• DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair on electric
lift trucks. Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift trucks.
• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT THE LIFT
TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Maintenance section.
• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.
• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts must meet
or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.
• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before using force
to remove parts.
• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs, or if the
unit needs repairs.
• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel are
flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these fuels and
when working on these fuel systems.
• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks away from
the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.
NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
minor or moderate injury and property damage.
On the lift truck, the WARNING symbol and word are on orange back-
ground. The CAUTION symbol and word are on yellow background.
Frame Table of Contents
General ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Description ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Counterweight Repair ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
Fenders ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Side Counterweights H13.00-16.00XM (H300-360HD) ............................................................................... 4
Side Counterweight, Replace ........................................................................................................................ 4
Hood and Air Cleaner Repair ............................................................................................................................ 4
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Hydraulic Tank Repair ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Repairs, All Units .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Small Leaks ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Large Leaks ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Clean .............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Steam Method............................................................................................................................................ 9
Chemical Solution Method........................................................................................................................ 10
Other Methods of Preparation for Repair .................................................................................................... 10
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Fuel Tank Repair ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Repairs ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Cooling System and Radiator Repair................................................................................................................ 13
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Cab Repair.......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Rear Cab Assembly........................................................................................................................................ 16
Bottom Cab Assembly ................................................................................................................................... 17
Raising and Lowering Cab ............................................................................................................................ 17
Raise Cab ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Lower Cab .................................................................................................................................................. 18
Cab Repair ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 18
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Engine and Transmission Repair...................................................................................................................... 20
Hyster T-50 Transmission, Remove ............................................................................................................. 20
Hyster T-50 Transmission, Install................................................................................................................ 22
TE-10 Transmission ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 23
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Label Replacement............................................................................................................................................. 28
100 SRM 927 Description
This section has the description and repair proce- remove the ECM (Engine Control Module). If weld-
dures for the frame and connected parts. Included ing on the lift truck chassis, verify the ground clamp
in this section are the frame, counterweight, fenders, is placed as close to the welding point as possible and
hood, hydraulic and fuel tanks, radiator/cooling sec- NOT near the ECM. If it is necessary to weld near
tion, operator compartment, and cab. The instruc- the ECM, remove the ECM from the engine to avoid
tions for removal and installation of the engine are damage from welding arc radiation.
included in this section.
The frame is a one-piece weldment and has mounts axles, hydraulic and fuel tanks, operator’s compart-
for the counterweight, fenders, engine, transmission, ment, and other parts. See Figure 1.
Figure 1. Frame
Counterweight Repair 100 SRM 927
Counterweight Repair
REMOVE ahead so there is clearance for the chain that is
installed through the counterweight.
WARNING 3. Install the counterweight on the frame. Install
The counterweight is heavy. Make sure that the capscrew, lockwasher, and flat washer to fas-
the crane and lifting devices have the capacity ten the counterweight to the frame. Tighten the
to lift 4600 kg (10,141 lb). capscrew to 1140 N•m (841 lbf ft).
1. Remove the hood spine assembly. See Hood and
Air Cleaner Repair.
100 SRM 927 Counterweight Repair
Hood and Air Cleaner Repair 100 SRM 927
100 SRM 927 Hood and Air Cleaner Repair
Hood and Air Cleaner Repair 100 SRM 927
100 SRM 927 Hydraulic Tank Repair
Hydraulic Tank Repair 100 SRM 927
100 SRM 927 Hydraulic Tank Repair
REPAIRS, ALL UNITS not taken. Disconnect the negative battery ter-
minal from the battery. Disconnect all ECM’s.
Small Leaks If welding must be done in a close proximity
of an ECM, that ECM must be removed. When
Use the following procedures to repair small leaks: welding to the chassis, attach the ground cable
as close the weld as possible.
1. Use steam to clean the area around the leak. Re-
move all paint and dirt around the leak. • Safe Practices for Welding and Cutting Contain-
ers That Have Held Combustibles by the American
WARNING Welding Society, F4.1 - 1999.
Do not use tools that can make sparks, heat, or • Safety in Welding and Cutting, American National
static electricity. The vapors in the tank can Standard, AWS Z 49.1 - 1999.
cause an explosion.
