Clinical Classification of Cerebral Palsy

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Provisional chapter

Clinical Classification
Classification of
of Cerebral
Cerebral Palsy

Christian Chukwukere Ogoke

Chukwukere Ogoke

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the chapter


The classification of cerebral palsy (CP) remains a challenge; hence the presence of so
many classifications and a lack of consensus. Each classification used alone is incomplete.
Therefore, a multiaxial classification gives a more comprehensive description of a child
with CP. The recent WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and
Health (ICF) emphasizes the importance of focusing on the functional consequences of
various states of health and has stimulated the development of newer functional scales
in CP. It is widely accepted that the functional classification is the best classification for
the patient because it guides management. The objectives of this chapter are to review
the various classifications of CP, to highlight the clinical features used in the various
classifications, to outline the recent functional classifications of CP and to highlight how
these recent classifications guide current management. It is expected that at the end of
this chapter, the reader should be able to understand the difficulties in classifying CP,
enumerate and discuss the various classifications of CP, understand the merits and short-
comings of each classification scheme, clinically evaluate and classify a child with CP
multiaxially and understand how functional scales predict current and future needs of
children with CP.

Keywords: clinical classification, cerebral palsy, functional scales, management, spastic,

extrapyramidal, SCPE, GMFCS, MACS, CFCS, EDACS, multiaxial

1. Introduction

The categorization of children with cerebral palsy (CP) into clinical groups remains a challenge,
hence the presence of so many classifications that are not comprehensive and the continued
search for a holistic classification [1]. The clinical manifestations of CP are heterogeneous as
rightly pointed out in the most current definition of CP [1, 2]. This implies that children with CP
differ clinically in many aspects. Therefore, different groupings (classifications) are possible [1].

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2 Cerebral Palsy - Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects

These classifications (groups) differ in the characteristic(s) used and their individual uses or
purposes. A classification may be used for describing the nature of the disability, for predicting
current and future management needs, comparing cases in different areas and assessing change
following an intervention [1]. Generally, it is desirable that any classification used should be
reliable, valid, quantitative, and objective and most importantly assist management [1].
Besides early identification and intervention, the current trend in neurodevelopmental pedi-
atrics is a focus on functional effects of different states of health [3, 4]. This is the outcome
of the recent WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
which in the field of CP led to the development of newer measures of functional abilities
(functional scales) [3, 4]. There are functional scales for a number of functions impaired in
CP. It is widely accepted that the functional classification remains the best classification for a
patient with CP because it guides management [1, 5, 6].

2. Overview of clinical classification of CP

Some factors that influence the clinical classification of CP are the age of a child, reliability of
the medical history, and extent of diagnostic investigations [1]. This means that the same child
may be classified differently at different times (due to changes in peripheral manifestations
with age), by different people (due to variable historical data from maternal recall or case
notes), and in different regions (due to differences in availability and affordability of neuroim-
aging and metabolic studies). Therefore, Bax et al. [1] in 2005 proposed that all classification
results should indicate these factors at the time of classification.

Children with CP differ clinically in the following characteristics: type/nature of motor

disorder, distribution of motor impairment, etiology, presence/number of accompanying
impairments, structural brain abnormalities on neuroimaging, degree of severity of impair-
ments, and individual therapeutic needs. These clinical variables form the basis of the tra-
ditional classifications of CP. In 1956, Minear [7] and the Nomenclature and Classification
Committee of the American Academy for cerebral palsy classification put forward an early
classification system that presented seven classification axes based on the aforementioned
Subsequent classification systems originated from the Minear classifications and are either a
combination or an expansion of the categories. Such classification systems based on multiple
variables include the Swedish classification system [8], Edinburgh classification [9] and clas-
sification by the Surveillance for Cerebral Palsy in Europe (SCPE) [10].
The current emphasis on the functional consequences of different health states increased
interest and research on the functional classification of CP [1, 3, 4]. The result is an evolution
of newer measures (functional scales) that objectively and reliably measure and quantify func-
tional abilities. A number of these functional scales have been validated by multiple studies
[11–16]. They include Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) [11] (functional
mobility/ambulatory function), Manual Ability Classification System (MACS) [14] (hand and
Clinical Classification of Cerebral Palsy 3

arm function/manual dexterity), Communication Function Classification System (CFCS) [16]

(speech/communication function) and Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System
(EDAC) [17] (eating and drinking/oropharyngeal function). They are mainly used for predict-
ing current and future management needs of children with CP, and their use agrees with
current thinking in management of CP.

Advances in management of CP including the biopsychosocial method of service delivery

that recommends liberal use of assistive devices require additional characteristics or vari-
ables to be added to traditional classifications in order to assist management and satisfy other
important purposes like clinical description and research [1, 4, 5]. Such a classification would
be called holistic, comprehensive or standardized. A consensus on what characteristics/com-
ponents such holistic classification should incorporate is yet to be reached by experts in the
field of CP.

