Interview Questions On SAP MM

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Interview Questions on SAP MM

1. What are the types of special stocks available?
Subcontracting, consignement, pipeline, project, sales order, RTP, stock
transfer ,third party.

2. What are the types of inforecords?

Standard, consignment,subcontracting & pipeline.

3. What is meant by consignment stock?

The stock supplied by the vendor is in the companies premises with the
company having no liability for the same. The liability for the company will
only be affected when the goods are issued from the consignment stock for use.

4. What are the steps involved in consignment cycle?

Create consignment info record with proper tax code, create Po with item
category K, maintain output condition record for KONS, process GR, no
invoice verification done, but settlement is done through MRKO transaction.

5. Tell me about the subcontracting cycle.

The Po is created with item category L , the goods is transferred to
subcontractor by 541 movemet. for this movement note no accounting docs
take place. When GR is done automatically, 543 movemnt takes place which
take care of the consumption of components from stock.

6. How are the byproducts taken care of in subcontracting?

You can add these by products in the BOM for the header matl.

7. What is meant by scales?

Can scales be used in standard purchase order? You can fix a price in the info
record for a say qty from 1-100 price RS150 & if the order qty is 101- 500- the
prices is 140 . Scales cannot be used directly in PO but can be pulled into the
PO from various master data like info record, quota arrangement.

8. What is the difference between a contract and a scheduling agreement?

With regard to Outline Agreement:
1. You can create the centrally contract (cross-plant) where you can maintain
different pricing conditions for each and every plant
2. You have to create the Release Order with reference to Outline Agreement.
3. No detailed delivery schedule can be made in the Release Order.
4. No Release documentation is created.
5. Only time-dependent conditions can be created.
6. Some Item Category 'M' and 'W' can be used.
With regard to Scheduling Agreement:
1. The Plant Location must be entered in the Scheduling Agreement.
2. We do not have to create any other purchasing document except for delivery
schedule line via Transaction ME38 or MRP running (with the appropriate
setting of Source List).
3. Delivery Schedule line items are created subject to your specific
4. Can create both Scheduling Agreement with and without Release
Documentation (subject to the Document Type LP or LPA) with the selection
of either FRC or JIT delivery schedule.
5. Either time-dependent or time-independent conditions can be created subject
to the customizing in the Document Type of the Scheduling Agreement.
6. Item Category 'M' and 'W' can not be used.

9. How does the system calculate taxes?

10. How does the system calculate nondeductible taxes?

11. What is meant by batches? How can the batches be searched?

A batch is a subdivision of your stock of a material having the same
For instance:
- food production uses batches to indicate the day of production.
- paint production uses batches based on production date and the used
ingredients. It is very hard to reproduce the same color in exactly the same way
at two different moments.
- ore may be divided in batches based on their mineral content.

You can search batches using the standard search facility (match code, key F4)
based on the naming convention of the batches or, if you use batch
classification, based on the characteristics of the batches.

12. How is a shelf-life item managed in SAP? What is the full cycle?

13. What are the settings required for quota arrangement?

To set up a quota arrangement for the procurement of a material, proceed as
Master data -> Quota arrangement -> Maintain, enter the material and plant
number, press ENTER to display the overview screen for the quota
arrangement periods, Enter a validity period for quota arrangement, Enter date
until which the quota arrangement is valid. The start date is calculated by the
system. Press ENTER .
Select the quota arrangement and choose Goto -> Item overview to display the
item overview screen of the quota arrangement. Enter a quota arrangement
item for each source of supply you want to include in the quota arrangement.
You must enter the following data.
- Procurement type
- Special procurement type, Enter k in the S column, for example, if a
consignment arrangement for the material exists with the vendor.
- Vendor number
- Procurement plant (supplying plant):
- Quota column, enter the quota assigned to each item.
Press ENTER .
The percentage distribution of the quotas is calculated and displayed
automatically by the system.
Save the quota arrangement. The system assigns a number to the quota
arrangement item automatically

14. What is meant by MRP Type and lot sizing?

15. Can it be configured in such a way that the external requisitions can
also be taken into account while MRP runs in consumption-based planning
if VB is selected as MRP type?

16. How are free items managed in a PO? yu need to tick the tem as free in
the PO. The price will be zero for such PO's.

17. What are the differences between release procedure with classification
and release procedure without classification? When are they used?
Release procedure with classification means the Purchase requsition can be
released both at item level & at the header level. Release procedure with out
classification can also be used for PR which is used for item level release
only. all other external documents cannot be relesed with classification. The
two procedures are mutually exclusive (that is to say, you must decide in favor
of one of them only - you cannot use both).

18. Is it possible to have a release procedure without classification for a

19. What is the maximum number of levels available in SAP?
Did not get this question …pls clarify.

20. Is it possible to have scales in a quotation?


21. What is GR blocked stock? When it can be used?

Whenever you are not sure about the quality of the product received, you can
put in GR blocked stock.

22. How are the variations in subcontracting taken care of in SAP?

23. How to give specifications for developments?

We normally prepare a business requirement document in which we specify
what is required. what field & tables have to be referred for the required

24. How to create PR or PO by MRP?

The PR is created according to the safety stock mentioned for the material or
can be triggered from a requirement. For creating a PO, you need to have the
scheduling agreement in place .After the MRP is run the schedule lines are
generated which are nothing but the PO.

