General Information: Un Volunteer Description of Assignment

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SOMR000523--Medical Officer
The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that promotes volunteerism to support peace and development
worldwide. Volunteerism can transform the pace and nature of development and it benefits both society at large and the individual volunteer.
UNV contributes to peace and development by advocating for volunteerism globally, encouraging partners to integrate volunteerism into
development programming, and mobilizing volunteers.In most cultures volunteerism is deeply embedded in long-established, ancient
traditions of sharing and support within the communities. In this context, UN Volunteers take part in various forms of volunteerism and play a
role in development and peace together with co-workers, host agencies and local communities.In all assignments, UN Volunteers promote
volunteerism through their action and conduct. Engaging in volunteer activity can effectively and positively enrich their understanding of local
and social realities, as well as create a bridge between themselves and the people in their host community. This will make the time they
spend as UN Volunteers even more rewarding and productive.

General Information
Country of Assignment Somalia

Host Institute UN Support Office in Somalia

Volunteer Category International Specialist

Number of Volunteer 1

Duration until 30-06-2021

Possibility of Extension Yes

Expected Starting Date 01-09-2020

Duty Station Baidoa [SOM]

Assignment Place Non-Family Duty station

Assignment Place Remark

Living Conditions

General: Mogadishu is the HQ of the UNSOM operation inside Somalia mission area and is a non-family duty station. The UN
Volunteer will be subject to the overall direction and guidance of the UN Designated Official (DO) for security. The volunteer will be
incorporated into all applicable security protocols and will be required to strictly adhere to the guidelines, security plans and other
directives issued by the DO. While in Somalia, the volunteer will be housed in UN provided accommodation. In Mogadishu this is at the
UN Compound at the Mogadishu International Airport (MIA).

Accommodation: Due to the security situation in the UNSOS mission area and coupled with the fact that there is no living
accommodation on the private market that meets minimum UN security and safety standards for UN personnel, expatriate personnel
deployed to Mogadishu are provided secured accommodation in a camp style environment. Some of the accommodation (hard wall
and prefabs) are paid for by the UN personnel on a monthly basis. However, containerized accommodation is provided free by the UN.
The UN-provided accommodation is essentially equipped with minimum room furniture.

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The accommodation could be single or shared rooms with shared bath and toilet facilities. Power and water are provided by the UN
inside the camp to its occupants.

Food and Diet: There is no access to local markets in Mogadishu. There is a UN Contractor-managed dining facility inside the UNSOS
Camp in Mogadishu where food is provided at a cost by the contractor CIANO. Personnel may cook their own meals at common
kitchen buildings situated at convenient locations within the camp.

Health: Exposure exists to many tropical diseases. All medical formalities specified in the Offer or Travel Advisory should be completed
before traveling. Yellow Fever vaccination is compulsory before coming to the mission area, while vaccinations for Hepatitis A & B,
Typhoid, Tetanus/Diphtheria, Polio and Meningitis are recommended. Vaccination Card (yellow card) must be brought. Malaria
prophylaxis is highly recommended. Due to large number of various types of insects in the mission area, it is also recommended to use
insecticide-impregnated nets and insect repellants. UN personnel have access during working hours to a Civilian Clinic inside the
UNSOS Camp in Mogadishu.

Rest and Recuperation: International personnel, including UN Volunteers, working in the UNSOS mission area are entitled to a 4-
week Rest and Recuperation (R & R) cycle. This means that after every 4 weeks of being in the mission area, a break is taken to travel
to either Nairobi (UNSOS designated R & R location) or any other destination outside the mission area. The R & R entitlement consists
of a 5 calendar days R & R, with 2 travel days added, every 4 weeks. UN flights from Mogadishu or any other deployed site in the
mission to Nairobi and back to duty station can be used at no expense. However, accommodation,

food and other expenses while on R & R are borne by the individual. Approval of R & R is balanced against operational requirements.

Assignment Details
Assignment Title Medical Officer

Organizational Context & Project Description

The United Nations Security Council in Resolution 2245 adopted on 09 November 2015 established the United Nations Support Office
in Somalia (UNSOS). This replaced the United Nations Support Office for AMISOM (UNSOA), established in 2009. United Nations Security Council Resolution 2245 decided that UNSOS will be
responsible for support to AMISOM, UNSOM, the Somali National Army (SNA) and the Somali Police Force (SPF) on joint operations
with AMISOM.

