Integrum in Patent Matters, Restitutio in Integrum May Be Requested Where The Applicant Has
Integrum in Patent Matters, Restitutio in Integrum May Be Requested Where The Applicant Has
Integrum in Patent Matters, Restitutio in Integrum May Be Requested Where The Applicant Has
Yugoslav Patent Law (1995) does not provide special provisions concerning relief for
applicant and owner affected, in particular, by the war, revolution, civil disorder, terrorist
attacks or other circumstances beyond their control.
The time limits for the request for restitutio in integrum are:
─ eight days from the day on which the circumstance which caused the delay ceased to exist
or where the party learned about its cessation only later, from the day the party learned it;
─ request for restitutio in integrum is acceptable up to three months from the day when the
delay paper or action was due.
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has not yet initiated ratification procedure to become
contracting member of the Patent Law Treaty 2000, because Federal Intellectual Property
Office continues to examine a possibility and consequences of implementing its provisions in
Office’s practices.