Indian Languages

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There will be two papers in the subject:

Paper I - Theory: 3 hours…… 80 Marks
Paper II - Project Work ……. 20 Marks

PAPER I (THEORY): 80 Marks

There will be one paper of three hours duration, summarise and/or to expand an idea given in the
which will consist of two sections: passage). (15 Marks)
Section A: Language (40 marks) 3. GRAMMAR: Functional grammar - correction of
sentences and using words/idioms in sentences,
Section B: Prescribed Textbooks (40 marks) viz. correct structure with proper agreement of the
SECTION A subject and verb according to the number, gender,
case, tense and voice. (10 Marks)
LANGUAGE – 40 Marks
This section will consist of three questions, all of
which will be compulsory. PRESCRIBED TEXTBOOKS – 40 Marks

1. COMPOSITION: One composition of 400 words Candidates will be required to answer four questions
approximately, in the language, to be written out from any three of the prescribed textbooks.
of a choice of 6 topics set within the experience
and mental maturity of the age-group of the NOTE: The Class XII - ISC examination paper will
candidates. (15 Marks) be set on the entire syllabus prescribed for the
2. COMPREHENSION: An unseen passage of
about 300 words to be set with questions and/or For list of Prescribed Textbooks, see Appendices 1.2
summary (with heading to test the ability to and 1.3 (attached).

In addition to the syllabus prescribed above, candidates are also required to be assessed in Project Work.


Project Work in Class XII comprises of assessment 5. Expressing an opinion or a theme-based

of candidates in three projects, one each on conversation
Listening, Speaking and Writing Skills. 6. Giving a speech on a selected topic
Listening and Speaking skills are to be assessed 7. Reading out, after correcting, a grammatically
internally, by the School in Class XII. incorrect passage/s of suitable length (150 - 200
Writing Skills are to be assessed externally by the words) based on the grammar syllabus
Visiting Examiner, appointed locally and prescribed.
approved by the Council.
Writing Skills (Literature): to be assessed externally
Details of assignments for Project Work are given
by the Visiting Examiner
Candidates will be required to undertake one written
Listening Skills (to be internally assessed by the
assignment of 1000-1500 words on a text/texts
subject teacher)
studied in the Literature syllabus.
An unseen passage of about 500 words or a poem (of
The objective is to produce original, creative and
appropriate length) may be read aloud, twice, the first
insightful perspectives on a literary text or set of texts
time at normal reading speed and the next time at a
which may be from the short stories/ poems/ drama/
slower speed. The passage/poem may be taken from
novel from the syllabus.
any book, newspaper, magazine, journal and so on
but not from an ICSE or ISC textbook. A suitable List of suggested assignments for Project Work:
audio clip may also be used.
1. Writing a short story based on a poem.
Students may make brief notes during the
2. Writing a poem based on a story.
readings/playing of the audio clip, followed by
answering objective type questions based on the 3. Analysing the relevance of a selected
passage/poem/audio clip, on the paper provided. story/couplets in the present-day context.
4. Imagining an alternate outcome or ending or
Speaking Skills (to be internally assessed by the extension of the chosen text and its impact on the
subject teacher) plot/setting/characters/mood and tone.
Students are to be assessed through an individual 5. Providing an alternate title to a given text and
presentation, e.g. extempore speaking, declamation, giving a justification for the same.
recitation, debate, of about three minutes followed by 6. Imagining oneself as one of the main characters
a discussion with the subject teacher, for another two of the story/novel/drama and describing what one
or three minutes. would like to change in the story/novel/drama,
List of suggested assignments for Project Work: giving reasons for the same.
1. Narrating an experience 7. Analysing the theme of the story/poem/novel and
2. Giving directions or instructions on how to make expressing one’s opinion on the same.
or operate something 8. Summarising / paraphrasing of the chosen text.
3. Providing a description 9. Preparing a script for dramatization, based on the
4. Giving a report short story/poem chosen.

