2008-07 HUB The Computer Paper To
2008-07 HUB The Computer Paper To
2008-07 HUB The Computer Paper To
It's in its DNA. Ultra-quiet and performance-minded series chassis now just got better. Armor+, with its
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List of its amazing features will fill this whole page, so make sure to logon to www.thermaltakeusa.com
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C O O L all Y O U R L I F E
) 4 ( \ 1 \ 1 X .
10 Flipping the World of Amateur Video on its Head Contributing Editors Gord Goble
The Flip Ultra Mike Palermo
Marc Saltzman
Chad Sapieha
12 Web 3.0 Already? Ray Richards
Helen Bradley
Is the "Semantic Web" worthy of the full digit
version upgrade? Editorial Intern Dorian Nicholson
[email protected]
26 Cracked in 60 Seconds
Why WEP isn't strong enough for your home network Art Director S t e v e Stoner
32 Communications Unlimited 1710-0161 HUB: TCP (Edmonton ed.) ISSN 1710-0178 HUB: TCP
Hardware for VolP and Beyond (Eastern ed.) ISSN 1710-0186 HUB: TCP (Montreal ed.) ISSN
1710-0194 HUB: TCP (Prairie ed.l ISSN 17106208 HUB: TCP (SW
Ont. ed.) ISSN 17106216 HUB: TCP (Toronto ed.) HUB: The
34 Power Pellets: Goodbye Peanuts, Hello Penny Arcade Computer Paper is published monthly by Piccolo Publishing Inc. All
rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the
Web comics give an old art an edge permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Information
presented here is compiled from sources believed to be accurate,
however, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or
36 Graphics Card Redux: GeForce 9 omissions. The publisher reserves the right to refuse ads. The
Bleeding edge performance can come at a price opinions expressed in the articles and columns and ads are those
of the writer/advertiser and not necessarily those of HUB: The
Computer Paper.
38 The Last Byte
The e-book reconsidered
hubcanada.conlik HUB: The Computer Paper - Toronto - July 2008 T O 3
In the last issue, I spit some relatively mild-mannered vitriol in software and I'm not sure what is classified as a "moment," but
the direction of a certain insurance company and a certain two hours sounds like more than several of them.
group of people who saw their way clear to pinch our car. With And it's not even done yet.
all our stuff in it. In broad daylight. At a karaoke event for In fact, judging by the barbiturate-addicted snail's pace at which
Japanese seniors (ddn't ask). the progress bar is moving, it's not even close.
I'm happy to report that some of the stuff our rolling weekend The problem is one that plagues many PCs. While it may be
home contained was still in the car when it was recovered, tempting to point the gnarled finger of blame at Windows Vista,
albeit a little worse for wear given that the car sat in impound that's not entirely fair. Sure, the Vista initial install took a while
for two weeks with the windows open. I didn't hold out a lot of and, granted, it makes this reasonably balanced machine
hope for the laptop and guitar that were in the trunk and, sure perform sluggishly unless every bit of graphical flair is turned
enough, they were both gone. off. However, the bulk of the problem lies with the bloat and,
Last month, we also talked about the cloud computing concept dare I say, crapware that's bundled with the restore discs.
— the one that sees all your data stored online, accessible Discs, I must point out, I had to burn myself as none are
from any PC with an Internet connection. The loss of the Eee included in the majority of retail PCs these days. Subtract
PCdefinitely hurt, but it didn't put too much of a dent in my another half an hour from the total for burning restore DVDs
productivity since everything I needed was still stored online, and we're sitting at one and a half hours for the machine to
available from any computer I use, anywhere. install gigabytes worth of stuff I didn't want in the first place.
Prior to all that, in our May 2008 issue I mentioned how easy Hopefully, the buyer of our once-loyal PC will feel differently..
doing a full factory default restore on the Eee PC can be; it Things like Corel Snapfire, SonicStage Mastering Studio,
took less than five minutes in my tests and didn't require any Norton Internet Security 2007 with spyware protection (one of
restore CDs, bootable discs or otherwise. ahost of time- or feature-limited software packages you have
Now, in preparing to sell a Sony VAIO laptop purchased little choice but to accept), a trial edition of Microsoft Office
during a Boxing Day sale, one that (we now realize) is simply 2007 and more. Much more than the average PC user
too heavy for my partner to cart around town; I'm struck with bargained for, I'd guess.
a contrast. Perhaps some users will be happy to get a bundle of free (but
Here I sit, after getting home from the office about five hours mostly trial) software already loaded up and ready to go.
ago, and I'm still waiting for the VAIO to finally be reset to Perhaps many PC users don't care to research the best
factory default settings as the Craigslist ad I posted promised it software solutions to meet their unique computing needs after
would be. purchase and are happy to have the shovelware included.
