White Paper 1 PDF
White Paper 1 PDF
White Paper 1 PDF
Industry Challenge
The United States is currently facing a growing shortage of candidates
with the skills necessary to fill roles being created by the private
sector. Across all industry verticals, there is an urgent demand for
skilled talent without enough qualified candidates to fill the need. In
certain sectors, such as computer science, engineering and design,
especially severe skill shortages prevail and finding top talent is
more difficult than ever. A recent study forecasted that the American
economy would annually create as many as 120,000 new computing
jobs requiring a bachelor’s degrees between 2010 and 2020.
Why are there Difficulties However, the American higher education system is currently only
Filling Key Vacancies? producing 40,000 bachelor’s degrees in computer science annually.i
Try Gamification
A study found that 51 percent of American adults felt that adding
an element of competition to an activity makes them more likely
to focus on and return to that activity.iii Recruitment gamification
is a growing technique, seeking to reach candidates on a more
personal level. Merriam-Webster defines gamification as, “the
process of adding games or game-like elements to something so as
to encourage participation.”iv Gamification of recruitment efforts
challenges candidates to showcase their value to the organization.
Consider engaging social communities with trivia, contests and
surveys to stimulate and challenge the audience. These efforts can
also provide an indication of candidate knowledge, personality and
strengths. For example, an organization seeking web designers could
embed hidden job openings into the HTML code of the company
website. The employer might then post a hint on social media with
an incentive. The users could then compete to find the hidden code,
thereby demonstrating their skill through healthy competition.
Practice Transparency
Transparency is a magic word in the recruitment landscape of today.
A 2014 survey found that 96 percent of candidates feel it is very
important to work for a company that demonstrates transparency.
vi Leveraging social media to provide an unguarded window into
30% of the hired employee’s Bad Hiring Decisions account for nearly
first-year income 80% worker turnover problems
employee achievements of individual employees, its partnerships with organizations aligned with
offers candidates the chance to apply to jobs requisitions. For instance, the Grainger team targets
directly through the Facebook page and illustrates events hosted by community organizations as a way to
the company culture through employee quotes reach candidates. This PeopleScout client also ensures
and pictures of events. Dell engages candidates by a physical presence at extracurricular and alumni
asking direct questions to its audience and garners events to reach new graduates for entry-level roles.
information about users through polls. Dell also “There is a great deal of value in attending requisition
provides career tips and professional planning aligned events, these efforts offer candidates an in-
advice to lend potential candidates a hand in their
person interaction with employer representatives.
search. vii
Being able speak with potential candidates personally
helps to create a more effective pipeline by allowing
Seek Them in Their Element candidates to be evaluated immediately,” says Jessie
Upon examining the requisition demographic, McGowan, Vice President of Account Operations at
research and attend industry events at which PeopleScout.
potential hires might be attending or speaking. The
subject matter of the event is an ideal icebreaker Renovate the Job Description
in which to engage candidates. Create a calendar of According to the US Department of Labor, the average
anticipated events that align with the skill vertical. cost of a bad hiring decision can equal 30 percent of
Subsequently, place advertisements for open the hired employee’s first-year income. Inferior hiring
positions on the website of organizations that are decisions are also at the root of nearly 80 percent of
hosting the selected events. worker turnover problems; the longer substandard
employees stay on the job, the more it will cost to
Create custom business cards that contain a link replace them.viii To improve the match between job
to specific job descriptions on the career site. candidates and recruitment needs, start by revisiting
Presenting the opportunity to the candidate the job description. Ensure the job descriptions are
personally, paired with a direct path to information thorough and accurate, more clearly defining the
concerning the role provides the individual with an tasks the new hire will perform, the hard skills they
impression of both sincerity and convenience. will need to carry out to these responsibilities and the
individualized traits and soft skills that will be essential
Grainger, North America’s leading broad line supplier to success in the role.