10. Comparing and contrasting two *Internal Evaluation by the Teacher (10 Marks)
characters/themes from different short
stories/poems of the prescribed texts. Assessment Description Marks
11. Appreciation of literary qualities of the chosen Criteria
text. Listening Response to questions 5
Skills (Aural) based on listening
12. Analysing the background (historical, cultural,
literary context) and relevance of the works of
the writer/poet chosen. Speaking Content, Fluency, 5
Skills (Oral) Vocabulary, Sentence
13. Critical analysis of a news story published in four
structure, Confidence
different newspapers.
14. Writing an article for a newspaper (news writing TOTAL 10
of an event).
**Evaluation by the Visiting Examiner
(10 Marks)
Marks (out of a total of 20) should be distributed Assessment Criteria and Description Marks
as given below: 1. Process 2
(Identification of the topic, planning
1. Internal Evaluation by Teacher*
and preparing a written outline)
Listening Skills (Aural) 5 Marks 2. Presentation 2
Speaking Skills (Oral) 5 Marks (Overall formatting: headings, sub-
External Evaluation by the Visiting 10 Marks headings, paragraphing, writing within
2. the word limit and providing a
Examiner of Writing Skills** separate title page)
3. Content 4
TOTAL 20 Marks
(Use a range of literary aspects in
order to present an organized and well-
structured complete assignment with
proper introduction, main body and
4. Originality 2

NOTE: No question paper for Project Work will be set by the Council.

Appendix 1.2

Note: Reduction has been made in the list of prescribed texts for Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada,
Mizo, Malayalam, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.

2. GUJARATI (804)
Any three of the following books are to be
1. BENGALI (803) offered:
Any three of the following books are to be I. Aandhli Gali (Novel): Dhiruben Patel
II. Chinu Modi na Pratinidhi Aekankio: a
I. Koni (Novel): Moti Nondi selection of representative one-act plays:
(Chinu Modi, Edited by Satish Vyas,
II. Mukut (Drama): Rabindra Nath Tagore
Published by Adarsh Prakashan, Gandhi
III. Probondho O Godya Sonkolon (ISC Marg, Near Balahanuman Ahmedabad,
Collection of Short Stories and Essays) – 380001)
Published by: Power Publishers, Kolkata.
Only the following are to be studied:
(i) Thakurda: Rabindra Nath Tagore
(i) Khullan Barana
(ii) Jora Sankor Dhare (essay):
(ii) Photographer
Abanindra Nath Tagore
(iii) Bhasmasur
(iii) Taser Ghar: Tara Shankar
Bandyopadhyay (iv) Hajrahajur
(iv) Anachaar: Ashapurna Devi (v) Zaalya na rahya
(v) Record: Narayan Gangyopadhyay (vi) MatsyaVedh
(vi) Birjo Shulka: Saradindu III. Gadya Sanchaya (ISC collection of Short
Bandyopadhyay Stories and Essays) – (Gurjar Granthratna
(vii) Aadab: Samaresh Basu Karyalaya, Ahmedabad, 380001).
(viii)Lachmaner Ma: Mahasweta Devi (i) Bhaiyadada: Gaurishanker Joshi
IV. Kobita Sonkolon (ISC Collection of Poems)
- Published by: Cambridge India (ii) Jakshani: Ramnarayan Pathak
(Educational Publishers), Kolkata. (iii) Matanu Smarak: Mohammad Mankad
(i) Ora Kaaj Kore: Rabindra Nath (iv) Bhawan Bhagat: Joseph Makwan
Tagore (v) Aavajonu ghar: Varsha Adalja
(ii) Poob - Poschim: Achintya Kumar Sen (vi) Chhakado – Jayantilal Gohel – “My
Gupta Dear Jayu”
(iii) Banolata Sen: Jibanananda Das (vii) Be Laghu Katha
(iv) Barno Porichoy: Tarun Sanyal (a) Ashwamedh: Bhagwat Suthar
(v) Salomoner Ma: Subhash (b) Hisaab: Mohan Patel
(viii)Motu dukh (Essay): Jyotindra Dave
(vi) Raasta Karor Ekar Noy: Birendra
Chattopadhyay IV. Padya Sanchaya (ISC Collection of Poems)
- (Gurjar Granthratna Karyalaya,
(vii) Swadhinata Tumi: Samsur Rahman
Ahmedabad, 380001)
(viii) Noon: Joy Goswami
(i) Janani: Damodar Botadkar

