Jihai Cheng, Weitao Bao, Dechun Zhu, Changan Tian, Qiyi Yin, Ming Ding
Jihai Cheng, Weitao Bao, Dechun Zhu, Changan Tian, Qiyi Yin, Ming Ding
Jihai Cheng, Weitao Bao, Dechun Zhu, Changan Tian, Qiyi Yin, Ming Ding
, 54, Nº 4 (2009)
Department of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Hefei University, Hefei, Anhui, 230022, China
Key Lab of Powder and Energy Sources Materials, Hefei University, Hefei, Anhui, 230022, China
(Received: April 29, 2009 - Accepted: October 22, 2009)
Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9 (GDC) powders were prepared by a novel sol-combustion method using citric acid as the chelating reagent. The effects of different sintering
temperatures were investigated on the evolution of crystalline phase, particle size, and lattice parameters of the resulted GDC powders. The results have shown that
ultrafine GDC powders of around 40nm in diameter were successfully prepared by the sol-combustion technique. The powders showed a high sinterability, and a
relative of 95.2% of the theoretical density was obtained at a sintering temperature of 1250oC. Electrochemistry measurements showed that the GDC ceramics had
relatively high oxygen ionic conductivity in low-temperature range.
INTRODUCTION acid was 1/1.5). The pH value of the system was adjusted to 7-8 with ammonia
solution under continuous stirring at 40oC and a homogeneous sol was formed.
Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is a new chemical energy source with many The sol was then heated at 120oC for about 1h; a white alveolate precursor was
advantages, such as transformation of chemical energy to electrical energy with obtained. The precursor was then calcined at different temperatures (650oC,
high efficiency and low pollution to environment 1-3. Traditional solid oxide 750oC, and 850oC) to get the final composition powders. The obtained powders
fuel cells based on yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) can maintain sufficiently were pressed into pellets under a pressure of about 200MPa, and then sintered
high ionic conductivity. However, the high operating temperature (above at different temperatures (1000-1300ºC) in air for 4h.
1000oC) results in both higher costs and system degradation 4, 5. Intermediate- X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was performed with a rotating
temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs) with an operating temperature of diffractometer (model: Rigaku-D/Max-γB, Rigaku, Japan) with the CuKα line
500oC-600oC have been investigated by a number of researchers previously 6, 7. (λ=0.15406nm), and the diffractograms were scanned in 2θ from 10° to 70° at
Ceria-based oxides have been suggested as one of the most promising a rate of 6°/min. The crystal size of the calcined powders was estimated using
electrolyte materials for IT-SOFCs. These materials show higher oxygen ionic the Scherrer formula.
conductivity at relatively lower temperature, compared with YSZ materials. Ionic conductivity of the sintered GDC materials was measured on the
Therefore, many studies have been carried out on ceria-based oxides doped sintered pellet samples. Silver paste was used as electrodes painted on both
with rare-earth elements, and many progresses have been made with regard to sides of each pellet. The measurement of AC impedance was performed in air
their properties as electrolytes for SOFC 8-13. with an electrochemical workstation CHI660B at a frequency range of 0.1Hz
Doped ceria oxide powders, such as Ce1−xSmxO2−y, Ce1−xGdxO2−y, Ce1− to 100 kHz. The measurement curves were conducted in the temperature range
Y O , etc. (y=0.5x), have been prepared by the traditional solid-state reaction,
x x 2−y
from 500oC to 800oC with an interval of 50oC.
in which oxide precursors were milled and calcined at a high temperature. The
latter may cause the degradation of the electric and mechanical properties of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the sintered bodies due to the impurity contamination 14. Therefore, many soft-
chemistry routes have been used to produce precursors at a lower temperature, Phase structure
as it is the case of fluorite precursors, to improve the preparation of ceria-based Fig.2 shows the X-ray diffraction patterns of Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9 powders
fluorite powders for IT-SOFCs application 15-18. calcined at 650oC, 750oC, and 850oC. All diffraction peaks match well with
In this study, Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9 powders were synthesized by a sol-combustion ICDD PDF# 43-1002; no additional diffraction peaks were found, indicating
method. Their sinterability and electrical conductivity were examined. that the substitution of Gd3+ ions into the Ce4+ sites took place.
Analytical pure cerium nitrate (Ce(NO3)3·6H2O, China National Fig.2. XRD pattern of GDC powders calcined at different temperature
Medicines Corporation Ltd., China, containing CeO2 39 wt.%), gadolinia
(China National Medicines Corporation Ltd., China, 99.99wt.%), were used It can be seen that all samples were single phase with cubic fluorite
as starting materials. Cerium nitrate was dissolved in deionized water and the structure; all the diffraction peaks can be attributed to 111, 200, 220, 311,
stoichiometric amount of gadolinia was dissolved in nitrate solution, then they 222, 400, 331 and 420 reflections of the single phase cubic structure of fluorite
were mixed together with citric acid solution (the mole ratio of cation to citric CeO2, and there were no other peaks of other phases. In the sol-gel process,
no other cations were added and the original cations did not lose, so the result
material was pure production with a general formula Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9. This
suggests that GDC powders with single phase can be successfully synthesized (2)
by the sol-combustion method by calcinations of the gel above 650oC, whereas
ceria-based electrolytes prepared by conventional solid state reaction require
calcinations temperatures around 1000oC. (at 650oC, 750oC, and 850oC ). where Rb is bulk resistance and Rgb is grain-boundary resistance. Therefore,
The mean grain size of Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9 powders was calculated to be about the total resistance of the electrolyte can be obtained from the spectra and
40nm based on Scherrer formula. converted to a conductivity datum σ, using the relation.
