Process Design For Hydrogenation of Palm Oil: Bhavika J. Parmar, Prof. S. M. Dutta, Prof. S. B. Thakore
Process Design For Hydrogenation of Palm Oil: Bhavika J. Parmar, Prof. S. M. Dutta, Prof. S. B. Thakore
Process Design For Hydrogenation of Palm Oil: Bhavika J. Parmar, Prof. S. M. Dutta, Prof. S. B. Thakore
Keywords— Jet Loop Reactor, Venturi Type Ejector, Fig. 1 Process flow design for Hydrogenation of Palm Oil
Hydrogenation Process, Palm Oil Recovery
© 2016, IJAETS 1
Bhavika J. Parmar et al, Process Design for Hydrogenation of Palm Oil
Hydrogenation of palm oil is carried out to produce The presented design of jet reactor incorporates charge
(hydrogenated fat) in the presence of nickel catalyst in of 1t palm oil 64 IV for a product specification of 10 IV,
batch reactor. In which iodine value of the mass is reduced 24 ̊C melting point (max).
from 64 to 10. The batch reactor has a jacket for heating
the initial charge with circulating hot oil. Cooling The following data is taken into consideration:
requirements are met by passing cooling water in internal
coils. Average molar mass of soybean oil is 270
Average chain length of fatty acids is 16.98
In a newly developed jet loop reactor, it is planned to Average exothermic heat of reaction is 0.942 kcal /kg
complete the reaction in 3 hours by improving mass or 3.941 kJ /kg
transfer in the reactor and cooling the mass in external heat Hydrogen feed rate is from 110 to 125 Nm3/h
exchanger, thereby maintaining near isothermal condition. Bleed rate is 1 to 2 Nm3/h
Palm oil, having iodine value (IV) of 64 is to be Thermic fluid or oil is used as both, heating medium in
hydrogenated in the jet reactor at 5 bar g and 195 ̊ C. starting of reaction and cooling medium in running of
initially the charge is heated from 50 ̊ C to 160 ̊ C with the reaction.
circulating hot oil external heat exchanger.
Cooling water is available at 2 bar g and 32 ̊ C. A rise
Hydrogen is introduced in hot palm oil and pressure is of 5 ̊ C is permitted over here. Cooling water is used for
maintained in the reactor at 5 bar g. reaction is exothermic cooling the oil from 80 ̊ C to 70 ̊ C in oil cooler (HE-2) of
and the temperature of mass increases. Cold oil flow in the oil cycle.
external heat exchanger controls the temperature at 195 ̊ C
as per the requirement; IV reduction is desired up to 10 The following average properties of fluids for the
when the reaction is considered over. design are taken:
Thereafter hydrogenated mass is cooled to 110 ̊ C in
Properties Palm oil or Circulating oil
about 1.5 h before it is discharged to filter. 150 kg spent
hardened fat (thermic fluid)
nickel catalyst is charged with palm oil while fresh 5 to 10 Density, 0.856 0.71
kg nickel catalyst is charged at intervals in the reactor kg / L
under pressure. A bleed is maintained from the system to Specific heat, kJ 2.56 2.95
purge out water vapour and non-condensable. /(kg ̊ C)
Viscosity, mPa s 2.387 0.5
Thermal 0.1664 0.1
W/(m ̊ C)
International Journal on Advances in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume: 2, Issue: 2, March-April 2016, e-ISSN: 2455-3131
© 2016, IJAETS 3
Bhavika J. Parmar et al, Process Design for Hydrogenation of Palm Oil
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