(ii) Shun shun saathe lai Jaish Hoon: (viii) Badal Ko Ghirte Dekha Hai:
Umashankar Joshi Nagarjun
(iii) Shreshtha daan: Prahlad Parekh
4. KANNADA (806)
(iv) Taaro Mewad Meera chhodshe:
Ramesh Parekh Any three of the following books are to be
(v) Male na Male: Aadil Mansuri
I. Prema Bikshu (Novel): Dr. Prabhu Shankar
(vi) Etlama Raaji: Ramnik Someshwar
II. Hebberalu (Drama): Manjeshwara Govinda
(vii) Zhad tane mara sogand: Hiten
(viii) Subhashito ane Duha III. Kannada Kirana (ISC Collection of Short
Stories and Essays) – Published by:
3. HINDI (805) Navakarnataka Publications Private
Limited, Bangalore.
Recommended for background work:
(i) Namma Meshtru : Maasthi Venkatesha
Vyakaran Manjusha (I.U.P.) Ayyangar
Any three of the following books are to be (ii) Maguvina Kare: D.R. Bendre
offered: (iii) Bharathambeya Padathalalli: Swami
I. Saara Akash (Novel): Rajendra Yadav Purushothamananda
II. Aashad Ka Ek Din (Drama): Mohan Rakesh (iv) Mannu Dibbada Mele: Anupama
III. Gadya Sanklan (ISC Collection of Short
(v) Parisara Mathu Vikasa (essay):
Stories and Essays) – Published by:
Sunderlal Bahuguna & translated by
Evergreen Publications (India) Ltd., New
Surendra Koulagi
(vi) Savitri: A.R. Krishnashastri
(i) Puthra Prem: Munshi Premchand
(vii) Idara Notu: Shantadevi - Kanavi
(ii) Gauri: Subhadra Kumar Chauhan
(viii) Ondu Oushadha (essay): A.R. Mithra
(iii) Sharanagat: Vrindavan Lal Verma
(iv) Sati: Shivani IV. Kavya Sudhe (ISC Collection of Poems) –
Published by: Navakarnataka Publications
(v) Outsider: Malti Joshi Private Limited, Bangalore.
(vi) Kya Nirash Hua Jai (Essay): Hazari (i) Panchami Habba: Janapada Geethe
Prasad Dwivedi
(ii) Vachanagalu: Allama Dasimayya
(vii) Bhaktin: Mahadevi Verma
(iii) Sukha Jeevana: Madhura Chenna
(viii) Sanskriti Hai Kya (essay): Ramdhari
Singh ‘Dinkar’ (iv) Doni Hadu: Kuvempu
(v) Udara Vairagya: Purandara dasaru
IV. Kavya Manjari (ISC Collection of Poems) –
Published by: Evergreen Publications (vi) Sariyadiru Irule: Sadananda
(India) Ltd., New Delhi. (vii) Railina Antharanga Bahiranga:
(i) Sakhi: Kabir Mooduradu Chinnaswamy
(ii) Balleela: Surdas (viii) Avva: P Lankesh
(iii) Ek Phool Ki Chah: Siyaram Sharan
Gupta 5. MIZO (808)
(iv) Aah Dharati Kitna Deti Hai: Sumitra Recommended for background work:
Nandan Pant
Grammar – Mizo Grammar Thar by Remkunga
(v) Nadi Ke Dweep: Agyeya
Any three of the following books are to be
(vi) Jag Tujhko Door Jana Hai: Mahadevi
I. Thi-Hna, An anthology of Mizo Prose and
(vii) Udyami Nar: Ramdhari Singh
Poetry, North-Eastern Hill University

