Oral Com Q1 Week 3 4
Oral Com Q1 Week 3 4
Oral Com Q1 Week 3 4
Lesson 4
Why is it important?
Intercultural Communication offers the ability to deal across cultures, which is increasingly important, as
the world gets smaller. Getting smaller doesn’t meaning the world is becoming identical, it means having more
and more contact with people who are culturally different.
Looking back to our previous lesson, we have learned that communication originated from the word
“Communicare” which means to share. Who are you going to share information to? The answer is to anyone.
Communication is limitless. It is not bound to certain criteria. Although you belong to group of people it does
not mean that you cannot communicate to others. You can connect to others even to those with different race,
ethnicity, nationality and cultural beliefs. It will even make more sense because being able to communicate to
the people with different values, attitudes, beliefs, etc. means being able to gather information which are new
to you. This type of communication is known as the intercultural communication. In this type, communication
happens between or among people with different cultural background. It aims to build connection to people
despite the differences. Extend your ears and open your heart, how people of the world communicate.
Instruction: For our destination today, we will go around the world. But, of course you need your entrance
ticket to be on the ride. Today you will assess the picture below and answer several questions. Your answers
will serve as you ticket!
My Entrance Ticket
dest. Models
1. Who are in the picture?
2. What are their similarities and differences?
3. Do you think they can get together? How?
Presupposition Body Language
Eye Contact Sentence Frames
Intercultural Communication
Despite the differences, everyone can still get along each other. You can still build friendship with others, who
in the first place you think you can’t be friends with. You can gather and share information. You can be
entertained and as well as entertain others even though you have differences and it is all because of
Communication. So brace yourselves for today’s lesson will help you strengthen your connection with other
people who belong to different group through Intercultural Communication.
Communicating to other people of different culture, races or nationality is quite a difficult job. It will require deep
understanding not only of your background, but also the background of the people you communicate with.
Some say it is troublesome to rely message to people that is different from who you are. However, you can
aide this problem by taking into considerations the aspects that might affect the communication process. What
are those? Well, get to know more about it here in our discussion.
Part 1: Identification
Instruction: Identify the word being described. Write you answer on the space provided before each number.
_______1. This occurs when an interaction happen within group of people of the same race, ethnic group, or
_______2. Defined as the character being portrayed or played in a person’s life.
_______3. It usually happens when the awareness and unawareness of one’s culture affects the
communication process.
_______4. It refers to how a person views himself/herself as regards to the role of men and women.
_______5. Factor of communication that emphasizes on the difference or the gap of years between
next dest. Functions of
Functions of Communication and Speaker’s Purpose
Why it is important?
The general purpose of any speech will be either to inform; motivate/persuade; or entertain your audience.
As soon as you know the general purpose of your speech you can develop your Specific Purpose Statement
(what the speaker will accomplish). Your Specific Purpose Statement is used develop your speech. It will be
easier if you know your purpose first before doing it.
Every day you encounter communication. Starting from your home, when your Mom wakes you up to tell
you that breakfast is ready. Or maybe when you chat your friends to greet them and be updated with their
what-about. It continues even you go outside and hear some news about what is happening in your
community. As you can see communication is non-stop, but although these are considered communication it
still varies. Communication is done because of different reasons. Sometimes you communicate because you
want to share idea. Sometimes because you want to impose something. Or on a lighter note, you
communicate because you want to be entertained or you want to hear something that could uplift spirit. These
different reasons are very much acceptable in the process of communication and that is what we are going to
have for this session. We are going to study about the Functions of Communication.
Instruction: Travels are best accompanied by stories, for our ride today, I have prepared a story while we are
going to our destination. However, after the story, you need to answer some questions and that will serve as
your entrance ticket! Enjoy the ride and the story!
“Juan Listens”
Juan is a typical student who goes to school regularly. He is known to be a very friendly classmate. He likes to
chat to his seatmates whenever given an opportunity. One time, in his English class, Ms. Santos is discussing
the different models of communication. She is trying her best for everyone to understand the lesson she
However, Juan has a different thing in mind. Instead of listening to Ms. Santos, he intended to chat with Pedro.
Juan: I won’t listen to Ms. Santos, I will not understand it anyway.
Pedro: You wouldn’t really understand the lesson if you will not pay attention.
Ms. Santos heard the murmur of the two, and she said, “Boys, listen to me! Our lesson for today is very
After the discussion, Ms. Santos prepared a quiz about the topic she had discussed for that day. Later that
time, the class got the result of their quiz.
Juan: Ahhhhhhh I failed!
Pedro: I told you to listen, a while ago. See what happens when you do not listen.
Juan: Ms. Santos, I’m sorry I failed your test for I didn’t listen to your discussion a while ago.
Ms. Santos: It’s okay Juan! I know you can do it! You can pass or even get a high score.
All you need to do is to listen!
Instruction: Before moving on to our next lesson, let us first have a quick review of what you have learned last
week. Answer the following analogy by providing the word that will make the statement complete.