When cleaning the tank, do not use solutions that
2. Apply Loctite® 290 to the leak. Follow the in- make dangerous gases at normal temperatures or
structions of the manufacturer. when heated. Wear eye and face protection. Protect
the body from burns.
Large Leaks
When cleaning with steam, use a hose with a mini-
1. Use one of the procedures described under Clean- mum diameter of 19 mm (0.75 in.). Control the pres-
ing to clean and prepare the tank for repairs. sure of the steam by a valve installed at the nozzle of
the hose. If a metal nozzle is used, it must be made of
a material that does not make sparks. Make an elec-
CAUTION trical connection between the nozzle and the tank.
Welding on the truck may cause damage to the Connect a ground wire to the tank to prevent static
engine, transmission, and/or hydraulic elec- electricity.
tronic control units if proper precautions are
not taken. Disconnect the negative battery ter- Steam Method
minal from the battery. Disconnect all ECM’s.
If welding must be done in a close proximity Use the following procedure to clean the tank with
of an ECM, that ECM must be removed. When steam:
welding to the chassis, attach the ground cable
1. Remove all the parts from the tank. Install the
as close to the weld as possible.
drain plug.
2. Use acceptable welding practices to repair the
2. Fill the tank 1/4 full with a solution of water and
tank. See the American National Standard
sodium bicarbonate or sodium carbonate. Mix
Safety in Welding and Cutting AWS Z 49.1 -
0.5 kg (1 lb) per 4 liter (1 gal) of water.
3. Mix the solution in the tank using air pressure.
CLEAN Make sure all the surfaces on the inside of the
tank are flushed with the solution. Drain the
Special procedures must be followed when
large leaks or other repairs need welding or 4. Put steam into the tank until the tank does not
cutting. All work must be done by authorized have odors and the metal is hot. Steam vapors
personnel. If the tank is cleaned inside of a must come from all the openings.
building, make sure there is enough ventila- 5. Flush the inside of the tank with boiling water.
tion. See the following manuals for additional Make sure all the loose material is removed from
information: the inside of the tank.
Welding on the truck may cause damage to the
engine, transmission, and/or hydraulic elec-
tronic control units if proper precautions are
Hydraulic Tank Repair 100 SRM 927
100 SRM 927 Fuel Tank Repair
Fuel Tank Repair 100 SRM 927
100 SRM 927 Cooling System and Radiator Repair
5. Remove four capscrews and washers mounting 5. Install four capscrews and washers mounting the
the charged air cooler (F019/G007 Perkins engine charged air cooler (Perkins engine only).
6. Connect charged air cooler hoses to the charged
6. Disconnect the transmission oil lines at the radi- air cooler (Perkins engine only).
7. Pivot hood and spine assembly back into position
7. Cap an plug all open lines. and tighten mounting hardware.
8. Remove the fan from the drive pulley (Perkins 8. Fill the radiator with coolant. See Maintenance
engine only). Schedule in the section Periodic Maintenance
8000 SRM 934 for E019 and F007 trucks or Pe-
9. Remove the capscrews between the fan shroud riodic Maintenance 8000 SRM 1099 for F019
and the radiator. and G007 trucks, for quantity and antifreeze re-
Cooling System and Radiator Repair 100 SRM 927
100 SRM 927 Cooling System and Radiator Repair
Cab Repair 100 SRM 927
Cab Repair
REAR CAB ASSEMBLY NOTE: Interior covers are affixed with self-tapping
See Figure 11 for rear cab assembly.
100 SRM 927 Cab Repair
See Figure 12 for bottom cab assembly. 2. Remove all unsecured items from cab.
RAISING AND LOWERING CAB 6. Operate pump with pump lever until cab locks in
partially open position.
Raise Cab
NOTE: Just before fully open position is reached,
movement may be gravity controlled.
Make sure no one is under cab when raising or 7. Pull tilt latch release and continue to raise cab to
lowering cab. fully open position. See Figure 14.
NOTE: If cab will not fully raise, lower cab until cab
WARNING locks in partially open position, and fill tilt system
Before you place any part of your body under with oil. See Oil Filling for Tilt System.
cab, always make sure that cab is fully tilted,
or when partially open, is locked by tilt latch. NOTE: Raising cab gives access to components such
as engine, transmission/hydraulic compartment,
throttle/brake and steering control, heater, air con-
ditioner, and electrical connectors.