SAP MM Tips by : Bijoy

SAP MM (Material Management) Hints and Tips

Please refer to the new site :-

Useful MM tips to help those supporting the SAP MM modules. The Materials
Management (MM) module is fully integrated with the other modules of the
SAP System. It supports all the phases of materials management: materials
planning and control, purchasing, goods receiving, inventory management, and
invoice verification.

Table of Contents
Material Master
Plant Maintain
Material Master - Introduction
Maintain the Material Type
Screens in Material Master
Block materials from inventory posting
Create Delivery Log - Material xxx is blocked
Maintain Storage Location
Block Storage Location from further posting
Accounting document number range for MM
Valuation Class for Material Group
G/L Accounts in MM Account Determination
Compare fields status for movement types against General Ledger
Material Master Value Defaults

Inventory Management
System Messages - M7 - Inventory Management and Physical Inventory
Inventory Posting
Copy, Change Movement Types
Inter Plant Purchasing (Plant A buys from Plant B)
Moving Average Price
Prevent Inventory Back Posting to Previous period
Re-open Period closing
MMBE - Check the stock at the various storage location
Fields selection for MB51 - RM07DOCS
Materials provided by customers

Physical Inventory
Transfer PDC Data
Reset Set Zero Count

ABAP Reports
Mass Select and Print Material Master Changed History
Create Reservation with authorization checks for Ext. Material Group

Read our SAP Modules Overview for an overview of all the SAP Modules

SAP MM stands for Materials Management and this is part of SAP Logistics which helps you
manage end-to-end procurement and logistics business processes,
from requisitioning to payment, including

• Requisitions
• Purchase orders
• Goods receipts
• Accounts payable
• Inventory management
• BOM’s
• Master raw materials, finished goods etc

Some of the main SAP MM transactions are:

• ME51N - Create Requisition

• ME21N - Create Purchase Order
• MIGO - Goods receipt a PO
• MIRO - Create Invoice

List of SAP MM Transaction codes

All transaction are stored in table TSTC.
Transaction for MM module start with M.
IH09 - Display Material
MM01 - Create Material
MM02 - Change Material
MM03 - Display Material
MM50 - List Extendable Materials
MMBE - Stock Overview
MMI1 - Create Operating Supplies
MMN1 - Create Non-Stock Material
MMS1 - Create Service
MMU1 - Create Non-Valuated Material

ME51N - Create Purchase Requisition

ME52N - Change Purchase Requisition
ME53N - Display Purchase Requisition
ME5A - Purchase Requisitions: List Display
ME5J - Purchase Requisitions for Project
ME5K - Requisitions by Account Assignment
MELB - Purch. Transactions by Tracking No.

ME56 - Assign Source to Purch. Requisition

ME57 - Assign and Process Requisitions
ME58 - Ordering: Assigned Requisitions
ME59 - Automatic Generation of POs

ME54 - Release Purchase Requisition

ME55 - Collective Release of Purchase Reqs.
ME5F - Release Reminder: Purch. Requisition

MB21 - Create Reservation

MB22 - Change Reservation
MB23 - Display Reservation
MB24 - Reservations by Material
MB25 - Reservations by Account Assignment

MB1C - Other Goods Receipts

MB90 - Output Processing for Mat. Documents

MB21 - Create Reservation

MB22 - Change Reservation
MB23 - Display Reservation
MB24 - Reservations by Material
MB25 - Reservations by Account Assignment

MBRL - Return Delivery per Mat. Document

MB1C - Other Goods Receipts

MB90 - Output Processing for Mat. Documents

MB1B - Transfer Posting

MIBC - ABC Analysis for Cycle Counting

MI01 - Create Physical Inventory Document

MI02 - Change Physical Inventory Document
MI03 - Display Physical Inventory Document
MI31 - Batch Input: Create Phys. Inv. Doc.
MI32 - Batch Input: Block Material
MI33 - Batch Input: Freeze Book Inv.Balance
MICN - Btch Inpt:Ph.Inv.Docs.for Cycle Ctng
MIK1 - Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.Vendor Cons.
MIQ1 - Batch Input: PhInvDoc. Project Stock

MI01 - Create Physical Inventory Document

MI02 - Change Physical Inventory Document
MI03 - Display Physical Inventory Document
MI31 - Batch Input: Create Phys. Inv. Doc.
MI32 - Batch Input: Block Material
MI33 - Batch Input: Freeze Book Inv.Balance
MICN - Btch Inpt:Ph.Inv.Docs.for Cycle Ctng
MIK1 - Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.Vendor Cons.
MIQ1 - Batch Input: PhInvDoc. Project Stock

MI01 - Create Physical Inventory Document

MI02 - Change Physical Inventory Document
MI03 - Display Physical Inventory Document
MI31 - Batch Input: Create Phys. Inv. Doc.
MI32 - Batch Input: Block Material
MI33 - Batch Input: Freeze Book Inv.Balance
MICN - Btch Inpt:Ph.Inv.Docs.for Cycle Ctng
MIK1 - Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.Vendor Cons.
MIQ1 - Batch Input: PhInvDoc. Project Stock

MI21 - Print physical inventory document

MI04 - Enter Inventory Count with Document
MI05 - Change Inventory Count
MI06 - Display Inventory Count
MI09 - Enter Inventory Count w/o Document
MI34 - Batch Input: Enter Count
MI35 - Batch Input: Post Zero Stock Balance
MI38 - Batch Input: Count and Differences
MI39 - Batch Input: Document and Count
MI40 - Batch Input: Doc., Count and Diff.