The following will not be tested: (viii)Sahityakarante Kadama (essay): C.
Achuta Menon
Zu pawl tuam- CZ Siama, Sipai -Zikpuiipa, IV. Kavyanjali (ISC Collection of Poems) –
A no ber mai! No ber mai!-Zairema, A no Published by: D C Books, Kottayam.
na e -Sangliana, Thukhuh - Zairema (i) Syamantakam: Kunjan Nambiar
Poetry: (ii) Sahyante Makan: Vyloppilly Sridhara
Hlathlante (1 to 6)
(iii) Ratri Mazha: Sugatakumari
Tun lai hlate
(iv) Sooryakanti: G. Sankarakurup
Khawngai hnuchham-Vankhama,
Kawltuchawia-Chhuana, (v) Safalamee Yaatra: N.N. Kakkadu
Chengrangchawia-Chhuana, Mizo Aieng- (vi) Kochiyile Vrikshangal: K.G. Sankara
H.V.L Sawma, Kan chuanna tlang- Pillai
Liandala, Min then lul suh- Lalzova, A (vii) Kothambumanikal: O.N. V. Kuruppu
hlim thla-Vankhama (viii) Veena Poovu: Kumaranassan
Pathian fakna Hlate
Hrinhniang nau ang a tap, Van chung sang 7. NEPALI (811)
taka Lal Isu-Suakliana, Sual sipai ral nen- Any three of the following books are to be
Laithangpuia, Hunte an kiam zel a-Puna, offered:
Galili-ah Lalpa Isua-Zosapthara, Muan
I. Juneli Rekha (Novel): Indra Sundas
muanna kim- Zosapthara, Hun a danglam
rorelna ni ropui- R. Thanghuta II. Ani Dewrali Runcha (Drama): Man
Bahadur Mukhia
II. Thiahrang (Short Novel) by Lalzuithanga,
Published by Laldinga and printed at III. Gadya Kunj (ISC Collection of Short
Bethel Press, Khatla, Aizawal, Mizoram. Stories and Essays) - Published by: Gamma
Publication, Darjeeling.
III. Hawilopari, by Bikliana, North-Eastern
Hill University Publications. (i) Paralko aago: Guruprasad Mainali
(ii) Biteka Kura: Rupnarayana Singh
IV. Lalngaihawmi (Drama) by Dr. R.L.
Thanmawia (iii) Jyanmara: ShivKumar Rai
(iv) Tesro Ghar: Dr Lakhidevi Sundas
6. MALAYALAM (809) (v) Totolako Phool: Matilda Rai
Any three of the following books are to be (vi) Jaymaya Aafumatra Likhapani
offered: Aaipugi: Dr Indrabahadur Rai
I. Asuravith (Novel): M.T. Vasudevan Nair (vii) Nepali Sahityama Ukhanko Sthan
(essay): Dr Parasmani Pradhan
II. Aa Manushyan Nee Thanne (Drama):
C.J. Thomas (viii) Euta Aaitabar yasari Bityo (essay):
Rajnarayan Pradhan
III. Gadya Kairali (ISC Collection of Short
Stories and Essays) – Published by: D C IV. Kavita Kunj (ISC Collection of Poems) -
Books, Kottayam. Published by: Gamma Publication,
(i) Vellappokkathil: Takazhi
Shivasankara Pillai (i) Nimto: BalaKrishna Sam
(ii) Kallan: M.P. Narayana Pillai (ii) Gaine: Laxmi Prasad Devkota
(iii) Gurukulam: Sethu (iii) Sukha - Dukha: Gopal Singh Nepali
(iv) Kadaltheerathu: O.V. Vijayan (iv) Nachinine Bhayeehhau: Agam Singh
(v) Higuitta: N.S. Madhavan
(v) Aakash Ko Tara Ke Tara: Haribhakta
(vi) Kalluvacha Nuna: Ashitha
(vii) Dharmapareekhshakal (essay): Kutti
(vi) Shahidharuko Samjhnama: Bhupi
Krishna Marar

