CV Abdurahman Fajar Muslim

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Work Experience


Geologist for LAPI ITB & Pertamina EP

(2011 – 2020)

Have been conducting geological modeling for 9 years with various methods
starting from understanding regional geology (fundamental geology study) &
finding complexity of reservoirs, identifying production opportunity, feasibility
study for POFD, doing petrophysical analysis, seismic interpretation, structural
Abdurahman Fajar M modelling (include compartemenization analysis), facies modelling, rocktyping,
GEOLOGIST properties modelling, calculating volumetric and remaining reserves, uncertainty
analysis, optimizing workflow editor on Petrel (basic programing application),
PROFILE pre-simulation/ initialization, designing development scenario, and then
applaying the POFD on WP&B.
“Geoogist, 9 Years Experiences
in Oil and Gas Industry and
Consultant, 31th Years Old” Note: All modeling and recommendation steps have been Quality Controled &
Challenged by Some Expert from Internal Pertamina EP, Outer Consultant
and/or SKK Migas (Goverment Regulator).
A. Geological Modeling have been done:
+628997839893 Summary:
[email protected] NO Field Deliverablities Company Wells Layers Complexity
& Duration
Perum BPI Blok A No. 9 1 Rantau Static Model, Pertamina 628 52 Very
Cilawu-Garut (Finished Petrophysical EP Complex
@Nov 2017) Analysis, POFD of (1.5 years)
Rantau Field Phase-3,
2 Tanjung Static Model, POFD Pertamina 52 15 Normal
EDUCATION Miring Timur of Tanjung Miring EP (1 year)
(Finished Timur Field Phase-1
Bachelor 2007 - 2011 @Maret 2019) (on Progress),
3 Tempino Static Model, Pertamina 218 11 Complex
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), (Finished Petrophysical EP (1 year)
Majoring in Geology @Des 2014) Analysis, POFD of
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, Tempino Field Phase-
GPA 3.36/4.00
4 Belimbing (3D Static Model, Pertamina 38 7 Normal
Thesis: Hydrocarbon Resources Seismic) Petrophysical EP (8 month)
Estimation of Parigi Formation Interval, (Finished Analysis, POFD
Asgar Area, Jatibarang Subbasin, North @Des 2017) Belimbing Phase-2
5 Belimbing Static Model, Pertamina 38 11 Complex
West Java Basin. (2D Seismic) Petrophysical EP (3 month)
(Finished @Jun Analysis, POFD
2013) format report
ACHIEVEMENT 6 Karangan Static Model, Pertamina 11 12 Complex
1st Winner for Plan of Development (POD) (Finished @Jun Petrophysical EP (3 month)
2013) Analysis, POFD
Competition, Oil and Gas Intellectual format report
Parade (OGIP) 2011, Universitas 7 Mutiara Static Model, Vico 250 75 Very
Pembangunan Nasional (UPN), as geologist (Finished @Jun Petrophysical Complex
2012) Analysis, (6 month)
from ITB Team, 2011 8 Pamaguan Static Model, Vico 175 75 Very
(Finished @Jun Petrophysical Complex
Outstanding Academic Achievement at the 2012) Analysis, (6 month)
Undergraduate Program Second Semester 9 MDA Petrophysical Husky 4 1 Normal
(Finished @Jan Analysis (2 month)
-2007/2008, First Semester -2008/2009 , 2012)
and Second Semester -2010/2011 10 Sakakemang Petrophysical Chonoco 12 1 Complex
(Finished @Feb Analysis philips (2 month)
11 Sukowati Update Facies model, Pertamina 36 1 Normal
(Finished Rocktype until EP (1 month)
@Aug 2019) Saturation Model
Abdurahman Fajar M Work Experience
B. Actively Contributing and Monitoring, Review, and QC on
GEOLOGIST Geological Modelling & Other Study that been conducted by
another consultant company for supporting Waterflood or EOR
Project in Pertamina EP :
PROFILE 1. 3D Geomechanic Modelling Study for Rantau Field by Elnusa
“Geologist, 9 Years Experiences 2. GGRPF Study for POFD Belimbing Phase-2 by Baker Hughes
in Oil and Gas Industry and 3. Core Analysis of Rantau, Tempino, Belimbing, Tanjung Miring
Consultant, 31th Years Old” Timur, by Lemigas, Corelab & Geoservice
4. Subsurface Study for CO2 POFD Sukowati (On Progress)
5. Chemical (Polimer & surfactant) Reservoir Simulation of Rantau
C. Project Management Geologist (2013-2016) :
- Active
1. Waterflood Project of Kenali Asam & Tempino (proposed well bor
- Initiative
& workover in waterflood pattern, wellsite geologist, surveillance
- Contributive
and monitoring POFD, optimize primary production & looking for
- Adaptable
upside potential)
- Analytist
2. Waterflood Project of Jirak Field
- Communicative
- Team work
D. Designing & Monitoring Waterflood Pilot Non-POFD:
- Helping People
1. Temino (Workover Prod & Inj)
- Good Presentation Skill
2. Niru (Workover Prod & Inj)
3. Limau Q51 (Workover Prod & Inj)
PROPFESIONAL SKILLS 4. Limau Barat (Workover Prod & Inj)
Fundamental geology 5. Limau Tengah (Workover Prod & Inj)
E. Propossing and Funneling Processes in Pertamina EP, AFE
Approval Processes to SKK, AFE Document & Close Out
Development, EOR & EXP (2013-2019) :
1. Presenting & Preparation Drilling & Workover Proposal for
Petrophysics Belimbing, Jirak, Tempino, & Rantau POFD Programs.
2. Presenting & Preparation Studies AFE that supported the static or
Geomechanics dynamic model on fields.
3. Presenting Geological Justification of 3D Seismic Acquisition
Geophysics Proposal
4. Presenting & Preparation for G&G data acquisition (Core, SWC,
Basic Programing on Petrel VSP, DSI, etc)

