LN Ecology Final
LN Ecology Final
LN Ecology Final
to Ecology
Jimma University
In collaboration with the Ethiopia Public Health Training Initiative, The Carter Center,
the Ethiopia Ministry of Health, and the Ethiopia Ministry of Education
November 2002
Funded under USAID Cooperative Agreement No. 663-A-00-00-0358-00.
Produced in collaboration with the Ethiopia Public Health Training Initiative, The Carter
Center, the Ethiopia Ministry of Health, and the Ethiopia Ministry of Education.
All rights reserved. Except as expressly provided above, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,
without written permission of the author or authors.
This material is intended for educational use only by practicing health care workers or
students and faculty in a health care field.
There is generally scarcity of teaching/ learning materials
in the higher education institutions of Ethiopia. The
available materials regarding the course on the
Introduction to Public Health are not appropriate to our
environmental and socio-economic set up.
6 is about personal hygiene. Chapter 7 is about health
and development. In this chapter the difference between
development and economic growth, the role of health in
development and health and development in the
Ethiopian context are presented. Chapter 8 is about
health service in Ethiopia and the history, the structure
and the developments of the health service. Chapter 9 is
about Primary Health Care and the definition, historical
development, concepts and philosophies of Primary
Health Care. Chapters 10 discusses community based
health services and team approach in the health service.
All chapters begin with learning objectives, by indicating
what is expected from students on completion of the
chapter. Furthermore, at the end of each chapter there
are exercises related to the core issues of the respective
We would like to express our sincere thanks and
appreciations to The Ethiopia Public Health Training
Initiative (EPHTI), The Carter Center, for the financial and
material support for the preparation of this lecture note
At last, but not least, we would like to extend our deep
appreciations to the staff of the College Of Health
Sciences, Mekelle University.
AIDS -Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
ALERT -All Africa Leprosy Rehabilitation and
Training Center
ALRI - Acute Lower Respiratory Infection
AURI - Acute Upper Respiratory Infection
ANC - Antenatal Care
ARI - Acute Respiratory Infection
CHA - Community Health Agents
CHC - Community Health Care
CHW - Community Health Worker
CPHC - Comprehensive Primary Health Care
DPT - Diphtheria Pertusis and Tetanus
EPI - Expanded Program of Immunization
FP - Family Planning
GOBIFF -Growth monitoring, Oral rehydration,
Breast-feeding, Immunization, Female
education, Family Planning.
HIV - Human Immuno Deficiency Virus
HLS - Household Livelihood Security
HSEP - Health Service Extension Package
IEC - Information Education Communication
MCH - Maternal and Child Health
MDG - Millennium Development Goal
MOA - Ministry Of Agriculture
MOE - Ministry Of Education
MOH - Ministry of Health
ORT - Oral Rehydration Therapy
PHC - Primary Health Care
PHCU - Primary Heath Care Unit
RH - Reproductive Health
SPHC - Selective Primary Health Care
STD - Sexually Transmitted Disease
STI - Sexually Transmitted Infection
TB - Tuberculosis
TBA - Traditional Birth Attendant
TT - Tetanus Toxoid
TTBA - Trained Traditional Birth Attendant
UNICEF - United Nation Children’s Fund
WHO - World Health Organization
PREFACE .......................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT .....................................................iii
ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................ v
CHAPTER ONE: CONCEPT OF HEALTH ....................... 1
1.1 Objectives .............................................................. 1
1.2 Health ..................................................................... 1
1.3 Different perspectives on Health ............................ 5
1.4 Determinants of Health .......................................... 5
1.5 Globalization and Health ...................................... 10
1.6 Model of Disease causation theories ................... 12
1.7 Exercise ............................................................... 18
3.3 Relation of culture and health .............................. 42
3.4 Exercise ............................................................... 46
CHAPTER SIX: PERSONAL HYGIENE ......................... 68
6.1 Learning Objectives ............................................. 68
6.2 Hygiene ................................................................ 68
6.3 Exercise ............................................................... 75
9.2 Introduction ....................................................... 108
9.3 Definition ............................................................ 109
9.4 Historical development of PHC .......................... 111
9.5 Components of PHC .......................................... 113
9.6 PHC Principles ................................................... 114
9.7 PHC Philosophy and strategy ............................ 124
9.8 PHC in Ethiopia .................................................. 126
9.9 Exercise ............................................................. 128
Introduction to Ecology i
The combination of rapid population growth, industrialization and its
associated urbanization has placed an ever-increasing pressure on
life supporting systems of developing countries such as Ethiopia.