MI08 - Create List of Differences with Doc.

MI10 - Create List of Differences w/o Doc.
MI20 - Print List of Differences

MI11 - Physical Inventory Document Recount

MI07 - Process List of Differences

MI37 - Batch Input: Post Differences

CT01 - Create Characteristic

CT02 - Change Characteristic
CT03 - Display Characteristic

CL01 - Create Class

CL02 - Classes
CL03 - Display Class
CL04 - Delete Class
CL2B - Class Types
How to create the new Unit of Measurement?

The Path(to create UOM) is as follows:

SPRO--->General Settings--->Check Uuits of Measurements

in Check units of measurements you need to define Dimension, ISO Code,

Units of measurement. *-- Kamal

You wish to procure a material using a purchase order. You wish to take
delivery of the material at different times. A graduated discount scale
exists for the material. How do you proceed if you wish to take advantage
of the discount arrangement?

A Enter several order items with the same material number and different
delivery dates
B Enter one order item with the material number and assign the material
to different accounts
C Enter an order item with the material number and create a number of
schedule lines
D Enter a number of purchase orders for the material and specify
different delivery dates

In the purchase order on which the goods receipt is based, you defined a
purchase order unit that differs from the purchase order unit. What is the
significance of the purchase order price unit and what should you take note
of in the case of a goods receipts?

A The purchase order price unit is stored in the material master record or
purchasing info record and defines the unit of
measure in which the material is ordered.
B The system establishes the relationship between the purchase order
price unit and the purchase order unit
conversion in the purchase order.
C At the time of goods receipt, both the quantity in the purchase order
unit and the quantity in the purchase
order price unit have to be entered, however, the quantity in
purchase order pice unit is calculated by the
system. You have to change it when the calculated quantity differs
from reality.
D Both at the time of goods receipt and invoice verification, the
material is valuated on the basis of the purchase order unit.

You enter a goods issue and receive the following message: "W: On <current
date>, only 0.000 pieces are available". What do you conclude from this?

A. No stocks of the material exist anywhere in the entire plant.
Therefore, nothing can be withdrawn.
B. Only the specified storage location does not contain any stocks of the
material. Therefore, nothing can be withdrawn.
C. The material exist in the specified storage location on the current day,
however, it is unavailable, because
of other reservations.
D. The message represents a warning which you can ignore by pressing the
ENTER key.

Which of the following statements on procuring a material of the material
type NLAG are correct?

A. The purchase order must be acount assigned.
B. The goods receipt must always be unvaluated.
C. when you enter an invoice, you can change the account assignement as
long as the goods receipt was
D. When the material is for consumption, no document is ever created in
Financial Acccounting.

Which of the following stock transfer are relevant to valuation?
A. Stock transfer from storage location to storage location in the same
plant or company code.
B. Stock transfer from consignment stores of vendor XY to our
unrestricted-use stock in storage location 0001.
C. Stock transfer from stock in quality inspection in storage location 001
to stock in quality inspection in storage
location 0002 in the same plant.
D. Stock transfer of a material from storage location 0001 from plant 0001
to plant 0002. The plants belong to
the same company, however the valuation areas are different (valuation
level is plant).

SAP MM Certification Sample Questions for Materials Management

Caution: more than one answer may be correct.

Please mark ALL correct answers.

You wish to procure a material using a purchase order. You wish to take
delivery of the material at different times. A graduated discount scale
exists for the material. How do you proceed if you wish to take advantage
of the discount arrangement?

A Enter several order items with the same material number and different
delivery dates
B Enter one order item with the material number and assign the material
to different accounts
C Enter an order item with the material number and create a number of
schedule lines
D Enter a number of purchase orders for the material and specify
different delivery dates

In the purchase order on which the goods receipt is based, you defined a
purchase order unit that differs from the purchase order unit. What is the
significance of the purchase order price unit and what should you take note
of in the case of a goods receipts?

A The purchase order price unit is stored in the material master record or
purchasing info record and defines the unit of
measure in which the material is ordered.
B The system establishes the relationship between the purchase order
price unit and the purchase order unit conversion
in the purchase order.
C At the time of goods receipt, both the quantity in the purchase order
unit and the quantity in the purchase order price
unit have to be entered, however, the quantity in purchase order pice
unit is calculated by the system. You have to
change it when the calculated quantity differs from reality.
D Both at the time of goods receipt and invoice verification, the
material is valuated on the basis of the purchase order unit.

You enter a goods issue and receive the following message: "W: On <current
date>, only 0.000 pieces are available". What do you conclude from this?
A. No stocks of the material exist anywhere in the entire plant.
Therefore, nothing can be withdrawn.
B. Only the specified storage location does not contain any stocks of the
material. Therefore, nothing can be withdrawn.
C. The material exist in the specified storage location on the current day,
however, it is unavailable, because of other
D. The message represents a warning which you can ignore by pressing the
ENTER key.

