CS105 Guide PDF
CS105 Guide PDF
CS105 Guide PDF
Welcome to Risk Management Framework –Lesson 4 - RMF Step 4: Assessing Security Controls.
Once the security controls are implemented they must be assessed, the results documented in the
Security Assessment Report, and remediation efforts completed.
Slide 2 - Objectives
Slide 3 - Sources
The authoritative sources listed here are to be used for Security Control Assessment Guidance:
DoDI 8510.01 dated March 2014 is the high level document that sets forth the policy stating
RMF is to be used by DoD
NIST Special Publication 800-37 is the Guide for Applying RMF to Federal Information Systems
The RMF Knowledge Service at https://rmfks.osd.mil/rmf is the go-to source when working with
Assessment procedures are used to verify that a security control has been properly
One or more assessment procedures that describe requisite preparatory steps and conditions,
actual assessment steps and expected results have been developed for each security control
Each procedure includes supporting background material, sample results, or links to automated
testing tools
Assessment procedures are maintained by the RMF Technical Advisory Group and published on
the Security Controls Explorer page and eMASS
Risk Management Framework –
Step 4: Assessing Security Controls
If you already use eMASS to help with security control assessment you should continue to do so.
Here we have a subset of controls using the security control explorer in the RMF Knowledge Service site.
By clicking one of the control acronyms we can see the assessment procedures.
After clicking a specific control, expand the Implementation Guidance and Assessment Procedures link
to see the assessment procedures for that particular control.
There are four tasks that comprise step 4 of the RMF. The Security Control Assessor or SCA has Primary
Responsibility for all tasks, while the Information System Owner and Common Control Provider also
share a Primary Responsibility with the SCA for the fourth task.
These individuals have supporting roles at various times throughout the process: Authorizing Official or
their Designated Representative, Chief Information Officer, Senior Information Security Officer,
Information System Owner, Common Control Provider, Information Owner/Steward and Information
System Security Officer or ISSO.
Slide 6 - Task 4-1 Develop and Approve a Security Assessment Plan - Key Activities
Now let’s take a closer look at Task 1. The SCA develops the security assessment plan, and the
Authorizing Official or their Designated Representative reviews and approves the plan. The purpose of
the security assessment plan is to establish the appropriate expectations for the security control
assessment and bound the level of effort for the assessment.
From an organizational perspective, preparing for a security control assessment includes the following
key activities:
Ensuring that appropriate policies covering security control assessments are in place and
understood by all affected organizational elements
Ensuring that all steps in the RMF prior to the security control assessment step have been
successfully completed and received appropriate management oversight
Risk Management Framework –
Step 4: Assessing Security Controls
Ensuring that security controls identified as common controls (and the common portion of
hybrid controls) have been assigned to appropriate organizational entities (such as common
control providers) for development and implementation, and
Establishing the objective and scope of the security control assessment, the purpose of the
assessment and what is being assessed
Slide 7 - Task 4-1 Develop and Approve a Security Assessment Plan - Steps
An approved security assessment plan helps to ensure that an appropriate level of resources is applied
toward determining security control effectiveness. When security controls are provided to an
organization by an external provider (such as through contracts, licensing agreements, etc.), the
organization obtains a security assessment plan from the provider.
The following steps are considered by assessors in developing plans to assess security controls in
organizational information systems or security controls inherited by those systems:
Determine which security controls and control enhancements are to be included in the
assessment based upon the contents of the security plan and the scope of the assessment
Select the appropriate assessment procedures to be used during the assessment based on the
security controls and control enhancements that are to be included in the assessment
If required, tailor the selected assessment procedures. For example, select appropriate
assessment methods and objects, assign depth and coverage attribute values
Optimize the assessment procedures to reduce duplication of effort. For example,
sequencing, consolidating assessment procedures, and reusing DT&E and OT&E test results
Provide cost-effective assessment solutions, and
Finalize the assessment plan and obtain the necessary approvals to execute the plan
The SCA ensures the plan is consistent with the security objectives of the organization; employs state-of-
the-practice tools, techniques, procedures, and automation to support the concept of information
security monitoring and near real-time risk management; and is cost-effective with regard to the
resources allocated for the assessment.
The Authorizing Official or their Designated Representative approves the security assessment plan,
establishes appropriate expectations for the security control assessment, defines the level of effort for
the assessment, and ensures the appropriate level of resources are applied in determining the
effectiveness of the security controls.
In Task 4-2 we assess the security controls in accordance with assessment procedures defined in the
security assessment plan. Security control assessments determine the extent to which the controls are
Risk Management Framework –
Step 4: Assessing Security Controls
implemented correctly, operate as intended, and produce the desired outcome with respect to meeting
the security requirements for the information system. Assessments occur as early as practicable
practical in the system development life cycle, preferably during the development phase of the
information system. Related activities may include design and code reviews, application scanning, and
regression testing.
Organizations consider both the technical expertise and level of independence required in selecting
security control assessors. Organizations also ensure that security control assessors possess the required
skills and technical expertise to successfully carry out assessments of system-specific, hybrid, and
common controls.
The information system owner relies on the technical expertise and judgment of assessors to:
Assess the security controls employed within or inherited by the information system using
assessment procedures specified in the security assessment plan, and
Provide specific recommendations on how to correct weaknesses or deficiencies in the controls
and reduce or eliminate identified vulnerabilities
The assessor findings are an unbiased, factual reporting of the weaknesses and deficiencies discovered
during the security control assessment.
