Conductors in Raceway in Free Air
Conductors in Raceway in Free Air
Conductors in Raceway in Free Air
Number of Conductors
Factor A' from Table VII N-M
Factor B' from Table VII N-M
Multiplier for Ds from Table VII Notes
DI (conductor diameter from above)
Ds (multiplier x DI))
Calculation of Rd for duct wall
Thermal Conductivity in W / m-C (71 for iron, 130 for Al, and 0.16 for PVC)
t thickness of duct wall
Duct wall thermal resistance in C -cm / Watt
Outside Diameter of Duct or raceway
Rd thermal ohm feet calculation
Ds' (conduit O.D.) from manufacture
e (emissivity)
N (number of conductors)
TA (ambient temperature)
Ambient derating factor to compare to Table 310-16 - use upper limit
Amperes from N-M Calculation
Thermal Derating Factor using N-M Equation brought up from below
Thermal Derating Factor using R-Value for same insulation
Page 1
RCA''' (RCA-Re+RI'''+Re''')
Degrees F
Conversion from Degrees F to Degrees C
Degrees C
Conversion of degrees C. to degrees F
Page 2
RCA''' (RCA-Re+RI'''+Re''')
Page 3
Page 4
3 - No. 2 copper concentric 3 - No. 2 copper concentric 3 - No. 3/0 THWN copper concentric
stranded in 1 inch EMT stranded in 1 inch schedule 80 stranded in 11/2 inch EMT
30 degree ambient ref. 30 degree ambient ref. 30 degree ambient ref.
0.045 0.045 0.05
0.292 0.292 0.47
0.382 0.382 0.57
400 400 500
0.560066455023794 0.560066455023794 0.502661986420643
3 3 3
3.2 3.2 3.2
0.19 0.19 0.19
2.15 2.15 2.15
0.382 0.382 0.57
0.8213 0.8213 1.2255
9.49273212696529 9.49273212696529 6.78205581066761
71 0.16 71
0.057 0.179 0.065
1.40845070422535 625 1.40845070422535
1.163 1.315 1.74
0.002264727606143 3.07262323943662 0.001705276434728
1.163 1.315 1.74
0.95 0.95 0.95
3 3 3
7.72597249662226 7.05396655677329 5.67403561303475
90 90 75
30 30 30
100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
128.670327564581 120.782199860387 208.391751246016
80.93% 83.21% 66.12%
80.74% 83.03% 67.16%
Page 5
90 90 32
194 194 89.6
Page 6
Page 7
3 - No. 3/0 THWN copper concentric 3 - 500 kcmil XHHW copper concentric
stranded in 11/2 inch SCH 80 PVC stranded in 3 inch EMT
30 degree ambient ref. 30 degree ambient ref.
0.05 0.065
0.47 0.813
0.57 0.943
500 500
0.502661986420643 0.386526882859561
3 3
3.2 3.2
0.19 0.19
2.15 2.15
0.57 0.943
1.2255 2.02745
6.78205581066761 4.32929716566326
0.16 71
0.2 0.072
625 1.40845070422535
1.9 3.5
2.29411764705882 0.000922970729863
1.9 3.5
0.3 0.95
3 3
8.65393374426867 3.13462384513858
18.2327691884157 7.85137086439127
167800 500000
12.9 12.9
76.8772348033373 27.0504038772213
0.077 0.029
0.076 0.0258
1.002 1.13
77.030989272944 30.5669563812601
75 90
30 30
100.00% 100.00%
178.99759757647 500.007801489936
78.13% 76.11%
78.13% 76.11%
Page 8
9.57883544414708 4.71674701925269
1 1
2 2
1.9 3.5
0.17 0.32
0.0002450227 0.0004612192
4081.25451233702 2168.16645967904
15.2954484334882 5.10719358978902
3.9 5.5
0.3 0.3
4.99360468172341 3.7310990377692
29.8678885593587 13.5550396468109
139.852829711414 380.538963117358
160 160
71.1111111111111 71.1111111111111
75 90
167 194
78.13% 76.11%
9.57883544414708 4.71674701925269
1 1
2 2
1.9 3.5
5.883 3.125
4081.68423 2168.15625
15.297058900156 5.10716954052512
3.9 5.5
0.3 0.3
4.99360468172341 3.7310990377692
Page 9
29.8694990260265 13.555015597547
139.849059454732 380.539300692694
78.13% 76.11%
Page 10
3 3
3.2 3.2
0.19 0.19
2.15 2.15
0.943 0.382
2.02745 0.8213
4.32929716566326 9.49273212696529
0.16 71
0.3 0.057
625 1.40845070422535
3.5 1.163
1.828125 0.002264727606143
3.5 1.163
0.3 0.95
3 3
5.45506747057135 7.72597249662226
11.9990165190942 17.7810358062175
500000 66360
12.9 12.9
27.0504038772213 203.815580750613
0.027 0.2
0.0258 0.194
1.018 1
27.5373111470113 203.815580750613
90 90
30 30
100.00% 100.00%
426.129925076307 128.670327564581
88.32% 80.93%
88.32% 80.74%
Page 11
6.54394904852282 10.0550633095952
1 1
2 2
3.5 1.163
0.32 0.32
0.0004612192 0.0004612192
2168.16645967904 2168.16645967904
5.10719358978902 11.3053266781767
5.5 3.163
0.3 0.32
3.7310990377692 5.78646952875601
15.382241676081 27.1468595165279
376.361372908491 104.135099680709
160 212
71.1111111111111 100
90 90
194 194
88.32% 80.93%
6.54394904852282 10.0550633095952
1 1
2 2
3.5 1.163
3.125 3.125
2168.15625 2168.15625
5.10716954052512 11.3052734425239
5.5 3.163
0.3 0.3
3.7310990377692 5.91563556446891
Page 12
15.3822176268171 27.275972316588
376.361667118684 103.888341786153
88.32% 80.74%
Page 13
Number of Conductors
Factor A' from Table VII N-M
Factor B' from Table VII N-M
Multiplier for Ds from Table VII Notes
DI (conductor diameter from above)
Ds (multiplier x DI))
Calculation of Rd for duct wall
Thermal Conductivity in W / m-C (71 for iron, 130 for Al, and 0.16 for PVC)
t thickness of duct wall
Duct wall thermal resistance in C -cm / Watt
Outside Diameter of Duct or raceway
Rd thermal ohm feet calculation
Ds' (conduit O.D.) from manufacture
e (emissivity)
N (number of conductors)
TA (ambient temperature)
Ambient derating factor to compare to Table 310-16 - use upper limit
Amperes from N-M Calculation
Thermal Derating Factor using N-M Equation brought up from below
Thermal Derating Factor using R-Value for same insulation
Page 14
RCA''' (RCA-Re+RI'''+Re''')
Degrees F
Conversion from Degrees F to Degrees C
Degrees C
Conversion of degrees C. to degrees F
Page 15
RCA''' (RCA-Re+RI'''+Re''')
Page 16
Page 17
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