As any competent computer user will tell you, it's not just a Perhaps laptop manufacturers really have the consumer pulse
good idea to wipe the hard drive(s) of any computer you're and so, can decide which programs they'll need on their new
selling or giving away, it should be considered mandatory. To laptops. Then again, perhaps consumers have just gotten used
my surprise, the VAIO in question (I cant speak for others in to accepting the bloat that far too often comes with a new
the line) includes a hard disk wiping utility specifically designed laptop or desktop PC; Sony is far from being the only company
to be used when selling or donating the computer after you're guilty of bundling software and "utilities" that customers may or
done with it. So, that counts for about an hour and a half out of may not want. Perhaps those companies believe that doing so
my night; waiting while the drive is wiped clean, written over adds to the perceived value of a new computer.
with random data and wiped again. But what of the other three Now it's 1 a.m., I've been home for five and a half hours and
and a half hours? I burned the important data from the we're rocking 74 per cent on the progress bar and I'm about
computer; less than one CD's worth: perhaps another half an ready to give up hope. It is a stark contrast to the hour-long XP
hour. I watched the Windows Vista Home Ultimate initial install installs cf days gone by... to say nothing of the simple wipe and
— not too painful but still a bit drawn out: I cant give exact restore process that got me back in the data cloud within five
timing but it was less than an hour. minutes with the Eee PC.
That leaves two hours. Two hours and Vista's prettier-than-XP
progress bar is at 68 per cent. There's a dialogue box letting Yours in nsomnia,
me know that it is now Installing the requested software." It Andrew Moore-Crispin
kindly informs me that "This may take several moments." A
couple of problems with these statements: I didn't request any P.S. Enjoy the issue.
T e a r I n t o I t cTrouitteedue d
The New hubcanada.com Canadian
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Little Geeks Connects Kids to Computers and the 'Net XRnCDIDVDNetwork50DiscPublisher
By Dorian Nicholson XRn-BluCDIDVDIBDNetwork50Disc Publisher
Little Geeks celebrated a great day recently when 60 computers were given out
to "little geeks" from all over Toronto. Little Geeks takes used and refurbished HARDDISKCLONING DEVICES
computers and distributes them, along with a one-year Internet connection, to
TheDisk JockeyPROis the latest in the award winning Disk
children who wouldn't otherwise have a computer or Internet access at home.
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Toronto-Based Artist Featured as Zune Original thosewho spend a lot of time working with computers and
By Dorian Nicholson computerhard disk drives.
In an effort to keep their line of media players unique, the people at Zune have
youAradth,04 AtMDS.wehaveIDE/PATA.SATA.SCSI.SASdisk drive cloning
decided to give their customers the ability to customize the external look of the
JockeythegreatesthingdotemountIngradsdevices ranging from 1-1 up to 1-59 targets from1 source.
devices from the colour of the player.s surface to an option to have laser- BegetOvally' CNNHag corn
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The gas crisis is looming, prices are skyrocketing, and motorists are looking for
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Nanotechnology - The Slick Picker Upper useportable devices are perfect for small to medium
By Mia Evans productionUSB.SD.MMCand CF cloning projects.
Amat of nanowires could become the next big thing in the cleanup of oil and These units include a variety of features including
other organic pollutants. MIT researchers and colleagues announced in the May duplication, testing, verification andjob logging.
30 online issue of Nature Nanotechnology that they have created a membrane
Applications include pre-loading of card forUPSnavigation systems.PDA's.Smart phones,
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Fido Also Takes a Bite Out of iPhone
By Harry Powell M6210.1-10USBThumbDriveCopier $2111
Canada's fourth largest wireless proNiider and number one in wireless customer
satisfaction, Fido, just announced it will also offer the much-hyped iPhone 3G to MEDIADUPLICATION SERVICES
Canadians when the device launches on July 11.
CD Bajada Package Deals
Aeroplan Music Store Becomes First in Canada to Sell Just MP3s 100CDswithFullColourThermal Printing
By Dorian Nicholson 500CDswithFullColourDigitalPrinting
Canada now has a new way of getting its music online — and legally too. 500CDswithFullColourThermal Printing
TheAeroplan Music Store recently announced that it would become the first
Canadian online music retailer to sell only MP3 files from Canada's four biggest DWIDuplicationPackage Deals
record companies: EMI, Universal, Sony BMG Music, and Warner. Music Canada. 100DVDswith Full Colour Digital Printing
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Yahoo Canada Redesigns, Goes Foxy 500DVDswithFullColourThermal Printing
Not to be outdone by the Canadian Internet music scene (its huge you know) ,CUSTOMPACKAGINGandPRINTINGtosuitanyduplicationorrept:Italianneedyouoryourdentsmight have.
