. 189
c hallie r-V •
Inter-relation of doctrine of promissory-estoppel
and consideration. 221
(., hapter-YI
Unblinkerir~ the unruly horse: the public policy in
relation to t :a:dbctrine of conSideration. 330
(A) FubliC policy. 330
(1) Conceptual meaning. 333
(a.) Public. 331.t
(b) Policy. 33,
(c) J'udge' s value judgement. 33,
(2) cic ope and extent. 33,
(3) Crystallisation of frontiers of' public
policy. 34-1
(a) Conservative vie'w. 341
(b) Progressive view. 341
(c) ~valuation. 342
~ hap;ter ...VIli.
Suggestions and Conclusions. 441
Table of cases. 456
Bibliography. 472