CV Abdurahman Fajar Muslim
CV Abdurahman Fajar Muslim
CV Abdurahman Fajar Muslim
Have been conducting geological modeling for 9 years with various methods
starting from understanding regional geology (fundamental geology study) &
finding complexity of reservoirs, identifying production opportunity, feasibility
study for POFD, doing petrophysical analysis, seismic interpretation, structural
Abdurahman Fajar M modelling (include compartemenization analysis), facies modelling, rocktyping,
GEOLOGIST properties modelling, calculating volumetric and remaining reserves, uncertainty
analysis, optimizing workflow editor on Petrel (basic programing application),
PROFILE pre-simulation/ initialization, designing development scenario, and then
applaying the POFD on WP&B.
“Geoogist, 9 Years Experiences
in Oil and Gas Industry and
Consultant, 31th Years Old” Note: All modeling and recommendation steps have been Quality Controled &
Challenged by Some Expert from Internal Pertamina EP, Outer Consultant
and/or SKK Migas (Goverment Regulator).
A. Geological Modeling have been done:
+628997839893 Summary:
[email protected] NO Field Deliverablities Company Wells Layers Complexity
& Duration
Perum BPI Blok A No. 9 1 Rantau Static Model, Pertamina 628 52 Very
Cilawu-Garut (Finished Petrophysical EP Complex
@Nov 2017) Analysis, POFD of (1.5 years)
Rantau Field Phase-3,
2 Tanjung Static Model, POFD Pertamina 52 15 Normal
EDUCATION Miring Timur of Tanjung Miring EP (1 year)
(Finished Timur Field Phase-1
Bachelor 2007 - 2011 @Maret 2019) (on Progress),
3 Tempino Static Model, Pertamina 218 11 Complex
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), (Finished Petrophysical EP (1 year)
Majoring in Geology @Des 2014) Analysis, POFD of
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, Tempino Field Phase-
GPA 3.36/4.00
4 Belimbing (3D Static Model, Pertamina 38 7 Normal
Thesis: Hydrocarbon Resources Seismic) Petrophysical EP (8 month)
Estimation of Parigi Formation Interval, (Finished Analysis, POFD
Asgar Area, Jatibarang Subbasin, North @Des 2017) Belimbing Phase-2
5 Belimbing Static Model, Pertamina 38 11 Complex
West Java Basin. (2D Seismic) Petrophysical EP (3 month)
(Finished @Jun Analysis, POFD
2013) format report
ACHIEVEMENT 6 Karangan Static Model, Pertamina 11 12 Complex
1st Winner for Plan of Development (POD) (Finished @Jun Petrophysical EP (3 month)
2013) Analysis, POFD
Competition, Oil and Gas Intellectual format report
Parade (OGIP) 2011, Universitas 7 Mutiara Static Model, Vico 250 75 Very
Pembangunan Nasional (UPN), as geologist (Finished @Jun Petrophysical Complex
2012) Analysis, (6 month)
from ITB Team, 2011 8 Pamaguan Static Model, Vico 175 75 Very
(Finished @Jun Petrophysical Complex
Outstanding Academic Achievement at the 2012) Analysis, (6 month)
Undergraduate Program Second Semester 9 MDA Petrophysical Husky 4 1 Normal
(Finished @Jan Analysis (2 month)
-2007/2008, First Semester -2008/2009 , 2012)
and Second Semester -2010/2011 10 Sakakemang Petrophysical Chonoco 12 1 Complex
(Finished @Feb Analysis philips (2 month)
11 Sukowati Update Facies model, Pertamina 36 1 Normal
(Finished Rocktype until EP (1 month)
@Aug 2019) Saturation Model
Abdurahman Fajar M Work Experience
B. Actively Contributing and Monitoring, Review, and QC on
GEOLOGIST Geological Modelling & Other Study that been conducted by
another consultant company for supporting Waterflood or EOR
Project in Pertamina EP :
PROFILE 1. 3D Geomechanic Modelling Study for Rantau Field by Elnusa
“Geologist, 9 Years Experiences 2. GGRPF Study for POFD Belimbing Phase-2 by Baker Hughes
in Oil and Gas Industry and 3. Core Analysis of Rantau, Tempino, Belimbing, Tanjung Miring
Consultant, 31th Years Old” Timur, by Lemigas, Corelab & Geoservice
4. Subsurface Study for CO2 POFD Sukowati (On Progress)
5. Chemical (Polimer & surfactant) Reservoir Simulation of Rantau
C. Project Management Geologist (2013-2016) :
- Active
1. Waterflood Project of Kenali Asam & Tempino (proposed well bor
- Initiative
& workover in waterflood pattern, wellsite geologist, surveillance
- Contributive
and monitoring POFD, optimize primary production & looking for
- Adaptable
upside potential)
- Analytist
2. Waterflood Project of Jirak Field
- Communicative
- Team work
D. Designing & Monitoring Waterflood Pilot Non-POFD:
- Helping People
1. Temino (Workover Prod & Inj)
- Good Presentation Skill
2. Niru (Workover Prod & Inj)
3. Limau Q51 (Workover Prod & Inj)
PROPFESIONAL SKILLS 4. Limau Barat (Workover Prod & Inj)
Fundamental geology 5. Limau Tengah (Workover Prod & Inj)
E. Propossing and Funneling Processes in Pertamina EP, AFE
Approval Processes to SKK, AFE Document & Close Out
Development, EOR & EXP (2013-2019) :
1. Presenting & Preparation Drilling & Workover Proposal for
Petrophysics Belimbing, Jirak, Tempino, & Rantau POFD Programs.
2. Presenting & Preparation Studies AFE that supported the static or
Geomechanics dynamic model on fields.
3. Presenting Geological Justification of 3D Seismic Acquisition
Geophysics Proposal
4. Presenting & Preparation for G&G data acquisition (Core, SWC,
Basic Programing on Petrel VSP, DSI, etc)
P: +6281290003633 P: +6287888899200
E: [email protected] E: [email protected]
A: VP EOR Pertamina EP A: ex. G&G Assistant Manager
Writing Secondary Recovery, EOR-
Listening & Speaking MUHLIS MARIWU DENGAH (LUKI)
P: +628127594352 P: +628127544263
Hobby E: [email protected] E: [email protected]
A: Advisor of Pertamina EP
Futsal A: Advisor of Pertamina EP