3. Traditional classifications of CP based on single characteristics

The traditional classifications of CP are basically the Minear [7] classifications in seven axes

1. Physiological

2. Topographic

3. Supplemental

4. Aetiologic

5. Neuroanatomic (radiologic)

6. Therapeutic
7. Functional

3.1. Physiologic classification

This is based on the type/nature of motor or movement disorder (quality and changes in
tone) and classifies CP into two types: spastic (pyramidal) and non-spastic (extrapyramidal).
Generally speaking, neuromotor findings in spastic CP are consistent and persistent while
variability is the rule in extrapyramidal CP [6, 18, 19].

The clinical features of spastic CP are as follows [6, 18, 19]:

• Tone is invariably increased (hypertonia), that is, persistently increased with little or no
variation in the awake (movement, tension and emotion) or sleep states. This is further
confirmed by asking caregivers whether their child feels stiff when touched or held most
times of the day even during sleep. The answer is usually a “yes.”
4 Cerebral Palsy - Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects

• The quality of the increased tone is described as “clasp-knife” spasticity and is elicited
clinically by a rapid passive movement at a joint (as rapidly as the time taken to say “one
thousand and one”). This produces the classic “clasp-knife” resistance followed by a sud-
den “give.” Spasticity refers to hypertonia due to a velocity-dependent increase in tonic
spinal stretch reflex.

• Deep tendon reflexes are markedly increased (more commonly grade 3+ or 4+)

• A positive Babinski sign (extensor planter response), that is, lightly stroking the lateral
aspect of the sole and across the foot pads/ball of the foot, results in extension/dorsiflexion
of the hallux (up-going big toe) and fanning out/spreading of the other toes.

• Sustained ankle clonus, that is, when the ankle is briskly dorsiflexed on a flexed knee, a
rhythmic contraction is observed.

• Non-positional contractures (due to persistent hypertonia)

• Decreased movement

• Localization/limb distribution of neuromotor impairment varies from one child to another

and so spastic CP can be further classified topographically.

In contrast, the clinical features of extrapyramidal (non-spastic) CP are [6, 18, 19]:

• Tone is variably increased (varies from hypertonia to hypotonia) depending on the state,
that is, tone is increased by activity, agitation, tension, and emotions like crying, but tone
is decreased in sleep and when relaxed. Caregiver usually tells the clinician that their child
limbs feel normal when asleep or quiet.
• The quality of the increased tone is “lead pipe” rigidity or “candle wax” type and is elicited
clinically by a slow passive flexion and extension of a limb. The increased resistance to this
passive movement is felt all through the movement. Besides, extrapyramidal hypertonus
can be diminished by repetitive movement and this is called “shaking it out.”
• Deep tendon reflexes are usually normal or mildly increased (grade 1+ to 3+).

• A negative Babinski sign.

• Unsustained ankle clonus.

• Positional contractures (the variable tone is protective against contractures and so contrac-
tures like hip/knee flexion contracture only occur after prolonged periods on a wheelchair).

• Movement is disordered. Thus, extrapyramidal CP is also called dyskinetic CP.

• There is a four-limb functional impairment that precludes further topographic classifica-

tion. However, extrapyramidal or dyskinetic CP is further subdivided based on the dif-
ferent manifestations of abnormal/involuntary movements (dyskinesia) and tone. The
subtypes are choreathetoid CP—characterized by excessive and rapid movements involv-
ing the proximal body parts (trunk) (chorea) combined with slow writhing movements of
Clinical Classification of Cerebral Palsy 5

the distal parts of the body (extremities) (athetosis) and usually with reduced tone. This
is the commonest type of extrapyramidal CP. Dystonic CP is characterized by extrapyra-
midal hypertonia and decreased movement (hypokinesia). Dystonia occurs when there is
simultaneous contraction of both agonist and antagonist muscles. Ataxic CP occurs when
there are signs of incoordination and hypotonia caused by damage to the cerebellum. This
is a rare form of CP [6, 18, 19].

One merit of the physiological classification is that it can suggest the areas of brain damage
and possible etiological factors. For instance, spasticity would suggest damage to the cortical
neurons (pyramidal cells) due to hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) from severe peri-
natal asphyxia and postnatal central nervous system (CNS) infections like meningitis [19].
In addition, dyskinetic CP points to damage to the basal nuclei by bilirubin encephalopathy
and severe perinatal asphyxia at term [19]. Therefore, the physiological classification is still
clinically useful.