Yahoo Canada announced a major redesign of its music site which will allegedly
give Canadians access to music videos, streaming radio, concerts, music news,
TeL 1-888-967-1999
blogs, and now lyrics — so now you can find out what the heck your favorite
EmaiL [email protected]
band is talking about.
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MediaDuplication SystemsIMDSI is a leading supplierofmediaduplication, testing, recovery and computer forensics
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chance of your computer becoming infected with those. When your audio wires, including any wires
spyware: supplying power, are wrapped around them (5-15
TheDoctor is in Make sure you have installed the latest Windows
times per wire, closest to the speaker) the ferrite ring
should filter out any radio frequency interference.
Here's your chance to send
your PC woes to our resident Updates by visiting Microsoft Windows Update
Techspert, the HUBPC Doctor regularly or turning Automatic. Updates on in Windows
Dear HUB PC Doctor:
Use Mozilla Firefox or Opera as your web browser Iam a senior and enjoy my computer tremendously.
instead of Microsoft Internet Explorer. But lately I am having trouble getting into my stuff.
Recently I had my files updated by my son-in-law and I
Dear HUB PC Doctor: Don't use P2P file sharing networks unless the file must say that it worked OK for a while. But at one time
My question is how do I check for spyware? being downloaded is being shared legally and the link Ihad a program that would scan a lot of items and
Thanking you in advance. to the software is hosted on or linked from the repair them. Could you assist me in getting it back? I
Helene C creator's website (e.g. open source software such as a do defragment my drives on a regular basis and have
Linux distribution, shared via BitTorrent). plenty of space at this time, yet when accessing 'My
Hi Helene, Don't open. email attachments unless you are Computer" it takes so very long. This retired mailman
Before you begin scanning for and removing spyware expecting them. would be ever so grateful if you could assist me
or viruses you should ensure you have a backup of somewhat.
your data (on CD/DVD/USB drive). DearHUBPC Doctor: Cor T
The software I recommend to scan for and remove I have been getting radio stations on my computer
spyware (all free): speakers which means, of course, that I can't play CDs Hi Cor,
through my computer. Do you have any idea how I can Without knowing exactly what was done to your
Online Scanner: stop this very unwelcome sound? computer it is difficult to determine what could be
Trend Micro HouseCall - Performs an online scan of Thank you, causing your computer to run slowly. If your son-in-law
your system to determine if your computer is infected Barbara S updated your computer from one Operating System to
by spyware or viruses. Available at: another, perhaps from Windows XP to Windows Vista,
http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ Hi Barbara, you may need more Random Access Memory (RAM) in
The most likely cause of this interference is because your computer. You can determine what version of
Spyware Scanning and Removal: the speakers that are being used aren't shielded. Windows you are running, and how much RAM you
Spybot Search and Destroy - A spyware scanner and Speakers are prone to radio frequency interference have by right clicking on My Computer and selecting
removal utility. Available at: www.safer- and electromagnetic interference and without properties. If you have less than 2 gigabytes of RAM in
networking.org/en/index.html shielding they will transmit that interference. Also any your computer Vista isn't going to perform very well,
cabling leading to the speaker can act like an Windows XP should run fine with 1 gigabyte.
SUPERAntiSpyware Free - The free version will scan antenna. There are a couple things you can try to Fortunately RAM isn't very expensive and it is
and remove spyware that is infecting your computer: stop this interference: reasonably easy to install. Perhaps your son-in-law can
www.superantispyware.com/ help with that. If not you can take your computer to
Move the speakers and wiring for the speakers, an almost any store that sells computers to have the
Lavasoft Ad-Aware 2008 Free - A spyware detection adjustment of a few feet may help. update done. Service should not cost more than $30
and removal utility. Available at www.lavasoft.com for this type of'installation as it should only take
Move the location of the computer and speakers to 5-10 minutes.
Microsoft Windows Defender - A spyware and malicious another room, or another part of the room it is
software detection and removal utility. This utility currently in. There are several utilities that offer an ability to fix
provides real-time protection which means it will detect issues with one click, the one that I'd recommend is:
spyware as it is accessed on your computer or the Loop the excess length of speaker wire and tie it with
Internet. Available at: twist ties or zip ties — the looped cable should act Glary Utilities which is available here:
www.microsoft.com/athome/security/spyware/softwar less like an antenna. hftp://www.glaryutilities.com/gu.html?tag=download
Purchase a set of shielded speakers or a better set of Asalways when using any repair utility please ensure
Anti-Virus speakers from a store with a liberal return policy fin you have backed up all important data to some form
AVGFree - An anti-virus scanner. Get this if you don't the event that you are still getting interference you can of external storage prior to running the utility.
have any anti-virus software already installed. Available return them).