Sustainable Development Goals 3. Good Health and Well-being

Task description

Under the direct supervision of the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) or his representative, the UN Volunteer will undertake the following
tasks at the duty station:

Undertakes day-to-day clinical duties, e.g. consultation and treatment of patients at walk-in clinic and 24/7 response to medical
Provides primary health care services at the Baidoa Level-I clinic and follow up with the treatment of patients evacuated from
Ensures availability of medical supplies and proper functioning of all medical equipment in the clinic;
Ensures optimum and rational use of resources while respecting medical ethics; Coordinate training programs for AMISOM
medical staff to develop their capabilities (e.g. BLS, ACLS, & Pre-hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS), etc.;
Assists in the management of procurement of drugs, medical equipment, consumables and medical supplies through the system
As a member of the Mission Crisis Management team, participates in the preparation and implementation of Mass Casualty
Incidence (MCI) Response, Medevac, and Casevac Standard operating procedures (SOPs;
Participates actively in organizing medical referrals, casualty and medical evacuation of mission personnel.;
Ensures the provision of health education to civilian mission personnel;

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Participates actively in addressing environmental and occupational health issues;
Participates in the planning, management and implementation of adequate infection control measures in the mission health
facilities at all levels;
Provides relevant public health guidance to the facility management team in the mission and contractors providing catering,
sanitation and fumigation services at the UN camps within Somalia;
Ensures timely submission of weekly and monthly medical reports from Baidoa to the CMO’s office;
Reports to the CMO or his OIC on all clinical activities at the duty station on weekly and monthly basis; Carry out any other tasks
within the mission as may be assigned by the CMO.

Furthermore, UN Volunteers are required to:- Strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteerism by reading
relevant UNV and external publications and take active part in UNV activities (for instance in events that mark International Volunteer
Day)- Be acquainted with and build on traditional and/or local forms of volunteerism in the host country- Provide annual and end of
assignment reports on UN Volunteer actions, results and opportunities using UNV’s Volunteer Reporting Application- Contribute
articles/write-ups on field experiences and submit them for UNV publications/websites, newsletters, press releases, etc.- Assist with the
UNV Buddy Programme for newly-arrived UN Volunteers- Promote or advise local groups in the use of online volunteering, or
encourage relevant local individuals and organizations to use the UNV Online Volunteering service whenever technically possible.

Results/Expected Outputs

Plans and implements sound medical practices and trainings;

Prevention and treatment to ensure the physical and mental health of UN staff;
When working with national staff or (non-)governmental counterparts, the incumbent is strongly encouraged to set aside
dedicated time for capacity development through coaching, mentoring and formal and on-the-job training.
The development of capacity through coaching, mentoring and formal on-the-job training, when working with (including
supervising) national staff or (non-) governmental counterparts, including Implementing Partners (IPs);
Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) perspective is systematically applied, integrated and documented in all activities throughout
the assignment;
A final statement of achievements towards volunteerism for peace and development during the assignment, such as reporting on
the number of volunteers mobilized, activities participated in and capacities developed

• The development of capacity through coaching, mentoring and formal on-the-job training, when working with (including supervising)
national staff or (non-) governmental counter-parts, including Implementing Partners (IPs); • Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD)
perspective is systematically applied, integrated and documented in all activities throughout the assignment • A final statement of
achievements towards volunteerism for peace and development dur-ing the assignment, such as reporting on the number of volunteers
mobilized, activities participated in and capacities developed

Required Degree Level Master degree or equivalent

Education - Additional Comments

University Degree in Medicine and Surgery (MB.BS or MD) or its equivalent; Residency/internship in one of the medical specialties is
an advantage

Required experience 36 months

Experience Remark

A minimum of 3 years of clinical experience is mandatory.

Valid certification in Advanced Trauma Life support, Advanced cardiac Life support or Prehospital trauma life support is highly
desirable; Experience in HIV care or VCCT is desirable


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English (Mandatory) , Level - Fluent

Area of Expertise

Specialized human medicine (with clinical experience) Mandatory

Area of Expertise Requirement

Specialized human medicine (with clinical experience) Mandatory

Valid certification in Advanced Trauma Life support, Advanced cardiac Life support or Prehospital trauma life support is highly
desirable; Experience in HIV care or VCCT is desirable

Need Driving Licence Yes

Competencies & Values

Adaptability and Flexibility
Ethics and Values
Planning and Organizing
Respect for Diversity
Working in Teams

Conditions of Service and other information

Condition of Service Click here to view Conditions of Service

Conditions of Service for International Specialist:

Note on novel coronavirus – COVID-19.