The information system and environment of operation where the security controls are , and
The appropriate documentation, records, artifacts, test results, and other materials needed to
assess the security controls
SRG and STIG compliance results will be documented and used as part of the overall security control
assessment. The RMF Knowledge Service is the authoritative source for security control assessment
procedures. Actual results are recorded in the SAR and POA&M as part of the security authorization
package, along with any artifacts produced during the assessment (for example, output from automated
test tools or screen shots that depict aspects of system configuration).
In order to make the risk management process as timely and cost-effective as possible the reuse of
previous assessment results, when reasonable and appropriate, is strongly recommended. Assessment
results are reused to support reciprocity wherever possible.
Risk Management Framework –
Step 4: Assessing Security Controls
For inherited security controls, assessment test results and supporting documentation are maintained
by the providing system and are made available to SCAs of receiving systems when requested. For
common controls inherited from the enterprise, instructions for documenting compliance are provided
on the RMF Knowledge Service. SCAs will maximize the reuse of existing assessment and T&E
documentation in their assessment of the system.
If no vulnerabilities are found through the process of executing the assessment procedures the
security control is recorded as compliant
If vulnerabilities are found the control is recorded as non-compliant or NC in the Security
Assessment Report, with sufficient explanation
If a security control is found to be not technically or procedurally relevant to the system, as
determined by the Authorizing Official, an NA for Not Applicable is recorded in the Security
Assessment Report, with sufficient justification
Not achieving expected results for all assessment procedures does not equate to unacceptable risk.
However, all NC security controls must be assessed for risk and documented in a POA&M with an
explanation as to how and when they will be fixed and/or mitigated. Also please note that any
assessment procedures used that are not in accordance with the RMF Knowledge Service will be
documented fully in the Security Assessment Report.
Compliance status, justification for NC and NA, risk and comments can be added to the SAR tab of the
Security Authorization Package. This spreadsheet template can be downloaded from the RMF
Knowledge Service web site link shown on the screen. These results can also be stored in eMass. If you
are currently using eMass you should continue to do so.
The Security Control Assessor or SCA determines and documents in the SAR a risk level for every NC
security control in the system baseline. NC controls are subjected to a risk assessment process that
Risk Management Framework –
Step 4: Assessing Security Controls
considers multiple factors in producing the risk level. As described in the NIST Special Publication 800-
30, “Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments,” these factors include, but are not limited to:
The SCA’s determination that a credible or validated threat source and potential event exists
that is capable of, and likely to, exploit vulnerabilities in the implementation of the control
Vulnerability severity level and pre-disposing conditions. This includes the SCA’s estimate of the
adequacy of existing mitigations or compensating controls to address the vulnerability and
mitigations provided by the hosting enclave, CNDSP, or other protective measures
The cybersecurity attribute (that is confidentiality, integrity, or availability) and associated
categorization impact level (high, moderate, and low) related to the control
The SCA’s estimate of impact of a successful threat event
The SCA must also determine and document in the SAR an assessment of overall system level of risk.
The risk assessment must address all NC controls, and clearly communicate the SCA’s conclusion on
system cybersecurity risk, along with any recommendations for special instructions to accompany the
authorization decision.
All NC security controls must be documented in a POA&M with an explanation as to how and when they
will be fixed and/or mitigated. POA&M information can be added to the POA&M tab of the Security
Authorization Package. This spreadsheet template can be downloaded from the RMF Knowledge
Service web site link shown on the screen.
POA&M information can also be stored in eMass. If you are currently using eMass you should continue
to do so.
A Security Assessment Report or SAR is always required before an authorization decision. The SAR
documents the issues, findings, and recommendations from a security control assessment. It addresses
security controls in a Non-Compliant or NC status, including existing and planned mitigations. A SAR is
always required before an authorization decision. If a compelling mission or business need requires the
rapid introduction of a new information system or Platform IT system, both the assessment activity and
corresponding SAR are still required.
Organizations may choose to develop an executive summary from the detailed findings generated
during a security control assessment. An executive summary provides the authorizing official with an
abbreviated version of the assessment report focusing on the highlights of the assessment, synopsis of
Risk Management Framework –
Step 4: Assessing Security Controls
key findings, and/or recommendations for addressing weaknesses and deficiencies in the security
Here we see a snapshot the SAR template available from the RMF Knowledge Service website. This is
part of the Security Authorization Package spreadsheet and can be obtained by following the link shown
on the screen.
In all cases, organizations review assessor findings and determine the severity or seriousness of the
findings (that is, the potential adverse impact on organizational operations and assets, individuals, other
organizations, or the Nation) and whether the findings are sufficiently significant to be worthy of further
investigation and/or remediation.
The Security Assessment Report or SAR provides visibility into specific weaknesses and deficiencies in
the security controls used within or inherited by the information system that remain unresolved. Such
weaknesses and deficiencies are potential vulnerabilities if exploitable by a threat source. The SAR helps
determine the initial remediation actions and the prioritization of such actions.
Remediation is intended to fix NC controls. POA&Ms are used to provide the method and timeline for
remediation. Assigned personnel conduct remediation of NC controls based on findings and
recommendations of the SAR, reassessing remediated control(s) as appropriate.
The security plan is updated based on the findings of the security control assessment and all
remediation actions taken. The updated security plan reflects the actual state of the security controls
after the initial assessment along with any modifications by the information system owner or common
control provider in addressing recommendations for corrective actions.
Risk Management Framework –
Step 4: Assessing Security Controls
This Milestone Checkpoint taken from NIST Special Publication 800-37 can be used to assess whether
you are prepared to go to step 5 of the RMF process.
Milestone Checkpoints contain a series of questions for the organization to help ensure important
activities have been completed prior to proceeding to the next step.
Please click Next to complete the assessment questions in order to receive credit for this course.