However, the physiological classification is not reliable [6, 18, 20]. The terms spastic (pyra-
midal) and extrapyramidal CP are strictly incorrect [6, 18, 20]. It is more accurate to refer
to these as “predominantly spastic” and “predominantly non-spastic.” Due to the complex
interactions of the upper motor neuron system (the pyramidal, extrapyramidal, and cerebel-
lar pathways) with the anterior horn cells to control posture and movement, lesions causing
CP in real life usually involve both pyramidal and extrapyramidal pathways [21]. Strictly
speaking, pyramidal lesions induce spasticity as a result of concomitant damage to extra-
pyramidal pathways [21]. This explains the clinical combination of motor/movement abnor-
malities, for example, spasticity and dystonia, and spasticity and choreoathetosis. This is the
so-called mixed CP subtype. From the explanation above, this CP subtype should actually be
very common but from published studies [22, 23], spastic CP remains the commonest type
thereby exposing the subjectivity and imprecision in assessment of patients based on this
classification. Additionally, the physiological classification does not aid therapy or inform
management of patients with CP, and this inability to indicate functional abilities remains a
major drawback [6, 18, 20].

3.2. Topographic classification

This classification relies on the localization/limb distribution of neuromotor impairment in

spastic CP [19]. It subdivides spastic CP into: quadriplegia (symmetric/equal and severe spas-
ticity of all four limbs), diplegia (involvement of the four limbs but greater spasticity and
weakness in the lower limbs) and hemiplegia (involvement of the upper and lower limbs
on one side of the body) [19]. Other types of spastic CP such as tripegia (three-limb spastic-
ity) and monoplegia (one-limb spasticity) are rare, and double hemiplegia (four extremity
involvement with greater spasticity of the upper limbs) is no longer in use [6, 20].

An advantage of this classification is that these topographical subtypes can be linked to

some etiological factors. For instance, diplegia suggests periventricular leukomalacia due to
prematurity/low birth weight; hemiplegia suggests perinatal stroke, periventricular hemor-
rhagic infarction or neonatal cortical infarction while quadriplegia suggests severe perinatal
6 Cerebral Palsy - Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects

asphyxia at term, postnatal infection (bacterial meningitis) and metabolic/genetic disorders

[19]. However, the descriptive terms in the topographic classification cannot be used reliably
[6, 20]. One notable source of confusion is distinguishing spastic diplegia from quadriplegia.
This distinction is highly subjective since it is unclear how much upper limb spasticity is
needed to separate a diplegia from a quadriplegia [6, 20]. Recall that there is involvement of
the four limbs in both subtypes. The arm and leg naturally perform different functions, and
assessing the relative severity of involvement is difficult [1]. Moreover, the imprecise use of
these terms in clinical practice has been reported by Gorter et al. [24] Many experts agree that
the use of these terms in classification should be stopped [1]. Furthermore, the topographic
classification does not consider functional abilities and so does not aid therapy or inform
management of these children [6, 20]. Therefore, the topographic and physiological classifica-
tions share similar merits and demerits.

3.3. Supplemental classification

This is an additional grouping that comprises the accompanying impairments in CP and

their association with the physiological and topographic classifications [6, 20]. The accom-
panying physical, mental or physiological impairments in CP include epilepsy, cognitive
(intellectual), speech, visual and hearing impairments, behavioral problems and secondary
musculoskeletal abnormalities (hip dislocation/subluxation, contractures) [1, 2]. The pur-
pose of linking these supplemental disorders to the physiological and topographic classifi-
cations was to identify syndromes with a common etiology that would lead to prevention
[6, 20]. Unfortunately, the supplemental disorders correlated poorly with the two earlier
classifications. This means that it was only in a few examples like bilirubin encephalopathy
that such a link between supplemental disorders, physiology and etiological factor could
be established. For instance, the combination of accompanying impairments—vertical gaze
palsy, sensorineural deafness and enamel dysplasia—is associated with choreoathetoid
CP (physiology) from damage to the basal nuclei by bilirubin encephalopathy (etiological
factor) [6, 20].
Though these associations were limited and the aim of the supplemental classification
defeated, supplemental disorders (accompanying impairments) remain pertinent to the
current management of CP because their presence strengthens the need for multidisci-
plinary management. This means that the accompanying impairments need to be taken
into consideration in planning service delivery. Moreover, the accompanying impair-
ments may cause more functional limitation than the primary motor dysfunction (the
core feature of CP) and thus must be addressed to achieve a positive functional outcome.
Furthermore, the most recent definition of CP [2] highlights the importance of these
accompanying impairments by incorporating them as part of the definition of CP since
CP rarely occurs without them. It is generally recommended that the presence or absence
of these impairments and the extent to which they interfere with function be recorded in
addition to the classifications used [1]. Currently, it is recommended that at least the pres-
ence/absence of epilepsy be recorded and intellectual function (IQ), vision and hearing be
assessed [1].
Clinical Classification of Cerebral Palsy 7