(vii) Asarko Pandhra: Gumansingh (x) Aneka Smita Hasa – By Manoj Das
IV Chha Mana Athaguntha (Novel) - by Fakir
(viii) Mela: Birendra Subba Mohan Senapati, Published by Friends
Publishers, Vinod Bihari, Cuttack
8. ODIA (812)
Any three of the following books are to be 9. PUNJABI (813)
offered: Any three of the following books are to be
I. Pallishree (Poems) - by Dr. Sachidananda offered:
Routray, Published by Granth Mandir, I. Mari Da Diva (Novel): Gurdial Singh
Cuttack - 753002
II. Kal Ajj Te Bahalak (Drama): Dr.
(i) Chhota Mora Gaan ti Harcharan Singh
(ii) Rangoon – Jaatree
III. Katha Sangam (ISC Collection of Short
(iii) Maluni Stories and Essays) – Published by:
(iv) Shiva Puja Evergreen Publications (India) Ltd., New
(v) Mun ta Bhrata Nahak Jhua
(vi) Bhoota Chhada (i) Goae: Prem Parkash
(vii) Grama Smasana (ii) Saver Hon Taak: Santokh Singh
(viii) Jaganathnku (Eka Janana)
(iii) Sherniyan : Kulwant Singh Virk
II. Dig Darshak (Life History of Great
(iv) Iikveen Sadi: Gurbachan Singh
Persons) - by Sri Lokanath Mishra,
Published by Granth Mandir, Cuttack -
753002 (v) Baraf Da Danav: Jasbir Bhullar
(i) Chintanayak Socrates (vi) Dard Vishorhey Da Haal: Khalid
(ii) Upanyasaru Griha Judha
(vii) Ghar Da Pyar (essay): Principal Teja
(iii) Bigyani Chitra Shilpi Da’Vinci
(iv) Anubigyani Einstein
(viii) Lagatar Vadh Rahi Vasson Attay
(v) Darwin O Bibartanbada Mnaukhi Laparvahi (essay): Surjit
(vi) Dig Vijayee Shankar Singh Dhillon
III. Galpa Baridhi (Short Stories) - Compiled IV. Kav-Keyari (ISC Collection of Poems) –
by Dr. Ratnakar Chaini, Published by Published by: Evergreen Publications
Sudha Prakashan, Bakhrabad, Cuttack - (India) Ltd., New Delhi.
753002. (i) Chandi Di Vaar: Guru Gobind Singh
(i) Rebati – By Fakir Mohan Senapati (ii) Puran Bhakat: Kadar Yaar
(ii) Budha Sankhari – By Laxmikant (iii) Jangnama: Shah Mohamad
(iv) Ganga Ram: Bhai Veer Singh
(iii) Magunira Sagada – By Godabaris
Mohapatra (v) Radha Sandesh: Dhani Ram Chatrik
(iv) Mansara Bilap – By Kalindi Charan (vi) Taj Mahal: Prof. Mohan Singh
Panigrahi (vii) Luna: Shiv Kumar
(v) Shikar – By Bhagabati Charan (viii) Uoddo Waris Nu Vandaian See: Surjit
Panigrahi Patar
(vi) Ghasa – By Raj Kishore Pattanaik
10. TAMIL (814)
(vii) Nayanpur Express – By Surendra
Mohanty Any three of the following books are to be
(viii) Pagala – By Brahmananda Panda
(ix) Dimiri Phool – By Akhila Mohan I. Podhu Tamil (Published by Tamil Nadu
Pattanaik Text Book Corporation for Higher

