Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0

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Application Access Controls Governor

Implementation Guide 8.2.0

Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0
Copyright © 2008 Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Primary Author: Stephanie McLaughlin
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Application Access Controls Governor Setup Overview ..........................1
Diagnostic Steps ............................................................................................................. 1
Application Access Controls Governor Setup Flowchart............................................... 2
Setup Checklist ............................................................................................................... 3
Configuration Planning and Installation .................................................7
Defining Your Data Sources........................................................................................... 7
Defining Your Roles ....................................................................................................... 7
Defining Your Users ....................................................................................................... 8
Defining Your Notification Schedules ........................................................................... 8
ETL Synchronization...................................................................................................... 8
Policy Planning and Setup .......................................................................9
Defining Entitlements ..................................................................................................... 9
Defining Policies............................................................................................................. 9
Defining Conditions........................................................................................................ 9
Remediation Flowchart................................................................................................. 11
Remediation Considerations ......................................................................................... 12
Remediation Checklist.................................................................................................. 12
Application Access Controls Governor Remediation Steps ......................................... 14
Run Conflict Analysis for All Policies...................................................................... 14
View the Heat Map in Various Ways ....................................................................... 14
Focus on Areas with the Highest Risk, Priority, and Volume .................................. 15
Review Intra-Role Conflicts ..................................................................................... 15
Review Inter-Role Conflicts ..................................................................................... 16
Use Various On-Line Views to Analyze Conflicts................................................... 17
Use Various Reports and Extracts to Analyze Conflicts .......................................... 18
Assign Conflicts to Business Owners ....................................................................... 19
Run Simulation ......................................................................................................... 19
Utilize Corporate Change-Tracking Process ............................................................ 20
Make Changes in the Underlying System................................................................. 20
Re-evaluate ............................................................................................................... 20
User Provisioning ...................................................................................21
User Provisioning Maintenance.................................................................................... 21
To Turn User Provisioning Off in Oracle:................................................................ 21
To Turn User Provisioning Off in PeopleSoft: ......................................................... 22

Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0 iii

iv Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0
Application Access Controls Governor Setup Overview
Oracle Application Access Controls Governor (AACG) is a segregation-of-duties policy-
authoring and -handling solution that works across heterogeneous platforms to detect and
prevent undesired user access. Each policy specifies “access points” to a company’s busi-
ness-management applications that should not be assigned simultaneously to individual
users. AACG then finds “conflicts” — assignments of duties to business-management-
application users that violate access policies.
Because AACG was designed with rapid implementations in mind, best-practice SOD
libraries may be used to deploy policies for immediate conflict analysis. The best-practice
SOD Library for PeopleSoft and E-Business Suite provides access policies that support
rapid implementation of segregation of duties around common end-to-end business proc-
esses. These include Order to Cash, Procure to Pay, Financials, and Human Resources.
Consider the guidelines in this chapter as you set up AACG for your organization.

Diagnostic Steps
Application Access Controls Governor has been designed to be incredibly scalable by
means of hardware configurations. This means AACG performance can often be
improved via a hardware change rather than an AACG software change.
Touch points of AACG include several areas that span hardware, software, and network
variables. Refer to the Hardware Platform Requirement document for the preferred and
supported hardware configurations.
Any deviation from these recommendations may result in unforeseen issues and would
cause additional time and require additional resources during implementation of AACG.
It is highly recommended during implementation planning that sufficient time be
allocated for setting up, testing, and troubleshooting environment-specific issues that
commonly occur with the many combinations of environments available.
The following is a high-level recommendation for diagnostic steps during environment
setup and implementation:
1 Work with Oracle consulting or a partner service provider to evaluate your environ-
ment and options for AACG installation.
a Consider creating Development, Test, and Production instances. It is highly
recommended that the environments for these instances be similar to one another,
as varying environments could cause unexpected issues.
b Search for any patches that may need to be applied.
2 Refer to the Hardware Platform Requirement document for the preferred and supported
hardware configurations.
3 Look on Oracle Support for known environment variable issues.
4 Follow the Installation and Upgrade Guide to install AACG.

Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0 1

5 Verify that areas of the application are working (see the User Guide for more
a Create a data source and run ETL synchronization.
b Create a simple access policy to test (for example, Responsibility 1 vs.
Responsibility 1, so that the assignment of this responsibility to anyone would
cause a conflict).
c Run conflict analysis.
d View conflict-analysis results.
e Run a few reports.
6 Continue setups as recommended in this Implementation Guide.

Application Access Controls Governor Setup Flowchart

Although you can set up Application Access Controls Governor in many ways, we
recommend that you follow the order suggested in the following flowchart. Some steps are
required, and others are optional; you would perform the optional steps only if you are ready
to use the features or business functions implemented by those steps.

