Week 6: February 25, 2020 12:06 PM

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8/22/2020 OneNote

Week 6
February 25, 2020 12:06 PM

Midterm - March 15
Bring questions from chapter 1 & 2

2. How well is the company's present strategy working (quantitative and

qualitative analysis)>
5. Is the company competitively stronger or weaker than key rivals (CSA)? Not
needed for the case.. (but you have to know it on exam)

It's difficult to know what's inside the organization. We can get a sense of strength
from what we see outside, but actual resources/strengths, you have to be inside
the firm.

Internal Analysis - SW (of SWOT)

To understand the Strengths and weaknesses:
• Work backwards from the successful (or unsuccessful) product of the firm
• Essentially understand which Resources (tangible; intangible and Human)
and the underlying capabilities
○ Translate into Strengths or weaknesses of SWOT
• Assess whether these Strengths (based on resources and capabilities) give
the firm sustainable competitive advantage by matching with Opportunity

When you do so what - don't say what is better, just give us an idea.

Value of Resources and Capabilities

Strengths for something else Key Strengths
Zone of Irrelevance Key Weaknesses

Strategic Importance

2. How well is the company's present strategy working (qualitative analysis)?

For the case
• Vision --> long term where are they headed
• Mission --> how they view themselves now
• Financial objective --> Financially what seems the most important target out
of all the different measures (grow Net Profit margin every year - from f/s
• Strategic objective --> most important target (matches with vision and can be
measured) E.g., increase in market share in every market in which present,
or where its presence is less than 50% of the market
• Business Strategy -> differentiation or cost focus

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8/22/2020 OneNote

https://ryersonprod-my.sharepoint.com/personal/nilagan_ryerson_ca/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc={3d66f282-ce6b-49a4-8aba-055af4c43362}&a… 2/2

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