Municipio de Donmatías Secretaria de Educación para La Cultura Institución Educativa Donmatías
Municipio de Donmatías Secretaria de Educación para La Cultura Institución Educativa Donmatías
Municipio de Donmatías Secretaria de Educación para La Cultura Institución Educativa Donmatías
Te doy la bienvenida al mes de junio, una oportunidad más para seguir afianzando nuestros conocimientos. En este mes
encontrarás actividades que nos llevarán a enriquecer nuestro léxico y creatividad en el idioma y fortalecer algunas que
de seguro tienes.
SEMANA 1: Junio 3 al 10
En estas actividades continuaremos con la construcción del PORTAFOLIO manual o digital que ya construiste
con mucha creatividad en las anteriores actividades. La idea es ir incorporando estas nuevas actividades y que
nos queden como evidencia de nuestro trabajo.
To ilustrate, To strengthen in our knowledge, we will develop a mini- dictionary with vocabulary that refers to
culture and social practices. This mini-dictionary should contain images and at least twenty words.
For example:
SEMANA 2: Junio 11 al 17
With the words from the dictionary, create your own crossword puzzle. You can help yourself with this website if
you have internet.
Think of situations of social and cultural practices in your region. Brainstorm them all!
Read the following essay.
What is in a Culture? By Beatriz E. Garcés
If there is something that define a country is undoubtedly “Culture”. However, the term Culture can be
extensively broad or precise narrow according to our minds are concerned to. Let’s think about our Culture itself,
get into behaviors, manners customs, music even language and then move to what we know or listen about other
countries. What makes us go closer to a specific culture? Why do we travel for example? It is perhaps because Culture is
worldwide as our minds can go further. Maybe the need or feeling to “understand” the “others”, discover and go beyond
the single story; understanding leads us to accepting and valuing.
In this way, Culture is dynamic alive and transformed through historical and geographical contexts. (Moreno, 2014, p.
279). In this order of ideas, to my concern there are various elements that make Culture overwhelming, rich and
“understandable”. The first element is “Identity”. Let’s think about Middle Asian countries, Turkey for instance. How do
they see themselves? How do we see them? There is a phenomenon that social media have sold us about these
countries. An identity based on terrorism acts or perhaps extreme discipline. It is like to think that our Colombian identity is
limited associated to drugs and corruption. Nevertheless, Culture is not a unique identity or a mistaken supposition of
what we see or hear. On the contrary, it is what makes us more diverse and feeling proud. In a positive way is the co-
relation we build among gender, sex, ethnic group and race.
Taking into account the above, the process of “understanding” the “others”, listening “voices” is to know that identity is
a historical and even geographical incidence which is such far to be negative what leads us to the second element
“Multiculturalism”. As well as identity is not unique, multiculturalism either. What makes us different, can in some way, get
together. Simply, opposites attract, then why to fight against difference? Multiculturalism provide accepting and respect
concerning the different. From multiculturalism, even in our country, we can build bridges between one or more regions.
Following Turkey example, it is unavoidable for Turks to be in a multiculturalism environment. Most of them are Muslims,
keep Muslims traditions, but their geographical location between Europe and Asia has made of Turkey a crossroads of
international communication. So that, even in its tradition, the multiculturalism gates have become a runway to receive
others’ culture.
Finally, my third element of understanding Culture is as important as both above, “Globalization”. Does it have to do
with Culture? For sure. When we think about globalization, we move on industries, “money talks” but it is not necessarily
such a vision per se. Globalization is on the far side of it. Through it, we begin to understand the relation culture-
development to boost a gateway to exchange cultures and makes our country richer and diverse. In other words, being
acquainted with the inter-relationship among cultures and countries allows to fuse idea within an age that demands a
genuine expression of crafting paths, no destroying them. Let’s think, that globalization as positive, not as a barrier for
borders, but to border in the construction of the development into the social manners, customs, be different or not.
In brief, Culture is complex, but it does not mean that it is far to understand, accept and value. In fact, Culture lets
complexity exactly when we are not in the place of the “other” and do not see his/her identity or his/her cultural patterns.
Opposite to it, the complex of Culture stops being evident when we change the need of understanding the “others” It is in
that accurate moment when our minds have shown a transcendence estate which implies listening other voices different
or similar to us, from the same region or not, same country or not. Indeed, there is a knock-on effect in a globalized world,
something we cannot avoid. The ongoing changes in all the fields, Culture is not foreign to those changes. The process of
globalization requests an interconnection among countries and for countries. That is, takes us to think the amount of
possibilities to use cultural values, ours and others’ and rethink What is in a Culture?
After reading
Underline the linking devices or connectors in the essay: Example: In this way: de esta forma.
Write in your notebook:
-The sentences in simple present: example: Culture is complex, but it does not mean that it is far to understand,
accept and value: La Cultura es compleja, pero no significa que esté lejos de entender, aceptar y valorar.
- Write sentences with the modal verb CAN. Translate the sentences
See the statement in bold above at the beginning of the text. Can you write the supporting details through the
text? Translate the supporting details.
What can you infer from the text? What is the author intention?
Supporting details: As you know the most important reading skill is to find the main idea. A closely related reading skill
is locating supporting details, that is, the ideas which support our writing.
If or yes or both: Can you mention the difference?
SEMANA 3: Junio 18 al 24
Think of situations (Activity 6, item2) related to cultural and social practices in your municipality, region, country or
world, that’s it! And ready, start creating your comic.
For more information and resources, you can visit the websites in the references if you have internet, if not, no
problem, use your imagination.
SEMANA 4: Junio 24 a Julio 1
Think of myself!
Ask a classmate, no
matter the distance.
Ask a classmate, no
matter the distance.
Adapted from: English, please! Fast Track. Serie de texto Ministerio de Educación Nacional
Si tienes internet, visita las páginas en las referencias, te puede ser de mucha ayuda.