Secondary Second Year, Part I Tamil, 2005 (v) Chaatuvulu: Compilation of different
Edition). writers
The following will not be tested: (vi) Saranaagati: Errapragada
Vazhi Pattu Padalgal (vii) Mahakavi Pothathana: Jandyala
II. Kadhai Kovai (Tamil Stories for non- Paapayya Sastry
detailed study – 2005 Edition, Published by (viii) Draupathi Nivedana: Tikkana
Tamil Nadu Text Book Corporation, Somayaji
College Road, Chennai 600 006).
12. URDU (816)
III. Sinekithi by Akilan (Published by Vaskar
Vattan Puthagappanippirvu,14, Any three of the following books are to be
Thanigachalan Chetti Road, Madras). offered:
IV. Yon Canda Elangi by Dr. M. Varadarajan I. Moorthy (Novel): Tarannum Riyaz
(Published by Pari Nilayam, 59, Broadway,
Madras-600001). II. Kheti (Drama): Prof. Mujib
III. Ganjina-e-Adab - ISC collection of Short
11. TELUGU (815)
stories and Essays (Published by Huda
Any three of the following books are to be Publications, Hyderabad, 500002)
(i) Doodh Ki Qimat: Prem Chand
I. Varasathvam (Novel): Kodavatiganti
(ii) Jamoon Ka Ped: Krishan Chandra
Kutumba Rao
(iii) Touba Tek Singh: Sadat Hasan
II. Dharma Vijayamu (Drama): Anaparthi Mantoo
(iv) Garam Coat: Rajender Singh Bedi
III. Gadya Mandaramu: A collection of ISC
prose (S.R. Book Links, Vijaywada) (v) Tafreeh: Saleha Abid Hussain
(i) Sangha Samskarthaga Gidugu : (vi) Dahleez: Sharvan Kumar Varma
Adapa Ramakrishna Rao (vii) Aathara Aane: Akhtar Ansari
(ii) Gulabi Attaru : Sree Pada (viii) Insan Kisi Haal Mein Khush Nahi
Subrahmanya Sastry Rahta (Essay): Mohd Hussain Azad
(iii) Charles Brown Sahitya Seva: Acharya IV. Rooh-e-Adab - ISC collection of Ghazals
Kothapalli Veerabhadra Rao and Poems (Published by Huda
(iv) Avva Tirunnallalo Tappipoyindi: Publications, Hyderabad, 500002)
Devulapalli Krishna Sastry
(v) Arrukadigina eddu : T. Gopichand (i) Muflesi Sab Bahar: Wali Daccani
(vi) Kaasi Majili Kathalu: Madhira (ii) Bas Ke Dushwar Hai: Mirza Ghalib
Subbanna Dikshitha (iii) Ghazab Kiya Tere Wadey: Dagh
(vii) Pipeelikamu: Rachakonda Dehlawi
Viswanadha Sastry (iv) Dil Gaya Raunaque Hayat Gayee:
Jigar Muradabadi
(viii)Deepam Unnappude lllu Chakka
Bettukonumu: Vidya Prakasanandagiri Poems:
Swamy (i) Shame Rangeen: Hafeez Jalandhari
(ii) Gulzare Watan: Suroor Jahanabadi
IV. Padya Mandaramu: A collection of ISC
Poetry (S.R. Book Links, Vijaywada) (iii) Subhe Azadi: Faiz Ahamed Faiz
(iv) Oh Desh Se Aane Wale Bata: Akhtar
(i) Subhashitaalu : Enugu Lakshmana Sheerani
(ii) Shakuntala Dharma Prabhodhamu:
(iii) Nagarjuna Sagaramu: Dr. C. Narayan
(iv) Gabbilam: Gurram Jashuva

Appendix 1.3

Note: No reduction has been made in the list of prescribed texts for Assamese, Dzongkha, Khasi,
Manipuri, Marathi and Lepcha.