3.4. Etiologic classification

The categorization based on the actual cause (etiology) and timing of insult was aimed at
prevention, and the association of erythroblastosis fetalis with choreoathetoid CP was the
paradigm for this classification [6, 20]. The etiology of CP is multifactorial, and the causal
pathways are (mechanisms) multiple and complex. The Collaborative Perinatal Project [25]
identified the associated risk factors for CP. Due to the fact that much of the data in these
epidemiological studies [25, 26] are still correlational, “risk factors” are more appropriate
than etiology. These risk factors or associated etiological factors in CP include genetic abnor-
malities, cerebral dysgenesis, multiple gestation, intrauterine/congenital infection (TORCHS),
maternal infection (UTI), prematurity, low birth weight, perinatal asphyxia (HIE), bilirubin
encephalopathy, postnatal CNS infections, etc. [19, 25, 26]. These associated etiological factors
can be classified according to the timing of insult as prenatal (commonest), perinatal and
postnatal [6, 19, 20].

Identifying both the disturbances or events and causal pathways or processes that led to the
damage to the developing motor system remains a challenge [6, 20]. This is compounded by
the fact that most of these factors are prenatal in timing. Therefore, the etiological classifica-
tion was severely limited and failed in addressing prevention [6, 20].

3.5. Neuroanatomic (neuropathologic) classification

This classification correlates specific radiologic findings (brain structural alterations) with
types of CP [6, 20]. This implies categorizing CP patients based on neuroradiologic findings.
Thus, the neuropathologic classification relies on neuroimaging studies such as magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography scan (CT scan).

Neuroimaging contributes significantly to the understanding of the etiology and pathology

of CP and the timing of insults [1, 6, 20]. In a systematic review of neuroimaging for cerebral
palsy, Korzeniewski et al. [27] classified abnormal radiological findings and diagnoses into
five categories namely: malformations, gray matter damage, white matter damage, ventricu-
lomegaly, atrophy or CSF space abnormalities and miscellaneous findings.

Though the correlations between the neuropathologic substrates and clinical types have been
weak and inconsistent, recent advances such as diffusion tensor imaging, magnetic reso-
nance spectroscopy, functional magnetic resonance imaging and fast spin echo imaging have
improved greatly the possibility of a comprehensive radiologic classification [6, 20, 27]. A
recent study by Hou et al. [28] continues to correlate neuropathologic findings with differ-
ent clinical types of CP. For example, dyskinesia correlated with lesions detected by MRI in
the thalamus and putamen due to HIE and in the globus pallidus and hypothalamus due to
There are also difficulties in estimating the timing of insults in CP using neuroimaging find-
ings. It was initially assumed that the presence of neuronal migrational disorders meant that
the insult occurred in the first half of pregnancy while the presence of a glial response indi-
cated insults around the second half of pregnancy [27]. However, there is evidence that cell
8 Cerebral Palsy - Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects

migrational disorders can occur in the last 2–3 months of pregnancy [27]. Nevertheless, mal-
formations are more likely to occur earlier in gestation, and thus, neuroimaging confirmation
of their presence can help establish that the cause of CP is unrelated to perinatal events [27].
Categorizing patients with CP based on neuroradiologic findings implies that neuroimaging
studies be carried out on all patients. Therefore, it will be difficult to apply such classifi-
cation in resource-poor countries where neuroimaging facilities are not readily available or
affordable and the professional expertise needed may be lacking. Despite this, the American
Academy of Neurology (AAN) recommends neuroimaging studies on all children with CP
whenever possible [27]. The bottom line is that neuroimaging can be used to identify the
neuropathologic substrates of the various etiologic and risk factors of CP, possibly provide
information about timing of insults and detect cerebral dysgenesis or malformations but, at
present, a comprehensive neuropathologic classification is still in the pipeline.

3.6. Therapeutic classification

This scheme categorizes CP cases based on treatment needs into four groups namely: non-
treatment, modest treatment, need for a CP treatment team, and pervasive support groups
[6, 20]. Parents/caregivers want their children to receive treatments that will improve their
condition, so any classification that is implicative of treatment is important to the patients
and their caregivers and relevant to clinical practice. There is a consensus in the literature that
the therapeutic and functional classifications are the most important to the patient [1, 6, 20].

However, the therapeutic classification simply identifies how much treatment or the extent
of interventions a given child requires without specifying what is actually needed to improve
function. This explains the little emphasis on the therapeutic classification.