1. Learning Objectives 1
2. Definition and Scope of Ecology 1
3. Human Activities Affecting Health and the Environment 3
Review Question 8
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Ecosystem 19
1. Learning Objectives 19
2. Definition of Terms 19
2.1 Introduction 21
2.2 Structure of Ecosystem 22
2.3 The carbon Cycle 27
2.4 The Nitrogen Cycle 29
2.5 The Phosphorus Cycle 30
Review Questions 32
Chapter Three
Population Dynamics 33
1. Learning Objectives 33
1.2 Definition of Terms 33
3.1 Introduction 34
3.2 Factors Affecting Population Size 34
Introduction to Ecology v
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
1. Learning Objectives:
The word 'Ecology' was coined from the Greek word 'oikos' meaning
'house' or ' a place to live' to designate the study of organisms in their
natural homes. Specially, it means the study of interactions of
Introduction to Ecology 2
organisms with one another and with the physical and chemical
environment. The term “logy” is to mean study.
Another way of defining Ecology is to look at the levels of biological
organizations. The molecules of life are organized in specific ways to
form cells; cells are grouped in to tissues; and tissues are arranged
to produce functional organs. The body organs are integrated to
produce organ system, and the entire array of these systems
constitutes an organism. Organisms exist not just as a single
individual, but in-groups called population. The various populations of
organisms that interact with one another to form a community;
interdependent communities of organisms interact with the physical
environment to compose an ecosystem. Finally, all the ecosystems of
the planet are combined to produce a level of organization known as
the biosphere. Ecology is concerned with the levels of organization
beyond that of individual organism; i.e. population, community,
ecosystem, and biosphere.
Household wastes
Fresh Water
For instance, the River Awetu has been degraded by untreated liquid
and solid waste discharge from Jimma Town, southwestern Ethiopia.
The water is pungent and turns black just before the confluence point
with the River Gilgel Gibe and no macroinvertebrates were found at
this site (Worku et al., 2001).
Introduction to Ecology 5
Review Question
1. Learning Objective:
At the end of this chapter, the student will be able to:
2. Definition of Terms
1.1 Introduction
A. Biotic Community
The most familiar classification system used for grouping plants and
animals is one based upon presumed evolutionary relationships.
However, ecologists tend to arrange species on the basis of their
functional association with each other.
B. Ecological Dominance
dominant role because not only do they provide food and shelter for
other organisms but also directly affect and modify their physical
environment. That is: -
1. They build up topsoil
2. Moderate fluctuation of temperature
3. Improve moisture retention
4. Affect the pH of the soil.
C. Biomes
Starting at the polar region the major biomes of planet earth are:
i. Tundra
ii. Taiga
This occurs in a belt south of the Taiga where climate is milder and
where rainfall is abundant relative to the amount of evaporation. The
deciduous forest has a great variety of mammals, birds, and insects
as well as modest number of reptiles and amphibians. Because of
the annual leaf drop deciduous forest generate soils rich in nutrients,
which in turn supports a multitude of soil microbes.
iv. Grassland
v. Desert
Both plants and animal species exist in greater diversity in the tropical
rain forest than anywhere else does in the world. Tropical rain forest
soils in general are exceedingly thin and nutrient poor relative to
temperate regions. As a result nutrients are locked in the biomass in
the tropics and removal of vegetation may severely disrupt nutrient
cycling leading to ecological disaster.
D. Ecological Succession
Most species of organisms are not even found in all the region of the
world where they could survive. The existence of barriers prevents
their dispersal.
The habitat of an organism is the place where it lives, a physical area,
and some specific part of the earth's surface, air, soil or water. It may
be as large as the ocean or a forest or as small and restricted as the
underside of a rotten log or the intestine of a termite. However, it is
always tangible, physically demarcated region. More than one animal
or plant may live in a particular habitat.
