Name: Chitraksh Mahajan Sap ID: 500071415 Roll No. 113 Answer 1

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Name: iChitraksh iMahajan

Sap iID: i500071415 i

Roll iNo. i113

Answer i1: iOrganizational ibehaviour iin ibusiness ifrequently ifeatures ia ifocus ion iteamwork iequalling
isuccess iand ibalance. iInstances iof igroup iwork iare ione iof ithe ibest iways ithat ibusiness ileaders ican

ianalyse ia isample iof itheir iemployees' iorganizational ibehaviour iin iaction. iTeamwork iis inot ijust ia

imeans iof imeasuring ithe iaspects iof iorganizational ibehaviour, ias iit iis ia imethod iof icompleting itasks iin

ithe ibusiness. iIn icases iwhere ithe iworkload iis ivast ior icomplex, ithe imembers iof ia iteam ican ieasily idivide

ithe iwork ibased ion ithe inumber iof imembers iand itheir istrengths ito iproperly icomplete iit.

1. Support: iIn ia igroup isetting, ithere iare iother imembers iwho ican iassist iand isupport ithat
iindividual iin itheir iefforts. iSupport ifrom iteam imembers ican ihelp ibuild itrust iand iget ifully

iformed iideas iout iof ia irough idraft iof ithoughts.

2. Efficiency: iGroup iwork itends ito iseem imore iefficient ithan isolo iwork ibecause iof ihow ithe
iassignment iis iaddressed. i

3. Improved iCommunication- iCommunication iis ia inecessary icomponent iin iteamwork iand ithose
iskills ican ithrive iin ia iunited igroup. iCommunication: iDue ito idirect irelationships iin ithe iteam, ithe

ilines iof iauthority iand iresponsibility iare ieasily iunderstood iby iemployees. iThe iemployees ican

icommunicate iwell iwith itheir ico-workers iin itheir iteams.

4. Problem iSolving iSkills: iThe ireasons iwhy ithe imembers iof ia iteam iare itogether iin ithe ifirst iplace
iis iusually ibecause ithey iare itrying ito ifind ia isolution ito ia iproblem. iTeamwork iboosts ia iperson's

iproblem-solving iability ibecause ithey iget ito; i1) ipractice iin ireal itime, iand i i(2) iengage iwith

iothers iwho imay iuse idifferent imethods iand iperspectives ito ireach ia iconclusion.

5. Better iretention irate: iThe iimportant ipart iis ito iknow iwho iyour iemployees ito idevelop iyour
iculture iin ia ibetter iway. iFor ithe isuccess iof iany icompany iit iis iimportant ito ilisten ito iyour iclients,

icustomers, iand iemployees.

6. Boost iin ipassion: iMake iyour iemployees ifeel itruly iinvested iin itheir ijobs iby igiving ithem ithe
iideal iculture ienvironment. iIf ithe iemployees ilove ireally ito ilove iyour iculture, ithey iwill ifeel

ipassionate iabout ithe iwork ithey iare idoing.1.A igood iteam ibehaviour imakes ifor iunity iof icontrol

iand idifferentiation iof iwork. i

7. Balanced idecisions: iThe idecisions iare itaken iby iall ithe imembers iof ithe iteam iand itherefore
inobody iobjects ithe idecision ibeing imade. iEveryone iagrees iand iconcludes iwhich iis iaccepted

iby iall

8. Better idecisions: iDecisions imade iin ia iteam iare ibetter ithan iindividual ias ieveryone iput iforward
itheir ithoughts ias iin iefficient iteam ibehaviour ievery imember ihas ithe isay iin ithe imanagement.

iThis iproves ito ibe ieffective ifor ithe iorganisation.

9. Motivation: iHelp iemployees ifind ia ibalance ibetween iwhat imotivates ithem iand iwhat iyou
iexpect. iProvide iextrinsic irewards ifor iemployees iwho ifollow irules i-- irecognition, ipromotions,

iand ibonuses i-- iand idiscipline iemployees iwho ido inot ifollow ibehaviour istandards

10. Creating ithe iEnvironment: iEmployees imust ilearn ithe inorms iof iyour iorganizational iculture.
iHelp ithem iby iproviding ian ienvironment iwith iclear iexpectations. iSome iexpectations iapply ito

iall iemployees, iwhile iothers ispecifically irelate ito ia iposition.