at: http://free.grisoft.com/ SimonBolduc is the HUBPC Doctor. He can be
For extreme cases of interference you can do an reached at [email protected]
There are some things you can do to reduce the online search for ferrite rings and purchase a few of
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Flipping the World of Amateur Video on its Head
The Flip Ultra
On June 3 PureDigital Technologies meant nor marketed to be a high- directly to YouTube or AOL quite easily. success of our dreams for the first half
released their portable video recorder, resolution capture device, but what it Critics of the device may remark on of the year."
the Flip Ultra, to Canada and the does it does with unparalleled success. the fact that it doesn't have the best Now that that success has transferred
United Kingdom. The handy camera can capture up to video quality — it is, after all, marketed north of the border, Fleming-Wood
The camera is touted as being "the 60 minutes of footage and sports a towards the YouTube generation of says that it has a great deal to do with
world's simplest camcorder," and after three-hour battery life on a pair of rapid file sharing and mid-range quality the Flip brand's convenience and ease
a few weeks of testing, it truly does live new AAs. — or the sound quality, which isn't of use.
up to the title. Being able to shoot It also features decent audio capturing meant for long-range pickup or loud "The thing about camcorders that
within seconds of being taken out of the capabilities in the record mode and environments, but for the price (about comes up in research is that people
box — the only requirement being that video and audio playback thanks to a S170) it is definitely a good value. hate camcorders; they spend a bunch
you insert two AA batteries — the Flip built-in speaker and mic and a On top of that, the Flip doesn't have of money on one, it's bulky,
Ultra is truly astonishingly easy to use, transreflective LCD screen. The any auxiliary lighting, so shocting in low- inconvenient, you don't have enough
with video recording just two button simplistic button layout means that light environments is generally a no-no, batteries or tapes, and it only comes
pushes away. switching between the two modes can though with a 2.4 f-stop lens, it does a out once or twice a year for a
Just flip the on switch, wait for the be done with one button push, as can decent job. graduation," he said. "It becomes very
beep, and hit the red record button. changing volume of playback or zoom There also isn't a display for the boring and you don't want to share it."
That takes about five seconds total, or settings (up to 2x) depending on what battery status, meaning that unless you The Flip is made for sharing, as their
10 if you fumble a little — plenty of time mode the camera is in. get to the one third mark, you won't saying goes ("Shoot anything, share
to catch anything from a daring crowd The Flip Ultra comes with basic video know how much juice is left. everything,") and that's how the concept
surf to a fireworks finale. editing software too, which allows users came about for the people at
With batteries already included and no to plug in the camcorder and get Gaining attention PureDigital Technologies.
USB cables necessary thanks to the Flip straight to editing, where basic features Already released in the United States, "Flip turns that on it's head and says
Ultra's built-in USB arm, the device such as creating still photos, blending the Flip's popularity has skyrocketed that video is an everyday thing, take
really is as convenient as advertised. videos by setting start and end points, since the original model was 'eleased in videos of everything, and it can be fun
Shooting 30 frames per second at 640 or adding some pre-selected music can June of 2007. The original Flip was a again, simple and convenient..."
x 480 resolution, the Flip Ultra is not be done easily. It can also upload more basic model than the one that Fleming-Wood says. "That's the secret
came to Canada earlier this month, and of flip, that's why it's caught on so well,
never made it here as the Flip Ultra was and you can see a bunch of different
already in development for release. ways for people to find an application
Toronto-born Simon Fleming-Wood, who for Flip in their everyday lives."
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With all of the buzz surrounding so called 'Web 2.0" friends? What do they like? What about their friends?" part of the definition stems from the data silo problem
features including net-based applications, social These questions and many more are easily answered illustrated above.
networking, tagging, blogs, automated syndication of — people willingly offer up the information without a Users have become tired of having to create new
content and the like, it's often hard to see beyond the second thought — while the marketers rub their hands profiles and upload new friends lists on every site they
hype and determine what the impact of these together with. glee. wish to join. Data portability is being demanded. To
technologies will be on the web as it matures. While So far however, efforts to entice users to disclose address this issue, vari6us initiatives have come to the
marketing types tout the "2.0 Revolution" as data have been largely limited to the individual web forefront including Google's Friend Connect. This
something akin to the proletariat seizing dominion over entities concerned. If Amazon.com knew you liked application allows you to sign up once, automate the
the network (and the light shone down from above, and Michael Bolton and regularly purchased spray-on hair, process thereafter for every new site you join, and
all was good) there are-other forces at work which, then that was the extent of it — other web properties take your friend data with you. The interesting thing
while present to a lesser extent in 1.0, have now had no idea. People on Facebook might believe you about this is that many of the elements which have
seriously taken root and may shape the future of the were into gansta' rap and not follically challenged. been combined to create these solutions (Open ID,
Net in ways far beyond that which the initial influx of. This information is kept in respective silos and OpenAuth, and FOAF for example) are components of
the masses has engendered. jealously guarded. what has been described as the "Semantic Web."