Introduction to Ecology 17
Ecologic Niche
Review Questions
1. What is biotic community?
2. What are the major biomes of our planet?
3. Describe the different kinds of ecological successions.
4. What do we mean by climax community?
5. Explain the difference between habitat and ecologic niche of
6. Define the law of the minimum and give an example from your
7. Define the law of tolerance and give an example from your
Introduction to Ecology 19
1. Learning objectives
At the end of this chapter, the student will be able to:
2. Definition of Terms
2.1 Introduction
Food chain
The transfer of food energy from plants to animals and then to other
animals by successive stages of feeding (trophic level) is called food
At each transfer (in the food chain), a large portion of potential energy
present in the chemical bonds of the food species is lost as heat.
Because of this prograssive loss of energy (in the food chain process)
as heat, the total energy flow at each succeding level is less and less
obeying the second law of thermodynamics. This limits the number of
steps in a food chain, usually, to four or five. A final attribute of food
chains is that the shorter the food chain (or the nearer the organism is
to the beginning of the chain), the greater the available energy that
Introduction to Ecology 24
The existence of the living world, including human life, depends upon
the flow of energy and the circulation of materials through the
ecosystem. Both influence the abundance of organisms, the rate at
which they live, and the complexity of the community. Energy and
materials flow through the community together; one can not very well
be separated from the other. But, the flow of energy is one way; once
used by the community, it is lost. Material on the other hand re-
circulates. An atom of carbon or calcium may pass between the living
and the non-living many times or it may even exchanged between the
Laws of Thermodynamics
A. Energy Flow
Living things are dependent for their existence not only on proper soil
and climate conditions, but also on some forms of energy. Ultimately,
most organisms depend on the sun for the energy needed to create
structures and carry out life processes.
B. Material Cycling
Fig.2.2. The carbon cycle. Estimated pool size is presented, the numbers
representing 106gm (Source: Kumar, 1997).
When the plant or animal dies, decomposing bacteria and fungi cause
the body to decay so that the nitrogen-containing amino acids are
broken down, releasing ammonia gas (NH3). Nitrite bacteria can
convert the ammonia into nitrite (NO2) molecules, and still other
bacteria (nitrate bacteria) in the soil can add a third oxygen atom to
nitrites to produce nitrates. At this point, we have gone full cycle,
Introduction to Ecology 30
The principal reservoir for the cycle is phosphate rock formed in past
geologic ages, although excrement deposits (guano) by fish-eating
sea birds and fossil bone deposits contribute substantial phosphate in
certain areas of the world. Erosion by rainfall and the runoff of
streams dissolves phosphate out of these reservoirs, forming
phosphorus 'pool' in the soil (Fig.2.4).
Review Questions
Population Dynamics
1. Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapter, the student will be able to:
• Explain the factors that affect population size.
• Describe environmental resistance and biotic potential in terms of
population growth.
• Explain the difference between the J-shaped and S-shaped
population growth forms.
• Discuss the idea of carrying capacity in influencing population
• Explain the factors that regulate population growth.
• Discuss the factors that contribute to human population growth.
• Discuss the impact of unchecked human population growth.
3.1 Introduction
A. Natality (Births)
B. Immigration
C. Mortality
D. Emigration
E. Age Structure
Together, the above factors dictate the rate of change in the number
of individuals in the population over a given period of time. Basically,
assessing dynamic changes within a population largely revolves
around keeping track of additions to that population from births and
immigration, and of losses from the same population due to death
and emigration.
Biotic Potential
Environmental Resistance
J curve
S curve
Number of
Number of
Density-independent Factors
Density-dependent Factors
Human population has grown rapidly during the past three centuries.
By the year 2000, the world population has reached 6 billion, and it is
doubling about every forty-one year. About 92 million more people
are added to the world each year, making us now the most numerous
vertebrate species on earth. There is good reason to fear that this
population explosion, unless checked immediately, will bring disaster
of an unknown scale.