2 Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0

Setup Checklist
To set up Application Access Controls Governor, complete the steps in the following
checklist. You must complete the steps identified as required; you would complete each
of the optional steps only if you want to use the functionality implemented by that step.
(Each step is described in further detail later in this document. Moreover, the description
for each step includes a reference to a section and chapter of the Application Access Con-
trols Governor User Guide, in which you can find full information about the procedures
for completing each step.)
 1 Required: Connect your instance of Application Access Controls Governor to
its database. Typically, connectivity values are set during installation; you would
update the values only if your configuration needs to change.
See “Setting AACG Properties” in the Data Administration chapter.
 2 Required: Configure connections to data sources for instances of the business-
management applications (such as Oracle or PeopleSoft) that are to be subject
to control by AACG.
See “Configuring a Data Source Connection” in the Data Administration chapter.
 3 Required: Run “synchronization” to consume the access security model for
each data source.
See “Synchronizing Data” in the Data Administration chapter.
 4 Optional: Define roles and permissions available to AACG users. To create a
role, you essentially give it a name and then select a set of properties for it. The
properties grant update or view rights to the nodes you can select in the Naviga-
tion Panel, generally following its hierarchy, and so assign privileges to work in
the screens that can be opened from the Navigation Panel.
AACG comes with two roles already defined — Basic provides access only to
a Home panel, and Admin provides access to all features other than a User Pro-
visioning panel. User Provisioning provides “preventive” conflict analysis in
Oracle EBS instances; typically it is not implemented until conflicts already
existing in business-management applications are cleaned up. Thus role crea-
tion is optional because you may use the existing Admin role to grant access to
all the features you will need initially. To implement User Provisioning, how-
ever, you must create a new role and select the User Provisioning property for it.
See “Creating Roles” in the User and Role Administration chapter.
 5 Required: Define AACG users and grant them roles. Application Access
Controls Governor comes with one configured user, for which both the user
name and password are admin. This user is assigned the Admin role and so has
rights to all AACG features other than User Provisioning. By logging on as the
admin user, one can create other roles and users. However, it is imperative for
proper security that an authoritative user modify the admin user’s password as
soon after installation as that task can be completed.
See “Creating User Accounts” in the User and Role Administration chapter.

Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0 3

 6 Optional: Configure notifications. When a policy generates conflicts, AACG
may notify the policy “participants” via your company’s email system. For this
to happen, establish a connection to the SMTP server your company uses for
sending email, and schedule notifications to be sent.
See “Configuring Notifications” in the Data Administration chapter.
 7 Optional: Load policy content. The AACG export, import, and migration
utilities capture not only access policies, but also entitlements (see step 9) used
by those policies. Best-practice SOD libraries for PeopleSoft and E-Business
Suite may be loaded to support rapid implementation of segregation of duties.
See “Exporting, Importing, and Migrating Policies” in the Creating Access
Policies chapter.
 8 Optional: Define dimensions. A dimension is a category of values. Its values
may be assigned to access policies (and so to conflicts generated by those pol-
icies). Or, its values may be assigned to entitlements (see step 9), and so to con-
flicts generated by policies that include those entitlements. They flag items,
and so distinguish them from unrelated items. They may therefore be used as
sort criteria in AACG panels that display policies, entitlements, or conflicts.
See “Creating Dimensions and Assigning Dimension Values” in the Creating
Access Policies chapter.
 9 Optional: Define entitlements. Each is a collection of access points. Typically,
those points provide access to related functions, and the entitlement name is a
business term that reflects the common functionality. To define conflicts, access
policies can use entitlements in place of, or in addition to, access points. Each
access point in an entitlement is considered to conflict with every point in other
entitlements in a policy, as well as points included independently of entitlements.
See “Creating an Entitlement” in the Creating Access Policies chapter.
 10 Required: Define access policies (or edit those loaded in step 7). An access
policy may define conflicts among any number of access points or entitlements.
A single policy may mix differing access-point types — for example, it may
include both Oracle functions and responsibilities. It may include access points
from more than one business-management system, for example defining equiv-
alent conflicts in Oracle E-Business Suite and PeopleSoft Enterprise. It may
include both access points and entitlements.
See “Adding an Access Policy” and “Adding Access Points or Entitlements to
a Policy” in the Creating Access Policies chapter.
 11 Optional: Prioritize policies. Assign number values to policies to identify which
are most important. When prioritizing, consider a company’s GRC goals, the
regulations it has to follow, areas of high risk to its business, areas on which
previous audits have dinged the company, and so on. Prioritization can be used
to run focused conflict analysis, sorting, views, and reporting.
See “Adding an Access Policy” in the Creating Access Policies chapter.

4 Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0

 12 Required: Set policy types. Each access policy is assigned one of three policy
types, which determine the actions to be taken when a business management-
application user is assigned duties that a policy defines as conflicting:
• A Prevent policy should deny access to conflicting access points. All paths to
such a conflict are assigned a Prevent status, and this status cannot be changed.
• A Monitor policy permits access to conflicting access points. Although auto-
mated or manual controls may be in place to mitigate conflicts generated by
Monitor policies, this is not necessary. Paths to conflicts generated by a Mon-
itor policy are initially set to a Monitor status, indicating that the access should
be re-examined periodically. Analysts can update the status to Approved
(the user retains access granted by that path, and it need not be re-examined)
or Rejected (the user must not have the access granted by that path). Ultimately,
the intended choice for a policy of this type is Approved or Rejected.
• An Approval Required policy allows a user to work at conflicting access
points only upon approval by a reviewer designated by the policy. Paths to
conflicts generated by an Approval Required policy are initially set to a
Pending status, and analysts may reset the status to Monitor, Approved, or
Rejected. Typically, the intended choice for a policy of this type is
Approved or Rejected.
See “Adding an Access Policy” in the Creating Access Policies chapter.
 13 Optional: Assign dimensions to categorize policies. As you create policies or
entitlements, you can assign dimension values to them. There are two seeded
dimensions, Business Process and Risk. By assigning dimension values to your
policies, you will have different ways to view the conflicts that are generated.
This will help you to focus on areas of concern during remediation.
See “Creating Dimensions and Assigning Dimension Values” in the Creating
Access Policies chapter.
 14 Optional: Assign “participants” to policies; create “participant groups” for that
purpose. Each policy must have at least one participant (individual or group),
identified as “first to act.” This participant resolves conflicts generated by the
If access points are assigned to an Oracle EBS or PeopleSoft Financials user
after an Approval Required policy has been written to define them as conflict-
ing, a record of the assignment appears in the AACG User Provisioning panel.
In this case, if the first-to-act participant is an individual, he has exclusive re-
sponsibility for reviewing the assignment; if the first-to-act participant is a group,
any member may review the request, but the first to do so acts for all.
Otherwise — if conflicts are generated in other applications, or even within
Oracle or PeopleSoft by a Prevent or Monitor policy, or if access points had
been assigned to users before the policy was written to define them as conflicting
— records of conflicts appear in the Work Queue. If the first-to-act participant
is an individual, she is the owner of these records; if the first-to-act participant is a
group, a member identified as “primary” is the default owner of these records.

Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0 5

If you do not select a participant for a policy, AACG appoints the admin user
as its first-to-act participant.
See “Designating Policy Participants” in the Creating Access Policies chapter.
 15 Optional: Define conditions to create a more focused conflict analysis and
eliminate false positives. You can create three types of condition that affect the
generation of conflicts:
• As you create or edit an access policy, you can create conditions for it.
These can specify users or other objects, such as companies in PeopleSoft or
operating units in Oracle EBS, that are exempt from the policy. Or they can
specify circumstances under which the policy is enforced — for example,
only when a user’s access to conflicting access points would be granted
within a single set of books.
• You can create global conditions. These are essentially the same as the
conditions that are configured to apply to an individual policy, except that a
global condition applies to all policies as they are enforced on a given
instance of a business-management application.
• You can create global path conditions. Each excludes one access point from
another, such as an Oracle function from a menu or a responsibility. A path
including those points would be excluded from conflict generation. If, for
example, a global path condition excluded function-1 from responsibility-1,
an access policy set function-1 in conflict with function-2, and a user had
access to both functions, no conflict would occur if the user’s access to
function-1 came from responsibility-1.
See “Defining Conditions” in the Creating Access Policies chapter.
 16 Required: Find the conflicts that your access policies define. A Find Conflicts
program can evaluate all policies or a selection of them, and can be run immed-
iately or be scheduled to run in the future. (Consider whether to synchronize
data first — see step 3 — to ensure that business-management-system data is
current and conflict generation is up to date.)
See “Finding Conflicts” in the Finding and Resolving Conflicts chapter.

6 Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0

Configuration Planning and Installation
You need to create and set up one or more data sources in the AACG Data Administrator.
The data sources you set up depend on various factors, such as your company’s current man-
dates, risk tolerances, and compliance goals. Considerations include the need to connect to
development instances and test instances, and to analyze data across multiple homogeneous
instances and/or heterogeneous platforms. Below are detailed instructions for each of the
planning and installation steps outlined in “Setup Overview.” There are references to
other sections of this guide for more detailed instructions.
Use the Application Access Controls Governor User Guide for help in completing setups.

Defining Your Data Sources

Before you begin setting up your data sources, consider your environment and your
goals. Do you run conflict analysis against multiple applications? For instance, do you
connect to one application for Financials and another for Human Resources? Are these on
the same platform? Will you analyze conflicts across multiple platforms or even cross-
platform? By carefully evaluating your business needs, you can create the necessary data
sources so that when policies are loaded or created, they will be able to run against the
appropriate data sources.

Defining Your Roles

Before you begin setting up your roles, consider who will use AACG, and for what pur-
poses. Examples of roles may include:
• Auditors – May be able to review generated conflicts and run reports.
• Internal Controls Group – May help define dimensions, review/create policies, and
run reports.
• Business Area/Application Owners – May conduct activities such as creating policies,
creating entitlements, viewing conflicts, updating conflict statuses, and simulating the
resolution of conflicts.
• System Administrator – May set up data sources, application configuration, and
notification configurations.
• User Provisioning Participants — May review access requests in the User Provisioning
panel. (It contains an entry for each occasion when access points are assigned to an
Oracle EBS or PeopleSoft Financials user after an Approval Required policy has been
written to define them as conflicting). This is the only AACG feature not assigned to
either default role. To implement User Provisioning, therefore, you must create at least
one role that includes the User Provisioning property, assign that role to users, and spe-
cify those users (or participant groups to which they belong) as first-to-act participants
in policies. As you do so, bear in mind that according to accepted practice, a user who
creates policies should not be able to review the conflicts it generates. Therefore the
User Provisioning Participant role typically should not also permit users to create
access policies.

Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0 7

Defining Your Users
Before you begin creating users — during the role creation process — you should have
considered who will use AACG, and for what purposes. Consider a naming convention
for user names and apply one or more roles to each user as appropriate.

Defining Your Notification Schedules

Notification schedules determine how often users are notified when conflicts are gener-
ated. For each policy participant, a consolidated email message is generated, showing all
conflict paths generated for the participant, but not yet sent. Before creating a notification
schedule, consider how often conflicts will be generated, and how immediate is the need
to review or fix those conflicts.