Answer i2: iPerception iof iemployees iand itheir iattitude itowards ico-workers iplay ian iimportant irole ifor
ithe iorganisational iproductivity. i iTherefore, iemployees ishould itry ito imake isocial igroups iand itry ito

iconnect iwith ieach iother. iThere ismall isocial igroups iare iknown ias iinformal iorganisation. iThey imay

iform ian iinformal igroup ito ifurther itheir icommon iinterest. iIn ithis iway, iinformal igroups iemerge iby
iwhich ithe iemployees ican ifurther ishare itheir icommon iinterests iand igoals. iThe isilent ifeatures iof ian
iinformal iorganisation iare:

a) It iis iunplanned iand iarises ispontaneously idue ito icoming itogether iof ipersons iwith icommon
iinterests iand iattitude.

b) It ireflects ihuman ior isocial irelationships iamong ipeople.

c) It iis ibased ion icommon ilanguage, itaste, ireligion i, iculture, ietc.
d) The imembership iof iinformal iorganisation iis ivoluntary.
e) It ihas ino iwritten irules iand iregulation.
f) It iis inot iportrayed ion ithe iorganisational ichart iof ithe icompany ibecause ithere iis ino idefinite

g) It iemerges ito imeet ithe ipsychological ineeds iof ipeople.

h) It imay icut iacross idepartments.

Advantages ior ifunctions iof iinformal iorganisations:

1. Sense iof ibelonging: iin ia iformal iorganization, ian iemployee iis iamong iseveral ipeople. iHe ihas
ilittle isense iof ibelonging iand ipersonal iworth. iInformal iorganisation iprovides ia isense iof

ibelonging iand ipersonal iworth ito ian iemployee. iIt irecognises ian iindividual ipersonality iand

iboost ihis iself-image.

2. Relief ifrom imonotony: ia iformal iorganization irequires iemployees ito iperform ijobs iof ia iroutine
inature iwhich icause imonotony iand iboredom. iAn iinformal iorganisation iprovides ithem ian

iopportunity ito isocialize iwith ieach iother

3. Solution iof iwork iproblems: imembers iof iinformal iorganisation ishare ijob iknowledge iand iassist
ieach iother iin iperforming ijobs.

4. Protection ifrom ioutside ipressure: iinformal iorganisation iprovides iprotection ito iits imembers
ifrom ipressure iof itop imanagement. iInformal iorganisation iserves ias ia icheck ior iarbitrary

iactions iof imanagers

5. Communication ichannel: imembers iof ian iinformal iorganisation ishare itheir itensions i, ijoy, iand
ifrustration iwith ione ianother. iThey ihave ian ioutlet ifor irelease iof itheir iemotions iand ifeelings.

iThy ialso iobtain iinformation iwhich iis inot iavailable ithrough iformal ichannels iof


6. Innovation iand icreativity: i iInformal iorganisation iprovide ithe ienvironment inecessary ifor
iindividual icreativity iand iinnovation. iWith ithe iprotection iof ihis igroup i, iand iemployee ican

iexperiment iwith inew iideas. iInformal iorganisations iprovide ia iscope ifor idevelopment iof

ipersonality iand ileadership iskills.

7. Social icontrol: iinformal iorganisation iprotects iand ipromote icommon iinterest iand ivalue iits
imembers. iMembers ideviating ifrom igroup inorms iare icensured.

8. Support ito iformal iorganisation: ian iinformal iorganisation ileads iflexibility iand ihumanism ito
iformal iorganisation. iMore icompetent imembers iof iinformal iorganisation ican ihelp iovercome

igaps iin ithe iabilities iof imanagement.