Which of the following statements on procuring a material of the material
type NLAG are correct?

A. The purchase order must be acount assigned.

B. The goods receipt must always be unvaluated.
C. when you enter an invoice, you can change the account assignement as
long as the goods receipt was unvaluated.
D. When the material is for consumption, no document is ever created in
Financial Acccounting.

Which of the following stock transfer are relevant to valuation?

A. Stock transfer from storage location to storage location in the same

plant or company code.
B. Stock transfer from consignment stores of vendor XY to our
unrestricted-use stock in storage location 0001.
C. Stock transfer from stock in quality inspection in storage location 001
to stock in quality inspection in storage
location 0002 in the same plant.
D. Stock transfer of a material from storage location 0001 from plant 0001
to plant 0002. The plants belong to
the same company, however the valuation areas are different (valuation
level is plant).

Answers for SAP MM Certification Sample Question

And, some from my

experience.................................... ........................

1.What are the difference between the stock transfer between two plants
belonging to same company code and those belonging to different company

2.What are the fields in Purchasing view?

3.Steps in Automatic account assignment config

4.How to create movement types?what are the steps involved?When will you
recommend a new movement type?

5.What is meant by access sequence?When it is used?

6.How the PO picks up the pricing schema.

7.Steps involved in creating a pricing procedure.

8.What are the types of special stocks available?

9.Types of inforecords

10.what is meant by consignment stock.

11.Steps involved in consignmnet cycle.

12.subcontracting cycle.

13.How scrap is accounted in subcontracting

14.How do the byproducts taken care of in subcontracting.

15Vatrious movement types and usage..

16.What is meant by scales?Can scales be used in standard purchase order?

17.What are the difference between a contract and a scheduling agreement?

18.How does the system calculate taxes?

19.How does the system calculate nondeductable taxes?

20.What is meant by batches?How can be the batches searched?

21.How do a shelf life item is managed in SAP ?What is the full cycle/

22.What are the settings required for quota arrangement?

23.What is meant by MRP Type and lot sizing.?

24.Can it be configured in such a way that the external requisitionascan

also be taken into account while MRP run in consumpton based planning if VB
is selected as MRP type.

25.What is a reference purchase organisation? when can it be used?

26.Explain concept of split valuation when can it be used? what are the
settings required?

27.What are valuation area,valuation category and valuation class?

28.what is meant by a credit memo?

29.How do free items are managed in a PO?

30.What is meant by a release strategy?

31.What arerelease groups and release codes?

32.What are the difference between release procedure with classification and
release procedure without classification?when are they used?

32.Is it possible to have a release procedure without classification for a

33.What are the maximum number of levels available in SAP?

35.Is it possible to have scales in a quotation?

36.What is GR blocked stock? when it can be used?

37.What is the movement type for return to vendor.How to reverse it?

38.How do the variations in subcontracting is taken care of in SAP?

39.What are the tools available for data migration in SAP?

40.What is LSMW?

41.What is the difference between LSMW and CATT?

42.How to give specifications for developments?

43.How to plan for a vendor rating system and move about?

44.What is RTP?

45.What is the movement type used in receipt of RTP?

46.How can an item with serial no. is managed?

47.How to make variants?

48.What are the types of tables in SAP?

49.How to inventorise excise duty in SAP?

50.What are the documents generated in MIGO 101 movement type? what are the
accounts hit?

Course Outline for SAP Materials Management Training

Day 1: Day 4:

Unit 1: Overview of Materials Management Unit 8: Inventory Management

• Demo of Procure to Pay Process • Overview

• Procure to Pay Process - Exercise • Plant Parameters Configuration
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure/Organizational Data • Goods Movements - Goods Issues/Transfer
Postings/Goods Receipts
• Demo of Procure to Pay Process • Configuration of Custom Movement Types
• Definitions • Demo/Exercise
• Configuration • Special Stocks
• Demo/Exercise Unit 9: Valuation and Account Assignment
Unit 3: Material Master
• Overview and Integration with General
• Material Master Key Fields Ledger/Financial Accounting
• Configuring the Material Master • Account Determination Configuration
• Demo/Exercise • Demo/Exercise
Unit 4: Vendor Master Day 4/5:

• Vendor Master Key Fields Unit 10: Logistics Invoice Verification

• Configuring the Vendor Master
• Overview and Integration with Financial Accounting
• Demo/Exercise
Unit 5: Info Records • Incoming Invoice Configuration
• Document Parking Configuration
• Info Record Key Fields • Invoice Blocking Configuration
• Configuring the Info Record • Evaluated Receipt Settlement
• Demo/Exercise • Demo/Exercise
Day 2: Day 5:

Unit 6: Consumption Based Planning Unit 11: Materials Management Information System

• Overview • Overview of Logistics Information System

• MRP Procedures • Data Warehouse Concepts
• Master Data • Standard Analysis in LIS
• Planning Process • Configuration of LIS
• Planning Run • Demo/Exercise
• Forecasting
• Configuration of Consumption Based Planning
• Demo/Exercise
Day 3:

Unit 7: Purchasing

• Overview
• Master Data
• Purchasing Documents
• Configuration of Custom Purchasing Document
• Demo/Exercise
• Outline Agreements
• Optimizing Purchasing
• Release Procedure
• Configuration of Purchasing Document Release
• Demo/Exercise

I. Introductions to MM:
• Introduction to ERP
• SAP Overview
• Functions and Objectives Of MM
• Overview Cycle of MM
• Organizational structure of an Enterprise in the SAP R/3 System,
Creation Of Organizational Elements – Company, Company code, Plant, Storage
Location, Purchasing Organization, Purchasing Group and Assignments.