Isuppose the goal of "Web 2.0" for those developing So what does all of this have to do with the future of Originally envisioned by Internet luminaries such as
and deploying its technologies could be summarized the web? Well, quite a bit actually. Now that "Web 3.0" Tim Berners-Lee (creator of the web), the Semantic
as motivating people to "Sign up and tell us about is gaining some traction as a buzzword in the technical Web's goal is to create a system whereby the Net's
yourself: What do you find interesting? What moves you press at least, people are struggling, as they-did with content is more readily understood by machines. At
to comment? What products attract you? Who are your its predecesSor, to define just what that is. For most, present, web pages are marked up primarily to ensure
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Why WEP isn't strong enough for your home network
If you have a wireless home network one of the first thanks to the efforts of resourceful hackers. In fact, if
things that the experts recommend that you do. is to you're currently using WEP to protect your network, Ways to change your wireless network's
make sure it's secure — after all, your wireless signal you're only 60 seconds away from being compromised.
encryption settings
blasts its way fairly easily through walls and doors,
which means an unprotected wireless network is often WEPgets wiped out 1. Run the router's setup program again. Often
as easily accessible from the street in front of your One of the keys to security is a strong password. there is a choice during the setup process as to
house as it is from the bedroom or office. Think of it this way: if you were encrypting a data what type of security you'd like to apply to your
You may think that leaving your network unprotected stream and you only had 10 possible codes you could system. Sometimes this program will actually
isn't that big a deal... if someone else wants a bit of enter, all you'd have to do is try decoding using each allow you to choose between WEP and WPA in the
Internet access, why riot just let them borrow some of of those numbers... and with only 19 variations, you'd setup program. You may want to see if there's a
your bandwidth? Well, in addition to the fact that a break the code very quickly. That's why its always new version of the router's setup program at the
digital hitchhiker may be doing something illegal preferable to have a longer code when you're manufacturer's website, too.
(downloading pirated software) or at the very least encrypting a data stream — while any encrypted data
extremely. unethical (sending out spam email), there's is susceptible to cracking by brute force, a long- 2. Surf to the router's configuration web page.
enough code would cause a brute force attack to take Pretty much every wireless router has a web page
something far more worrisome to consider.
interface which you can get to using your
Anyone who has access to your home network also so long it would be impractical.
btowser. Typically, the router's default IP address
has the capability to intercept every packet you send •In the beginning, WEP featured a wireless key length and username/password combo are listed in the
over the wireless network — your passwords, web of 64 bits, which featured 72,057,594,037,927,936 router's user. manual. Because there are so many
sites you surf to, and any other web-based activity. different potential combinations — already a different makes and models, you'll have to poke
Additionally, when they connect to your wireless formidable-seeming number — and then introduced around in the settings tabs to find the exact place
network, their computer becomes part of your local 128-bit and 256-bit keys to make WEPeven more to find the wireless encryption setting, but from
area network, which means they could also snoop secure: The problem? You don't actually have to try all the main menu it's often a good start to look for a
around shared folders on other machines, try to pry of those different combinations in order to figure out "Wireless" tab, and then to look for security once
open security holes on those computers, and even try what the key is... all you have to do is sit and listen. you get there. Of course, you could always read
to break into the security settings of your router itself. The main problem with WEP is that it doesn't take all the router's manual for the exact configuration
In short; its a perfect recipe for identity theft, and the that long before the encryption wraps around and details.
thief doesn't even have to dive into your garbage can starts to repeat itself — which means a decryption
to get the information. program doesn't have to try every combination, it just
The quickest way to protect your network from has to start looking for patterns in what's being router setup programs now strongly recommend
unwanted visitors is to encrypt it. When you encrypt generated using the assumptions it already knows enabling wireless security during the initial setup
your network, the data that's flying back and forth • about WEP, such as key length and encoding methods. process, they typically steer users towards the now
wirelessly is encoded using a pre-arranged key•that's The end result is that a WEP-cracking program can easily-crackable WEP, leaving users with a false sense
entered both into your wireless router and your sniff out the encryption key in as little as sixty of security.
computer — the computer encodes the data packet seconds... probably a fraction of the time that it's
using the key, and the router decodes it, and vice taken you to read this article to this point. Don't • Batten down the hatches
versa. Without the key, the data looks like gibberish to believe me? Head on over to YouTube and search for If your router was released within the last couple of
the casual observer, who is then effectively locked out. "WEP crack" and you'll see a number of how-to videos years, chances are the solution to your problem is just
For the longest time, the solution to the problem was that show you how quickly you can crack a WEP key, a few clicks away: change your router's settings so
something called Wired Equivalent Protocol, or WEP. and the bewildering number of hacking tools available that it uses the more secure encryption method known
Initially named because the standard was designed to to do just that. asW.i-Fi Protected Access, or WPA.
