Machine Learning Deep Learning Both (1) and (2) None of The Above
Machine Learning Deep Learning Both (1) and (2) None of The Above
Machine Learning Deep Learning Both (1) and (2) None of The Above
1. Machine Learning
2. Deep Learning
3. Both (1) and (2)
4. None of the above
Correct answer: 3
Both (1) and (2)
Both Machine Learning and Deep Learning are the sub-categories of Artificial Intelligence.
They are studied differently due to their depth of subject and vast areas of application.
"Artificial Intelligence means to mimic a human. Hence, if a robot can move from one
place to another like a human, then it comes under Artificial Intelligence."
1. True
2. False
Correct answer: 2
AI deals with human behavior rather than human actions. It deals with the way the human mind
thinks and causes the body to act in a way in any particular situation. Hence, if a robot just
moves like humans through external commands, we cannot say that AI has been implemented for
moving that robot.
1. Thinking
2. Eating
3. Sleeping
4. None of the above
Correct answer: 1
The main and foremost aim of Artificial Intelligence is to make the machine think and act like
1. Thinking humanly
2. Adapting to the environment and situations
3. To rule over humans
4. Real Life Problem Solving
Correct answer: 3
To rule over humans
The goal of AI might be to mimic human behavior and its way of thinking, but its goal is never
to make the AI robots rule on humans. If this would happen, it would lead to a serious man-made
5) "In AI, we study the whole universe by dividing it into two components."
What are these two components?
Correct answer: 2
Agent and environment
In AI, we study the whole universe by dividing it into two components: Agent and Environment.
The agent is the system under study and all its surroundings are termed as the environment.
The main task of an AI-based agent is to perceive the relevant information and data from its
environment and act upon it accordingly.
"An Artificial Intelligence-based agent does not require capable of doing tasks on its own
without any human intervention for inputs or other commands."
1. True
2. False
Correct answer: 1
An AI-based agent is able to perform the entire tasks on its own. Provided, the agent is following
strong AI and not weak AI.
3) Which of the mentioned parts of an agent would you consider to be the most valuable in terms
of AI?
Correct answer: 1
Sensors and Actuators
The sensors and actuators are the most important parts of an AI-based agent. This is because,
even if an agent is not doing some manual tasks, still it needs sensors and actuators for
perceiving and acting upon the environment.
Correct answer: 4
Reversing the previously performed actions
The goal of the AI agent cannot be reversing the previously performed actions because this thing
is not possible. If something has been taken place, and it is an irreversible process, then no agent
can reverse it to its previous state.
Correct answer: 2
Performance, Environment, Actuators and Sensors
Any AI agent is defined through its four factors: Performance, Environment, Actuators and
Correct answer: 4
All of the above
All the mentioned agents are valid types of AI agents. The simple based reflex agent works only
on the current problem and does not consider anything else. The model-based reflex agent works
similarly but can also work in a partially observable environment. And the goal-based agent
works to meet the goal as soon as possible.
2) State whether the following condition is true or false?
"A simple reflex based agent does not care about meeting the utility of the user."
1. True
2. False
Correct answer: 1
The simple based reflex agent is designed only to respond to the currently occurring problem. I
do not bother about the effect its actions will cause on the environments or the utility of the user.
3) Which of the mentioned properties of the Utility-based AI agent differentiates it from the rest
of the AI agents?
Correct answer: 2
Meeting the preference of the user
The utility-based agent focuses more on the utilities and preferences of the user to satisfy the
user’s needs. This property of this agent differentiates it from the other types of AI agents.
Correct answer: 3
Reaching the initial state again after reaching the goal state
The goal-based agent focuses only on reaching the goal state. Going back to the initial state is
not the necessary action for it to take unless necessary.
Correct answer: 4
Utility based agent
The utility-based agent is termed as the most powerful agent because it meets all the user needs
as well as takes care whether the user is satisfied or not.
Correct answer: 4
All of the above
All the mentioned classifications of the environment are valid. The environment for an AI-based
system can be classified using any of the mentioned ways. There are two more ways of
classification of environments that are not listed. They are: Accessible and Inaccessible; and
continuous and Discrete.
"The classification of the environment is independent of the type of AI model being used."
1. True
2. False
The classification of the environment is done only so that it becomes easier for the AI agent to
perceive it. In the real, no such classification exists because the environment is vast and more
likely unpredictable. Therefore, this classification highly depends upon the type of Agent.
Correct answer: 3
Static and dynamic
The classification of the environment which classifies the environment into two categories: Static
and dynamic determines whether the environment variables are static or dynamic. If you want to
deal with a continuous or static environment variable, then this type of classification must be
4) Which of the following does not represent a valid environment type according to AI
classification of environments?