II. Master Data:

• Material Master
• Vendor Master
• Info Record

III. Source Determination:

• Source Determination
• Material Master
• Vendor Master
• Info Record
• Source Determination

IV. Purchasing:

• Purchase Requisition
• Purchase Order
• RFQ – Request for Quotation
• Outline Agreements

V. Document Types for Purchasing Documents:

(PR, PO, RFQ, Contract and Schedule Agreement):

• Define Document type

• Define Number Ranges for Document Type
• Define Screen Layout at Document Level

VI. Release Procedure for Purchasing Documents:

• Creation of Characteristics
• Creation of Class
• Release Group, Release Codes, Release Indicator, Release Prerequisite, Release

VII. Conditions or Pricing Procedure or Price Determination:

• Define Access sequence

• Define Condition Types
• Define Calculation Schema
• Define Schema Group
• Schema group vendor
• Schema group purchasing organization
• Assignment of Schema group to purg. organization
• Define Schema Determination
• Determine Calculation Schema for Standard Purchase Orders

VIII. External Services Management (ESM):

• Define Organization status for service categories

• Define service category
• Define Number Ranges
• Define Number Ranges for Service Entry Sheet
• Define Internal Number Ranges for Service Entry Specification
• Assign Number Ranges
• Define Screen Layout

IX. Procedure For Services:

• Creation of Service Master

• Creation of Service PO
• Creation of Service Entry Sheet
• Invoice wref Service Entry Sheet

X. Inventory Management (IM):

• Goods Movement
• Goods Receipt – GR
• Goods Issue – GI
• Transfer Posting – TP
• Reservation

XI. Physical Inventory (PI):

• Types of PI processes
• Creating Physical Inventory Document
• Entering Physical Inventory Count
• List Of Inventory Differences
• Post the Difference
• Print Out PI Difference Report

XII. Special Stocks and Special Procurement Types:

• Consignment
• Stock transport order
• Subcontracting
• Pipeline
• Returnable transport packaging – RTP
• Third Party Processing

XIII. Valuation and Account Determination:

• Introduction to Material Valuation

• Split Valuation
• Configure Split Valuation
• Defining Global Categories (Valuation Category)
• Defining Global Type (Valuation Types)
• Defining Local Definition& Assignment (Valuation Area)

XIV. Valuation and Account Determination:

• Basic Invoice Verification Procedure

• Invoice for Purchase Order
• Planned Delivery Costs
• Unplanned Delivery Costs
• Credit Memo
• Blocking the Invoice
• Releasing Blocked Invoices
• Subsequent Debit/Credit
• Automatic Settlements (ERS)
• GR/IR Account Maintenance
• Invoice for Tax, Discounts, Terms of Payment
• Invoices for PO’s with Account Assignment
• Parking Invoice
• Invoice With reference to Service Entry Sheet

XV. Integration With Other Modules:

• Integration of MM with FI/CO

• Integration of MM with SD
• Integration of MM with PP
Configuration • Understand and configure enterprise and organizational structure, material and vendor master,
Points and info record
• Understand key concepts and configure Consumption Based Planning including MRP
Procedures, Master Data, the Planning Process and Run, and Forecasting
• Learn to configure Purchasing Document Types and Release Procedures
• Gain understanding of Purchasing Outline Agreements and how to optimize Purchasing
• Learn to configure Inventory Management Plant Parameters and Goods Movements
• Understand how MM Account Assignment integrates with Financial Accounting
• Learn Best Practices for managing Logistics Invoice Verification
• Develop Materials Management Information System Reports

Bonus Features • Procure to Pay Process walk-through and Best Practices

• Detailed training on Organization Structure in Logistics
• Step-by-Step instructions to configure Goods Movements
• Deep dive into Account Assignment and Valuation
• Overview and configuration of Materials Management Information System

MM Reports
Materials Management: Master Data Reports
Master Data
MM03 Display Material Master
MK03 Display Vendor – Purchasing
MK04 Purchasing Vendor Changes
XK03 Display Vendor – Central
XK04 Central Vendor Changes
ME1L Info Records by Vendor
ME1M Info Records by Material
ME1P Purchase Order Price History
ME1E Quotation Price History
ME13 Display Info Record
ME14 Display Info Record Changes
ME03 Display Source List
ME04 Display Source List Changes
MEQ3 Display Quota Arrangement
MEQ4 Display Quota Arrangement Changes
MKVZ Display Purchasing Vendor List
MKVG Display Vendor Condition Groups
MSC3N Display Batch
MEKA Display Purchasing Conditions
MN03 Display Message Condition – RFQ
MN06 Display Message Condition – Purchase Order
MN09 Display Message Condition – Scheduling Ag.
MN12 Display Message Condition – Delivery Sched.
MM60 Display Materials List