Cab damage may occur if mast is not com-
pletely tilted forward.
Cab Repair 100 SRM 927
Before removing heater hoses, allow time for
heater hoses to cool down. Hot water may
cause severe burns.
1. CAB Make sure the lifting device has a minimum ca-
2. FRAME pacity to lift 1000 kg (2205 lb). A lifting device
3. TILT LATCH RELEASE that does not have the minimum capacity can
break causing the cab to drop and may result
Figure 14. Pump Lever and Tilt Latch Release in serious personal injury.
Lower Cab Lift the operator’s cab carefully. Make sure
all wires and attachments are disconnected
WARNING and loose components are not obstructing the
Make sure no one is under cab when raising or movement.
lowering cab.
1. Switch off engine.
100 SRM 927 Cab Repair
18. Carefully lift cab away from lift truck. Set cab as-
sembly in a suitable storage area and put blocks
under cab to stabilize and prevent damage.
12. Disconnect ground lead. Figure 16. Steering Pump, Throttle and
Inching Connections
CAUTION 19. Remove four rubber isolation mounts from frame
When lowering cab, make sure loose compo- and inspect for damage. Reinstall or replace if
nents are not obstructing the movement. necessary.
Engine and Transmission Repair 100 SRM 927
NOTE: The transmission can be removed from above 7. Disconnect fuel lines at the fuel tank. Disconnect
or under the lift truck. See Figure 18. throttle linkage.
1. Remove the forks. Put the lift truck on blocks 8. Disconnect wires and wiring harnesses at the en-
so that there is access under the lift truck. See gine. Disconnect the heater hoses at the engine.
"How to Put Lift Truck on Blocks" in the section
9. Disconnect the drive shaft at the yokes. Remove
Operating Manual or the section Periodic
the drive shaft between the transmission and the
Maintenance 8000 SRM 934 for E019 and F007
trucks or Periodic Maintenance 8000 SRM
1099 for F019 and G007 trucks. Tilt the mast 10. Disconnect the wiring harnesses on top of the
fully forward to release hydraulic pressure in transmission. Disconnect the wires at the
the system. solenoids on the transmission control valve. Dis-
connect the wires at the pressure sending unit
2. Disconnect the cables at the battery. (Remove the
and the temperature sending unit on the trans-
ground cable first.) Remove the bracket for the
mission. Put identification tags on the wires so
battery cables.
that they can be correctly connected again.
3. Tilt the operator compartment up to remove the
engine and transmission.
100 SRM 927 Engine and Transmission Repair
11. Apply the service brakes repeatedly until the air lifting device to hold and lift the hydraulic pump.
pressure in the air tank decreases to 0 kPa (0 psi) Remove the hydraulic pump. The drive shaft of
or pressure is removed from hydraulic system the hydraulic pump is engaged in splines in the
on wet brakes. Disconnect the air brake hose drive gear. The drive shaft of the hydraulic pump
from the air tank so that there is clearance at the will slide from the drive gear when the hydraulic
transmission. pump is removed.
12. Disconnect the wire to the starter solenoid. 17. Disconnect and remove the dipstick assembly
from the transmission.
13. Disconnect the cables at the spools on the trans-
mission control valve. Remove the linkage 18. The temperature sender for the transmission oil
bracket from the transmission housing. can be easily damaged. Remove the temperature
sender from the transmission sump.
14. Remove the drain plug from the transmission
sump to drain the oil from the transmission [ap- 19. Install blocks and a jack under the flywheel end
proximately 28 liter (30 qt)]. Disconnect the oil of the engine as a support. If the support is put
lines to the oil cooler at the transmission. Drain under the engine oil sump, make sure the sup-
the oil lines into the drain pan. Put plugs and port is across the width of the oil sump so that
caps in the open fittings. the weight of the engine does not damage the oil
15. Disconnect the oil hoses at the hydraulic pump.
Disconnect the hose from the hydraulic pump to 20. A 5/8" machined hole with UNC (United National
the steering system. Put plugs and caps on the Course) threads is in the top of the transmission
open fittings. housing. Install an eyebolt in the 5/8" UNC hole.