Correct answer: 4
Left sided and right sided
5) Which of the following is considered as the most specific environment classifications in AI?
1. Discrete or Continuous
2. Observable and partially-observable
3. Static and dynamic
4. None of the above
Correct answer: 4
None of the above
None of the classifications can be termed as the most specific. Every classification is important
and it solely depends on the type of situation and agent that which classification should be
1. A state space can be defined as the collection of all the problem states
2. A state space is a state which exists in environment which is in outer space
3. A state space is the total space available for the agent in the state
4. All of the above
Correct answer: 1
A state space can be defined as the collection of all the problem states
All the possible states for an AI system together form the state space. The state-space means the
collection of all those states in which the agent can be.
"An AI agent cannot be in any other state except for those included in the state space for
that particular system."
1. True
2. False
Correct answer: 1
An AI system can be only in a state that is defined in its state space. This is because the state
space is the collection of all the possible states that the system can be in. Hence, there exists no
other state except for these in which the system can reside.
3) Which of the mentioned definitions correctly define 'move' for an AI agent?
1. When the agent moves from one place to another, then it is called the move of the agent
2. When the agent goes from one state to another, it is known as a move
3. Both (1) and (2)
4. None of the above
Correct answer: 2
When the agent goes from one state to another, it is known as a move
The "move" of an agent is defined with respect to the state it changes and not with respect to its
actual position.
4) "The complete set of rules for defining the valid movements of an AI agent for changing the
What does the above definition refer to?
Correct answer: 2
Production rules for an AI agent
The production rules for an AI agent are the complete set of rules for defining the valid
movements of an AI agent for changing the states.
"Fault tolerance of a system can be defined as the ability of a system to sustain failures and
continue functioning."
1. True
2. False
The given statement is true and is the definition of Fault tolerance of the system.
1) The main Aim of the AI system is to provide a solution for real-life problems by acting and
thinking humanly. Whenever an agent is confronted by a problem, what is the first step that it
follows towards searching a solution to the problem?
Correct answer: 2
Searching into its own knowledge base for solutions
Whenever an AI-based agent is confronted by a problem, it first looks into its database for a
solution or similar type of problem. Then it looks at other places like perceiving the
environment, applying logic, etc.
i. Random Search
ii. Depth First Search
iii. Breadth First Search
iv. Best First Search
1. Only iv.
2. All i., ii., iii. and iv.
3. ii. and iv.
4. None of the above
Correct answer: 1
Only iv.
In the best first search, which is also known as the heuristic search, the agent picks up the best
node based upon the heuristic value irrespective of where the node is.
3) Which of the mentioned properties of heuristic search differentiates it from other searches?
Correct answer: 4
All of the above
All the mentioned options are the properties that differentiate a heuristic search from other
Correct answer: 2
The Depth First Search (DFS)
In DFS, the search first begins from the root node and the first one of the child node’s sub-tree is
completely traversed. That is, first all the one-sided nodes are checked, and then the other sided
nodes are checked.
1. True
2. False
Answer & Explanation
Correct answer: 1
If we want to optimize our algorithm, we must take care of both the time limit as well as the cost
that occurred in our searching. The lesser they are, the more efficient our algorithm is.
1) How many types of quantifiers are there that are used to represent knowledge?
1. 3 types
2. 2 types
3. User can define as many quantifiers he wants
4. None of the above
Correct answer: 2
2 types
There are two types of quantifiers: Universal Quantifier and Existential Quantifier.
2) There are two types of quantifiers used to quantify the statement in the knowledge
representation in AI. What are these two types of quantifiers?
i. Universal Quantifiers
ii. Subjective Quantifiers
iii. Existential Quantifiers
iv. Selective Quantifiers
1. i. and ii.
2. i. and iii.
3. ii. and iii.
4. iii. and iv.
Correct answer: 2
i. and iii.
There are two types of quantifiers that are used to quantify the statement in an AI system:
Universal Quantifier and Existential Quantifier.
3) Which of the mentioned point correctly defines a quantifier in AI?
Correct answer: 2
Quantifiers are the quantity defining terms which are used with the predicates.
Quantifiers are the quantity defining terms that are used with the predicates. There are two types
of quantifiers that are used to quantify the statement in an AI system: Universal Quantifier and
Existential Quantifier.
1. For all
2. For each
3. For every
4. All of the above
Correct answer: 4
All of the above
The universal quantifier is used to define the whole subject population under the predicate. It can
be used anywhere where the phrases like: 'for all', 'for each', 'for every' are used.
1. For all
2. For some
3. For every
4. All of the above
Correct answer: 2
For some
The Existential Quantifier is used at the places where only some part of the subject's population
is to be defined under the predicate. It can be used at all the places where the following phrases
are used: 'There exist', 'For some', 'For at least', etc.