Answer i3: iBuilding ihealthy irelationships iwith iyour ico-workers iis ian iimportant ipart iof ihaving ia
isuccessful icareer. iCo-workers ispend iample iamounts iof itime itogether, iand isometimes idevelop

ipersonal irelationships ion itop iof itheir iprofessional iones. iThis ican ibe igood ifor ibusinesses ibecause iit

ican ihelp icompanies icreate ihigher iperformance iin ithe iworkplace. iBecause ieveryone ihas itheir irole ito

iplay iin ia icompany, iit iis iimportant ifor ieveryone ito iget ialong i- inot ijust ifor ithe isake iof ithe iwork
ienvironment, ibut ifor ithe isake iof ithe icompany iand iits isuccess, itoo. iBut ihow ido iyou ibuild
irelationships iwith ico-workers ito ibegin iwith? iHere iare ifive iways:

1. iBe iHonest iand iCommunicate

One ishould iencourage ipeople ito ibe ihonest iwith itheir ico-workers iabout ihaving ia isocial irelationship
iand icommunicate ithat iyou iwant ito iget ito iknow ithem ibetter ito iwork ibetter ias ia iteam. iSome ipeople

isee iwork ias ia iplace ito ishow iup, ido iwhat ithey iare isupposed ito ido, iand igo ihome, ibut iothers isee iit ias ia

iplace ito ispend ihalf iof itheir iwaking ilife iand ian iopportunity ito ibuild isocial irelationships.

2. iBe iLikable

Sometimes ibeing iopen iand ihonest iabout ibuilding ia irelationship iwith iyour ico-worker iwill inot iget iyou
ithe iresponse iyou iare ilooking ifor. iHowever, ido inot icompletely iwrite-off isomeone iwho iis inot

iinterested iin ibuilding ia irelationship. iEven iif ione idoes inot iwant ito iengage iand ibuild ia ifriendly ior

isocial irelationship, iothers imay iend iup iexcluding ithem ior idevaluing ithem, iand ithat iends iup icreating ia

inegative irelationship iand ipossibly ihurting ithe icompany. iInstead, ibe isure ito ikeep ione iin ithe

icommunication iloop iand istill ihelp iand isupport ito iwork-related itasks.

3. iBe iObservant

Some ipeople imight inow iknow ian iappropriate iway ito ibuild ia igood irelationship iwith ia ifellow
iemployee. iEncourage iindividuals ito ilook iat ithe icompany’s iculture iand iuse ithat ias ione iof ithe ifactors

ito iinform itheir idecision iregarding iif iand ihow ito iengage ico-workers ioutside iof iregular iwork iactivities.

iIf isome iare iunsure iabout iinviting ia ico-worker ito igrab isome idinner iafter iwork, ior igo iout ifor ia irun

iover ithe iweekend, iwhy inot istart ismall iand iask ithem iout ito ilunch? iOne idoes inot ihave ia iwhole ilot ito

ilose iand, iif ithey ihave ia igood itime, iit ican ibecome ia iregular ithing iand ihelp ithem igrow ias ico-workers.

4. iFind iA iCommon iInterest

For isome, iit ican ibe ia ilittle iawkward ito iget ito iknow ia istranger. iHowever, iHarry ipoints iout ithat iat ione
ipoint imost iof ithe ipeople iwho iwe iconsider iclose ifriends iwere istrangers ito ius iat ione ipoint. iThis ican

iprovide isome irelief iif iyou iare ifeeling iuneasy iabout ibefriending ia ico-worker iyou ido inot iknow.

iAnother iway ito imake ithis ia ilittle ieasier iis ito ifocus ion ian iinterest iboth ihave iin icommon. iPerhaps iboth

iown idogs, iwent ito ithe isame icollege, iwatch ithe isame iTV ishow, ior ihave ia igrandchild iin it-ball. iThis

icommon iinterest ican ibe ia igood ifoundation ifor ia ipositive irelationship.