Connect a lifting device to the engine and trans-
16. The hydraulic pump is fastened to the transmis- mission. Make sure the lifting device has a ca-
sion cover with four capscrews. The hydraulic pacity of at least 1200 kg (2650 lb).
pump weighs approximately 45 kg (100 lb). Use a
Engine and Transmission Repair 100 SRM 927
21. Remove the two 3/4 × 3 1/2 inch bolts that fas- on the control valve. Make sure the yellow wire
ten the transmission mounts to the frame. These is connected to the reverse solenoid and the black
bolts have been tightened to 270 N•m (199 lbf ft). wire is connected to the forward solenoid. Con-
nect the wires at the temperature sending unit
22. Remove the capscrews that hold the engine and the pressure sending unit on the transmis-
mount brackets to the frame mounts. sion. Use the straps and clamps to hold the wires
in position.
23. Make sure all the connections have been re-
moved. Carefully lift the engine and transmis- 10. Install the starter solenoid shown in Figure 18.
sion assembly from the frame.
11. Connect the air brake hose to the air tank.
12. Fasten the bracket to the transmission hous-
1. If the mounts were removed from the sides of the ing. See Figure 19. Connect the cables to the
transmission housing, install them and tighten control spools in the transmission control valve.
the capscrews to 270 N•m (199 lbf ft). See the adjustment procedure in the section
Three-Speed Powershift Transmission, Re-
2. Connect a lifting device to the engine and trans- pairs (Hyster Model T-50) 1300 SRM 931 .
mission. Make sure the lifting device has a ca-
pacity of at least 1200 kg (2650 lb).
7. Connect the hose from the hydraulic pump to the 15. Connect the coolant hoses to the radiator. Con-
steering system. Connect the hydraulic hoses to nect the oil cooler lines to the transmission. The
the hydraulic pump. hose from the upper fitting on the transmission
goes to the right-hand fitting (as seen from the
8. Install the temperature sender for the transmis- operator’s position) on the oil cooler. The hose
sion oil into the transmission sump. from the lower fitting on the transmission goes
to the left-hand fitting on the oil cooler.
9. Connect the wiring harnesses on the top of the
transmission. Connect the wires to the solenoids
100 SRM 927 Engine and Transmission Repair
16. Connect the fuel lines between the fuel filter on 7. Disconnect the wiring harnesses on the trans-
the engine assembly and fuel tank and primary mission and wires for the temperature sending
fuel filter. unit on the transmission. Put identification tags
on the wires so they can be correctly connected
17. Install and connect the hood and air cleaner as- again.
8. Place a suitable container under the transmis-
18. Fill the transmission with the correct transmis- sion sump and remove the transmission sump
sion oil [29 liter (31 qt)]. Transmission oil is drain plug and drain the transmission oil [ap-
available in the following sizes: proximately 25.4 liter (6.7 gal)].
Hyster Part No. 336830 in 1 quart containers
Hyster Part No. 336831 in 8 quart containers 9. Disconnect the oil lines to the oil cooler at the
Hyster Part No. 336832 in 20 quart contain- transmission. Drain the oil into a drain pan. Put
ers. plugs and caps on open lines/fittings.
19. Connect the battery cables to the battery. (Con- 10. Disconnect the oil hoses at the hydraulic pump.
nect the positive cable first, then the ground ca- Disconnect the hose from the hydraulic pump to
ble.) Fill cooling system with coolant. Add oil to the steering system. Put plugs and caps on open
the engine. Check all oil levels. Check that all lines/fittings.
connections have been made. Start the engine
and check for leaks and correct operation. 11. The hydraulic pump is connected to the trans-
mission cover with four capscrews. Attach a lift-
20. When the lift truck can be operated, check ing device to hold the hydraulic pump, remove
the forward and reverse clutch pressures as the capscrews, and remove the hydraulic pump.
described in Checks and Adjustments in the The drive shaft of the hydraulic pump is engaged
sections Three-Speed Powershift Transmis- in the splines of the drive gear. The drive shaft
sion, Repairs (Hyster Model T-50) 1300 SRM of the hydraulic pump will slide out of the drive
931 and Transmission 1300 SRM 1082. gear when the hydraulic pump is removed.
21. Lower cab into position. 12. Disconnect and remove the dipstick assembly
from the transmission.
13. Install blocks and a jack under the flywheel end
Remove of the engine as a support. If the support is under
the engine oil sump, make sure that the support
1. Tilt the mast fully forward to release hydraulic is across the width of the oil sump so the weight
pressure in the system. of the engine does not damage the oil sump.