Materials Management: Procurement and Stock

Logistics Information Reports (Stock)
MCBA Plant
MCBC Storage Location
MCBE Material
MCBR Batches
MC.9 Material Stock
MC.A Material Receipts / Issues
MC.B Inventory Turnover – Material
MC.1 Plant Stock
MC.2 Plant Receipts / Issues
MC.3 Plant Inventory Turnover
MC.5 Stock – Storage Location
MC.6 Storage Location Receipts / Issues
MC.7 Storage Location Inventory Turnover

Purchasing Information System

MCE1 Purchase Group Analysis
MCE3 Vendor Analysis
MCE5 Material Groups Analysis
MCE7 Material Analysis
MC$G Material Purchasing Values
MC$I Material Purchasing Quantities
MC$O Material Frequencies
MC$4 Vendor Purchasing Values
MC$6 Vendor Purchasing Quantities
MC$: Vendor Frequencies
MC$0 Purchasing Group Values
MC$2 Purchasing Group Frequencies
MC$< Material Group Purchasing Values
MC$> Material Group Purchasing Quantities
MC$E Material Group Frequencies
Purchasing Reports
ME80FN General Analysis of Purchasing Documents
ME81N Analysis of Order Values
ME23N Display Purchase Order
ME53N Display Purchase Requisition
ME5A List Display Of Requistions
ME33L Display Scheduling Agreement
ME39 Display Delivery Schedule
ME43 Display RFQ
ME4L List RFQ by Vendor
ME4M List RFQ by Material
ME4S List RFQ by Collective Number
ME48 Display Quotation
ME2L Purchasing Documents per Vendor
ME2M Purchasing Documents per Material
ME2K Purchasing Documents by Account Assignment
ME2W Purchasing Document by Supplying Plant
ME2V Expected Goods Receipts
MD13 Display Planned Order Single
MD16 Display Planned Order Collective
Invoice Reports
MB5S List of GR/IR balances
MIR6 Invoice Overview
MIR4 Display Invoice
MIR5 Display Invoice List
Stock Reports
MMBE Stock Overview
MB51 Material Document List
MB03 Display Material Document
MB54 Vendor consignment stocks
CO09 Material Availability
MB5C Batch Where Used Pick Up List
Physical Inventory Reports
MI22 Physical Inventory Document – material
MI23 Physical Inventory Data – material
MIDO Physical Inventory Overview
MI03 Display Physical Inventory Document
MI06 Display Count Document
MRP Reorder Point
MD21 Display Planning File Entries
MDRE Planning File Entries Consistency Report
MD04 Stock Requirements List
MD05 MRP List Material Display
MD06 MRP List Collective Display
MD07 Stock Requirements List Collective

MM Transaction Codes
Materials Management Master Data Transactions
Material Master

MM01 Create Material Master

MM02 Change Material Master

MM50 Extend Material Views

MMPV Close Period For Materials

MM06 Flag For Deletion – Material

MM17 Mass Maintenance – Material

MM71 Archive/Delete – Material

MM72 Display Archive

Vendor Master

MK01 Create Vendor – Purchasing

MK02 Change Vendor – Purchasing

MK05 Vendor Block – Purchasing

MK06 Flag for Deletion – Purchasing

XK01 Create Vendor – Central

XK02 Change Vendor – Central

XK05 Vendor Block – Central

XK06 Flag for Deletion – Central

XK99 Mass Maintenance – Vendor Record

Customer Master

VD01 Create Customer Master Data – Sales Area

VD02 Change Customer Master Data – Sales Area

XD01 Create Customer Master Data – Complete

XD02 Change Customer Master Data – Complete

Info Record

ME11 Create Info Record

ME12 Change Info Record

ME15 Flag for Deletion – Info Record

MEMASSIN Mass Maintenance – Info Record

Source List

ME01 Maintain Source List

ME0M Maintain Source List By Material

ME05 Generate Source List

ME06 Analyze Source List

ME07 Reorganise Source List

Quota Arrangement

MEQ1 Maintain Quota Arrangement

MEQM Maintain Quota Arrangement By Material

MEQ6 Analyze Quota Arrangement
MEQ8 Monitor Quota Arrangement

MEQ7 Delete Quota Arrangement

Batch Data

CT04 Define Batch Characteristics

CL02 Define Batch Classes

MSC1N Create Batch

MSC2N Change and Classify Batch

Message Conditions

MN01 Create Message Condition – RFQ

MN02 Change Message Condition – RFQ

MN04 Create Message Condition – Purchase Order

MN05 Change Message Condition – Purchase Order

MN07 Create Message Condition – Scheduling Ag.

MN08 Change Message Condition – Scheduling Ag.

MN10 Create Message Condition – Delivery Sched.

MN11 Change Message Condition – Delivery Sched.