3.7. Functional classification

Functionally, CP is classified into levels of severity based on functional (motor) abilities and/
or limitation of activity [1, 6, 20]. Currently, the emphasis on the functional classification is
due to its important role in the management of CP. So there is a rekindled interest in this
The functional classification remains the best classification of CP because it is a useful guide
to providing care for patients appropriate for their functional level and helps clinicians
set and discuss with parents/caregivers realistic rehabilitation goals [1, 4, 5, 11, 12]. The
functional classification satisfies the needs of patients and parents/caregivers by informing
the current and future service needs of children with CP [5]. It provides information that
will permit comparison of CP cases in different locations. It provides information that will
allow evaluation of change at different points in time in the same patient such as after an
intervention [1].

However, it falls short of giving full descriptive information about a child with CP that clearly
delineates the nature of the problem. It does not indicate the nature of the motor abnormality,
the topography, the etiology, or neuropathologic substrates which in their own respects are
Clinical Classification of Cerebral Palsy 9

important descriptive information. Besides, it does not indicate supplemental disorders that
are necessary for assessing the service delivery needs of patients with CP.

Iloeje and Ogoke [29] in 2017 reported that the type of CP (physiology and topography),
etiological factors and the number of accompanying impairments (supplemental disorders)
were positively associated with the severity of gross motor dysfunction and walking ability
of children with CP. In that study [29], children with spastic quadriplegic type, bacterial men-
ingitis as etiological factor or many (five or six) accompanying impairments all had severe
gross motor dysfunction and were non-ambulatory. Therefore, the other classifications may
suggest functional abilities in children with CP.

4. Traditional classifications of CP based on multiple variables

These are the Swedish classification [8], Edinburgh classification [9] and Surveillance for
Cerebral Palsy in Europe (SCPE) classification [10].

4.1. The Swedish classification

CP subtypes based on the Swedish classification (1989) [8] are spastic (hemiplegic, tetraplegic,
and diplegic), dyskinetic (dystonic and athetotic), ataxic and unclassified/mixed. It is imme-
diately obvious that this classification combines the Minear’s Physiologic and Topographic
schema. Thus, it shares the same merits and demerits as the physiological and topographic
classifications as earlier discussed.

4.2. The Edinburgh classification

According to the Edinburgh classification [9], there are six subtypes of CP namely hemiple-
gia, bilateral hemiplegia, diplegia, ataxic, dyskinetic and other forms of CP including mixed
forms. This classification is a combination of classifications based on topography and physiol-
ogy and so has the same advantages and shortcomings as the topographic and physiologic

4.3. The Surveillance for Cerebral Palsy in Europe (SCPE) classification

The SCPE [10] classifies CP into the following four subtype groups: spastic (bilateral and uni-
lateral), dyskinetic (dystonic and choreoathetotic), ataxic, and non-classifiable. This grouping
also combines the physiological and topographic classifications. The classification tree of the
SCPE for subtypes of CP is shown in Figure 1.
Due to the lack of reliability of the terms used in Minear’s topographic classification, SCPE [10]
introduced two new terms to replace quadriplegia, diplegia, and hemiplegia. These terms are
bilateral and unilateral used to describe involvement of both sides and one side of the body,
respectively. By this classification, spastic quadriplegia and spastic diplegia are classified as
bilateral spastic CP (BS-CP) while spastic hemiplegia is termed unilateral spastic CP. This
10 Cerebral Palsy - Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects

Figure 1. Classification tree for sub types of CP by SCPE.

classification is easy to apply and is more reliable than the earlier traditional classifications.
Therefore, by improving the reliability of the terms used in the topographic component of this
classification, the SCPE currently seems to be the best traditional classification for description
of patients with CP.

However, the SCPE classification [10] does not include functional abilities and so does not aid
therapy for patients with CP. Hence, this classification currently has not had a similar level of
advocacy as the functional classifications.

5. Current classifications of CP

Currently, functional classification of each case of CP is internationally advocated due to

its important role in management. Thus, current classifications of CP are functional scales
for various functions impaired in CP such as communication, gross motor, fine motor, and
oromotor/oropharyngeal functions. They are basically ordinal scales to categorize functional
abilities or severity of limitation of activity and are not used as outcome measures, tests or
Clinical Classification of Cerebral Palsy 11

assessments [14, 30]. They are simple and easy to apply both by healthcare professionals
and care givers and are good for clinical use and patient stratification for research purposes
[5, 11, 30]. They have been validated by studies [12, 13, 15] and shown to be objective and
reliable clinical classification systems for CP. They have replaced previously used imprecise
and subjective functional classifications of CP into mild, moderate and severe.

