Course Outline - IMC
Course Outline - IMC
Course Outline - IMC
The student workload would include one to two hours of pre-reads as a part of class
preparation and in case of case studies and assignments it can go up to two to three hours.
The weekly contact hours will combine lectures, conceptual and case discussions, and
practical group assignment discussions.
In the early 90s the challenge for advertisers was to cash in on the globalization trend and
build a strong brand through aggressive advertising. The picture today is totally different. The
biggest challenge for today’s marketer is to “connect” with the target audience which is
highly cluttered and opinionated in the digital and social world. It is the age where
engagement is the key for brand visibility and all brands today look at Integrated Marketing
Communication as a tool to create brand advocacy. The control has shifted to consumers and
is no longer held by the marketer and advertising in such an age is critical for the successful
positioning of the brand. Digital and social media has bestowed more power in the hands of
both the brand and the consumer. So Integrated Marketing Communication is at an exciting
stage where it is fascinating how data can enhance reach and relevance on one hand and how
consumer empowerment through social media can make or break a brand.
Thus, one needs to get equipped with the latest concepts and techniques of IMC and get
insights into the strategies to capture the mindshare and eyeballs of the consumer.
The course demand active participation from the students and also stresses on exhaustive
reading from all available sources. The mode of teaching would be a mix of classroom
interaction, cases, industry interaction and research on live cases. Pre-reads would be given
and it is expected from all students that they come thoroughly prepared for the class as the
teaching would involve students and their views. It would be sharing and learning.
Course outline
Context of Communication
4-5 Role of Consumer Behavior in IMC Chapter 5. Segmenting and Targeting the
6-7-8-9- Advertising Strategy Chapter 6. Strategic research
1. Understanding the role of Chapter 7. Strategic Planning
2. Advertising appeals Chapter 8. Creative Strategy
3. Creative Brief
4. Brand Positioning tool
Course Text:
Advertising and IMC – Sandra Moriarty and team
Advertising and promotions – An IMC perspective by George Belch, Michael Belch
and Keyoor Purani
Reference Text:
Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy
Advertising management by David A. Aaker, Rajeev Batra and John G. Myers
Strategic advertising campaigns by Don E. Schultz
Planning for power advertising : a user's manual for students and practitioners by
Anand Bhaskar Halve
The (UN)common sense of advertising by Sanjay Tiwari
Advertising and Promotions: An IMC Perspective by Kruti Shah and Alan D’Souza