ETL Synchronization
To maximize performance and handle cross-platform analysis, application access security
model data is extracted and loaded into AACG to be used in analysis. How often synchro-
nization is run or scheduled depends on various factors.
In general, any time the access security model of the data source you are running analysis
against has changed, an ETL synchronization should occur before conflict analysis is run.
If, for instance, your organization commonly makes changes to Oracle menu structures,
or creates and changes responsibilities on a daily basis, then it would also be wise to run
the ETL synchronization on a daily basis.
If, for another example, your company evaluates conflicts on a monthly basis, then it may
only be necessary to run the synchronization process once a month.

8 Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0

Policy Planning and Setup
You may decide to load the best-practice SOD library. By doing so, you will have a
number of entitlements and policies to be reviewed with appropriate business owners, and
compared against the company’s goals for Governance, Risk, and Compliance. It may be
necessary to inactivate or edit policies and entitlements, or add new ones.

Defining Entitlements
If you decided to load the best-practice SOD library, you will have a number of entitle-
ments that already group together common access points, labeled by appropriate business
At this point, you should have a good idea of the GRC goals of the company and know
what areas of the business should be focused on.
Reviewing each loaded entitlement and its access points is necessary to ensure that the
entitlements fully cover the known ways that users may access functionality. It may be
easier first to identify policies to be activated, and then focus on the entitlements within
those policies for completeness.

Defining Policies
If you decided to load the best-practice SOD library, you will have a number of policies
that already identify sets of access points to which individual users should not be granted
At this point, you should have a good idea of the GRC goals of the company and know
what areas of the business should be focused on.
Reviewing each loaded policy and its access points is necessary to ensure that the goals
of the company are being met. There are several ways to approach defining policies. A
common approach is outlined in the following steps:
1 Identify GRC goals of the company.
2 Load the best-practice SOD library.
3 Hold workshops with subject matter experts (SMEs) to review policies.
4 Create and edit policies and entitlements as needed.
5 Prioritize policies.
6 Assign policy types.
7 Define and assign dimensions to categorize policies.
8 Assign policy participants.

Defining Conditions
Conditions help eliminate false positives and create focused conflict-analysis runs. Condi-
tions are specific to the application data source and most likely will be tweaked throughout
the remediation process to help focus on different areas as the clean-up process occurs.

Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0 9

What does your company want to consider, or exclude, in its conflict analysis? This
determines what conditions should be set and at what level (global, policy, or path). For
instance, certain users (like developers) may cause hundreds of conflicts in a develop-
ment instance that they would not cause in a production instance. You may want to
exclude these users from analysis at certain points of the evaluation.
Best business practices for Oracle EBS have been identified below as possible conditions
to set up for analysis exclusions.
Note: If conditions are not visible, go to Data Administration and click Refresh.
Common global-condition settings for Oracle E-Business Suite are as follows:
• Submenu Grant Flag: N
Do not apply policies to menus (and functions available from them) for which the
grant flag is not selected on parent menus. (If the grant flag is not selected, the
submenu “belongs” to the parent menu but does not appear on it and cannot be
• Query Only: QUERY_ONLY
Exempt functions available from menus that provide query-only access; enforce the
access policy for other menus that provide write access to the same functions.
• Function Grant Flag: N
Do not apply access policies to functions for which the grant flag is not selected on
menus. (If not, the function “belongs” to the menu but does not appear on it and
cannot be selected.)
• Responsibility Query Only: Yes
Do not apply access policies to responsibilities that have been registered as query-
only, because users cannot transact in such responsibilities.
• Responsibility End Date: Inactive
Users do not have access to menus and functions within responsibilities that have
been end dated, therefore there is no reason to include these in conflict analysis.
• User End Date: Inactive
Users who are not active cannot log into the system, therefore there is no reason to
include these in conflict analysis.
• User Responsibility End Date: Inactive
Responsibility assignments that have been end dated should not be considered in
conflict analysis since the user does not actually have access to those responsibilities.

10 Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0

Remediation is the act of cleaning up your application to reduce or eliminate segregation
of duties conflicts. Segregation of duties simply means that each user should not be assigned
access points that policies define as conflicting in a system (or systems). Although there
may be similarities, segregation of duties is different for every company, and the process
for cleaning up the conflicts that may occur is also different.
Outlined below is a common approach to remediation. It may need to be adjusted based
on your company’s goals for Governance, Risk, and Compliance.

Remediation Flowchart

Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0 11

Remediation Considerations
Involving the appropriate people during remediation is key. Different people will be
involved at different points, and involving the appropriate people at the appropriate times
is imperative. Conflict analysis and clean-up is an iterative process, and although there
are various ways to approach remediation, we’ve outlined a common approach utilizing
components of Application Access Controls Governor.