provide the same security as a hardwired networking Does that sound like an adequate level of security? Introduced to fix some of the inherent problems found
cable, the name has unfortunately become a misnomer Didn't think so. What's worse: even though wireless in the WEP specification, WPA is more secure for
multiple reasons, with one of the major ones being a
dynamically changing key, making it much harder to
identify patterns in the data. Also, instead of a string of
hexadecimal digits, a WPA 'key" can actually be a full
alphanumeric passphrase, including punctuation and
spaces, making it easier for a user to memorize a
lengthier (i.e. stronger) key.
If your hardware is even newer, it may support the
more recent WPA2 protocol, which-is an even better
Linksys WRH54G choice. If your router currently only supports the older
WPAencryption, you may want to check the
manufacturer's website. to see if there are any
firmware upgrades available that add the functionality
to your router. •
Don't worry too much if you don't have WPA2 at your
fingertips; WPA is still a marked improvement over
WEP. If all you have on your router is WEP however,
you should seriously consider a trip to your local
computer or electronics store to pick up a new router
that has better security.
by Sean Carruthers
The Feed
from www.hubcanada.com
Xerox Releases Groundbreaking New Gel Ink
By Dorian Nicholson
Printing companies from around the world gathered in Dusseldorf, Germany for
Drupa, the print industry's largest exhibition and product showcase last month.
In the middle of this exposition, and undoubtedly one of its focal points, was Xerox
unveiling a new form of gel ink which may be revolutionary enough to reshape the
YouTube Hits Sony BRAVIA TVs www.hubcanada.com/feed/201
By Harry Powell
Sony has announced that YouTube is the latest online video provider to join the New Products:
company's BRAVIA Internet Video Link service. The service is providing BRAVIA Skipping a Generation: iPhone 3G Coming to Canada
Internet Video Link users access to the millions of videos on YouTube at no additional By Hub Canada
charge — well, except for the charge to purchase the link module. Rogers Communications and Apple announced that the highly anticipated iPhone 3G
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with 3G networking that Apple claims is twice as fast as the first generation iPhone
Zune + Joy Division = BFFs 4ever www.hubcanada.com/feed/232
By Harry Powell
In a unique marketing move that displays they may have no clue who their HP Unleashes New Voodoo Desktop and Portable
demographic is, the mighty Microsoft Corp. is releasing a limited-edition Zune digital By Hub Canada
media player designed by Peter Saville to commemorate the DVD release of "Joy HP recently announced a new portfolio of Voodoo-branded computing devices
Division," a documentary on the post-punk band. targeted at high end gamers and users. The first two in the portfolio — the powerful
www.hubcanada.com/feed/224 Voodoo Omen desktop and the ultra-mobileVoodoo Envy 133 notebook — were
unveiled at the HP Connecting Your World event.
PickupPal Picking Up the Business www.hubcanada.com/feed/231
By Dorian Nicholson Compiled by Dorian Nicholson
The summer is almost upon us, and that means that those opting to drive to and
from the workplace will be dealing with skyrocketing gas prices. While the average
motorist might be fuming at this sudden shift in the economics of travel, the change
works out for the better for PickupPal.
Nintendo DS to Release Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking Game 180 Steeles Ave. W, Unit 2A, Thornhill, Ontario L4.)
By Dorian Nicholson
Joining a brand new line of self-help titles developed by Ubisoft for Nintendo's DS
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8120 smartphone to their loyal customers in Canada.The new smartphone supports USB-ETHERNET
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Amp Your Game Tour
Receipt Printers
By Harry Powell
The country's biggest national video gaming tour, Amp Your Game, is set to roll
across Canada this summer - stopping at nine major cities from Halifax to Vancouver
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Please Call for an a p p o i n t m e n t
OnTuesday, June 3, the Toronto chapter of the Canadian National Institute for the loss, taking care of them in ways ranging from providing food and clothing to
Blind hosted an exhibition for new products for the visually impaired and other maintaining housing exclusively for the blind or visually impaired.
special needs users. Now, however, the CNIB attempts to take on more of a supportive and proactive
The products and gadgets on display ranged from the Daisy Reader, an electronic role, educating Canadians about how to prevent vision loss and take care of their
book reader that can read audio books in various formats to users, to the Sendero eyes while still helping its clients to gain access to the services that they require.