2. Turn the key to OFF position to shutdown the 14. A 3/4 inch machined hole with UNC threads is
engine. in the top of the transmission housing. Install
an eyebolt in the 3/4 inch UNC hole. Connect a
3. Apply the parking brake. lifting device to the eye bolt. Verify the lifting
4. Disconnect the cables at the battery. Disconnect device has a lifting capacity of at least 1200 kg
the ground cable first and then the positive cable. (2650 lb). To stabilize the transmission, wrap a
lifting strap around the output yoke to keep the
5. Tilt the operator compartment up to gain access transmission from tipping while being removed.
to the transmission. See the section Operator’s See Figure 21.
Cab 100 SRM 1100 .
Engine and Transmission Repair 100 SRM 927
100 SRM 927 Engine and Transmission Repair
Engine and Transmission Repair 100 SRM 927
Do not drop the capscrews into the converter
housing. They will be difficult to retrieve.
Keep the transmission level when the transmis-
sion is separated from the engine so the drive
plate is not damaged.
1. Remove all burrs from the flywheel mounting
face and bore.
2. Clean the drive plate surface with solvent. 2. DIAL INDICATOR MOUNTING POSITION
3. Check engine flywheel and housing for confor- 4. FLYWHEEL PILOT BORE
mance to standard SAE No. 3 per SAE J927 5. ENGINE
and J1033 tolerance specifications for pilot bore
size, pilot bore runout, and mounting face flat- Figure 24. Flywheel and Housing Check
ness. Measure and record engine crankshaft end
play. See Figure 24.
Keep the transmission level when the transmis-
sion is installed to the engine so the drive plate
is not damaged.
5. Install two 63.50 mm (2.50 in.) long guide studs Figure 25. Flywheel Alignment Studs
in the engine flywheel housing as shown in Fig-
ure 25.
100 SRM 927 Engine and Transmission Repair
10. Measure engine crankshaft end play after trans- 15. Connect the oil lines to the oil cooler at the trans-
mission has been completely installed on engine mission.
flywheel. This value must be within 0.025 mm
(0.001 in.) of the end play recorded in Step 3. 16. Connect the wiring harnesses on the transmis-
sion and wires for the temperature sending unit
11. Install the two 3/4 × 3 1/2 inch bolts that fasten on the transmission.
the transmission mounts to the frame.
17. Place the drive shaft between the transmission
12. Install the dipstick assembly on the transmis- and the differential. Connect the drive shaft at
sion. the yokes.
13. Use a lifting device to hold and lift the hydraulic 18. Connect the heater hoses at the engine. Connect
pump. Install the hydraulic pump. The drive wires and wiring harnesses at the transmission/
shaft of the hydraulic pump is engaged in splines. engine.
The pump will slide into the drive gear when the
hydraulic pump is installed. 19. Connect the cables at the battery. Connect the
positive cable first and then the ground cable.
14. Connect the hose from the hydraulic pump to the
steering system. Connect the oil hoses at the hy- 20. Fill the transmission to the correct level [approx-
draulic pump. imately 25.6 liter (6.7 gal)].
Label Replacement 100 SRM 927
21. Check all oil levels and that all connections have 23. Turn the key to OFF position to shutdown the
been made. engine.
22. Start the engine and check for leaks and for cor- 24. Lower cab into position. See the section Opera-
rect operation. tor’s Cab 100 SRM 1100.
Label Replacement
the surface of old paint using a cleaning solvent.
WARNING See Figure 27 and Figure 28.
Labels that have WARNINGS or CAUTIONS
must be replaced if they are damaged. If a 2. Remove the paper from the back of the label. Do
mast of a different size or an accessory car- not touch the adhesive surface.
riage is installed, the capacity rating can
change. Changes in the kind of drive tires 3. Carefully hold the label in the correct position
can change the capacity rating. See a dealer above the surface. The label cannot be moved
for Hyster lift trucks for a replacement name- after it touches the surface. Put the label on the
plate. The nameplate information is a safety surface. Make sure all air is removed from under
item and must be correct for the equipment the label and the corners and edges are tight.
and configuration of the lift truck.
100 SRM 927 Label Replacement
Label Replacement 100 SRM 927
100 SRM 927 Label Replacement