1. Interracial: races – Interethnic: _____________
2. Intercultural: Diverse culture - ___________ : Same culture
3. ____________: values, traditions, attitudes - Racial Identity: particular race
4. Role Identity: _________________________ - Gender Identity: Man &Woman (give 2)
5. Social Class: division of society - ___________: gap in years
6. Proxemics : space - Gestures: ____________
7. _______________: Individual Personality - Physical Appearance : Self Presentation
8. Eye movement: Eye Contact - ____________: Vocal Characterizers
9. Arab: Thawb - _________ : Sari _________
10. Arabians: 9-10 inches apart - Latin and Caribbean: ________
Functions of Communication
Like what is in the story, the communication process can be used in different purposes. These different
purposes are used in different instances by different people. As the purpose of the speaker varies the function
of communication also vary. And that is our lesson for today.
In Communication, there are times of uncertainty; why do I need to speak? Why am I Saying this? What do I
want to achieve? These are some of the questions that might enter your mind. However, if our purpose of
communication is clear for us it will be easier to foresee our desired goals.
Identifying your purpose and focusing on it will help in many ways such as:
1. Avoiding saying everything you know
Not because you know a lot does not mean you need to say a lot. There are situations wherein the receiver
needs very minimal input from you.
2. Becoming clear and concise
Because you already know your purpose, you can exclude the things that are not necessary for the
conversation. You can now give short but complete information or response to the one you are talking to.
3. Determining the appropriate framework to use
Different purpose requires different framework. You cannot always sound demanding or requesting if what you
want is to motivate others.
4. Making decision on who to talk to
Certain purpose is used in particular information to a particular person. For example, you want to converse to
others because you want to seek advice, you will now go to someone who can relate to you.
Choose effective visual
One function of communication is to inform others. There are types of people who can grasp the information
better if visual aid is used.
The above-mentioned things are the benefits of knowing the functions of communication; now let’s get into the
actual functions of it.
Communicative Functions
1. Regulatory or Controlled
It is a type of communication which is used to regulate or control an individual, a small group, or a large
audience. It is done to make people follow authority. This function of communication is more noticeable in
formal organizations than in informal organizations. It is usually used by higher-ranking people in the group or
Example: The parents telling rules to their children.
2. Social Interaction
It is a communication between two or more individuals. The kind of interaction these individuals will have
depends on the time, place, and their role or relationship. It is known as the most basic and most common
function of communication.
Examples: A friend greeting you.
3. Motivation
It is a communication function that deals with stimulating an individual or group of people to do a target goal. In
the context of communication, it is an act of encouraging people by making clear to them what needs to be
done, how they fare in doing their roles, and how they can improve themselves. It is also a widely-used
function of communication. The setting where it is most used is in the business or corporate world.
In corporate settings, motivation is important because of the following benefits:
1. It puts human resources into action.
2. It improves the level of efficiency of the employees.
3. It leads to achievement of organizational goals.
4. It builds friendly relationships.
5. It leads to stability to workforce.
Example: When a manager congratulates his employees for a job well done.
4. Information
It is a function of communication that is used to impart facts or needed knowledge. Information is a vital need in
the society, every person needs to adapt and adjust to his environment, and it is only possible through the
access of information. This function of information is also widely used in different fields.
1. A company meeting to orient the employees on the new policies of the company.
2. A teacher discussing the lesson in her class.
5. Emotional Expression
It is a function of communication that serves as a way to express one’s feelings. In this function, nonverbal
cues are usually louder than verbal expressions. The use of facial expressions, gestures and body stance are
very distinct.
The following are the basic emotions according to Humintell:
a. Anger
b. Contempt
c. Fear
d. Disgust
e. Happiness
f. Sadness
g. Surprise
1. When you watch horror films.
2. When you see your best friend who has been away for a while.
Now that you’re done with the discussions, now is the time to test the things you have learned. Here are some
activities and exercises about the topic.
Instruction: Write down what will you say to the person in the following scenarios and identify what function of
communication you will use.
1. You are the class president and you need to manage the class.
I would say: “____________________________________________________________”
Function of communication= _________________
2. You are the owner of grocery shop and you need to meet the target income of the store.
I would say: “____________________________________________________________”
Function of communication= _________________
3. You wake with your family waiting for you in the dining table for breakfast.
I would say: “____________________________________________________________”
Function of communication= _________________
4. You have heard that you pass all your examinations and you got a high grade.
I would say: “____________________________________________________________”
Function of communication= _________________
5. You are a news anchor, and you will report the weather forecast for tomorrow.
I would say: “____________________________________________________________”
Function of communication= _________________
Instruction: List down real: real life situations you have encountered that shows the five different functions of
communication. Each function must have 3 situations.
1. Regulatory or Controlled
2. Social Interaction
3. Motivation
4. Information
5. Emotional Expression
Part 1: Identification
Instruction: Identify the following terms being describe in each statement. Write you answer on the space
provided before each number.
_______6. It can be used to regulate or imposed rules to be followed by the people you communicate with.
_______7. Function of communication that is often used to boost one’s confidence to achieve the goal.
_______8. The function of communication used by the speaker in releasing his/her feelings.
_______9. The communication that serves to provide facts needed by the audience/listeners.
_______10. The most common function of communication that is used.
n.dest Functions