Elimination Pattern
The patient’s regular bowel movement pattern before hospitalization was once a
day any time of the day. During our shift, Day 1 she defecated twice with black, slightly
wet stool, Day 2 she defected once with brownish, slightly wet stool, Day 3 she
defecated twice with a yellowish, slightly wet to semi formed stool. The patient didn’t
experience constipation or diarrhea. Her urinary elimination pattern is 3-4 times a day.
But during our hospitalization, she was on diaper with an output of about 400-500 cc per
day. According to the patient, she does not experience any problem with regards to
urination such as incontinence, dysuria, burning sensation, dribbling, nocturia, polyuria
and urinary retention. The following are records of 24 hour total intake and output from
our 1st day until 3rd day of duty; 1st day (Intake- 1,400 cc, Output- 480 cc with 2BM), 2nd
day (Intake- 1,370 cc, Output- 510 cc with 1BM), 3rd day (Intake- 1,620 cc, Output- 450
cc with 3BM). The patient has Grade III bilateral pitting edema, ascites with an
abdominal girth of 88cm on Day 1 and Day 2, and 84cm on Day 3, with skin lesion
approximately 2cm in diameter & reddish in color on the sacral area. She had not also
experienced excess perspiration and odor problems.