where L is the sample thickness and S is the electrode area on the sample
Where λ is the wavelength of X-ray, θ is the diffraction angle, surface. These parameters are compiled in Table1. With the increase of the
operating temperature, the total resistance decreases, and the electrical
is the corrected halfwidth of the observed halfwidth: Bm conductivity datum, σ, increases. The conductivity of GDC sintered at 1250oC
is that of the (111) reflection in samples and Bs is that of the (111) reflection in for 4h in air reached 7.64×10-2S·cm-1 under the testing temperature of 800oC.
a standard sample.
After heating at 650oC for 4h, the lattice parameter of the Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9 Table1 Electrical conductivity of GDC sample at different testing
crystallized in a cubic fluorite structure is a=0.54317nm, which is slightly larger temperatures.
than that of the CeO2 (a=0.5411nm). When Ce4+ ions of CeO2 were partially Testing
substituted by Gd3+ ions, Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9 was formed. Though the ionic radius of temperature 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Gd3+ (0.0938nm) is smaller than that of Ce4+ (0.1034nm), the substitution does (oC)
not distort the structure of CeO2 significantly, as shown by the similarity in the
crystal lattice parameters, which are the same within the experimental error. Electrical
4.55× 8.37× 1.34× 2.86× 4.09× 5.82× 7.64×
10-3 10-3 10-2 10-2 10-2 10-2 10-2
Sintering characteristics σ (S·cm-1)
Since the electrolyte must be gastight, it is said that an acceptable relative
density of impervious ceramic electrolyte should be higher than 94% 2. The conductivity data were analyzed further using the Arrhenius equation.
Relative density of the sintered pellets was measured using the Archimedes
method. Fig.3 shows the relative density of GDC ceramics sintered at different
temperatures. The GDC powders showed a high sinterability; density of (4)
sintered GDC ceramics increases as sintering temperature increases, and a
maximum relative density value (95.2%) of the theoretical one was obtained
at sintering temperature of 1250oC, which satisfied the requirement for SOFC where E is activation energy of electrical conduction, k is the Boltzmann
electrolytes operating at intermediate temperature range. constant, T is the absolute temperature and σ0 is a pre-exponential factor, being
constant in a certain temperature range. Fig.4 shows the Arrhenius plots of the
electrical conductivity for the sample sintered at 1250ºC at the temperature
range from 500oC to 800oC. The activation energy of the total conductivity for
the sample sintered at 1250oC was estimated to be 0.87eV.
Electrical conductivity
The ionic conductivity of sintered GDC samples was measured by AC
impedance technique. The impedance spectra data were fitted with suitable Fig.4. Electrical conductivity of GDC sample sintered at 1250ºC in air
equivalent circuit of the zsimpwin software to distinguish the bulk resistance
from the grain-boundary resistance, and the conductivities were calculated. For Fig.5 shows the Arrhenius plots of the electrical conductivity for the
a common ceramic electrolyte sample, the contributions to conductivity can be GDC samples treated after different sintering temperatures at various testing
ascribed to the different conduction processes occurring in the bulk (a high- temperatures. It can be seen from Fig.5 that the electrical conductivities of the
frequency semicircle originates in bulk conduction and dielectric processes), GDC samples for a given testing temperature increased as sintering temperature
grain boundaries (an intermediate-frequency semicircle provides information increased up to 1250oC, while the total electrical conductivities of the samples
on the grain-boundary and/or impurity contribution to ionic conduction), and sintered at 1300oC and 1250oC are almost the same. This phenomenon means
electrode/electrolyte interfaces (a low-frequency semicircle or arc is generally that the pellets were dense when sintered up to1250oC. However, when sintered
due to ion and electron transfers at the sample surface contacting the electrode). beyond 1250ºC, grain size of GDC samples grew rapidly to form coarse and
The total resistance of electrolyte can be expressed as: big grains, and at the same time, more and larger pores appeared. Thus, the
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Nanosized Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9(GDC) powders were prepared by a new sol-
combustion method. When calcined over 650oC, the sample presents a
single phase with cubic fluorite structure. At sintering temperatures higher
than1250oC, the sintered pellet samples become denser much more slowly
than below that temperature. The sample sintered at 1250oC showed relatively
high electrical conductivity and low activation energy as electrolytes in the
intermediate-temperature SOFC. The conductivity of GDC sintered at 1250oC
and tested at 800oC can reach 7.64×10-2S·cm-1; the activation energy of the total
conductivity for the sample was 0.87eV.