For most of our history, humans have not been very numerous
compared to other species. Studies of hunting and gathering societies
suggest that the total world population was probably only a few million
people before the invention of agriculture and the domestication of
animals around ten thousand years ago. The larger and more secure
food supply made available by the agricultural revolution allowed the
human population to grow, reaching perhaps 50 million people by
5000B.C. For thousands of years, the number of humans increased
very slowly.
Industrial Rev.
Black Death
Fall of Rome
Iron Age
Bronze Age
Doubling Time
Thus, for example, with the annual growth rate of 3.0%, the
population of Ethiopia will double in a mere 23 years.
In human terms, this means that just to maintain present standard of
living, everything in Ethiopia needs to be doubled in 23 years-food
production, provision of jobs, educational facilities, medical personnel,
public services, and so forth.
Introduction to Ecology 43
There are already 1.9 billion people who are very poor, and who
always think not of the food they are eating but of their next meal.
Population growth unless matched with corresponding natural
resources, growth of economy and development will create:
a. Unemployment
b. Low literacy rate
c. Shortage of housing
d. Resource depletion
e. Shortage of food
f. Shortage of social services
g. Political and social unrest
h. Unstable ecosystem (environmental pollution)
Review Questions
Learning Objectives
4.1 Introduction
The Planet Earth along with its living organisms and atmosphere (air,
land, and water), which sustains life, is known as the Biosphere. The
biosphere extends vertically into the atmosphere to about 10Km,
downward into the ocean to depth of about 35,000ft, and into about
23,000ft. of the earth surface itself where living organisms have been
Although the types, sources and effects of water pollutants are often
interrelated, it is convenient to divide them into major categories for
discussion (Table 4.1). The followings are some of the important
sources and effects of each type of pollutant.
Introduction to Ecology 49
Organic Human sewage, animal wastes, Overload depletes dissolved Provide secondary
oxygen decaying plant life, industrial oxygen in water: animal life and tertiary waste-
demanding waste destroyed or migrates away: water treatment;
waste plant life destroyed minimize agricultural
Agricultural runoff, detergents Algal blooms and excessive Agricultural runoff too
Plant nutrients industrial wastes inadequate aquatic plant growth upset widespread, diffuse
waste water treatment ecological balances: for adequate control
presence of sewage and animal Outbreaks of such diseases Provide secondary
Pathogenic wastes in water as typhoid infectious and tertiary waste-
bacteria & hepatitis water treatment;
virus minimize agricultural
Mining manufacturing irrigation, Alter acidity, basicity, or Disinfect during
Inorganic oil fields salinity: also render water waste-water
chemicals toxic treatment; stop
pollutants at source
Agricultural manufacturing, and Many are not biodegradable; Use of biodegradable
Synthetic consumer uses chemical interactions in materials; prevent
organic environment are poorly entry into water supply
chemicals understood many poisonous at source
Machinery, automobile wastes; Vary with location, duration, Strictly regulate oil
Fossil fuels pipeline breaks, offshore and type of fossil fuel; drilling, transportation,
(oils blowout and seepage, potential disruption of storage; collect and
particularly) supertanker accidents, spills, ecosystems; economic, reprocess engine oil
and wrecks; heating recreational, and aesthetic and grease; develop
transportation, industry; damage to coasts means to contain
agriculture spills
Natural erosion, poor soil Fill in waterways, reduce Put soil conservation
Sediments conservation practices in fish populations practices to use
agriculture, mining construction
i. Infectious Agents
V. Organic Chemicals
a. Suspended Particulate
This includes all particulate matters such as soot pollen, dust, ash,
smoke etc. Such pollutants are easily seen and the common man
could very easily be made to be aware of them. Major and visible
damages of suspended particulates are:
Nitrogen dioxide:
e. Ozone (O3)
f. Hydrocarbons
g. Lead
Humans and animals used resources that earth could supply for
existence for millions of years. Earth (Land) being natural resources
is also used for disposal of the wastes we generate. Even in the
primitive society the hunters and gathers dispose their waste near
and by their caves.
Solid wastes are the wastes arising from human and animal activities
that are normally solid and that are discarded as useless or
unwanted. It encompass the heterogeneous mass of throw away
from mostly urban communities as well as the more homogenous
accumulation of agricultural, industrial and mineral wastes.