5. iDo inot iBe iAfraid ito iAim iA iLittle iHigher i(Or iLower)

Though iit imight ibe ieasier ito ibuild ia irelationship iwith ia ico-worker iwho iholds ithe isame iworking istatus
ias iyou, iit idoesn’t imean iyou ican’t itry ito ibuild ia irelationship iwith ia ico-worker iwho ioutranks iyou i- ior

ieven ione iyou ioutrank i- iin ithe icompany. iMentor irelationships iin ithe iworkplace ibenefit iboth iparties

iand ithe icompany igain iwhen imore iemployees iare iengaged iand isupporting ieach iother. iThe iranks iin

icompanies ido ichange. iThe iperson iwho iwas ionce iin icharge iof ithe iother imay inot ibe iif ithey iare

isomeone iwho iplans ion igrowing iwithin ithe icompany. iIf ithe iranks ibetween ico-workers iare ireversed,

ihaving ialready iestablished ia ipositive irelationship imakes ithe itransition irun imore ismoothly.

The imain ifunctions:

• Strive ifor icompetency: iEmployees ishould istrive ito ibe icompetent iin itheir irole. iThis imeans
ihaving ithe irequisite iknowledge, iskills, iand iabilities iin ihis ior iher iarea.
• Establish iboundaries: iBoundaries iprovide ipoints iof iconnection iand iopportunities ifor
icollaboration. i“To iclarify iboundaries, iclearly idefine iroles iand iresponsibilities iand ibe isure

ithat ipeople iunderstand iwhat ithey iare iresponsible ifor, iAlthough iwe ishould itry ito ibuild iand

imaintain igood iworking irelationships iwith ieveryone, ithere iare icertain irelationships ithat

ideserve iextra iattention. iFor iinstance, iyou iwill ilikely ibenefit ifrom ideveloping igood

irelationships iwith ikey istakeholders iin iyour iorganization. iThese iare ithe ipeople iwho ihave ia

istake iin iyour isuccess ior ifailure. iForming ia ibond iwith ithese ipeople iwill ihelp iyou ito iensure

ithat iyour iprojects iand icareer, istay ion itrack.

• Active ilistening: iFocus ion itaking ithe itime ito ireally ilisten ito iyour icolleagues iand iclients iand
isee ihow ipeople iwill ipositively irespond ito iyou iin ireturn. iActive ilistening iis ia iskill iworth

iconsciously ideveloping ias iyou iwill ifind ithat iit iwill ihelp iyou iquickly igain ipeoples itrust.

• Respect: iRespecting ithe ipeople iyou iwork iwith imeans ithat iyou ivalue itheir iviews iand iideas.
iThis iwill ienable ieffective iand icreative iworking irelationships ithat iwill ibenefit iboth iparties.

iThis iwill ialso ienable iyou ito iwelcome idiverse iopinions ifrom icolleagues iand iconsider iwhat

ithey ihave ito isay.

• Privacy: iRespect iyour ico-worker’s iright ito iprivacy iand imake isure ithat ithey ishow ithe isame
icourtesy ito iyou. iDo inot imix iup iprofessional ilife iwith ipersonal iissues. iGive ispace ito iyour

icolleagues ito imaintain itheir iprivacy, iwhile iprotecting iyour iown.

• Help: i iBe iwilling ito igive iand ireceive ihelp iwhen irequired. iSharing ithe iburden iof ithose iwho

i are ihaving ia itough itime, iwill icreate igoodwill iamong iyour ico-workers.

Answer i4: iManagers iset igoals, ibut ileaders iset ithe ivision. iIt iis ithe ileader’s ijob ito iturn ithe ivision iinto
ireality. iLeaders ithink ibeyond iwhat ipeople iare icapable iof iand itry ito imake ieveryone ipart iof

isomething ibigger. i iManagers iusually ithink ishort iterm, ibut ileaders ithink ilong iterm. iLeaders ialways

ilook iat ithe ibig ipicture iand ithink iabout ithe inext iphase ito iset ithe idirection itowards ithe ifinal igoal.

Managers imaintain ithe istatus iquo; ileaders iare iin ifavour iof ichange. iLeaders imust ibe iinnovative iand
ishould iencourage itransformation iin ian iorganization. iThey ialways ilook ifor ibetter iways ito iimprove

ithe iprocesses iof ia ibusiness. iManagers ido inot iwant ito iget iout iof itheir icomfort izone, ileaders itake

irisks. iLeaders iare inot iafraid iof itrying iout inew ithings ieven ithough, ithey ifail isometimes. iLeaders ido

inot iforget ithat ifailing iis inot ithe iend ibut ithe ibeginning ifor ia inew ipath ito isuccess.