Their development resulted from the paradigm shift from a focus on body structure and
function (impairment-based assessments and treatments) to current emphasis on activity
or participation (function and social engagement) [3–5]. These concepts are contained in the
ICF [3]. The ICF is a new classification system for health and disease that is universal (for
everybody not only people with disabilities) [3]. It is a new way to consider health condi-
tions and posits an interactive relationship between health conditions and contextual factors
(environmental and personal factors) in which all components are linked together [3, 4]. It
represents a coherent view of health from biological, individual and social perspectives (a
biopsychosocial approach to health, functioning and disability) [4]. The ICF model has been
used to guide clinical thinking and service delivery to patients with CP [4]. This conceptual
change introduced by the ICF is topical.
The functional classifications are analogous and when used together complete the description
of daily functional activities in CP at the activity or participation level of the ICF [3, 30]. They

a. Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) [11]

b. Manual Abilities Classification System (MACS) [14] & Mini—MACS [31]

c. Communication Function Classification System (CFCS) [16]

d. Eating & Drinking Ability Classification System (EDACS) [17]

There are other functional scales like the Functional Mobility Scale (FMS), Bimanual Fine Motor
Function (BFMF), Functional Assessment Questionnaire (FAQ), the Pediatric Orthopaedic
Society of North America Outcomes Data Collection Instruments (PODCI), etc.

However, the first four are more commonly used and will be discussed here.

5.1. Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS)

This is the most widely used clinical functional classification of CP [1]. It is an ordinal scale that
categorizes a child’s mobility/ambulatory or lower limb function in five levels ranging from
walking without restrictions (level I) to inability to maintain antigravity head and trunk pos-
tures (level V) [11]. The first version of GMFCS was published in 1997 by Palisano et al. [11] and
described gross motor functional abilities and limitations in children aged less than 12 years.
The upper limit of 12 years (before end of adolescence) was a limitation of the first version, and
the GMFCS was revised and expanded in 2007 by Palisano et al. [32] to include an age group for
youths 12–18 years. This current version of GMFCS [32] emphasizes the concepts inherent in the
WHO’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). The GMFCS—
ER [32] is shown in Figure 2. A summary of the criteria for the GMFCS [11, 32] is as follows:
12 Cerebral Palsy - Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects

Figure 2. Gross Motor Function Classification System—Expanded & Revised (GMFCS—E & R). Reproduced with
Clinical Classification of Cerebral Palsy 13

a. Level I—Walks without limitations.

b. Level II—Walks with limitations.

c. Level III—Walks using hand-held mobility device.

d. Level IV—Self mobility with limitations; may use powered mobility.

e. Level V—Transported in a wheelchair.

These general headings or titles for each level represent the method of mobility or highest
level of mobility that a child with CP is expected to achieve after 6 years of age [11].
Current management of CP involves a liberal use of adaptive/augmentative equipment in
addition to impairment-based treatment approaches to achieve independence [5]. A major
goal in the management of CP is to ambulate the children and enable independent living;
this gave birth to the changing concepts and the GMFCS. So, how GMFCS is a useful guide to
providing care appropriate for the functional level and age of a child with CP?

A child on GMFCS level I will walk independently and so requires no adaptive mobility
equipment but appropriate stimulation. The child on level II may need hand-held mobility
device when first learning to walk (younger than 4 years) and eventually walks with limita-
tions (after 6 years). Thus, a hand-held mobility device may be provided initially for the child
on level II. Therefore, the management of patients on GMFCS levels I and II would focus on
appropriate stimulation, preventing complications from occurring and treatment of accom-
panying impairments. The child on GMFCS level III will require adaptive equipment for low
back support for floor and chair sitting and at about 6 years, a hand-held mobility device for
walking indoors and a self-propelled manual wheelchair for mobility outdoors and in the
community. The management is multidisciplinary depending on the nature and number of
accompanying impairments. It is important to note that the child on GMFCS level III may be
added to children on levels I and II (walking at least indoors) or to children on levels IV and
V (wheeled mobility at least in the community). Nevertheless, GMFCS level III is usually clas-
sified as ambulatory because the child is independently mobile in some settings irrespective
of the need for assistive mobility device. This need or use of adaptive mobility equipment is
acceptable (current thinking) [5]. In addition to multidisciplinary care, the child on GMFCS
level IV requires initially a body support walker that supports the pelvis and trunk for floor
and chair sitting and later powered mobility and a manual wheelchair for transportation
outdoors, at school, and in the community. The management of a child on GMFCS level V
involves pervasive supports and a manual wheelchair for transportation in all settings (physi-
cal assistance at all times) [11].

5.2. Manual Abilities Classification System (MACS) and mini-MACS

The MACS [14] and the mini-MACS [31] are five-level scales for classifying arm and hand func-
tion (manual abilities/manual dexterity) in children with CP aged 4–18 years and 1–4 years,
respectively. They classify children’s usual performance in handling objects with two hands
(not best use or individual hand function) in important daily activities (Figures 3 and 4).
14 Cerebral Palsy - Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects

Figure 3. The Manual Ability Classification System (MACS). Reproduced with permission [14].