INDIAN LANGUAGES (iv) Chyetam – Proverbs

FOR CLASSES XI & XII (v) Damling – Culture
(vi) Chelug – Religious
1. ASSAMESE (817)
Publisher of all the above books:
Any three of the following books are to be
offered: CAPSD Publications, Ministry of Education,
Thimpu, Bhutan. Phone: 009758271226,
I Pragviswavidyalay Kavita Chayan Email: [email protected].
(University of Gauhati)
The following are to be studied: 3. KHASI (807)
(i) Dadhi-mathan Any three of the following books are to be
(ii) Kankhowa offered:
(iii) Dhanbar Aru Ratani I. Ki Poetry Khasi by V.G. Bareh
(iv) Tejimala The following are to be studied:
(v) Padum (i) Ka Lunti Umian
(vi) Keteki (ii) U Tngam had ka Wahduk
(vii) Ei Bate Nahiba Dunai (iii) Ka Jingud Ka Sohlyngngem
(viii) Urmila (iv) Ka Pyrem
(ix) Sesh Arghya (v) Ka Weiking
(x) Devadasi (vi) U Klew bad Ka Sugi
II. Phul by Dandinath Kalita (vii) Ka Sngi ba la noh
III. Gaonburha by Padamanath Gohainbarua (viii) Ka Synrai hala ka Ri

IV. Anandaram Barua by Dr. Surya Kumar (ix) Ka Duitara jong nga
Bhuyan (x) Ka Wah Umkhrah
(xi) Ka saia Nongum
2. DZONGKHA (819)
II. U Don Putit by D.S. Khonglah
Recommended for background work:
III. Ka Tiew Larum by S.J. Duncan
Keayad Dang Yeakguye Jorya – Language and
Grammar. IV. Mihngi - Spengi by H. Elias (Lynnong 2, 7,
Any three of the following books are to be 12, 15, 20, 23, 25, 27, 29 and 30 only)
4. MANIPURI (818)
I. Shething Tsadrel (Prose)
I. Manipuri Sheireing (Published by Manipur
II. Chushingi Tenchoed (Proverbs) Sahitya Parishad, available at the Parishad
III. Biography of Khando Dowa Zangmo office).

IV. Lhakreg Dang Tshromreg II. Manipuri Wareng (Published by the

Cultural Forum, Manipuri - available in the
(i) Essay – Detsham Public Book Store, Paona Bazar, Imphal).
(ii) Nyealtshom – Poem
(iii) Sung – Story

5. MARATHI (810) (i) Kinaryavar
Any three of the following books are to be (ii) Godakathcha Sandikaal
offered: (iii) Aaag Gadi ani Jameen
I. Mandeshi Manase: Vyankatesh Madgulkar (iv) Kranticha Jay Jaykar
(Continental Prakashan) (v) Jallianwala Baug
Only the following to be studied: (vi) Columbus che Garvageet
(i) Dharma Ramoshi (vii) Pachola
(ii) Jhelya (viii) Pavankhindeet
(iii) Nama Master (ix) Baalkavi
(iv) Mulanyacha Bakas (x) Tilakanchya Putalyajaval
(v) Banya Bapu
IV. Tu Jhe Ahe Tuj Pashi by Deshpande
(vi) Kondiba Gaikwad (Published by Parachure Prakashan
(vii) Tambolyachi Khaala Mandir, Girgaon, Bombay-400001).
(viii) Raghu Karkun
6. LEPCHA (821)
(ix) Maza Baap
I. Ringmom Chhyogyu (Poetry)
(x) Bita Kaka
II. Kongchhen Panol (Prose)
II. Vadildhari Manase: Shanta J. Shelake
(Published by: Gulabrao Marutirao Karle, III. Thongom Kat Nahan (Drama)
Suresh Agency, 205 Shukravar Peth, Pune
Recommended for background work:
III Vishakha: Kusumagraj (Continental
Muthenchin Rongringthum (Grammar &
Only the following to be studied:


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