The problem of solid waste was not as bad as it is now. In the past,
the number of population in urban and rural communities was not so
populated. But, the problem of solid waste began when first humans
congregate in tribes, villages and communities. The practice of
throwing waste into the streets, galleries, any where in the yard, and
vacant areas led to the breeding of rats and flies. For example, in
Europe because of waste accumulation at the time of formation of
Introduction to Ecology 56
Present public health science proved that those rats, flies and other
diseases vector breed in open dumps, in food storage facilities, and in
other areas and houses. One study in USA revealed that there is 32
human diseases which have relationship to improper solid waste
Chlorinated hydrocarbons
Pesticide Benefits
Disease control
Crop protection
Pesticide Problems
Fig 4.1. A Farmer in Jimma Zone ready to spray a herbicide with out
wearing any form of personal protective equipment.
Radioactive Materials
Box 4.1.
Minamata Disease
In the early 1950s, people in the small coastal village of
Minamata, Japan, noticed strange behavior that they called
dancing cats. inexplicably, cats would begin twitching,
stumbling, and jerking about, as they were drunk. Many became
"suicidal" and staggered off docks in to the ocean. The residents
didn't realize at the time, but they were witnessing an ominous
Introduction to Ecology 61
Review Questions
Learning Objective:
Definition of terms:
5.1 Introduction
Forests are unevenly distributed over the earth. Large and densely
inhabited areas are sometimes poorly covered with forest, whereas
sparsely populated areas of the humid tropics and the boreal forest
belt are dominant woodland. Some 20 % of the forested area belongs
to the former USSR,
Africa, central and South America each; about 16% are shared
between North America and Asia and the remaining 4% occur in
It is being destroyed rapidly all over the world. In South-east Asia the
forest is being cleared at an estimated rate of 5 million/ha/yr., in Africa
2 million/ha/yr., in South America 8 million/ha/yr.
Fig 5.1. Forest clearance at the site of Gilgel Gibe Hydroelectric dam
construction, Region 4, Southwestern Ethiopia. Trees measuring
up to 1.6 m in diameter have been removed.
Some of the water reaching the forest floor penetrates into the soil
through the litter and the loose soil surface, and there is little surface
run-off. It is only after some period of time that the seeped water
reaches the streams and rivers. This time lag is an important device
to regulate the water discharge into rivers, and in this way, flooding is
prevented or minimized. On the other hand, in dry periods also the
forest soil continues to supply water slowly to the streams and rivers.
Of all the earth's crust resources, the one we take most for granted is
soil. It can be considered an ecosystem by itself. We are terrestrial
animals and depend on soil for life, yet most of us think of it only in
Introduction to Ecology 69
ocean and tides. Water wheels, windmills and hot water from thermal
springs have been used as energy sources in some countries, and of
course coal has been a major source of energy for a century or more
in England.
Renewable energy resources like Hydropower, the sun, wind, tides
and biomass are nor likely to make significant contributions to the
world's energy for the developed nations. But these renewable
sources are expected to play an increasingly important role in the
energy use pattern of many developing countries like Ethiopia. It is
not environmentally friendly to completely shift the hunger for
petroleum to the more abundant but still finite coal, shell and heavy oil
reserves; because it will increase the level of CO2 which is the known
greenhouse gas.
Indeed, in many ways, the extents to which traditional fuels are used
as an indicator of the stage of economic development.
Introduction to Ecology 72
Case study:
Conservation in the broadest sense has always been one of the most
important applications of ecology. Conservation broadly means sound
land or water use planning. It is concerned with the maintenance of
natural systems with their moderate, systematic, planned and
regulated utilization and exploitation for the long-term benefit of
Amino acids
Lipids Nutrients Microorganisms
Cellulose + +
Fig.5.3. Composting process (Ehlers and Steel, 1965)
Review questions:
Cunningham, W.P. & Saigo, B.W. Environmental Science: A Global
Concern. 3rd ed. 1995.
Starr, C. & Taggart, R. Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life. 4th
ed. 1978.