F. Another Activity that been done

Operation and wellsite
1. Data Management (6 Mounth Contract in Medco Energy, Jun-Dec
2. “Tim Updating Potensi Aset” (TUPA) Pertamina EP (2012-
Key target reservoirs that have been
2013): Together with the experts have done regional mapping and
modeled: review of the reserve, production, potentional production, and
• Fluvial Dominated Delta. activity of all structures that Pertamina’s have, identify the backbone
@Pertamina: in Belimbing, Niru, Limau, and non-backbone structure, make business plan for Pertamina EP
Jirak, & TMT with suggesting drilling and workover to increase the production
@LAPI ITB: efficiently from 2014 until 2035.
Mutiara & Pamaguan (VICO).
• Tidal Dominated Delta
@Pertamina: Tempino & Rantau
• Wave & Tidal Dominated Delta  ORGANIZATION EXPERIENCES
@Pertamina: Tempino & Rantau
• Build up & Flatform Carbonate
Head of Provisional Members Consultative Assembly, FORMAT 2010
@Pertamina: Sukowati
@LAPI ITB: MDA (Husky) (Forum Mahasiswa Garut ITB)
• Basement Fracture reservoir
Head of Organization Strategic Review, HMTG GEA ITB 2010
@LAPI ITB: Sakakemang
Petrel Fundamental and Geology, Schlumberger (certificated) 2012
PROFILE Reservoir Engineering Workshop, AAPG student chapter Unpad 2011
“Geologist 9 Years Experiences (certificated)
in Oil and Gas Industry and
Consultant, 31th Years Old” Geomechanics and Drilling Operation Workshop, AAPG student 2011
chapter Unpad (certificated)

Tanjung Formation Field Trip, Pertamina-IAGI (certificated) 2015

 ASSISTANT EXPERIENCE Mahakam Delta Field Trip, 2017, Pertamina Asset-5 (certificated) 2017
1. Assistant Coordinator and Assistant at a
time of Petroleum Geologi, ITB, 2012
2. Lecture Assistant of Geological Well
Logging Analysis, ITB, 2012  PUBLICATION & CIP (Continuous Improvement Program)
3. Laboratory Assistant for Geological
Exploration Method, ITB, 2011 1. Pit IAGI 2018, Laser Particle Size Analysis (LPSA) approachment for
4. Laboratory Assistant for Sedimentology Depositional Environment and Hydraulic Flow Unit (HFU) determination
and Stratigraphy, ITB, 2011 in Keutapang Formation, Rantau Field (North Sumatera Basin) and Air
5. Field Assistant of Geological Field for Benakat Formation, Tempino Field (South Sumatera Basin)
Geophysicsm, ITB, 2011 2. Joint Convention Malang 2017, Fault Seal Analysis to Reduce Uncertainty
6. Laboratory Assistant for in Reservoir Simulation at Rantau Field, PT. Pertamina EP
Christalography and Mineralogy 3. FORUM HULU PERTAMINA 2019, Well Pattern gridding application with
Geology, 2010 Reduce spacing in the advanced field development stage (application of
Lecture SKILL
Assistant for Phisycs, IT, 2008 water flood and Chemical EOR methods) in the Rantau field, Asset 1 PEP
Petrel 4. Pit IAGI 2018, Integrated of Static and Dynamic Modeling Workflow for
Belimbing Oil Field Development of Talangakar Sandstone Reservoir,
South Sumatra Basin
Interactive Petrophysic
5. CIP 2020, Application of Well Pattern Gridding (Acre Spacing Design)
6. CIP 2020, Application of Workflow Editor(Basic Programing on Petrel)
Hampson-Russell (HRS) 7. CIP 2019, Probabilistic Method for Static and Dinamic Modeling of TMT
8. CIP 2019, Probabilistic Method for Static and Dinamic Modeling of
Geographix Tempino
9. CIP 2018, Integrated Static and dimanic Workflow for Plan of
Geology Designer (Tnavigator) Development of Belimbing Phase-1

P: +6281290003633 P: +6287888899200
E: [email protected] E: [email protected]
A: VP EOR Pertamina EP A: ex. G&G Assistant Manager
Writing Secondary Recovery, EOR-
Listening & Speaking MUHLIS MARIWU DENGAH (LUKI)
P: +628127594352 P: +628127544263
Hobby E: [email protected] E: [email protected]
A: Advisor of Pertamina EP
Futsal A: Advisor of Pertamina EP

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