The rapidly changing nature of novel coronavirus COVID-19 has placed significant and increasing restrictions on the freedom of movement
of people across the globe, within countries and across borders. Such restrictions make it very difficult for international UN Volunteers to
begin their assignments at their assigned duty station and UNV cannot guarantee assignments will proceed as normal.

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Candidates for international UN Volunteer assignments during this period may be exceptionally granted alternative working arrangements to
work from their place of recruitment until restrictions are lifted. This is at the discretion of the host entity. Candidates proceeding to interview
are recommended to discuss the likelihood of travel and possible alternative arrangements with the host entity. If selected, candidates
should carefully consider the circumstances before accepting UNV’s offer.

In cases where the UN Host Entity partner has requested the UN Volunteer to perform their assignment remotely, the Post Adjustment
Multiplier (PAM) and related entitlements to be paid may be adjusted to the temporary duty station from where the UN Volunteer has been
requested to work if requested by the UN Host Entity.

The contract lasts for the period indicated above with possibility of extensions subject to availability of funding, operational necessity and
satisfactory performance. However, there is no expectation of renewal of the assignment.

A UN Volunteer receives a Volunteer Living Allowance (VLA) which is composed of the Monthly Living Allowance (MLA) and a Family
Allowance (FA) for those with dependents (maximum three).

The Volunteer Living Allowance (VLA) is paid at the end of each month to cover housing, utilities, transportation, communications and other
basic needs. The VLA can be computed by applying the Post-Adjustment Multiplier (PAM) to the VLA base rate of US$ 1,651. The VLA
base rate is a global rate across the world, while the PAM is duty station/country-specific and fluctuates on a monthly basis according to the
cost of living. This method ensures that international UN Volunteers have comparable purchasing power at all duty stations irrespective of
varying costs of living. The PAM is established by the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) and is published at the beginning of
every month on the ICSC website

For UN Volunteer entitlements, kindly refer to the link

In non-family duty stations that belong to hardship categories D or E, as classified by the ICSC, international UN Volunteers receive a Well-
Being Differential (WBD) on a monthly basis.

Furthermore, UN Volunteers are provided a settling-in-grant (SIG) at the start of the assignment (if the volunteer did not reside in the duty
station for at least 6 months prior to taking up the assignment) and in the event of a permanent reassignment to another duty station.

UNV provides life, health, permanent disability insurances as well as assignment travel, annual leave, full integration in the UN security
framework (including residential security reimbursements).

UN Volunteers are paid Daily Subsistence Allowance at the UN rate for official travels, flight tickets for periodic home visit and for the final
repatriation travel (if applicable). Resettlement allowance is paid for satisfactory service at the end of the assignment.

UNV will provide, together with the offer of assignment, a copy of the Conditions of Service, including Code of conduct, to the successful

Supervision, induction and duty of care of UN Volunteers

UN Volunteers should be provided equal duty of care as extended to all host entity personnel. Host entity support to the UN Volunteer
includes, but is not limited to:

- Introductory briefings about the organisation and office-related context including security, emergency procedures, good cultural practice
and orientation to the local environment;

- Support with arrival administration including setting-up of bank accounts, residence permit applications and completion of other official

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processes as required by the host government or host entity;

- Structured guidance, mentoring and coaching by a supervisor including a clear workplan and performance appraisal;

- Access to office space, equipment, IT support and any other systems and tools required to complete the objectives of the assignment
including a host entity email address;

- Access to shared host entity corporate knowledge, training and learning;

- Inclusion of the volunteer in emergency procedures such as evacuations;

- Leave management;

- DSA for official travel, when applicable;

- All changes in the Description of Assignment occurring between recruitment and arrival or during the assignment need to be formalized
with the United Nations Volunteer Programme.

Application Code SOMR000523-7448

Application procedure

* Not yet registered in the UNV Talent Pool?

Please first register your profile at Important: After creating your account, complete all sections of
your profile and submit it. Then go to ‘My Page’ at and click on the ‘Special Calls’ hyperlink. Lastly,
select the special call to which you would like to apply.

* Already registered in the UNV Talent Pool?

Please first update your profile at Then go to ‘My Page’ at
and click on the ‘Special Calls’ hyperlink to select the special call to which you would like to apply.

Application deadline: 30-07-2020



United Nations Volunteers is an equal opportunity programme which welcomes applications from qualified professionals. We are committed
to achieving diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture.

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