Week 5: Identifying The Organization'S Capabilities
Week 5: Identifying The Organization'S Capabilities
Week 5: Identifying The Organization'S Capabilities
-Understand the role of resources and capabilities in formulating strategy and creating
competitive advantage `
-Explain the value chain
-Identify SWOT
Classifying Capabilities
1. Functional analysis: identifies organizational capabilities in relation to each of the
principal functional areas of the firm.
2. Value Chain Analysis: separates the firm's activities into a sequential chain.
• Porter's generic value chain identifies a few broadly defined activities that can be
separated to provide a more detailed identification of the firm's activities (and the
capabilities that correspond to each activity)
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• The tool highlights the firm's resource strengths and competitive capabilities (S) and its
resource for weaknesses and competitive deficiencies (W).
• The firm's overall strength and weakness situation can be determined and related to
market opportunities (O) and external threats (T) can be identified.
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• Needs to bring together the requisite human & non-human resources, locate
these resources within a suitable organizational unit, establish the process that
perform the capability, allow these processes to develop through routinization,
design management systems that support the capability, and lead the entire
effort through appropriate strategic intent.
○ An organization must limit number and scope of the capabilities that is attempting
to create at any point in time by resource leveraging
• First concentrating resources then accumulating resources
○ Companies find it helpful to focus their capability development efforts not on the
organizational capabilities themselves, but on developing and supplying the
products that utilize those capabilities.
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