Materials Management Other Frequently Used

Reorder Point Planning

MD14 Convert Planned Order to Purchase Requisition

MD15 Collective Conversion to Purchase Requisition

MD12 Delete Individual Planned Order
MD20 Create Planning File Entries
MDAB Planning File Entries (background)
MD01 Total Planning Online
MDBT Total Planning (background)
MD03 Single Item, Single Level Planning
MD08 MRP Reorganisation List

ME51N Create Requistion

ME52N Change Requistion

MEMASSRQ Mass Maintenance Requisition

ME56 Assign Source of Supply

ME57 Assign and Process

RFQ Process

ME41 Create Request For Quotation

ME42 Change Request For Quotation

ME9A Print RFQ

ME47 Maintain Quotation

ME49 Price Comparison

Scheduling Agreement

ME31L Create Scheduling Agreement

ME32L Change Scheduling Agreement

ME9L Print Scheduling Agreement

ME38 Maintain Delivery Schedule

ME9E Print Delivery Schedule

Purchase Order

ME58 Create PO via Assignment List

ME59N Create PO Automatic from Req

ME21N Create PO for Vendor

ME22N Change Purchase Order

ME9F Print Purchase Order

MEMASSPO Mass Maintenance PO

Release Purchase Order

ME29N Release PO Individual

ME28 Collective Release PO

Goods Receipt

MIGO Goods Receipt for PO

Invoice Matching

MIRO Enter Invoice & Maintenance

MRBR Release Blocked Invoices

MR8M Cancel Invoice

Stock Movements

MB1A Goods Issues

MBST Cancel / Reverse Goods Movement

MB1B Transfer Postings (Stock and Status)

Consignment Stocks

MRKO Consignment Settlement

Physical Inventory

MI01 Create Count Document

MI02 Change Count Documeny

MI21 Print Physical Inventory Document

MI04 Enter Count

MI05 Change Count

MI11 Recount

MI07 Post Differences

MI20 Differences List

Common Tables used by SAP MM

Below are few important Common Tables used in Materials Management
EINA Purchasing Info Record- General Data
EINE Purchasing Info Record- Purchasing Organization Data
MAKT Material Descriptions
MARA General Material Data
MARC Plant Data for Material
MARD Storage Location Data for Material
MAST Material to BOM Link
MBEW Material Valuation
MKPF Header- Material Document
MSEG Document Segment- Material
MVER Material Consumption
MVKE Sales Data for materials
RKPF Document Header- Reservation
T023 Mat. groups
T024 Purchasing Groups
T156 Movement Type
T157H Help Texts for Movement Types
MOFF Lists what views have not been created
A501 Plant/Material
EBAN Purchase Requisition
EBKN Purchase Requisition Account Assignment
EKAB Release Documentation
EKBE History per Purchasing Document
EKET Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines
EKKN Account Assignment in Purchasing Document
EKKO Purchasing Document Header
EKPO Purchasing Document Item
IKPF Header- Physical Inventory Document
ISEG Physical Inventory Document Items
LFA1 Vendor Master (General section)
LFB1 Vendor Master (Company Code)
NRIV Number range intervals
RESB Reservation/dependent requirements
T161T Texts for Purchasing Document Types
SAP MM Tips by : Bahadur
Following are the list of Important MM tables. Please check if its

Inventory Management:
| | Table |
Description |
| Material | MSEG | Material document / transaction
details |
| Document/Movements | MKPF | Material document header
information |
| Material Stock Balances | MARD | Material
stock |
| | MBEW | Material stock with
valuation |
| Sales Order Stock | MSKA | Stock balance with associated
sales |
| | | order
data |
| Stock Transport | EKUB | Index for Stock Transport Orders
for |
| | MDUB |
Material |
| | | Reading View of Stock Transport
Ord. for|
| | | Release
Ord. |
| Special Stocks | MKOL | Consignment, material provided
to |
| | | vendor,
etc. |

Material Master Data:

| |Table |
Description |
| Materials | MARA | General Data, material type,
group, |
| | | configurable & batch
ind. |
| | MAKT | Short Texts,
descriptions |
| | MARM | Conversion
Factors |
| | MVKE | Sales Org, distribution
channel |
| | MLAN | Sales data, tax indicator,
tax |
| | MARC |
classification |
| | MBEW | Plant Planning
Data |
| | MLGN | Valuation
Data |
| | MLGT | Warehouse Management Inventory
Data |
| | MVER | Warehouse Management Storage
Type |
| | MAPR |
Data |
| | MARD | Consumption
Data |
| | MCHA | Pointer for Forecast
Data |
| | MCHB | Storage location data with
stock |
| | |
balances |
| | |
Batches |
| | | Batch
Stocks |

Please find all tables in MM-PUR (Purchasing) :

