M10 and m11 Reviewer Contemp
M10 and m11 Reviewer Contemp
M10 and m11 Reviewer Contemp
This chapter will discuss the physical space of globalization. The birth of global cities
has become more pronounced at the turn of the 21st century.
Definition and Attributes of Global City
Global city was preceded by the idea of "world city"
Roderick McKenzie conceptualized a global network of cities as early as 1927 (Acuto,
According to Gilpin (2000), global city emerged in the social science literature in the
Saskia Sassen (1991) identified only three (3) global cities: New York, London and
Tokyo. This choice indicated the criteria for the status of global city as primarily
economic. Global cities are the command centers, the main notes of triumphant global
capitalism. It is the concentration of financial, information technology, law and
accountancy services. The things that are produced in it are not material things but on
handling money and creating ideas.
Sharon Zukin (1998), taking a cultural view of the issue, put New York, London and
Paris as the top of the urban cultural hierarchy in terms of cultural innovation and ability
to attract visitors. She describes the process of switching from production to a service
economy as a "cultural turn " so global cities are no longer "landscapes of production"
but the "landscapes of consumption."