Introduction To Corpus Linguistics PDF
Introduction To Corpus Linguistics PDF
Introduction To Corpus Linguistics PDF
ISSN 0208-4228
University of Silesia
The paper aims at presenting selected notes and remarks on corpora and corpus
linguistics. It starts with a brief history of corpus linguistics. It occurs that although
corpus linguistics is a relatively young branch of linguistics, it managed to revo-
lutionise all branches of linguistics. Afterwards, the notion of corpus and different
types of corpora are discussed . In general, we can say that, on the one hand, there
are annotated and unannotated corpora, and, on the other, diachronic and synchronic
ones. In the following sections of the article the notions of corpus composition,
annotation, size and representativeness are discussed, and towards the end of the
paper a list of the advantages of corpus linguistics is presented and some further
conclusions drawn.
1. Corpus linguistics
McEnry and Wilson (2001: 24) also note that “although the methodology
went through a period of relative neglect for two decades, it was far from
abandoned. Indeed, during this time essential advances in the use of corpora
were made. Most importantly of all, the linking of the corpus to the computer
was completed during this era. Following these advances, corpus studies boomed
from 1980s onwards, as corpora, techniques and new arguments in favour of the
use of corpora became more apparent.” This boom, they say, continues currently
and corpus linguistics is becoming more and more mature methodologically, and
the range of languages that are addressed by corpus linguists is growing annually.
Lindquist (2009) notes that the first electronic collection of English texts to be
used for linguistic research, was compiled by the pioneers in corpus linguistics
Nelson Francis and Henry Kučera in the early 1960’s at Brown University, US.
This electronic collection of English texts is referred to as the Brown Corpus,
and it is regarded as the first non-diachronic computer corpus ever developed.
Soon after computers started becoming more and more powerful, which caused
that the field of corpus linguistics was developing faster and faster. It gained
a phenomenal momentum in the 2000s, and in recent years one can observe that
it is more and more popular, not only among scholars1.
2. Definition of a corpus
In the past, as Lindquist (2009) observes, the word corpus (Lat. ‘body’) was
used about the total works written by an individual author or a certain mass of
texts, as for example “The Shakespeare corpus”. These were the so-called pre-
electronic corpora. Nowadays, the term corpus is almost always associated with
electronic corpus, which is a collection of texts stored on some kind of digital
medium to be used by linguists with the purpose of retrieving linguistic items
for research or by lexicographers in making dictionaries. According to Renouf
(1987) the term ‘corpus’ refers to a collection of written or spoken texts which is
stored and processed on computer for the purposes of linguistic research. Sinclair
(1991: 171) says that “a corpus is a collection of naturally-occurring language
text, chosen to characterize a state or variety of a language. In modern com-
putational linguistics, a corpus typically contains many millions of words: this
is because it is recognized that the creativity of natural language leads to such
immense variety of expression that it is difficult to isolate the recurrent patterns
that are the clues to the lexical structure of the language.”
Sinclair (1991) distinguishes two types of corpora, namely sample corpus and
monitor corpus. The former is a finite collection of texts, often chosen with great
care and studied carefully. On establishing a sample corpus, one cannot add any-
thing to it or change in any way. As for the latter, it is a continually-growing one
and it re-uses language text which has been prepared in machine-readable form
for other purposes, like for typesetters of newspapers, magazines, books and also
word-processors; and the spoken language basically for legal and bureaucratic
reasons. McEnery and Wilson (2001: 32) also distinguish two kinds of corpora,
namely, unannotated and annotated2. Unannotated corpora are characterised by
being in their existing raw states of plain text, whereas annotated corpora are
enhanced with various types of linguistic information and they are a very useful
tool for a large scale analysis of different aspects of language. Some of the most
common types of corpus annotation are textual mark-up, part-of-speech (POS)
tagging, syntactic annotation (parsing), semantic annotation, prosodic annotation,
pragmatic annotation, discourse annotation, phonetic annotation and stylistic
annotation (Leech 2004).
Since corpus linguistics is a relatively young field of study, the method-
ologies applied in the process of text annotation vary, and one cannot speak of
any uniform and universal way of annotation of texts for electronic analyses.
However, Leech (2004) notes that more recently there has been a far-reaching
trend to standardise the representation of all phenomena of a corpus, including
annotations, by means of a standard mark-up language – usually one of the series
of related languages SGML, HTML, and XML. One of the advantages of using
these languages for encoding features in a text is that they allow the interchange
of documents, including corpora, between one user, or research site, and another.
In this sense, Leech says, SGML/HTML/XML have developed into a world-
wide standard which can be applied to any language, both spoken and written,
as well as to languages of different historical periods.
Finally, Nesselhauf (2011) distinguishes the following kinds of corpora:
general/reference corpora which aim at representing a language or a language
variety as a whole and they contain both spoken and written language (e.g.