Managers iare iprocess ifocused, ibut ileaders iare ipeople ifocused. iLeaders ialways ithink iabout itheir
iteams iand igive iimportance ito itheir igrowth ibecause ia igood ileader iknows ithat ionce ihis/her iteam

igrows, ithe ibusiness igrows itoo. iManagers isupervise itheir iteam, ibut ileaders icoach ithem. iLeaders ido

inot imicromanage itheir iteam ibut iinstead iguide ithem itowards ithe ivision iwhen inecessary.

Managers iare iauthoritative ibut ileaders iare icharismatic. iLeaders iearn ithe irespect iof iothers iwith itheir
icharisma iand imake iothers ifollow ithem. iThat iis iwhy ileaders ihave ifans iand imanagers ihave

iemployees. iManagers iassign itasks ibut ileaders iencourage iideas. iLeaders iwant ithe iinvolvement iof ithe

iwhole iteam ito ithe iprocess iand ilike ito ibrainstorm inew iideas ior iencourages ipeople ito ialways iraise

itheir iopinions, iif ithey iget ia ibetter iway iof idoing ithings.
Managers iare icontrollers iand ithink iwith itheir ibrains, ibut ileaders iare ipassionate iand ithink iwith itheir
ihearts itoo ialongside itheir ibrains. iLeaders iknow ithe iimportance iof ithe igut ifeeling iand ibelieve iin itheir

isixth isenses. iManagers ido ithings iright, ibut ileaders ido ithe iright ithing. iIf ileaders ineed ito ibreak iand iset

inew irules ifor ia ibusiness, ithen, ithey ido inot ihesitate iof idoing iit ibecause ileaders iare iopen ito ichange.

The idifferences ibetween ia imanager iand ia ileader iwith iexamples:

1. iManagers iAre iReactive, iLeaders iAre iProactive

As ia imanager, iyou iwill ibe igiven iyour iinstructions. iIf isomething idoes inot igo ito iplan, ia igood imanager
iwill ireact ito ithe ibad inews i(or igood inews) iaccordingly. iDisplaying ileadership iis iabout imore ithan ithat

ithough; iif iyou iare ia istrong ileader, iyou iwill ianticipate ichanges iand iprepare iin iadvance, isteering iyour

iteam ito isafety iand iever-increasing iprofits.

Leaders iwho iare iproactive itypically ihave ia icalm idemeanour iand iroll iwith ithe ipunches. iThey ialso
ihave iconfidence ithat itheir iteams ican iovercome iany ichallenge ithat imay iarise. iThis icreates ia iless

istressful ienvironment ifor iteams, iknowing ithere iis ia iplan iof iaction iand icontingencies iin iplace ifor

iwhen ithings ido inot igo ias iplanned. iOf icourse, ias iwith iall ithings, igood ileaders ineed ito itake ion

imanaging iand ileading irolls.

2. iManagers iHave iEmployees, iLeaders iHave iFollowers

You iwill imanage ia igroup iof ifive ior i10 ias ia igood imanager iat ia ismall icompany. iAs ia imanager, iyour
iteam iwill ibe ifixed. iYou iwill ireact ito isituations, iand iyour iteam iwill ireport ito iyou. iHowever, iif iyou

ibecome iknown ias ia ileader, ithen iyour iteam iwill icome ito iyou ifor ihelp--but iso iwill imembers iof iother

iteams. iBeing iknown ias ithe iguy ior igirl iwho igets iideas iand iacts idecisively iis ithe iway ito ibecome ia

inatural ileader, iand ito iincrease iyour ivalue ione-hundredfold iin ibusiness.