Figure 4. The mini-Manual Ability Classification System (mini-MACS). Reproduced with permission.
Clinical Classification of Cerebral Palsy 15

The MACS, developed in 2006 by Eliasson et al. [14] and modeled on the GMFCS, has
been shown by various studies to be valid and reliable. However, a study in 2009 by
Plasschaert et al. [33] reported lower inter-rater reliability of the MACS when used in
children aged 1–5 years (linear weighted Kappa (k) of 0.67 and 0.55 for 2–5 years and
2 years, respectively). Thus, the MACS was adjusted in 2016 by Eliasson et al. [31] to
obtain the mini-MACS which was shown to have excellent inter-observer reliability. The
adjustments were simply to obtain descriptions that are applicable to children less than
4 years of age. The mini-MACS differs from the MACS due to the need for assistance in
handling objects in children 1–4 years and the nature of the objects they are expected to
The MACS is used to ascertain the child’s needs and inform management decisions such as
choosing an appropriate upper limb intervention. That is, they are used like the GMFCS to
guide functional intervention. For instance, children on MACS levels I and II handle objects
independently and do not require any adaptive device to handle objects. The children on
level III require some assistance and sometimes adaptive equipment for independent han-
dling of objects. Children on level IV require continuous assistance and adaptive equipment
while those on level V need total assistance. Eliasson et al. [31] posited that the mini-MACS
is probably not sensitive to changes and should therefore not be used to evaluate develop-
ment or intervention, but rather to categorize how suspected CP affects the manual abilities
of children 4 years and younger.

Figure 5. The Communication Function Classification System (CFCS). Reproduced with permission [16].
16 Cerebral Palsy - Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects

5.3. Communication Function Classification System (CFCS)

The CFCS was developed and validated by Hidecker et al. [16] in 2011. It classifies everyday
communication performance of an individual with CP into five levels ranging from effec-
tive communication in all settings (level I) to ineffective communication even with familiar
partners (level II). The categorization of the effectiveness of current communication is based
on the performance of sender and receiver roles, the pace of communication, and the type of
conversational partner. In ascertaining the current level of communication, the CFCS aptly
considers and includes use of all methods of communication. This implies that it describes
both use of normal verbal and non-verbal communication (speech, gestures, behaviors,
eye gaze, and facial expressions) and use of augmentative and alternative communication
systems (AACs) (manual sign, pictures, communication books, communication boards and
talking devices such as speech generating devices and voice output communication aids)
[16]. The CFCS level identification chart is shown in Figure 5.

5.4. Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System (EDACS)

The EDACS was developed by Sellers et al. [17] in 2014 and comprises two ordinal scales
that describe eating and drinking ability in people with CP from 3 years of age. The five-level
scale classifies the safety and efficiency of eating and drinking while the three-level scale
classifies level of assistance required to bring food and drink to the mouth. The five-level

Figure 6. Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System (EDACS) algorithm. Reproduced with permission [17].
Clinical Classification of Cerebral Palsy 17

scale is based on the range of food textures eaten, the presence of cough and gag when eating
or drinking, and the control of movement of food and fluid in the mouth. The three-level
scale is categorized into independent, requires assistance, and dependent for eating and
drinking. Thus, the EDACS ranges from independent ability to safely and efficiently eat and
drink like peers on a wide range of textures (level I) to total dependence for eating and drink-
ing and reliance on tube feeding (level V) [17]. The EDACS algorithm is shown in Figure 6.

6. The importance of the current classifications

The final goal of a managing doctor and the final hope of a patient and his family is an ambu-
latory self-dependent individual. Using the functional classifications to guide management
helps the pediatrician, the occupational therapist, the physiotherapist, the speech and language
therapist and all involved in the care of children with CP to achieve this goal. For instance, the
GMFCS is used to ascertain the requirements for ambulation appropriate for the age of the child
and gross motor functional abilities while the MACS helps ascertain appropriate upper limb
interventions for independent performance of activities of daily living. The CFCS by classifying
communication effectiveness in CP is useful in service delivery. It helps identify those that will
require augmentative and alternative communication systems to improve their communication.
The EDACS assists in identifying the appropriate food texture to give a particular child, need
for assistance, the risks involved in eating and drinking and the appropriate method of feeding
(oral/tube feeding). Therefore, in simplistic terms, these current classifications tell us what to do
to the child with CP. A summary of all groups of classifications is shown in Tables 1–3.