The British National Corpus or The Bank of English), historical corpora (vs.
corpora of present-day language) which aim at representing an earlier stage or
earlier stages of a language (e.g. The Helsinki Corpus or the ACHER), regional
corpora which aim at representing one regional variety of a language (e.g. The
Wellington Corpus of Written New Zealand English), learner corpora (vs. native
speaker corpora) which aim at representing the language as produced by learners
of this language (e.g. The International Corpus of Learner English), multilingual
corpora (vs. one-language corpora) which aim at representing several, at least
two, different languages, often with the same text types to enable contrastive
analysis (e.g. The PROIEL Corpus, a parallel corpus of New Testament texts
from different languages like Greek, Latin, Gothic, Old Church Slavonic and
Classical Armenian), and spoken corpora (vs. written vs. mixed corpora) which
2 Curzan and Palmer (2006) use the terms unprincipled (or non-systematic) vs. principled corpora
to mean unannotated and annotated corpora respectively.
3. Corpus composition
1. The contents of a corpus should be selected without regard for the language
they contain, but according to their communicative function in the community
in which they arise.
2. Corpus compilers should strive to make their corpus as representative as
possible of the language from which it is chosen.
3. Only those components of corpora which have been designed to be indepen-
dently contrastive should be contrasted.
4. Criteria for determining the structure of a corpus should be small in number,
clearly separate from each other, and efficient as a group in delineating
a corpus that is representative of the language or variety under examination.
5. Any information about a text other than the alphanumeric string of its words
and punctuation should be stored separately from the plain text and merged
when required in applications.
6. Samples of language for a corpus should, wherever possible, consist of entire
documents or transcriptions of complete speech events, or should get as close
to this target as possible. This means that samples will differ substantially in
7. The design and composition of a corpus should be documented fully with
information about the contents and arguments in justification of the decisions
8. The corpus compiler should retain, as target notions, representativeness
and balance. While these are not precisely definable and attainable goals,
they must be used to guide the design of a corpus and the selection of its
9. Any control of subject matter in a corpus should be imposed by the use of
external, and not internal, criteria.
10. A corpus should aim for homogeneity in its components while maintaining
adequate coverage, and rogue texts should be avoided.
3 More information on the different types of corpora and corpus linguistics can be found in
Rissanen (2012), Facchinetti and Rissanen (2006), Haug et al. (2009), Kennedy (1998), Meyer
(2002), Rizzo (2010), Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (2007), Bermudez-Otero et al. (2000), as well as
4. Corpus annotation
As far as annotation is concerned, McEnry et al. (2006: 33) say that “corpus
annotation can be achieved fully automatically, by a semi-automatic interaction
between human being and the machine, or entirely manually by human analysts”.
They also say that the annotation of a corpus may have many forms and it can
be undertaken at different levels:
They observe that out of the different types of annotation POS tagging is the
most widespread type of annotation, and that syntactic parsing is also developing
quite fast. However, such types of annotation as discoursal annotation and
pragmatic annotation are presently relatively underdeveloped. Kvĕtoň and Oliva
(2002:19) observe that “the quality of corpus annotation is certainly among the
pressing problems in current corpus linguistics. This quality, however, is a many-
faceted problem in itself, comprising both issues of a rather theoretical nature
and also quite practical matters”4.
In the light of the lack of uniform annotated corpora and the different
research needs that the researchers have with respect to language, Kvĕtoň and
Oliva (2002: 255) encourage linguists to write their own computer programs for
the construction of their own corpora. They say that there are several concrete
advantages to writing one’s own computer programs rather than relying on
available concordancing software. Below I enumerate the arguments that they
provide to support their claim:
Generally speaking, writing one’s own computer program for the construction
of one’s own corpus and its analysis “opens up a wider variety of options in the
research questions that you can investigate” (Kvĕtoň and Oliva 2002: 256).
I could also provide my own arguments in favour of the idea of creating
one’s own corpus that result from our experience5 with diachronic annotated
corpus linguistics:
1. One can freely choose texts to be annotated. This means that one can even
analyse texts, or fragments of texts, that have not yet been annotated by
2. One can make the annotation simpler and more user-friendly.
3. One does not feel the limits and imperfections imposed on one by the existing
annotated corpora.
4. One can find one’s own solutions to the problems that might occur during
the annotation process.
5. One can make use of simple and widely accessible computer programs for
the construction of one’s annotated corpora; for example the Microsoft Word.
6. One can construct one’s own corpus the way that it can be modified and
adapted to the needs of one’s present and future research.
7. One can construct a corpus that will reflect one’s own ideas about language
8. One can construct a corpus that will allow one a dual/multiple approach
to ambiguous/ambivalent structures in language instead of a rigid one-way
1. It should always be easy to dispense with annotation, and revert to the raw
corpus. The raw corpus should be recoverable.
2. The annotations should correspondingly be extractable from the raw corpus,
to be stored independently, or stored in an interlinear format.
3. The scheme of analysis presupposed by the annotations – the annotation
scheme – should be based on principles or guidelines accessible to the user.