of maintenance, repair and operating products,
sources many of its candidates by expanding upon
Consider incorporating more than just verbiage. A recent study
determined that job posts get 36 percent more applications if
accompanied by a recruiting video.ix Recruiting videos featuring
pertinent job types will resonate further when paired with a strong
description. Providing a detailed illustration of the role will increase
transparency and establish further trust with the prospective
candidate. Examples of tangible projects, specific challenges
and quantitative expectations (if applicable) allow a candidate
67% of active and passive
to more closely understand the role they may be stepping into.
job seekers say it is While developing the description of the role, it is advantageous to
important to them that emphasize, as accurately as possible, what will make a new hire
the potential employer successful in this particular position.
prioritizes a diverse
workforce.vi It has been found that roughly 40 percent of individuals respond
better to visual information than plain text.ix Adding an element of
design to create a more branded, stylized description communicates
professionalism and shows that candidate experience is a high
priority. Sodexo is a great example of this, providing some of its job
descriptions in the form of an infographic describing the role.
Be Altruistic
Becoming an advocate for the issues that matter most to the
demographic will resonate on a personal level with candidates.
By identifying, cultivating and proactively nurturing relationships
with causes candidates associate with, they are able to connect By identifying, cultivating
with the employer on a personal level. An employer might choose, and proactively nurturing
for instance, to fund mentoring or scholarship programs at local relationships with causes
schools. An effort such as this displays the employer’s investment in candidates associate with,
the welfare of these students. they are able to connect
with the employer on a
A survey by Net Impact recently found that 53 percent of professionals personal level.
stated that “a job where they can make an impact” was very
important to their workplace satisfaction. Employer involvement in
industry-related causes shows passion and thought leadership within
the industry, appealing to both candidates and current employees.
72 percent of new graduates agreed.xi For instance, a construction
company might consider partnering with charities that build homes
for the disadvantaged or repair schools in areas of poverty.
The Toms’ “One for One” motto is a well-known contributor to the
brand’s success as a philanthropic retail company. Toms seeks like-
minded employees to build the success of the brand. To achieve this,
Toms specifically invites candidates who “want to change lives and
be a part of a movement.” Toms also promotes its Annual Employee
Shoe Drop for disadvantaged children globally on its career page and
social platforms.xii
i. http://news.microsoft.com/download/presskits/citizenship/msnts.pdf
ii. http://www.ere.net/2012/05/30/the-china-syndrome-recruiting-can-be-tough-when-there-are-only-a-billion-people-available/
iii. http://www.jwtintelligence.com/2011/01/data-point-gamification-effect/#axzz2cXE9o7W8
iv. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gamification
v. http://www.candarine.com/gamification-in-recruitment-different-approaches-for-different-goals-and-budgets/
vi. http://employers.glassdoor.com/statistical-citations/
vii. http://blog.capterra.com/examples-companies-facebook-recruiting/
viii. http://resources.dice.com/report/the-cost-of-bad-hiring-decisions/
ix. https://www.jobcast.net/26-social-recruiting-stats-and-facts/
x. http://www.diversityinc.com/diversity-management/5-great-regional-companies-for-diversity/
xi. http://www.forbes.com/sites/jeannemeister/2012/06/07/corporate-social-responsibility-a-lever-for-employee-attraction-engagement/
xii. https://www.smartrecruiters.com/blog/top-10-corporate-social-responsibility-initiatives/
xiii. http://www.incmagazine-digital.com/incmagazine/20120708?pg=26#pg26
xiv. http://blog.recruitifi.com/company-culture-as-recruiting-brand-3-ways-culture-impacts-recruiting
xv. http://www.hrworks-inc.com/topics-in-hr/articles/3-benefits-administration-articles/350-taking-a-closer-look-at-benefits-the-wegmans-way
xvi. https://squareup.com/careers
xvii. Huselid, M.A. (1995). Academy of Management Journal, 38 (3) 635-672