Classification Criterion/characteristic Inter rater/ Suitability Indication Aiding/

axis used inter observer for research of guiding current
reliability (description, functional management
comparison/ abilities
stratification) (on a
scale of 1–5)
Physiological Type of motor/movement Poor ++ No No
abnormality (quality and
changes in tone)

Typographic Distribution/localization Poor ++ No No

of motor impairment

Supplemental Accompanying Not reported Not reported No Yes

Aetiologic Actual cause and timing Not available Not available Not No
of insult available
Neuroanatomic Brain structural Not available Not available Not No
alterations on available

Therapeutic Individual treatment Not reported Not reported No No

Functional Degree of severity/ Good +++ (good) Yes. Its Yes. Its strength
activity limitation major

Table 1. Comparison of traditional (Minear’s) classifications based on single variables.

18 Cerebral Palsy - Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects

Classification Minear’s Criteria/characteristics Inter rater/ Suitability Indication Aiding/

classifications used inter for research of guiding
combined observer (on a scale functional current
reliability of 1–5) abilities management
Swedish Physiological Type of motor Poor ++ No No
classification and abnormality + localization
topographic of motor impairment
Edinburg Physiological Type of motor Poor ++ No No
classification and abnormality + localization
topographic of motor impairment
SCPE Physiological Type of motor Fair +++ No No
Classification and modified abnormality + localization
topographic of motor impairment as
unilateral and bilateral

Table 2. Comparison of traditional classifications based on multiple variables.

Classification Criterion/ Inter rater/ Suitability Indication Aiding/ Age range Nature of
characteristic inter for of guiding included scale(s)
used observer research functional current (year
reliability abilities management developed)
GMFCS Gross motor/ Good Yes (valid Yes Yes GMFCS Ordinal
ambulatory/ and (birth– (5-level)
lower limb reliable) 12 years)
function (current (1997)
gross motor GMFCS-
abilities/activity E&R
limitations) (birth–
18 yreas)
MACS Manual dexterity/ Good Yes (valid Yes Yes MACS Ordinal
upper limb and (4–18 years) (5-level)
function (usual reliable) (2006)
performance in Mini-MACS
handling objects (1–4 years)
with two hands). (2016)
CFCS Communication Good Yes (valid Yes Yes ≥3 years. Ordinal
function and (2011) (5-level)
(everyday reliable)
EDACS Eating & Good Yes (valid Yes Yes 2–12 years. Two
drinking ability/ and (2014) ordinal
oropharyngeal/ reliable) scales
swallowing (one
function (safe 5-level,
and efficiency one
of eating and 3-level)
drinking and
level of assistance

Table 3. Comparison of current (functional) classifications.

Clinical Classification of Cerebral Palsy 19

7. A holistic (standardized) classification of CP: the future

The development of a standardized or holistic classification of CP is topical and in tandem

with advances in understanding of CP, imaging techniques and quantitative motor assess-
ments [1]. Bax et al. [1] in 2005 proposed a standardized CP classification scheme with four
major components namely:

1. Motor abnormalities (a. nature and typology of motor disorder and b. functional motor

2. Associated impairments

3. Anatomic and radiologic findings

4. Causation and timing.

Currently, there are obvious limitations with categorization of neuroimaging findings and
identifying specific causes of CP. Therefore, as we await comprehensive and acceptable neu-
roanatomic and etiologic classifications, the minimum acceptable multiaxial classification of
CP for both developed and developing countries should include:

1. Classification of motor abnormalities according to SCPE.

2. Accompanying impairments

3. Functional classification levels for: gross motor/ambulatory function (GMFCS), manual

abilities (MACS), communication, (CFCS) and eating and drinking ability (EDACS).

This implies that only the first two components of the standardized classification proposed
by Bax et al. [1] are applicable currently. The classification by SCPE provides enough clinical
descriptive information about children with CP while the supplemental and functional clas-
sifications are useful for management and service delivery. The use of the functional scales in
clinical context (to aid management) and in research is in accordance with current thinking
and the reconceptualization of the management of CP.

8. Conclusions

Each classification system used in CP has its merits and shortcomings. Therefore, the clinical
classification of CP needs to use many axes to be comprehensive. Currently, it must include
the functional scales so as to guide management.

The neuropathologic classification is being awaited, and due to its contribution to the assess-
ment of etiological factors and timing of insults in CP, it is critical to the development of a
holistic or standardized classification of CP.
20 Cerebral Palsy - Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects


I am grateful to Professor Sylvester O. Iloeje for his assistance and extend my thanks to all
staff of Mother Healthcare Diagnostics & Hospital, 5B Okigwe Road, Owerri and depart-
ment of Paediatrics, Federal Medical Centre, Owerri. Thanks too to my beautiful wife Mrs.
Linda Chigozie Ogoke for all her support during the period of writing up of this book

Conflict of interest


Author details

Christian Chukwukere Ogoke

Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
Mother Healthcare Diagnostics and Hospital, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria


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