Remediation Checklist
The following checklist provides a more detailed list of steps using Application Access
Controls Governor during remediation. When you are ready to begin the remediation
process, you log on to Oracle Application Access Controls Governor and work through
these steps to begin cleanup in your systems.
 1 Run conflict analysis for all policies.
Loading all best practice SOD policies and running conflict analysis will
provide a quick view of your company’s overall SOD health and provide a
basis for beginning analysis and prioritization.
 2 View the Heat Map in various ways.
Use the Heat Map to select various combinations of the X and Y axes to
provide high-level counts of conflicts in your system. This will help determine
the best area to begin focusing on conflict analysis and remediation.
 3 Focus on areas with the highest risk, priority, and volume.
Depending on your company’s GRC goals, determine focus areas to begin
analyzing. The Heat Map provides a high-level way to see where the volume is
the greatest. Use the Heat Map to continue drilling into more layers of data, or
move into more detailed data via online screens and reports.
 4 Review intra-role conflicts.
Focusing on intra-role conflicts first will inherently clean up potentially
hundreds of conflicts. (In the context of remediation, “role” means the level of
access point that is assigned directly to a business-management-application
user, such as a responsibility in Oracle E-Business Suite.) Many times a role
has been built with segregation of duties conflicts within itself. By identifying
these issues and cleaning them up first, you will see an across-the-board effect.
 5 Review inter-role conflicts.
Focus next on inter-role conflicts. These conflicts mean a user has access to
one or more access points across one or more roles. Sometimes removing an
access point from one role will clean up several conflicts.
 6 Use various on-line views to analyze conflicts.
In the AACG Work Queue, various on-line views group and summarize data at
a high level; you can drill into each view for more detailed analysis. Try run-
ning the different Work Queue views to determine more accurately where your
conflicts reside.

12 Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0

Try using the Visualization feature to view conflict paths in a graphical format
and easily identify inter- and intra-role conflicts.
 7 Use various reports and extracts to analyze conflicts.
Through the Conflict Analysis screen, or the Conflict Reports area of the Report
Center, run various reports to continue analyzing data. Use the Conflict Access
Extract to evaluate data in Excel and create necessary filters and pivot tables to
analyze the data.
 8 Assign conflicts to business owners.
Various people should review and act on the conflicts that are generated.
Generally different business owners are interested when different policies are
violated. To help manage these conflicts, paths should be assigned or claimed
so that they will show up in the appropriate person’s Work Queue to be acted
on (approved, rejected, or monitored).
 9 Run simulation.
Before actually making changes in the underlying system, you may wish to run
the AACG Simulation feature to answer the “what would happen if” questions
that come up during analysis.
 10 Utilize corporate change-tracking process.
Remediation involves making changes in the system that is being analyzed.
For instance, in Oracle E-Business Suite, a menu structure or responsibility
may need to be changed. These changes generally first need to happen in a
development instance, most likely next in a test instance, and finally in a pro-
duction instance. It is important to have a change-tracking process to ensure
the changes are made from system to system.
 11 Make changes in the underlying system.
Using the change-tracking process, request and make changes in the underlying
system. For instance, in an Oracle E-Business Suite environment, you may
remove a function from a menu that causes conflicts. During this process, the
access security model may change, or compensating controls may be put in
place. In either case, the result should produce fewer conflicts on the next run.
 12 Re-evaluate.
A common approach to remediation is to analyze conflicts, prioritize them, add
focus with conditions, clean them up, and then re-evaluate. Initial remediation
may require new conflict analysis runs to be executed several times in one day
or — depending on how long it takes to run through the previous steps — a
longer period. Perhaps remediation can be done throughout the week, with a
new conflict analysis run at the end of each week to provide a fresh look at
where conflicts stand.

Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0 13

Application Access Controls Governor Remediation Steps
Use the Application Access Controls Governor User Guide for help in completing the
steps described in the Remediation Checklist:
Run Conflict Analysis for All Policies
Loading all best practice SOD policies and running conflict analysis will provide a quick
view of your company’s overall SOD health and provide a basis for beginning analysis
and prioritization.
When loaded, all entitlements are active. However, policies are loaded as inactive. Use
the Mass Edit feature to update all policies to Active. If there are polices that obviously
do not make sense to your business, you may want to leave those as inactive. However, it
doesn’t hurt just to activate all policies, as they can be easily inactivated later if desired.
Your current knowledge of the company’s GRC goals and priorities will determine your
next steps. In some cases, you might want to run conflict analysis at this point, before
assigning priorities or dimension values. If you already have a general idea and want to
update policies with priorities and dimension values, it will give you more ways to view
the data in the Heat Map, online screens, and reports.
Run the Find Conflicts > Run Now program from the Policy Definition Screen when you
are ready to run conflict analysis.
See “Exporting, Importing and Migrating Policies” and “Editing an Access Policy” in the
Creating Access Policies chapter, and “Finding Conflicts” in the Finding and Resolving
Conflicts chapter, of the User Guide.
View the Heat Map in Various Ways
Use the Heat Map to select various combinations of the X and Y axes to provide high-
level counts of conflicts in your system. This will help determine the best area to begin
focusing on conflict analysis and remediation.
The Heat Map enables analysts to prioritize the resolution of conflicts by determining
where the greatest numbers are being generated. It sorts conflicts according to user-selected
parameters, and displays the results graphically. The analyst selects two parameters to
produce an initial sort. She then chooses one set of the conflicts returned by that sorting
and applies an additional parameter to it, to focus results more narrowly. She may repeat
this process, producing still more finely focused results.
From the Home page, select Priority and Business Process as the initial parameters, and
then click Go. This gives you counts. Generally, focus on the business process that has
the highest volume with priority 1. At this point, you would most likely want to see
which roles are affected so that you can begin to focus on cleaning up those roles. Select
Role from the drill down and click on the cell in the heat map that you want to drill into.
See “Using the Heat Map” in the Finding and Resolving Conflicts chapter of the User Guide.