Leaders ialso inurture itheir iteams ito ibecome ileaders. iThey ido ithis iby iseeing iwho itheir iemployees ican
ibecome iwith ithe iright itraining iand iresources, iand inot iworrying itoo imuch iabout iwhat ithe iemployees

iare ilike itoday. iLeaders ialso icreate imore ileaders iby icreating ikey iperformance iindicators iinstead iof

itelling iemployees iwhat ito ido. iLeaders ialso iknow ithat ibecoming ia ileader itakes itime, iand ithey igive

itheir iemployees iroom ito imake imistakes iand ilearn ifrom ithem.

3. iManagers iManage iGroups, iLeaders iCreate iTeams

This iis icorollary ito ithe ipoint iabove--as ia imanager, iyou iwill imanage iyour istaff. iAs ia ileader, iyou irealize
ithat iyou iare ithe idirector iin ia iplay--every iperson iisn't ione iof ithe igroup, ithey iare ia iunique icog ithat iis

ivital ito ithe irunning iand ipromotion iof ithe isystem ias ia iwhole. iThis iis ia ikey ichange iof iattitude ithat iwill

ibring iout ithe ibest iin iyour iworkforce. iVrej iSarkissian, iCEO iof iAnoush iCatering, isays i"When iwe ihelp

iour iemployees iwork itogether ias ia iteam, iwe're iable ito iput itogether iastounding ievents ifor iour

icustomers. iOur iteamwork ieven ienables ius ito igive iback ito iour icommunity iin ia imeaningful iway. iWe

ivalue ieach imember iof iour iteam ias ian iintegral ipiece iof ithe imachine iand iour icustomers ican ireally isee

ihow iit imakes ius ia iseamless iunit iinstead iof iindividuals."

4. iManagers iShift iResponsibility, iLeaders iTake iResponsibility

Managers idelegate itasks. iThey ialso idelegate iblame. iWe ihave iall iworked ifor ithat imanager iwho iwants
ito itry iout ihis inew iidea, iyet iwhen ihis iown imanager icomes iand iasks iwhat iis igoing ion isuddenly iyour

imanager ihas ino iknowledge iof ithe ischeme. iIf iyou iwant ito ibe irespected ias ia ileader, ithis ican inever

ihappen. iLeaders itake iresponsibility.

5. iLeaders iWill iStand iand iBe iCounted

A imanager iwill ikeep itheir imouth ishut, irun ieverything ismoothly, iand ithen igo ihome iwhen ithe iwork iis
idone. iA ileader iwill inot. iA ileader iis iconstantly ipitching. iConstantly imaking iit icount. iConstantly itrying

ito irework ithings iboth ilower iand ihigher iin ithe ihierarchy ito imake ithings iwork ibetter.

6. iLeaders iWill iDo iWhat iNeeds ito iBe iDone

Answer i5: iStress irefers ito ian iindividual’s ireaction itoa idisturbing ifactor iin ienvironment. iIt ican ilead ito
ipsychological idiscomfort, iemotional iunhappiness, ior istrained irelation iwith iothers. iHaving ian ianxiety

idisorder ican imake ia imajor iimpact iin ithe iworkplace. iPeople imay iturn idown ia ipromotion ior iother

iopportunity ibecause iit iinvolves itravel ior ipublic ispeaking; imake iexcuses ito iget iout iof ioffice iparties,

istaff ilunches, iand iother ievents ior imeetings iwith ico-workers; ior ibe iunable ito imeet ideadlines. iIt iis ian

iadaptive iresponse ito ian iexternal isituation ithat iresults iin iphysical ipsychological iand ior ibehavioural

ideviations ifor iorganisational iparticipants.

Stress iis iassociated iwith iconstrains iand idemands. iThe ikey ifeature iof ia istrong ileader iis ithat iwhen ithe
itime icomes iwhen ian iemployee icomplaint iabout ihis istress ithe ileader ishould ibe ithere ito ihelp ihim.

iThere iare iso imany iaspects iof ia ijob ithat ican icause ianxiety: ihaving itight ideadlines, itrying ito

iharmonize ia iwork/life ibalance, idealing iwith ioffice igossip iand ipolitics, imeeting iyour isupervisor’s

iexpectations iand ithe ilist igoes ion. iPeople iwho iwork iwill iexperience isome ianxiety iat isome ipoint.