GPSsoftware which comes bundled with all sorts of data and many features that can "In the past we would drive people around or take them shopping, but now we help
read various geographical information to users — from the direction of a street to them develop those skills to live and travel independently," Lachowich says. "We help
the location of a store. them to access technology tiat will help them achieve independence — and rather
Brad Lachowich, Regional Supervisor of Client Services for CNIB in Toronto, says than offering the service, we attempt to show them how to do it themselves."
that the event has been going on for more than 14 years, each year exhibiting the And that's where the CNIB's assistive technology exhibit comes into play. Those who
changes in technology and what the new devices can do to help those living with came to the free event were able to get their hands on the next generation of
special needs. accessible devices and see and feel them in action, explained and displayed by the
"Every year we try to get a sense of what our clients' needs are. We stay in touch same people who either developed the technology or distribute it.
with the vendors for when they come out with their latest technology and many of
the same vendors come back (with new innovations)," Lachowich, who left a position Gil Lutz, representing Sender() Group at the exhibit and also a training specialist for
in finance and business to join the not-for-profit CNIB, says. "A lot of what is here are the company, has had plenty of time to get acquainted with the technology
the same products, but evolved versions, like CCTV units — which have been around developed by Sendero. He has been with them since 1998 and watched the power
for a while — except now there are also portable versions." and potential of GPS in helping those with visual impairment grow over the years.
At the same time, Lutz, who suffers from retinitis pigmentosa, has witnessed his
An evolution vision decline over the years and has come to rely more on the GPS systems •
As the devices showcased at the CNIB's events evolve over the years, so too has developed by Sendero Group, and also to depend more on his faithful companion,
the CNIB's purpose over the decades it has served the public. After its conception in Eve — his "furry Ferrari," as he calls her — a black Labrador retriever.
1918 — spurred by many of Canada's soldiers returning from the war blinded or "The Sendero GPS system is a software system that loads onto current notetakers
with damaged vision — the purpose was largely to provide care for those with vision that are currently available, like all of the HumanWare Braille Notes, the GW-micro
voice sense, (and others)," Lutz says of the device he now carries with him
everywhere he goes.
Real potential
All this adds up to a great variety of new and improved
technology not only for those with visual impairments,
but technology that can make life easier for people
from all walks of life. But at the heart of the matter is
the fact that when some of these inventions come
down in price — some being prohibitively expensive
without any form of accepted coverage plan —
assistive technologies will allow people to live the lives
that they want to live.
"This type of technology that can help people with
vision loss and other challenges — we want to ensure
that people are aware of the devices and the
technology and understand their own condition and can
live free and independently," Lachowich said.
And indeed, the field of assistive technology can only
grow and expand to a point where those with
Marco Gregnanin, developer of the software used by the SiRecognizer, perception challenges can experience the world more
holds a UMPC loaded with his technology.
comfortably and safely than ever before — through
digital media and inventions like Gregnanin's.
Other devices showcased at the exhibit to make life than eight years ago in Italy. At first they focused on "Clients get used to what's covered by the assisted
easier for those with impaired vision included the knfb weather forecasting for the military, and then devices program, and they cover a number of
Reader Mobile by knfb Reading Technology Inc. and intelligence services, and then product development, products. There's a whole realm of products that
the SiRecognizer, developed by Itex, both of.which are which led to the invention of the siRecognizer. they can purchase without (assisted) funding or
made to help the blind to read text. "A friend encouraged me to develop it," Gregnanin said purchase with special exception. There's so much
of the original idea, which was meant for students. "You more out there."
InnovativeAuto-readers have to imagine you go to university and you have a By Dorian Nicholson
The knfb Reader Mobile is a software package that can book or questionnaire, you can take a picture and print
be loaded onto a multifunction cell phone. Once loaded, it... It has Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, liSDPA."
the software will allow a user to take a picture using the And that's not all, the device also has a video enlarging
camera phone, and any text that is in the picture box
will be read aloud at the touch of a button. This feature
can be used to read anything from labels to receipts
and other documents, and is truly portable since it is
only the size of a cell phone and can be carried
The reading speed can also be adjusted based on the
user's preference so that it can be made faster or
slower for different lengths of text. The text is also
shown on screen in adjustable magnifications with text
being highlighted while it is read. Knfb also offers the
kReader, a slight variation of the software which is
made specifically for people who have learning or
language problems.
The SiRecognizer by Itex takes the idea of a portable
word reader even farther. Using a specially developed
software loaded onto a UMPC (ultra-mobile PC) with a
camera, the SiRecognizer can easily take picture's of
objects and read the text found on them aloud.
While that may sound similar to the knfb devices, there
are several important differences. The SiRecognizer
can read labels on any type of object, from a can of
soup to a Drumstick ice cream cone, and at a distance
as well. It can also speak and recognize over 130
different languages, making it perhaps the most diverse
invention of its type currently in existence.
"The system has more than 160 features, it can
recognize handwriting, and it is good for children who
want to learn writing or for people who lose their sight,"
Marco Gregnanin, developer of the software, says.