14 Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0

Focus on Areas with the Highest Risk, Priority, and Volume
The Heat Map should have given you a pretty good idea of where your biggest areas of
concern are. There are various ways to continue analyzing the data. Below we will go
through some examples.
Review Intra-Role Conflicts
Intra-Role Conflicts are caused when access points within the same role conflict. Clean
these up first, as the role has been incorrectly set up if it contains access points that con-
flict with each other. When you start by eliminating intra-role conflicts, you may also
clean up several inter-role conflicts.
1 View the Heap Map; select Priority and Role as your initial parameters. This shows
which role with the highest priority has the greatest number of conflicts.
2 Drill into Role to view Policies. In the Drill Down Menu, select Bar Graph and
Policy. Then click on the cell for the priority and role with the greatest number of
3 View Policies. This shows all the policies that have been violated by the role and
priority you selected.
4 Try to determine intra-role conflicts. In the Drill Down Menu, select Work Queue and
User. Then, in the bar graph, click on the bar for a policy. This opens the Work Queue,
where you can see the users who violate the policy you selected. Select various users
to view the access points involved in the policy violation — the access points that con-
flict with one another should become apparent. Also try using the Visualization feature
to view the conflict paths in a graphical format.
5 Determine how to remediate.
From Display, select List. This brings you into the Conflict Analysis screen and shows
a list of all conflict paths being violated, still filtered from your drill down.
Expand the Path column to search for commonality among the paths. For instance, to
clean up an intra-role conflict, you would need to remove one or more of the access
points that conflict with the other access points. You may find that an access point
must be removed, that paths containing it have a menu in common, and so by remov-
ing that menu you could resolve the intra-role conflicts.
6 Simulate.
Before actually making any changes in your business system, you may want to
simulate what would happen if you were to make the change. Navigate to Simulation
and exclude or add an access point to see how your action would impact your conflicts
and your users. See “Simulation” in the Finding and Resolving Conflicts chapter of
the User Guide.
7 Remediate.
Following your company change-tracking process, request that the change be made in
your business system. For instance, if you decided to remove the Oracle Enter Jour-
nals function from the GL_SU_JOURNAL menu, you would need to follow your company

Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0 15

process to request this change. Most likely the change would be made in a development
instance, possibly then a test instance, and finally the production instance.
8 Repeat. Remediation is an iterative process. Continue to focus on high-priority, high-
risk, and high-volume areas to clean up your business system.
Review Inter-Role Conflicts
Inter-role conflicts can be approached in a similar manner. Inter-role conflicts occur
when access points conflict with each other across roles for a single user.
1 View the Heap Map; select Priority and Policy as your initial parameters. This shows
which policy with the highest priority has the greatest number of conflicts.
2 Drill into User to view Policies. In the Drill Down Menu, select Bar Graph and User.
Then click on the cell for the priority and policy with the greatest number of conflicts.
3 View Users. This shows all the users with violations of the policy you selected.
4 Try to determine inter-role conflicts. In the Drill Down Menu, select Work Queue. In
the bar graph, click on the bar for a user. This opens the Work Queue, where you can
see the policy violations for the user you selected. The access points that conflict with
one another across roles should become apparent. Generally, these conflicts are
caused by a user having more roles than he or she requires. Also try using the
Visualization feature to view the conflict paths in a graphical format.
5 Determine how to remediate.
From the Work Queue, you may be able immediately to see roles that should be
removed from the user. You may want to do further analysis, possible in the Conflict
Analysis screen.
From Display, select List. This brings you into the Conflict Analysis screen and shows
a list of all conflict paths being violated, still filtered from your drill down.
Expand the Path column to search for commonality among the paths. For instance, to
clean up an inter-role conflict, you would need to see where one set of access points
have another set of conflicting access points in a different role.
You may need to clean up a menu structure, or possibly just remove a role from a
user to remediate the conflicts.
6 Simulate.
Before actually making changes in your business system, you may want to simulate
what would happen if you were to make the change. Navigate to Simulation and exclude
or add an access point to see how your action would impact your conflicts and users.
See “Simulation” in the Finding and Resolving Conflicts chapter of the User Guide.
7 Remediate.
Following your company change-tracking process, request that the change be made in
your business system. For instance, if you decided to revoke a role assignment for a
user, be sure to let that user know your plans and be sure this change actually makes it
to the production system.

16 Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0

8 Repeat. Remediation is an iterative process. Continue to focus on high-priority, high-
risk, and high-volume areas to clean up your business system.
Use Various On-Line Views to Analyze Conflicts
The Work Queue screen has three common ways to view and begin remediating conflicts.
A general approach to remediation is to begin looking at conflicts in the following order:
• Role-Policy-User
Use the Role-Policy-User display to see, at a quick glance, the roles with the most
conflicts in your system. Within each role, see the policies and the number of con-
flicts for each. From here you can see the users who violate the policy and determine
the best method of remediation.
• Policy-Role-User
Use the Policy-Role-User display to see, at a quick glance, the policies with the most
conflicts in your system. Within each policy, see the roles and the number of conflicts
for each. From here you can see the users who violate at that role and determine the
best method of remediation.
• User-Role-Policy
Use the User-Role-Policy display to see, at a quick glance, the users with the most
conflicts in your system. For each user, see the roles and number of conflicts at each.
From here you can see the policies the user has violated and determine the best
method of remediation.
Use the Work Queue: From the Work Queue, you can select a “View” panel, which lists
all conflict paths that have not been assigned to reviewers, and either assign them to others
or claim them for yourself. You can then open a “My Queue” panel, which lists the con-
flict paths that you have claimed or that have been assigned to you by others, and select
statuses for them.
Typically, a single user would be assigned (or would claim) all the paths to a given
conflict, so that the entire conflict can be addressed in a coherent way. However, for
enhanced flexibility, reviewers are assigned to individual conflict paths, so multiple
reviewers can address facets of an individual conflict.
Assign status to conflicts: The Work Queue has functionality to set statuses on each
conflict path. For instance, if a policy has been set with the Approval Requited policy
type, the conflicts it generates can be set to Approved or Required in the Work Queue. By
setting a value here, you can return to the Work Queue later to review rejected conflicts
and decide how to remediate, or you can run reports for rejected conflict paths and
determine how to clean up your business system.
During initial remediation, instead of setting statuses, you will want to use your corporate
change-tracking system to remediate changes in the business system and re-run conflict
analysis. During this iterative process, conflicts will begin to dwindle.
When conflicts are at a manageable volume, you may choose to begin using the Work
Queue to assign statuses. For instance, you may want to “approve” conflict paths if you

Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0 17

do not plan to remediate them, but want to show your auditors that you are aware of them
and have noted how you are mitigating them.
See “Assigning Status in the Work Queue” in the Finding and Resolving Conflicts
chapter of the User Guide.
Use Various Reports and Extracts to Analyze Conflicts
Running a seeded conflict report or extract is another way to analyze conflicts and help
with remediation. A few reports are commonly used to help analyze conflicts:
• Access Conflicts Grouped by User Report
A common way to use this report is to solve for intra-role conflicts. First, use the Heat
Map to understand where your highest priority and risks have identified the greatest
volume of conflicts by policy. Then run this report for that policy. By doing so, you
will get a summary of users that have violated that policy, and be able to quickly see
where your biggest issues are.
You can jump to that user and view all the conflict paths, grouped by that user, policy,
and role. If you find access points that conflict with each other in the same role, this is
an obvious area that needs to be cleaned up. A role should not cause conflicts within
If you find access points for that policy and user that conflict across roles, you have
an inter-role conflict that can be cleaned up.
Through a review of the paths, the access points that conflict with one another should
become apparent. Because the full path is given, decisions on how to remediate are
made easier. For instance, it may be apparent that removing a function from a menu
will resolve several conflicts.
• Access Conflicts Grouped by Policy Report
A common way to use this report is to resolve inter-role conflicts. First, use the Heat
Map to understand where your highest priority and risks have identified the greatest
volume of conflicts by policy. Then run this report for that policy. By doing so, you
will get a list by role and then by user of all the paths that conflict.
Through a review of the paths, the access points that conflict with one another should
become apparent. If conflicting access points are seen in different roles for that policy,
one of the roles needs to be cleaned up. Because the full path is given, decisions on
how to remediate are made easier. For instance, it may be apparent that all of the
access points causing the issue are found in one menu, and by removing that menu
from that role you would resolve the conflicts.
• Access Conflicts Extract Report
The ability to extract data from the Conflict Analysis screen is for using pivots and
filters to slice and dice data in a variety of ways. Generally, you start with the Heat
Map to understand where you should focus. Once you’ve determined the area on
which you want to focus for remediation (i.e., Policies, Roles, Risks, Business Areas,
Users or a combination of these), go to the Conflict Analysis screen and enter your
filter to view the data to extract. Then select Report > Access Conflicts Extract.

18 Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0

Once you have the data in Excel or a similar application, slice and dice the data to
view conflicts in a way that will help you with the remediation process. For instance,
creating a quick pivot table in Excel is a great way to see where your conflicts are and
what paths are causing the issues.
See the Reporting chapter of the User Guide.
Assign Conflicts to Business Owners
When a policy is created, a first-to-act participant is assigned to it. When it generates
conflicts, their paths are assigned to this participant (or, if the participant is a group, its
“primary” member). It may be appropriate to reassign conflict paths to a business owner
who is more directly interested in the conflict. When that person logs on to the Work
Queue, she may select My Queue to view all the conflicts assigned to her.
Run Simulation
To aid in cleanup, Application Access Controls Governor enables you to write simulation
“scenarios.” Each scenario comprises a set of rules that instruct AACG to determine how
conflict generation would change if configuration of the business-management application
were altered. Each rule names an access point that might be excluded from or inserted in
another access point — in Oracle EBS, for example, a function that might be excluded
from a responsibility, or added to a menu.
Once a scenario is created and run, you can view its results: a display of conflicts that
would be resolved or added, or a display of users who would be affected, if the simulated
changes were actually implemented in the business-management application. The latter
includes users involved in conflicts as well as those with legitimate rights to access points
involved in conflicts (since they would be affected if excluding an access point from a
responsibility or menu prevented them from accessing it.)
If access policies have changed since the last time the Find Conflicts program was run,
you must run it again as part of the simulation process. If access policies have not changed,
you can choose whether to run Find Conflicts again, or to use the most recent run:
• Choose to run Find Conflicts if changes have been made in the business management
application to components that might be involved in conflicts or in simulation runs —
for example, if users have been created or deleted, if responsibility assignments for
existing Oracle users or page-definition assignments for existing PeopleSoft users
have changed, or the like. Such changes have the potential to resolve existing con-
flicts in your system or create new conflicts, thus rendering the most recent run of the
Find Conflicts program obsolete.
• Choose not to run the Find Conflicts program if such changes have not been made
since Find Conflicts was last run in AACG. In that case there is no disparity between
the conflicts recognized by AACG and the actual state of your conflicts, and the
simulation process runs more rapidly because a new set of actual conflicts need not be
See “Simulation” in the Finding and Resolving Conflicts chapter of the User Guide.

Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0 19

Utilize Corporate Change-Tracking Process
Remediation will involve making changes in the system that is being analyzed. For
instance, in Oracle E-Business Suite, a menu structure or responsibility may need to be
changed. These changes will generally first need to happen in a development instance,
then most likely in a test instance, and finally in a production instance. It is important you
have a change-tracking process to ensure the changes are made from system to system.
Make Changes in the Underlying System
The act of remediation is to make actual changes in the underlying system in which con-
flicts exist. Options for remediation may be different depending on the business system.
Some common changes that may need to be made in the business system include inacti-
vating users, revoking role assignments, and changing menu structures.
A common approach to remediation is to analyze conflicts, prioritize, add focus with
conditions, clean up, and re-evaluate. It is an iterative process. Initial remediation may
require new conflict analysis runs to be executed several times in one day or — depending
on how long it takes to run through the previous steps — a longer period. Perhaps remedia-
tion can be done throughout the week, with a new conflict analysis run at the end of each
week to provide a fresh look at where conflicts stand. Conflict analysis and remediation
are slightly different for every company. This document was intended to provide guidelines
and example approaches based on best practices.

20 Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0

User Provisioning
Once most cleanup has taken place, and the customer feels comfortable with the conflicts
that are know to remain, the AACG User Provisioning feature is normally turned on. This
feature implements “preventive” conflict analysis — it applies access policies to users as
they are being assigned duties in the Oracle FND Users form or the PeopleSoft User Pro-
file page. It rejects role assignments that violate a Prevent policy, and accepts assignments
that violate a Monitor policy (or no policy). If an assignment violates an Approval Required
policy, AACG suspends the assignment and displays an entry for it in a User Provision-
ing Requests panel, for review by the first-to-act participant designated by the policy. If
that reviewer approves, the assignment is allowed; if he rejects, it is disallowed.
In Oracle EBS, User Provisioning applies only to access granted in the Oracle FND Users
form. In PeopleSoft, it applies only to Financials.
See “User Provisioning” in the Finding and Resolving Conflicts chapter of the User

User Provisioning Maintenance

For an initial period after installation, a site may wish to run AACG with the User Provi-
sioning feature turned off, so that conflicts that existed prior to the installation of AACG
can be cleaned up before new conflicts are addressed. (Moreover, User Provisioning is
typically run in a production instance, but not in a test instance.) Thus, it is possible to
turn User Provisioning off and on. You would do so in each Oracle E-Business Suite or
PeopleSoft instance that is to be subject to analysis by AACG.
To implement User Provisioning (as already noted; see page 7), you must not only turn it
on, but also create at least one AACG role that incorporates the User Provisioning property,
assign that role to users, and specify those users (or participant groups to which they belong)
as first-to-act participants in policies.
To Turn User Provisioning Off in Oracle:
1 Log on to Oracle E-Business Suite.
2 Select GRC Controls in your list of responsibilities. (Ensure first that the GRC Con-
trols responsibility is available to you.)
3 Under the heading Oracle Embedded Agent, click on the Form Rules link.
4 A GRC Controls — Oracle Rules form appears. It provides access to three “Embedded
Agent” applications; make sure the Form Rules tab is selected.
5 In the Rule Name field, query for a rule named “User Responsibility Assignment
Rules.” (Press the F11 key; type the rule name in the Rule Name field; then press
6 With the rule loaded in the Form Rules form, clear its Active check box. (Clear the
one that applies to the entire rule, nearest to the top of the form. Ignore Active check
boxes in the Rule Elements section of the form.)
7 Save the rule: Click on File in the menu bar, and then on Save in the File menu.

Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0 21

To turn User Provisioning back on, repeat this procedure, but select the Active check box
in step 6.
When communications between AACG and an Oracle EBS instance are interrupted, User
Provisioning requests are stored; when communications resume, a User Provisioning Request
Recovery concurrent program sends the stored requests to AACG. It takes no parameters,
and is typically scheduled to run periodically.
To Turn User Provisioning Off in PeopleSoft:
1 Log on to the PeopleSoft server.
2 During installation of an AACG “Provisioning Embedded Agent,” a staging directory
was created on the PeopleSoft server. (See the Installation and Upgrade Guide.) Navi-
gate to that staging directory.
3 Using a text editor, open a file called Set its
property to the value 0. Save and close the file.
4 From the staging directory, execute the following command:
jar uf ag-pea-ps-8.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
5 Stop the PeopleSoft application server
To do so, use the psadmin utility: To start it, execute the command PS_HOME\
appserv\psadmin (on a Linux server) or PS_HOME\appserv\psadmin.exe (on a Win-
dows server). In either case, replace PS_HOME with the full path to the highest-level
directory in which PeopleSoft components are installed. If necessary, see PeopleSoft
documentation for information on using the psadmin utility.
6 Copy the following file from your staging directory to the PS_HOME\appserv\classes
7 Use the psadmin utility to restart the PeopleSoft application server. (See step 5 for
information on running the psadmin utility.)
To turn User Provisioning back on, repeat this process, but set the
property to the value 1 in step 3.

22 Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide 8.2.0

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