The imore ione ifear ianxiety, ithe imore ipowerful iit ican ibecome. iPart iof ireducing ianxiety iis iaccepting
ithat isometimes iwork iis igoing ito imake iyou ifeel ithat iway. iThis iis ia ilot ieasier isaid ithan idone, ibut iit

icomes iwith ipractice. iPeople iwith ianxiety ihave imuch imore itrouble iholding inumerical iand iverbal

iinformation iin itheir iworking imemory. iThis iis ibecause itheir iperception iof ithreat iis imuch ihigher ithan

ithose iof ithe iaverage iperson, iwhich idistracts ithem iand iprevents ithem ifrom icompleting iongoing itasks

ias iwell ias iinterfering iwith ithe ispecific icognitive ifunctions ithat imake iworking imemory ipossible.

Stress iaffects ipeople idifferently. iSome ipeople iseem ito ithrive ion iextremely istressful ilifestyles, iwhile
iothers istruggle ito icope iwith ieveryday ilife. iEveryone ihas ian ioptimum ilevel iof istress. iToo ilittle

iexcitement iand itoo ifew ichallenges imay ilead ito iboredom. iToo imuch istress ican ilead ito ihealth

iproblems. iA icertain iamount iof istress, ihowever, itends ito ibe igood ifor iindividuals. iPositive istress ican

iact ias ia ispur ito iachieve ibetter iresults ithan iwould iotherwise ibe iattained. iPlenty iof isituations iare

ipotentially istressful ibut ialso ienjoyable: ithink iabout ithe ibirth iof ia ichild, iforming inew irelationships,

iand iundertaking inew iand istretching ichallenges. iStress iis ialso iextremely iuseful iin iacting ias ian ienabler

ito iavoid iproblems iand idangers. iIt iis ia imotivator ito isolve iproblems iand ian iimportant iwarning isignal

ithat isomething iis iwrong, iallowing iindividuals ito itake isome iaction ito iaddress ithose iproblems.

iHowever, iwhile isome istress iis igood, itoo imuch istress iis ibad. iProlonged istress iis ialmost ialways ibad.

iEvery iindividual ihas ia idifferent ilevel iof itolerance iof istress, iand iorganisations iand iindividuals ihave ia

iresponsibility ito iensure ithat inobody iis iexposed ito itoo imuch istress.

Workplace ianxiety ihappens ito ieveryone. iBut ifor ithose iwho iexperience iit iregularly, iit iis inot
isomething iyou ishould ipush iaside ior iignore. iEven iif iyou ifeel istressed iout iand iunder ipressure, iit iis

iimportant ito itake itime ito imanage iyour ianxiety. iWork iis iimportant, ibut iit iis inot iworth iyour imental

ihealth. iEveryone iexperiences iwork ianxiety ifrom itime ito itime, ibut iif ione’s ijob iis ia iconstant isource iof

istress iand inothing ione ihas itried ihas igiven iyou iany irelief, iit imight ibe ia isign iof ia ideeper iproblem.

iWork ican ibe ianxiety-provoking, ibut iexcessive ianxiety imight ialso ibe ia isign ithat ithe ijob ior iworkplace

iitself iis iproblematic. iToxic iculture, iexcessive idemands, iunhealthy ipressures, ior ia ipoorly imatched

iposition ican iall ibe isources iof iwork-related istress iand ianxiety. i
If iyou've itried ito imanage iyour iwork ianxiety, ieither ithrough icoping istrategies ior iother itreatments,
iand ihaven't ifound iany irelief, iit imight ibe ia isign ithat iyou ineed ito ichange ipositions iand iwork ior ieven

ichange ijobs ientirely. iRather ithan isimply iif ithe iproblem, iconsider ithings iabout ithe ijob ithat ican imake

ione iunhappy iand icause istress. iHow iwould ichanging ithose iaspects iof ithe ijob ihelp irelieve ianxiety?

iThis imight imean:

i. changing ijob iroles iand iduties

ii. changing ijobs ito ifind ia ihealthier, imore isupportive iworkplace
iii. changing icareers ito ifind isomething ibetter isuited ito iyour ineeds

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