Cerebrovascular Accident
Cerebrovascular Accident
Cerebrovascular Accident
cerebral circulation in one or more of the blood vessels supplying the brain. CVA interrupts or
diminishes oxygen supply and commonly causes serious damage or necrosis in brain tissues. The
sooner circulation returns to normal after CVA, the better chances are for complete recovery.
However, half of those who survive CVA remain permanently disabled and experience a
CVA is the third most common cause of death in the United States today and the most
common cause of neurologic disability. It strikes 500,000 persons each year; half of them die as
a result. Although it mostly affects older adults, it can strike people of any age and occurs most
Age: 48
Status: Married
Occupation: None
Impression Diagnosis: Acute right thalamic hemorrhage with intraventricular extension; old left
frontal lobe infarct, subarachnoid hemorrhage; right occipital lobe; lacunar infarct, right lenty
form nucleus; DM II
Anatomy and Physiology of the Brain
The diencephalon is located centrally within the forebrain. It consists of the thalamus,
hypothalamus and epithalamus, which together enclose the third ventricle. The thalamus
acts as a grouping and relay station for sensory inputs ascending to the sensory cortex and
association areas. It also mediates motor activities, cortical arousal and memories. The
hypothalamus, by controlling the autonomic (involuntary) nervous system, is responsible
for maintaining the body’s homeostatic balance. Moreover it forms a part of the limbic
system, the ‘emotional’ brain. The epithalamus consists of the pineal gland and the
choroid plexus.
The brain stem is similarly structured as the spinal cord: it consists of grey matter surrounded
by white matter fibre tracts. Its major regions are the midbrain, pons and medulla
oblongata. The midbrain, which surrounds the cerebral aqueduct, provides fibre pathways
between higher and lower brain centres, contains visual and auditory reflex and subcortical
motor centres. The pons is mainly a conduction region, but its nuclei also contribute to the
regulation of respiration and cranial nerves. The medulla oblongata takes an important role
as an autonomic reflex centre involved in maintaining body homeostasis. In particular,
nuclei in the medulla regulate respiratory rhythm, heart rate, blood pressure and several
cranial nerves. Moreover, it provides conduction pathways between the inferior spinal cord
and higher brain centres.
The cerebellum, which is located dorsal to the pons and medulla, accounts for about 11% of
total brain mass. Like the cerebrum, it has a thin outer cortex of grey matter, internal white
matter, and small, deeply situated, paired masses (nuclei) of grey matter. The cerebellum
processes impulses received from the cerebral motor cortex, various brain stem nuclei and
sensory receptors in order to appropriately control skeletal muscle contraction, thus giving
smooth, coordinated movements.
Major cerebral arteries and the circle of Willis.
[Panerai 1998] describes autoregulation of blood flow in the cerebral vascular bed as the
mechanism by which cerebral blood flow (CBF) tends to remain relatively constant despite
changes in cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP). With a constant metabolic demand, changes
in CPP or arterial blood pressure that would increase or reduce CBF, are compensated by
adjusting the vascular resistance. This maintains a constant O2 supply and constant CBF.
Therefore cerebral autoregulation allows the blood supply to the brain to match its
metabolic demand and also to protect cerebral vessels against excessive flow due to arterial
hypertension. Cerebral blood flow is autoregulated much better than in almost any other
organ. Even for arterial pressure variations between 50 and 150 mm Hg, CBF only changes
by a few percent. This can be accomplished because the arterial vessels are typically able to
change their diameter about 4-fold, corresponding to a 256-fold change in blood flow. Only
when the brain is very active is there an exception to the close matching of blood flow to
metabolism, which can rise by up to 30-50% in the affected areas. It is an aim of PET,
functional MRI, near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), and, possibly, near infrared imaging, to
detect or image such localised changes in cortical activity and associated blood flow.
Pathophysiology of CVA
Risk factors for stroke include transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) – warning sign of impending
stroke – hypertension, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, elevated cholesterol, diabetes mellitus,
obesity, carotid stenosis, polycythemia, hormonal use, I.V., drug use, arrhythmias, and cigarette
smoking. Complications of stroke include aspiration pneumonia, dysphagia, constractures, deep
vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, depression and brain stem herniation.