5 Cf. Kida (2007a, 2007b, 2009, 2010a, 2010b, 2011 and 2012).
4. It should be made clear beforehand about how and by whom all the annota-
tions were applied.
5. The user must be made aware that the annotation applied in the corpus is not
infallible, but simply a potentially useful tool.
6. Annotation schemes should preferably be based as far as possible on
‘consensual’, theory-neutral analyses of the corpus data.
7. No one annotation scheme can claim authority as a standard, although as
a matter of fact interchange ‘standards’ may arise, through widening avail-
ability of annotated corpora, and perhaps should be encouraged.
Dash (2005) observes that in annotated corpus linguistics there are basically
three important criteria that are usually considered as important in any kind of
annotation. These criteria are: consistency, accuracy and speed. Firstly, as regards
consistency, it concerns the uniformity in annotation throughout the whole text
of a corpus. Secondly, accuracy is about the freedom from any kind of error in
the tagging to adhere to the definitions and guidelines concerning the scheme of
annotation. Thirdly, the automatic implementation of the scheme of annotation
should be possible on a very large data quantity within a very short span of time.
variation in texts” (p. 246). Mukherjee (2004) admits pessimistically that it is not
possibile to attain absolute representativeness. Furthermore, according to Römer
(2005: 41), “a large corpus can generally be regarded more representative of
the type of language it consists of than a small corpus which contains the same
kind of language. Of course, any small corpus is better than no corpus at all,
but if the choice is between a small and a large corpus of the same (or similar)
kind of material, I would always go for the latter.” Leech (2007: 138) observes
that “there is one rule of thumb that few are likely to dissent from. It is that
in general, the larger a corpus is, and the more diverse it is in terms of genres
and other language varieties, the more balanced and representative it will be.”
According to Leech (1991: 27) we can say that a corpus is representative when
“the findings based on its contents can be generalized to a larger hypothetical
corpus.” He moreover observes that the issue of corpus representativeness must
be considered largely as an act of faith because at present there is no way of
ensuring it or evaluating it in an objective way, although a great deal of research
is carried out with respect to this issue6.
6. Corpus application
As McEnry et al. (2006: 4) note, “nowadays, the corpus methodology enjoys
widespread popularity. It has opened up or foregrounded many new areas of
research [… and…] corpora have revolutionised nearly all branches of linguis-
tics.” Ezquerra and Hurtado (1996: 41; after Endres and Wagner 1992) mention
the following disciplines in which corpora find their application:
6 For more discussion concerning this issue, as well as the issue of size, authenticity, sampling, etc.
see for example Tognini-Bonelli (2001), Sánchez et al. (1995), McEnry and Wilson (2001), Sinclair
(2005), and Wynne (2005).
justify the effort. He says that the major advantages of corpora are speed and
reliability, as by using a corpus the linguist can investigate more material than in
manual investigation, and within a shorter time too, and moreover he can obtain
more exact results. Lindquist (2009:9) also presents a list of the advantages of
corpus linguistis that can be found in Svartvik (1992: 8-10), one of the founding
fathers of ICAME, the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval
English, that was started in 1977 in Oslo. I will mention only some of the
advantages given:
These and many other advantages of corpora over manual investigation not
mentioned here are the reasons for the fact that corpora are constantly being
developed and there is a growing interest in corpus linguistics.
7. Conclusion
Corpus linguistics and corpora have been with us starting from the early
1960’s, when linguistic research for the first time started to be assisted by means
of computers. The first computer corpus, namely the Brown Corpus, was com-
piled by the pioneers in corpus linguistics Nelson Francis and Henry Kučera at
Brown University, US. Since then on more and more corpora started to appear.
However, in the twenty first century there has been an unprecedented boom in
the compilation of corpora all over the world. Although languages like English
and Spanish, and some other major languages of the world, have been enjoying
most attention on part of corpus linguists, corpora have also been constructed for
minor languages, like Polish, Czech, Croatian, Greek, and many other. There are
different types of corpora. The earliest corpora were basically unannotated text
corpora consisting only of pure texts, or samples of texts, but afterwards more
and more annotated corpora began to appear. Annotated corpora are designed
not so much for the analysis of pure texts, as for the analysis of text structure
involving the analysis of word order, parts of speech, grammatical and phono-
logical structure of words etc. However, annotated corpora are much more dif-
ficult to construct, are more challenging and usually involve many language
experts, much financial means and are more time-consuming. This is the reason
why there are fewer annotated corpora than unannotated ones, and why they are
usually smaller. Nevertheless, in recent years annotated corpora are proliferating
and soon, due to technological advances, the speed at which they are constructed
might be equal to the speed at which uannotated corpora are. Both annotated and
unannotated corpora have greatly facilitated the work of linguists working in
practically all areas of linguistics, and fields related to linguistics and not only.
Owing to the existence of corpora, which nowadays are becoming bigger and
bigger, and the most recent ones contain many millions of words, it is possible
to do a large-scale research, which leads to more objective results, than a small-
scale research, based on a small number of texts or text samples, which is now
a thing of the past.
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