Gregnanin's company is relatively new,•started less
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until you click the Stop button. You can include multiple
still is) a landmark tool for taking notes and for doing .[ audio recordings in a single notebook page if you wish.
Clay H a n d i n g M o l l s
everything from organizing project information to M M . If a page includes an audio recording you can play it
helping to brainstorm new ideas. What is most exciting S n y a t t m l . . . . i f t e b y at any time by clicking the audio content icon and from
about OneNote is its unstructured approach to note prifty
the Audio and Video Recording toolbar, clicking the
taking — you can use it just as you would a lined note l i t h e y e r c t l a . k • u . e i n O c r i T t c - k r . . . t b a f t i Wa i t I t • • •
muds A m b e e & u g h
vaitillac m a d e d o n s m i S c i m t l y t h A t h e t l a y f A A A Play button.
pad, writing a bit here and a bit there, doodling as you T A O . mG lAterAAn U s e
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split into pieces when you attempt to move I , . • i t p . - POP = 4 , A . T A A •
o f t e a n f t b a . . . . S .
them. To avoid this happening, use a tool J M M . J . 111 . P $ A I I T T, 6 , 6 111 / U P Q .
0 *
such as the Lasso Select tool to select the
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entire graphic and choose Tools > Treat 3
rcel t e k l ace
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Selected Ink As > Drawing. This turns the ink
image into a drawing so that all the elements
a m m t . f t i o
in it will move together. Avoid doing this to
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handwriting as you want handwriting to be CAMVOIV:
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recognized as such so it can be indexed and G r o o t Ta A n t i o i T T A A r r o . 1 • 1 , .
made searchable. 9 : e d i e t t z o l p i e l l 7 . 0
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One of the benefits of using the Internet for phone service is that you are no longer Compact two-in-one USB devices
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Limit desktop clutter with a mouse that doubles as an Internet phone. This compact
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www.sandisk.com your computer via a USB cable that also powers the device.
Compatible with: Skype
Operating system: Windows Targus USB Internet Phone with Keypad AKPO4CA
SanDisk's Cruzer Micro and Cruzer Titanium USB flash drives come with U3 Smart -$50
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on the PC you are using. Skype is one of the applications included free with the Operating system: Windows
drives, allowing you to make and receive your calls on any PC that you plug the flash Another two-in-one option from Targus is the Internet phone/keypad, handy for laptop
drive into. Pull the flash drive out of the USB port and take your Skype account with owners who miss using a full-sized keyboard. Lying flat on your desk, the device
you. Its a nice option for those who use multiple PCs and can't (or prefer not to) operates very well as a numbered keypad with nice proportions and sturdy buttons
install Skype software on each one. If you don't want your calls broadcast out loud that give a satisfying click. Numbers begin in the bottom left corner and increase
through your PC's speakers, you'll need to purchase a headset separately. upwards as on a keyboard number pad as opposed to descending from top left, as
with a phone keypad. Basic calculation buttons (plus, minus, multiply, divide), tab,
Vonage V-Phone pound, star, number lock and backspace are included. A speaker, microphone and
-$30 volume control buttons are built into the underside of the device underneath the flip
www.vonage.ca stand, which means you hold the keypad up to your ear during calls. The flip stand is
Compatible with: Vonage designed to let the device stand upright for speakerphone calls, but with a USB
Operating system: Windows cable also running out from the bottom of the stand, it easily tips over. Keep it flat
Vonage's V-Phone is a USB flash drive with built-in Vonage software. Plug it into any on your desk and you'll be happy. Call answer and end buttons are located on the
PC'sUSB port to make and receive your calls. Each V-Phone works with one specific left and right sides, respectively.
Vonage line. So if you already have a Vonage line and are interested in getting a V-
Phone, you will have to sign up for a second Vonage line with its own unique number. VoIP calls using your existing home phone without a computer
You can also use the V-Phone as a flash drive to store files, although it only comes in Vonage D-link VTA phone adapter
one 256MB size (250MB is available for storage). Like the SanDisk Cruzer, the V- Free with new service
Phone is handy for frequent travelers and multiple PC use. It comes with a keychain www.vonage.ca
ring so you can literally carry your phone with you everywhere you go. The stereo Compatible with: Vonage
earpiece microphone plugs into a jack built into the side of the V-Phone, and is Operating system: PC-Free
included in the box. If you want to continue using your existing home phone to make your Internet calls
and already own a high-speedrouter, this phone adapter from Vonage is all you need
to get started. Simply plug the adapter into your router (or modem) and plug your
phone into the adapter. The device comes with two telephone jacks, so you can also
plug in a fax machine. It will connect up to two Vonage lines. The compact size
makes it easy to pack up and take with you on trips.
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