EBAN - Purchase Requisition
EBKN - Purchase Requisition Account Assignment
EBUB - Index for Stock Transport Requisitions for Materi
EINA - Purchasing Info Record: General Data
EINE - Purchasing Info Record: Purchasing Organization D
EIPA - Order Price History: Info Record
EKAB - Release Documentation
EKAN - Vendor Address: Purchasing Document
EKBE - History per Purchasing Document
EKBEH - Removed PO History Records
EKBZ - History per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs
EKBZH - History per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs
EKEH - Scheduling Agreement Release Documentation
EKEK - Header Data for Scheduling Agreement Releases
EKES - Vendor Confirmations
EKET - Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines
EKETH - Scheduling Agreement Schedules: History Tables
EKKI - Purchasing Condition Index
EKKN - Account Assignment in Purchasing Document
EKKO - Purchasing Document Header
EKPA - Partner Roles in Purchasing
EKPB - "Material Provided" Item in Purchasing Document
EKPO - Purchasing Document Item
EKPV - Shipping-Specific Data on Stock Tfr. for Purch. D
EKRS - ERS Procedure: Goods (Merchandise) Movements to b
EKUB - Index for Stock Transport Orders for Material
EORD - Purchasing Source List
EQUK - Quota File: Header
EQUP - Quota File: Item
T024 - Purchasing Groups
T024E - Purchasing Organizations
T024W - Valid Purchasing Organizations for Plant
T024Z - Purchasing Organizations
T027A - Shipping Instructions, Purchasing
T027B - Texts: Shipping Instructions
T027C - Codes for Compliance with Shipping Instructions
T027D - Compliance with Shipping Instructions: Texts
T069 - Certificate Categories
T069Q - Control Data for Source Determination and Checkin
T069T - Certificate Categories: Text Description
T160 - SAP Transaction Control, Purchasing
T160B - SAP Transaction Control, List Displays, Purchasin
T160C - SAP Transaction Control for List Displays in CALL
T160D - Function Authorizations: Purchase Order
T160E - Function Authorizations: Purchasing: Descriptions
T160I - Control of Intrastat Reports
T160J - Text Table for Intrastat Reports
T160L - Scope of Purchasing Lists
T160M - Message Control: Purchasing (System Messages)
T160O - Description of Scope of List
T160P - Entities Table Routines
T160Q - Scope of List: Buyer's Negotiation Sheet: Routine
T160R - Routines for Buyer's Negotiation Sheet
T160S - Selection Parameters for Purchasing Lists
T160T - Description of Selection Parameters
T160V - Default Values for Purchasing
T160W - Description for Default Values for Purchasing Ope
T160X - Scope of List: Buyer's Negotiation Sheet
T160Y - Scope of List: Buyer's Negotiation Sheet: Descrip
T161 - Purchasing Document Types
T161A - Linkage of Requisition Doc. Type to Purchasing Do
T161B - Default Business Transaction Type for Import
T161E - Release Codes
T161F - Release Point Assignment for Purchase Requisition
T161G - Release Prerequisite, Purchase Requisition
T161H - Fields for Release Procedure, Purchase Requisitio
T161I - Determination of Release Strategy
T161M - Fine-Tuned Control: Message Types
T161N - Message Determination Schemas: Assignment
T161P - Check of Document Type, Document Category, Item C
T161R - REORG Control, Purchasing
T161S - Release Indicator, Purchase Requisition
T161T - Texts for Purchasing Document Types
T161U - Texts for Release Indicator
T161V - Shipping-Specific Data for Stock Tfr. for Purch.
T161W - Order Types for Stock Transfer
T161Z - Additional Checks for Outline Agreements on Reorg
T162 - Field Selection, Purchasing Document
T162K - Field Selection, Account Assignment Fields, Purch
T162T - Description of Field Selection Reference Key
T162X - Description of Field Groups from T162/T162K
T162Y - Groups: Field Selection
T163 - Item Categories in Purchasing Document
T163A - Check Item Category/Account Assignment Category
T163B - Purchase Order History Categories
T163C - Texts for Purchase Order History Categories
T163D - Assignment Internal/External Confirmation Categor
T163E - Confirmation Categories
T163F - Confirmation Categories: Descriptions
T163G - Confirmation Control
T163I - Texts for Account Assignment Categories
T163K - Account Assignment Categories in Purchasing Docum
T163KS - Assignment of Tax Indicator to Account Assignment
T163L - Confirmation Control Keys
T163M - Confirmation Control Keys: Description
T163P - Release Creation Profile
T163S - Description for Release Creation Profile
T163X - "Zombie" T163X
T163Y - Texts for Item Categories
T165K - Copying Options: Header Texts
T165P - Copying Options: Item texts
T166A - Supplement Text in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166C - Print-Relevant Purchasing Document Changes
T166K - Header Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166P - Item Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166T - Change Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166U - Headings in Purchasing Document Printout
T167 - Number Range Management for Purchasing Master Dat
T167T - Transaction Description
T168 - Screen Control, Purchasing
T168F - Function Codes, Purchasing
T168T - Screen Titles
T16FB - Release Indicators: Purchasing Document
T16FC - Release Codes
T16FD - Description of Release Codes
T16FE - Descriptions of Release Indicators: Purchasing Do
T16FG - Release Groups
T16FH - Descriptions of Release Groups
T16FK - Release Statuses
T16FS - Release Strategies

How can I access a list of tables in the MM module using the R/3 system? How can I add data to
these MM tables and load it into the BW system from R/3? Also, within the R/3 tables, how can I tell
where the fields in a datasource come from?
You can get the complete list of all tables of a particular module using the following steps:
1. Go to SE11 and press F4 in the database table column
2. Write MM* in the Application Component column
3. Leave the column 'max no. of hits' blank

In order to fill data in MM tables you have to first fill up the setup tables. Follow these steps to

Detailed knowledge of purchasing, material files, and stock handling processes. Work
experience includes the following MM sub-modules: Inventory Management, Forecast Based
Planning, Purchasing, Vendor Evaluation and Physical Inventory.
Application software skills MS Office : presentation, spreadsheet, word processing applications
and Access Database.

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