Geo Checklist
Geo Checklist
Geo Checklist
4.3 A structure is built on a clay layer 4.0 m thick. How long will it take to reach 50% of its
ultimate settlement (a) under single drainage, (b) under double drainage? Plot the load-settlement
curve for the first five years. cv = 2 x 10-4 cm2 sec.
6-7 The results of a consolidation test on a sample of clayey soil were as shown in Table 6-6.
For this test, (a) draw the e-log v curve, (b) compute the compression index, and (c) find the
preconsolidation pressure using the Casagrande procedure
v (kPa) e
50 1.85
250 1.82
500 1.77
1000 1.68
2000 1.56
4000 1.46
8000 1.37
16000 1.05
5000 1.10
1000 1.20
250 1.28
50 1.38
10.6 A 1.00 m3 element of soil is located below the groundwater table. When a new compressive
load was applied, this element consolidated, producing a vertical strain, z , of 8.5%. The
horizontal strain was zero. Compute the volume of water squeezed out of this soil during
consolidation and express your answer in liters.
10.19 A certain site is underlain by the soil profile shown in Figure 10.22 with the groundwater
table at the initial location. The groundwater table will remain at this location, but 20.0-ft deep
fill with a unit weight of 119 lb/ft3 is to be placed. The only consolidation data available is from
a test conducted on a sample from Point B.The test results are as follows: eo = 1.22, Cc = 0.31, Cr
= 0.09, 'c = 3800 lb/ft2. Determine the ultimate consolidation settlement due to the weight of
this proposed fill. Assume the sands are normally consolidated.
10.10 Before the placement of any fill, a consolidation test was performed on a soil sample
obtained from Point B in Figure 10.20. The measured preconsolidation stress was 88 kPa.
Determine whether the soil is normally consolidated or overconsolidated, then compute the
overconsolidation margin and overconsolidation ratio at Point B. Note: These computations are
based on the initial conditions, and thus should not include the weight of the proposed fill.
4.5 A 10-m depth of sand overlies an 8-m layer of clay, below which is a further depth of sand.
For the clay, mv =0.83 m2/MN and cv=4.4m2/year. The water table is at surface level but is to be
lowered permanently by 4 m, the initial lowering taking place over a period of 40 weeks.
Calculate the final settlement due to consolidation of the clay, assuming no change in the weight
of the sand, and the settlement two years after the start of lowering.
4.6 An open clay layer is 6m thick, the value of cv being 1.0m2/year. The initial distribution of
excess pore water pressure varies linearly from 60kPa at the top of the layer to zero at the
bottom. Using the finite difference approximation of the one-dimensional consolidation equation,
plot the isochrone after consolidation has been in progress for a period of three years, and from
the isochrone determine the average degree of consolidation in the layer.
2-13. The accompanying data are given from a consolidation test. For the assigned load
(a) Plot dial reading versus log time and find t50.
(b) Plot dial reading versus , find t50, and compare to step (a).
(c) Assuming two-way drainage and the initial sample height H = 20.00 mm, compute cv.
An 8.5-m deep compacted fill is to be placed over the soil profile shown in Figure 10.21.
Consolidation tests on the samples from points A and B produced the following results:
Sample A Sample B
Cc 0.25 0.20
Cr 0.08 0.06
e0 0.66 0.45
c 101 kPa 510 kPa
Compute the ultimate consolidation settlement due to the weight of this fill.
4.6 An 8 m depth of sand overlies a 6 m layer of clay, below which is an impermeable stratum
(Figure 4.23); the water table is 2 m below the surface of sand. Over a period of one year, a 3-m
depth of fill (unit weight 20 kN/m3) is to be placed on the surface over an extensive area. The
saturated unit weight of the sand is 19 kN/m3 and that of the clay is 20 kN/m3; above the water
table the unit weight of the sand is 17 kN/m3. For the clay, the relationship between void ratio
and effective stress (units kPa) can be represented by the equation
= 0.88 0.32 ( )